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fredang85 04-02-2008 06:07 PM

Mine has totally no results at all for all kewords although when I test it in my CSE "My Homepage" I was able to search for something. What makes?

GrendelKhan{TSU 04-04-2008 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by Icy (Post 1444938)
Works fine for me with 3.7

woot! that's what I wanted to know..

<<< goes to install :)

creativepart 04-04-2008 05:43 PM

UPDATE... I got this to work sort of. I was missing the hook statement in my Navbar.

GrendelKhan{TSU 04-04-2008 05:57 PM

hmm... installed but

1. no link back to default vb search engine
2. opens as new page (not with vbulletin frame)

any ideas?

fredang85 04-04-2008 06:43 PM

Probably u didin't add your url at the code area in google's CSE

creativepart 04-04-2008 07:59 PM

I got the Google Search box to open in the Navbar search... It's using the gtsearch.php page to show the results... but there are never any results.

I've seen others mention this previously, but I've not seen how they fixed it.

Any help here?

creativepart 04-04-2008 09:03 PM

The "preview" on the Google CSE site works perfectly, but I get zero results, not even ads in the official results page. The info from Google isn't getting inserted into that page.

I tried CHMODDING that php file. But nothing.

I'd really like this to work.

qtouch 04-05-2008 03:06 AM

installed thanks for this great mod

Skavenger 04-05-2008 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by creativepart (Post 1483146)
The "preview" on the Google CSE site works perfectly, but I get zero results, not even ads in the official results page. The info from Google isn't getting inserted into that page.

I tried CHMODDING that php file. But nothing.

I'd really like this to work.

I'm having exactly the same problem =/
any ideas on how to fix this?
I have checked everything a lot of times, but there is nothing wrong :S

creativepart 04-05-2008 03:55 AM

gtsearch.php is putting in the header and the footer and a line that reads back "Search Results for (search phrase):" but nothing is below it, except the footer. I've looked at everything a hundred times.

If someone could take a look... the forum is www.tdpri.com. Try the search on the menu bar.

I'm running 3.6.5 and I'm wondering if this is why the problem. I didn't have the hook defined in my navbar template and had to manually add the hook to get the search box to show. Are there any other issues like this for 3.6.5?

fredang85 04-05-2008 04:59 AM

well I've got the same problem I think, but no one is helping me yet.

creativepart 04-05-2008 03:12 PM


The code supplied by Google is missing a line and when you add this line to the Search Box code it makes everything work again:


<input type="hidden" name="cof" value="FORID:11" />
Simply add that line to your Search Box code before the javascript.

By the way FORID is the ad placement and 11 is top and bottom and 10 is top and right. I think 9 is top only but you'd have to test that.

I changed mine to FORID:10 and the ads are now Top and Right.

I'm not sure why some people need this and some people don't, but this worked. I found the answer in the Google CSE Forum buried deep in the older posts.

Skavenger 04-05-2008 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by creativepart (Post 1483639)

The code supplied by Google is missing a line and when you add this line to the Search Box code it makes everything work again:


<input type="hidden" name="cof" value="FORID:11" />
Simply add that line to your Search Box code before the javascript.

By the way FORID is the ad placement and 11 is top and bottom and 10 is top and right. I think 9 is top only but you'd have to test that.

I changed mine to FORID:10 and the ads are now Top and Right.

I'm not sure why some people need this and some people don't, but this worked. I found the answer in the Google CSE Forum buried deep in the older posts.

thanks, that worked for me =)


Originally Posted by Custom Search Help Center
You can alter the ad position by using the controls in the code section of the control panel; or, you can edit the HTML search form directly. Change value="FORID:#" to FORID:9 for ads on the right, FORID:10 for ads on the top and right, or FORID:11 for ads on the top and bottom.

Wired1 04-25-2008 11:58 PM

FYI Princeton, because the pics in your instructions here are hosted on YOUR site (which apparently needs a login), and not in the thread itself, it's popping up login requests when you load the page, as well as not displaying said pics (of course).

Princeton 04-26-2008 02:51 PM


FYI Princeton, because the pics in your instructions here are hosted on YOUR site (which apparently needs a login), and not in the thread itself, it's popping up login requests when you load the page, as well as not displaying said pics (of course).
thanks - updated the image urls

BuRaCh 04-26-2008 06:20 PM

very good work Princeton

i want result see at myself page.
when make?

reverse1312 05-05-2008 04:52 PM

Very nice and normally useful hack !

I could not make it work properly inside vbulletin.

I'm with vb 3.6.5,
Created a CSE in Google
Paste the codes

the gtsearch.php page works ok when it's called directly. :-) (http://www.mysite/forums/gtsearch.php)

But the fonction inside the search button in vB does not make any result...

"try to be more specific..." and so on.

What did I miss ?

Thank you

creativepart 05-05-2008 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by reverse1312 (Post 1509477)
Very nice and normally useful hack !

I could not make it work properly inside vbulletin.

Did you read my post just up the page? Try it.


reverse1312 05-05-2008 06:02 PM

Thanks for answering

Yes I saw your post and have checked my code this line is here allright and though it does not work...

Any other idea ? :confused:

Traxdata 05-07-2008 07:17 AM

Installed! Works great on 3.7. Gold.
Thank you very much!

reverse1312 05-08-2008 03:01 PM

Hello Joe !
May I hope a little look on my failing issue ? :)
I would love to make it work

By the way I saw a joomla google custom search module made by a japanese developper that is able to display search results inside any joomla content, in a right column for example , on a metakey or title or content basis. It goes a little bit further and adds no advertisement...It's in a compact ajax block. Would'nt be a good idea to make it worjk the same way in a right column in vB ?


Originally Posted by reverse1312 (Post 1509477)
Very nice and normally useful hack !

I could not make it work properly inside vbulletin.

I'm with vb 3.6.5,
Created a CSE in Google
Paste the codes

the gtsearch.php page works ok when it's called directly. :-) (http://www.mysite/forums/gtsearch.php)

But the fonction inside the search button in vB does not make any result...
"try to be more specific..." and so on.

What did I miss ?

Thank you

odeezie 05-08-2008 04:46 PM

I cant get this to work. The search is there in the drop down menu but when I put a search term in the box and click search, the page basically just reloads, nothing changes and I am right back to the forum index. Any ideas what this might be? I am using 3.7.0

Edit: Nevermind Ive got it figured out now.

Jah-Hools 05-13-2008 01:44 PM

A question please...

How would you do this if you did NOT want the adsence ads...?


reverse1312 05-13-2008 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by odeezie (Post 1512852)
I cant get this to work. The search is there in the drop down menu but when I put a search term in the box and click search, the page basically just reloads, nothing changes and I am right back to the forum index. Any ideas what this might be? I am using 3.7.0

Edit: Nevermind Ive got it figured out now.

It sounds like you had some similar problem as mine. how did you solve it please ?

Thank you

goddess_dix 05-15-2008 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Jah-Hools (Post 1518280)
A question please...

How would you do this if you did NOT want the adsence ads...?

the custom search engine is only avail. from google without ads for nonprofits. so you can either register it as nonprofit through whatever process google requires, or add your own adsense code in order to benefit from the ads yourself, or simply use the search engine and allow it to show ads you get nothing from. that is pretty much the choices as i understand them.

Jah-Hools 05-15-2008 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by goddess_dix (Post 1520664)
the custom search engine is only avail. from google without ads for nonprofits. so you can either register it as nonprofit through whatever process google requires, or add your own adsense code in order to benefit from the ads yourself, or simply use the search engine and allow it to show ads you get nothing from. that is pretty much the choices as i understand them.

See here there is another choice.. A 'paid' version..


"Turn off ads and customise your search results through an XML feed
Custom Search Business Edition turns off Google AdWords advertisements in search results that regularly appear in the free version of the Custom Search Engine. If you wish to significantly change the look and feel of your search engine, you can build your own user interface and integrate an XML feed of search results."

PEPITO69 05-16-2008 06:50 PM

I love this Mod but i don't know how to make it appear in CMS_index (vbadvanced).
Look in:

search is "Buscar".

I thing that must be something easy :)


reverse1312 05-18-2008 11:55 AM


I tried multiple times to make it works but no success yet.

If I invoke directly the page
and then fill the searchform there, everything's fine. I get a good search result page with my adsense Google ads wher I decided to put in (on the right side actually)
The results are filtered ok by the parameters I choosed on Google CSE pages.

But one thing refuses to work : it is the dam...d searchform in the navbar. It only makes this result : It opens the normal vB searchresult page with:
"Please specify some words or valid user names to search on. There were no matches for those that you specified."

Why is it so ?

Search box code:
<form action="http://www.rmysite.com/forums/gtsearch.php" id="cse-search-box">
<input type="hidden" name="cx" value="partner-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" />
<input type="hidden" name="cof" value="FORID:9" />
<input type="text" name="q" size="31" />
<input type="submit" name="sa" value="Rechercher" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/coop/cse/brand?form=cse-search-box&lang=fr"></script>

Searchresults code
<div id="cse-search-results"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var googleSearchIframeName = "cse-search-results";
var googleSearchFormName = "cse-search-box";
var googleSearchFrameWidth = 600;
var googleSearchDomain = "www.google.fr";
var googleSearchPath = "/cse";
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/afsonline/show_afs_search.js"></script>

What is wrong ?

Thank you

goddess_dix 05-19-2008 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Jah-Hools (Post 1520691)
See here there is another choice.. A 'paid' version..

Thanks for the correction... :D

rootnik 05-22-2008 01:43 PM

Nicely done. Installed on vbulletin 3.7 without any problems.

Jah-Hools 05-22-2008 01:54 PM

So I bought the paid 'no ad' version..(business edition of Google Custom Search)

Do you think this plug in will work for that as well?


richTV 05-28-2008 01:49 AM

using in 3.6.8 Patch Level 2, Kartel Style vB Skinworks with no probs.

guess the hardest part will be how often they can come in to index my site as well as any probs they might have with the bot-check hack installed.

tnx Princeton. :)

Jah-Hools 05-28-2008 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by Jah-Hools (Post 1527987)
So I bought the paid 'no ad' version..(business edition of Google Custom Search) Do you think this plug in will work for that as well?


Got it running!

No ads..



David_R 06-07-2008 12:26 PM


<if condition="$gtgoogle['qencode']">
<p class="smallfont" align="$stylevar[right]" width="100%" style="padding:$stylevar[cellspacing]px"><phrase 1="search.php?d$session[sessionurl]o=process&amp;query=$gtgoogle[qencode]" 2="$gtgoogle[qencode]" 3="search.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[cant_find_anything_x_y_z]</phrase></p>
How do i make the above code only search in titles on our forums ?

reverse1312 06-11-2008 06:20 PM


How do i make the above code only search in titles on our forums ?
I think Joe is not in the hurry to answer questions in this thread. He has obviously more important things to do ;-) I posted a question a couple of months ago, without any answering.

richTV 06-12-2008 09:25 PM

hello Princeton.

we upgraded from 3.6.8 to 3.7 so here's hoping u can make a 3.7 version for this if u have the time. :)

David_R 07-18-2008 01:36 PM

Princeton, how can we add this search box code only for gtsearch.php file ?
We do not want search box to be displayed across the navbar .

puertoblack2003 07-30-2008 12:32 AM

it works fine for 3.7.2

cherylferraro 07-31-2008 08:28 PM

Works perfectly for me in 3.7.2.

This modification is well designed, thank you for sharing it.


Onone 08-04-2008 12:11 PM

I like to know if this mod work on vBulletin Version 3.7.2 PL1?


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