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-   -   Miscellaneous Hacks - Cyb - Advanced Permissions Based on Post Count (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=177704)

Valter 01-22-2009 06:23 PM

Be noted that only SuperAdmins are able to set post count requirements for all forums.

Doug Nelson 01-22-2009 08:57 PM

For the umpteenth time, I AM the SuperAdmin.

djbaxter 01-22-2009 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by Cybernetec (Post 1721451)
Be noted that only SuperAdmins are able to set post count requirements for all forums.

Thank you. That may indeed be the explanation for why it's not working on the two forums I don't own, and why it works just fine on the ones I do own.

CPOWA 01-23-2009 12:49 AM

Version Update/Installed. Thank you Cyb! :)

peterle1 01-23-2009 07:18 PM


Would it be possible to get a version of this mod but with days since registration instead of post count?

Depending on the price, I am willing to pay.

By the way, thanks for your mods, work and support.

HansMuenchen 01-25-2009 08:09 PM


is it also Possible to have a Message Count on Profile Messages?
Because I saw that the users are clever (they think) because they first can drop a PN by 10 Messages, they write into the profile Messages to get contact with other interesting people.

So it would be nice if there will also a chance to have a post count on it.

But it's a super script thank you for that!

Greetings out of Germany
Hans :up:

E-IndiaWeb 01-28-2009 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by E-IndiaWeb (Post 1713059)
Its not working for me giving error when i try to update any option

MySQL Error  : Unknown column 'accessf_nb' in 'field list'

Cybernetec is not as helpful with his mod as others. Uninstalled plugin.

jhyland87 02-05-2009 09:47 PM

So, I tried to edit the links/images viewing permissions, and I went to edit the post count for all existing forums, and it gave me an error when I changed some settings.


Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.
my VB version is 3.7.4, any reason this wouldnt work?

ZatroX 02-13-2009 01:42 AM

so this doesn't work on 3.7.4 then?

Shazz 02-13-2009 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by jhyland87 (Post 1735570)
So, I tried to edit the links/images viewing permissions, and I went to edit the post count for all existing forums, and it gave me an error when I changed some settings.

my VB version is 3.7.4, any reason this wouldnt work?

Revert your templates.
Its fine on 3.7

Krystian 02-15-2009 09:50 AM

Is there a way to set minimum post count befor poll voting?

MadClikr 02-26-2009 11:32 AM

Hmmm, I've tried a few times, but when I try to edit the "Forum/Thread Permissions" by clicking the "For All Existing Forums" link, and then entering a number into the "Create Threads" text box... I get the following error after I confirm the pop-up box: "Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing." Any ideas? I had trouble using vBulletin Version 3.7.something, so I upgraded to the most recent 3.8.1, to no avail.

Frogsong 03-04-2009 06:07 AM

I love you Cyb!

Thank you for this one! :D

Spada_FMC 03-04-2009 09:53 PM

Is there anyway for me to add this so the post count text does not show up? I want to use it as a bonus to be a subscriber (see images in signature). However, I have a mixed base of paid and free subs and if a free sub views a paid subs signature with several images in it, the visual experience is not the best. (multiple lines of "post count needed....")

any ideas?

DieselMinded 03-05-2009 03:35 AM

Is this going to be updated for vb 3.8+

SEW810 03-07-2009 08:43 PM

It would be great if users could see their own attached files when they don't have the required posts.

navjotjsingh 03-08-2009 09:17 AM

For version 3.8, check here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=201285

FPJ 03-15-2009 04:07 PM


Great mod!

Makaveli007 03-20-2009 09:20 PM

CYB always with the best mods. thanks

mmurtha 03-24-2009 03:12 AM

I seem to be running into this same prblem using 3.7.4 with patch 1.


Originally Posted by MadClikr (Post 1755130)
Hmmm, I've tried a few times, but when I try to edit the "Forum/Thread Permissions" by clicking the "For All Existing Forums" link, and then entering a number into the "Create Threads" text box... I get the following error after I confirm the pop-up box: "Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing." Any ideas? I had trouble using vBulletin Version 3.7.something, so I upgraded to the most recent 3.8.1, to no avail.

Cyb - Is using this Mod creating this problem?

It mainly happens with FireFox users. At least from what I'm experiencing?

If this is the case, can you please fix this problem?

Thanks ...


tikichick 04-09-2009 02:19 AM

Exactly what I needed, thanks!

mohammadxxx 04-10-2009 09:02 AM


if you want user can't see links but can view image , need change a plugin .

Go to : Product and plugin => manege plugin => find plugin postbit_display_complete , delete all code and copy This code :


if ($this->registry->options['apboupc_global_enable'] AND $this->registry->options['apboupc_viewlinks'])
                        if (((ereg("(showthread)", $GLOBALS[vbulletin]->scriptpath)) OR (ereg("(showpost)", $GLOBALS[vbulletin]->scriptpath))))
                                if ($this->registry->userinfo[userid])
                                        $cyb_apboupc_viewlinks_userpostsnr = $this->registry->userinfo['posts'];
                                        $cyb_apboupc_viewlinks_userpostsnr = '0';

                                if (($forum['linkview_nb'] !='0') AND ($forum['linkview_nb'] > $this->registry->userinfo[posts]) AND (!is_member_of($this->registry->userinfo, split(',', $this->registry->options['apboupc_viewlinks_excl_groups']))))
                                        $this->post['message'] = preg_replace('!(\\[url(\\[i.mg)?|\\[email|\\[i.mg)(.*)((\\[\/i.mg\\])?\\[\/url\\]|\\[\/email\\]|\\[\/i.mg\\])|<a[^>]*(http|www|mailto)(.*)</a>|(http:\/\/)?www(.*)[\s]\b|<i.mg[^>]*(src|border|title)(.*)(</i.mg>|\/>)|[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9._%-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b!siU', construct_phrase('<br /><span class="smallfont"><i>'.$vbphrase['error_postcount_too_low_viewlinks'].'</i></span><br />', $forum[linkview_nb], $cyb_apboupc_viewlinks_userpostsnr), $this->post['message'].' ');
                                if (($this->registry->options['apboupc_viewlinks_sigs'] > $this->registry->userinfo[posts]) AND (!is_member_of($this->registry->userinfo, split(',', $this->registry->options['apboupc_viewlinks_excl_groups']))))
                                        $this->post['signature'] = preg_replace('!(\\[url(\\[img)?|\\[email|\\[img)(.*)((\\[\/img\\])?\\[\/url\\]|\\[\/email\\]|\\[\/img\\])|<a[^>]*(http|www|mailto)(.*)</a>|(http:\/\/)?www(.*)[\s]\b|<img[^>]*(src|border|title)(.*)(</img>|\/>)|[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9._%-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b!siU', construct_phrase('<br /><span class="smallfont"><i>'.$vbphrase['error_postcount_too_low_viewlinks_sigs'].'</i></span><br />', $this->registry->options['apboupc_viewlinks_sigs'], $cyb_apboupc_viewlinks_userpostsnr), $this->post['signature']);

now user can't see links but can see image .
that work fine in my 3.8.2 vb

ch1nkayy 04-16-2009 04:37 PM


tafreeh 06-04-2009 05:41 PM

dude, i love dis hack and i really need it....
but today i moved to new server and start getting problems...

there is only forum (which i m using for cyb auto reply)... whenever a new register click on that section they get a white page with the message that your post is less than 10, and u can not make new thread with link or images...

i tried disabling auto reply but it didnt work, but when i try disable cyb-advance permission hack, error was vanished...

i can not keep it disable.... please tell me how to fix that problem...


RTMdotORG 06-09-2009 03:20 PM

can we get minimum posts to vote in poll?

Farrhad A 06-10-2009 06:25 PM

Hey it just says that you dont have permission to do this action to the new members.
How can the new users know that you need 15 posts to create a new thread?

David Bott 06-22-2009 05:21 PM

Thanks for the nice product. Now in use on avsforum.com

If this product is still under development, might I kindly suggest also to be key on registration date?

I ask, for one of the issues we seem to have of late is PM spammers. The will register and then start to send spam via PM usually the same day.

Right now I have it set where a person needs to make 3 posts in order to send a PM, but this also hurts some members who may have been here from some time and may only have a few posts. Example...The classified ad system works on PM and as such the person needs to have made 3 posts in order to send a PM to ask questions or what have you.

So being able to have a check based on date of registration may be nice to go along with this. If Date of Registration is greater than or equal to X days ago. Than allow. (Or something like that.)

Thank you kindly.

Sadie Frost 07-01-2009 06:07 AM

Would be great if you could set a max number of posts rather than a minimum. :)

djbaxter 07-01-2009 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by Sadie Frost (Post 1840579)
Would be great if you could set a max number of posts rather than a minimum. :)


Why would you want / how would you use an add-on like that?

Valter 07-01-2009 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1840724)

Why would you want / how would you use an add-on like that?

People who's post count is 1 or higher gets error message:


To be able to view this section your post count must be 0.
So instead of posting and keeping forums alive they will start deleting old posts.

And when they finally get access to these sections vBulletin notice will appear:


There are no posts in this forum.

No hard feelings, just joking...

Reece^B 07-02-2009 03:44 PM

Hi Mate,

Works okay with 3.8?

Also is there a error with users with 0 posts? As I got 'you dotn have permissions' instead of 0 posts

Sadie Frost 07-03-2009 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 1840724)

Why would you want / how would you use an add-on like that?

I want to make a forum that is for newbies only, so people with less than a certain number of posts. :)

DraculaVN 07-06-2009 02:22 AM

I got a problem with newest version
title of options are blank in the misc.php?do=cyb_apboupc_setall
my VBB version is 3.8.1

NAZIA 07-20-2009 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by DraculaVN (Post 1843544)
I got a problem with newest version
title of options are blank in the misc.php?do=cyb_apboupc_setall
my VBB version is 3.8.1

same problem is on my board.. please anyone can make it for vb 3.8.x
Thanks in advance


Oh i see...
i got it here...

@ DraculaVN .. try this one. i am also trying this... ;) have a nice life...

this is also not working.
it is showing, Generic Smilies pages when i open .../misc.php?do=cyb_apboupc_setall url

YabbaDabba 07-23-2009 11:06 PM

Thanks for another great mod!!

We use it as one tool to prevent spam and porn.
We stop our newest users from posting such garbage.

Currently all new registrants are put into the New members group (groupid=2).
We use a promotion scheme to move them into a another group (with greater permissions) after X posts and Y days. The current groupid feature does not handle this. So a feature that would allow us to restrict permissions by user group would be great.

I can only think of a couple ways to achieve that:
A - Offer groupid as an alternate to "post count" to control permissions.
B - Add a "days registered" test to the "post count" test
Would this be feasible in a future release??

Thanks for considering this.

YabbaDabba 07-24-2009 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by YabbaDabba (Post 1854392)
...a feature that would allow us to restrict permissions by user group would be great.

I can only think of a couple ways to achieve that:
A - Offer groupid as an alternate to "post count" to control permissions.
B - Add a "days registered" test to the "post count" test
Would this be feasible in a future release??

Thanks for considering this.

In pondering the logic of what you offer, I think there may be a way to achieve a more complex test for increasing permissions using this Mod as is.

  1. The groupid setting in this Mod is used to exempt groups from this Mod's post count test(s). Set this to exempt ALL groups except the new registrants group.
  2. Set the post count test in this Mod to some very high number, like 999. This effectively means that his Mod's post count test will NOT be met any time soon.
  3. Set "User Group Promotions" in vB to advance new members out of that usergroup based on your desired activity profile (e.g., X posts, Y days, and/or Z Reputation).
That means this Mod will always block links and images for new registrants (only). BUT the vB group config will promote active members out of the new registrants group (groupid=2). At that point they are automatically moved into an exempt group and this Mod's "post count" test will no longer apply.

In effect, I'm using this Mod to restrict permissions for a single, particularly troublesome user group but relying on vB to handle a more complex logic ("post count" and/or "days registered" and/or "reputation") for promoting members to increased permission levels.

Now this is not as flexible as setting unique permission levels for each different usergroup, but this could solve my biggest headache.

I'll try it out.

wolfstream 08-20-2009 04:52 PM

Excellent mod, just one feature or request:
Can we have some control over user sigs, please? Such as you must have 10 posts to put a link in your sig!!! Would be awesome

kho91 10-04-2009 07:27 PM

please can u add in this hack r "enable or not to creat a blog"

excuse me for my english

Sidewindr 10-08-2009 10:58 PM

Is there some add-on that does the same sort of permission restrictions but based on how long a user has been registered?? Like cannot create threads if the user has not been a member for say at least 30 days...

aceofspades 11-12-2009 09:57 AM

How do you change the error message?

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