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Just wanted to drop a quick note...
Autosubscribe will be in 2.0! Right now it's controlled from the usergroup manager, you set auto-subscribe to yes and enter the forumid's separated by commas of forums that when added to that usergroup the member can access. The code even handles overlapping usergroups. For example if you have two usergroups that give access to forumids 9,11 it won't count those forumids twice :) I'm thinking we need a PM sent to the user to let them know that subscriptions have been added for forums x and x with links to change those settings if they wish, with an admin option to enable/disable the pm. I also think I need to code a script to update autosubscriptions, which will overwrite any subs people may have so it'll have to be controlled per usergroup so if you change the settings for one usergroup, you can go and readd the auto subs, without adding a ton of subs for the other groups that people may have tweaked and changed. The update script will have to make it into 2.0, the PMs may make it into the next version depending on how easy they are to code in :) |
Sounding good Chris, are we anywhere near a test version yet?
Very close. :)
O and the auto sub thing, goes through the class_dm_user so even new members subscribing, or join groups, or admincp, extra, any place you are changing the usergroups will also check for auto subs :) |
Just to ask again though, since the question never got answered... if all I'm looking for is for threads and posts to get sent out via email -- but not to allow replies to those posts to be made via email -- can I still install and use this without the IMAP support? I'm assuming yes, just hoping the admin of it all makes sense. (I suppose if I'm not checking a mailbox, the cron never runs, so there's never an IMAP error, yes?) And, can the emails be phrased so I can customize/remove the extra "reply" text (basically, telling folks that they have to log into the forum to respond?) Thanks again. :up: |
cyricx > *
Also, the emails are completely phrased. The two you'll need to fiddle with to customize and remove the reply stuff will be "ei_notify_thread_forum" and "ei_notify_post_forum". Since you are not going to use the email retrieval side of it you will not need imap. But I must stress to everyone else that will be using email retrieval... be very careful fiddling with those phrases as the cron job looks for -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- and You can also begin a new thread by sending an email to $foruminfo[ei_replyaddress]! and cuts everything out between that to remove the signatures and the links from emails and posts. If you mess with either of those or remove them, signatures will get duplicated in posts and emails :) But Tralala, since your talking about not using that retrieval, you won't experience any side effects from completely chopping up those phrases to your delight :) |
Thanks, Cyricx!
This has the makings of being the Best. Mod. Ever... and *certainly* worthy of MotM! :up: |
Cyricx: I mentioned this earlier and you said you liked the idea. I'd been hoping to continue to give my users the option of getting instant email updates of only new threads, in addition to your hack's "all new threads and replies." (So I'd hoped to keep RedTyger's original hack installed to allow for that.) In the meantime I just tried to make it work myself.
I edited the $vbphrase[instant_notification_by_email] phrase of RedTyger's to read "Instant notifications of new threads only." I also edited yours -- $vbphrase[email_reply_integration] -- to read "Instant notifications of all new threads and replies" (instead of the default "Instant Notification by email") Seems like it'll work. I'm hoping this is an easy way to get these hacks to peacefully coexist... and if not, maybe you could include both as options in your hack. Just figured I'd throw it out there to help others with the same hope. It's also a bit counter-intuitive that to subscribe you go to the forum pulldown, select "Subscribe" and then choose what type... but to *unsubscribe* you can only do so from the UserCP. Ideally we'd be able to unsubscribe from the same forum pulldown... and in the absence of that, unsubscribing would be yet another listing on the "Notification Type" pulldown. Thanks for the consideration. |
I'll update the phrase for my next version :)
I'm deadly close to taking the code I have no to the beta testers, so I think I'll look at the dropdowns and such in 2.5 or 3.0 or whatever. Which shouldn't be far behind the release of 2.0 :) The phrase change will definately be in the 2.0 as I didn't realize I hadn't flopped those over :( Updated - changed the phrase to read Instant notification by email for new threads and replies Love the input Tralala! Soon I'll be able to put these great ideas into action! :) |
Idea for 2.5 or 3.0:
The ability for users to subscribe to individual threads of their choosing (and not whole forums) and receive *all* subsequent replies to said threads. (The built in vB thread subscription mechanism only sends ONE, with the following disclaimer: "There may also be other replies, but you will not receive any more notifications until you visit the forum again.") |
Yep!! Completely agree. I had to disable that due to the queries not agreeing well, but I've learned alot more about building, constructing and fiddling with arrays. So it'll definately be on its way :)
I love this tech though.. can you imagine how this could be adapted even further?? Reply to PMs via Email :P Possibilities are endless!! Anyway, I've sent the 2.x version to a few beta testers, after they beat it up and fire a few reports back to me, I'll release it here. Should be just a day or two til the public release of 2.x Which will have: Auto subscriptions (with links to update subs) phrased error messages admin options to enable/disable each of the links in the emails [high]* Cyricx dances a jig![/high] |
And a report from me now in:)
BTW reply to PMs would be awesome- I was going to suggest that! :) |
I installed per the installation instructions and am having no luck. I didn't do anything regarding attachment restrictions (left all default) and commented out the require in php as directed (I don't have whatever thing installed that it wanted)
I'm trying to pull via pop/w SSL (official cert) from pop.gmail.com My login and password are definitely correct, the login also includes @gmail.com I set up a forum and enabled email integration I set it as only my admin group for now can post or reply by email When I run the job manually, it just sits forever and the page never finishes refreshing. My questions: Is there any kind of log or debug info here? Nothing shows up off the cron job on the info column when it runs. What user will the emails come in as posted by?? Does the email account need to coordinate with some account on the forum? Has anyone tested this with gmail? Thanks! |
Another question:
Re: changes to "Instant Email Notification" Does that apply globally now or is it only for forums that have Email Integration enabled? I certainly don't want that behavior to change anywhere. I just want to pull emails into posts. |
Ok got it to run, gmail requires the self-signed cert option which really means use port 995, which should be the standard port. This may require some renaming :)
anyway, it runs now, but no mail comes in even when there's new mail in the box. :/ |
This mod looks great!
I do have a request, as this mod is the closest I've seen to do what I want. We all know this mod allows a user to be on the forum and subscribe to a forum(or thread in the near future), then receive emails containing posts made since the subscription, and then reply. What I'd like to see is for a user to be able to send email to their username.apasswordtheysetintheirCP@myvbforum.com and have a new post created in a predetermined forum. This would be useful for people who like to take pictures and send them off to their blog, etc, however this would allow them to do so on the forums on the go. Somewhat like textamerica. I have a plug-in from them on my blog. I sent my pic to myemail.mypassword@textamerica.com, they process it and it magically appears on my blog. Would be useful for varying ideas, such as my car forum. If people see a cool car, they can shoot off the pic to their shorcut in their mobile phone's address book and a post is created with the MMS text and photo, instead of going home, emailing photo to yourself, putting it on photobucket, creating thread, etc. etc. 95% of the functionality (and hard part) seems to already exist in the code. A few mods such as the mobile post password field in the UCP, way to designate forum for mail with a username.password format @myvbforum.com, as opposed to their email address on file, etc. Possible future enhancement? |
Why wouldn't they just send the pic to the mailboxes already used by this mod? ie: general@myvbforum.com Since the sending email address is cross-checked against the member's list, it's more or less just as secure. They can take pic, email it from the phone, and it gets posted. Am I missing something? What more does your request accomplish? (In other words, this mod isn't just for replies, it's also for new threads too.) |
Tested with gmail incoming emails, but not with using a gmail account as the catch. Quote:
For the forum you enable, it will have the new subscription option available. Quote:
Pop3 with self-signed certificate or IMAP with self-signed certificate both use port 995. Please try all the connection types :) Here is the break down of ports that are used. Code:
// ##### Determining Connection Type ###### Quote:
If a user is in a usergroup that is set in this setting in the forum manager - Please enter the usergroup IDs that can post and reply by email. They can send an email to the email address for the site and it will post. They do NOT have to be subscribed to the forum in order to start a new thread from email :) |
Cyricx - I've got everything working with a few modifications, here's my general experience feedback and breakdown:
1) The feature I need is simply to pull mailing-list emails into threads/posts 1a) I modified the code to figure out which thread an email should go into using the subject 1b) I commented out error mails or response mails as I don't want interaction 2) There is no cron logging working for this 2a) I tried adding some in the cron job php and changed the phrase to have {1} in it so that it'd show up, but for whatever reason (I'm new to vb) it does not still 2b) I recommend adding some informational and debugging logging as it's frustrating when things aren't working and you can't figure out why 2c) My recommended categories - Email Received, Email Sent, Error Email Sent, Other Errors 3) Configuration 3a) It'd be ideal to have configuration as a separate menu item rather than hang off the forum itself. Multiple select of forums would be excellent on a single configuration 3b) For my set up, I'd like to have an override user that ALL emails get posted as 3c) Also I'd like to pull email from one box and depending on who it's from, get delegated into different forums (for me that translates to multiple mailing list support off 1 account). Another solution would be supporting a box other than INBOX 3d) I'd like an option to globally shut off all outbound email, as I don't use that. 3e) I don't want any other behavior changed within my board 4) Security 4a) Email inherently is insecure to use for this as I can forge my From address and post as someone I'm not. There's not a lot you can do about that, unfortunately. Just a concern. 5) Code 5a) Your code is one monolithic block. It'll be easier for you to add features if you refactor it a bit, breaking it into logical blocks using methods or classes if it gets even bigger. 5b) Consider adding some debugging ability. It'd be nice for us hackers. :) Of course it's easy for someone to sit back and criticize another's work, which is not what I'm trying to do. I really appreciate your time and think this is very valuable. I have different uses for it than what you intended initially and I'd consider polishing this off doing all of my above things and forking it off into a different project maybe called vBulletin Mail Pull or something of that nature. I may consider that if I get some more time to work on this in the future. For now, I'll create multiple mail boxes and users to go into the different forums for different mailing lists. Thanks again for all your work. Here's my modification to group threads together Code:
// find thread with matching title 'Post' |
I added one more change in quick - hiding email addresses
// hide email addresses |
That was full of bugs. I forgot to specify the forum in the query. Oops. Here's the updated code
// hide email addresses |
Please correct me if I still am not understanding the functionality correctly. |
My mobile phone (a Treo 700p) uses the same "email address" as my computer. So if I emailed a picture/attachment, it'd work.
But if you are talking about sending an MMS (multimedia SMS text message) as an email, yes, it'd be addressed from something like yourphonenumber@yourcellservice.com US Based Carriers: Alltel = xxxxxxxxxx@message.alltel.com AT&T = xxxxxxxxxx@mms.att.net Boost Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@myboostmobile.com Cingular (AT&T) = xxxxxxxxxx@mms.mycingular.com Einstein PCS = xxxxxxxxxx@einsteinmms.com Sprint = xxxxxxxxxx@messaging.sprintpcs.com T-Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@tmomail.net US Cellular = xxxxxxxxxx@mms.uscc.net Verizon Wireless = xxxxxxxxxx@vzwpix.com Virgin Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@vmobl.com ...and those wouldn't work, since it'd be unlikely that the person is using those as their "registered" email address. Perhaps Cyricx can come up with additional allowance to allow for the processing of such SMS or MMS messages. |
I think I saw in your block how to add to the cron log, so that may make it into an upcoming version. All - My apologies for the delay in the next version, there was a few bugs found that I need to work on and unfortunately this weekend some RL fit hit the shan so things have been very hectic. Slight delay in the next version unfortunately :( |
yeah I'd have to think about this, could prolly do it with a user option where they listed alternate email addresses by line or separated by a comma with no spaces so that it forms an array that could be checked against. Something to consider for 3.0 :) |
Ok last time: here's my code with bugfixes.
// hide email addresses |
Cyricx - All I'm using it for is to read email from a mailing list and piece together the threads. No replies are allowed on the forum. It's just informational.
I also don't want people to be able to email in replies right now. I can't use threadid because the threads aren't being replied to from the forum. I have to do a gmail-style subject match to make it all work. I understand the limitations but it's all I can do. functions work just fine in cron jobs, you just need to watch your scope. |
Okay, so what happens if you have two threads titled
"Hey read me!" in the same forum? One of those could be a year old :) Your query would add the posts to the oldest thread, rather then the newest and correct thread :) The hiding email address preg, is a great idea! my newest version being debugged right now pulls out the To: emailaddress line completely out but your idea is a much better one :) |
That's where I'm getting confused then :)
How are the threads being replied to? I mean... how are they getting the emails that they are replying too? if your not allowing replies, why are you applying emails as replies to a thread? :) |
Just a few more cleanups to do with Pocomail then I'll release the 2.x version :)
looking forward to it,
Added version 2.1!
This has been tested on 3.6.8! |
.. and the testing was fun too! Superb Mod!
is this mod ready for a liveboard?
Yes it is. :)
Great job on the updated version! Lots of great new features
the only problem I am seeing is that the incoming mail is still not being seen at HTML by my email client (thunderbird) I'm getting raw headers and html tags in the body.. is anyone else seeing this behavior? think it's related to thunderbird only since webmail seems to be rendering properly, but I can also view other html emails just find in thunderbird. Should there be a html tag in the header of the email? thanks |
ok installed, testing. found one bug. When I receive email, the link on the email that says " "reply to this topic" puts a space on php as follows;
/forums/showthread.ph p?t=4167 and the link does not work as a result. |
I'm not seeing the space you are talking about...all the links in the footer look good here.
If on, which ones do you have turned off and which ones turned on? |
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