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karlm 06-24-2007 02:22 PM

Hmm, I'm a little stumped. As an admininstrator (u=1) I cannot see how to remove comments from articles. At this moment, I don't 'need' to, but I bet once this goes live - I will need to delete comments at some point in time.

Also, I sent you the $25 for branding free.. I've read the instructions in the downloaded file but cannot locate the specific details it says I need to edit.

ETA: I found the specifics in the file - it needs two edits though, not one.

XtremeCrash 06-25-2007 01:33 AM

Im useing iGaming CMS for my site an wanted to inbed the news into it an take out the news system its useing an use this on.Why I was wondering if I can just include it into the site with out changing a whole lot.

karlm 06-25-2007 01:39 PM

I've left a couple of 'support tickets' (contact us) on the site, as recommended, but as yet - 2days later, no replies to any of them.
I like the product, but the support is lacking severely.

MaryTheG(r)eek 06-25-2007 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by karlm (Post 1276118)
I've left a couple of 'support tickets' (contact us) on the site, as recommended, but as yet - 2days later, no replies to any of them.
I like the product, but the support is lacking severely.

I found just one, on Saturday I think and I replied to it. If you didn't got it, I'll resend it right now. Sorry, but weekends are always delayed. I need some rest from time to time.


karlm 06-25-2007 03:30 PM

Thank you for the email today, I dind't receive the previous one - but I have received the one today. I apologise if I spoke in haste when it based on an undelivered email as oppose not responding.

karlm 06-25-2007 05:53 PM

I just wanted to let the community know that MicroHellas has gone out of her way to help with the problems I was having, unfortunately - I'd made the mistake of figuring out one of the problems and failed to mention this to her.
Anyway, her help has been extremely appreciated.

A|X 06-29-2007 02:13 AM

Sorry mary for ask this silly question :D

I have difficulties to configure the 4 variables.

// Path to your vB installation with slash at the end
$vbpath = 'http://www.ceritabrunei.com/forum/';
// Path to $vbnewsname file with slash at the end
$vbnewspath = 'http://www.ceritabrunei.com/forum/';
// URL to $vbnewsname file with slash at the end
$vbnewsurl = 'http://www.ceritabrunei.com/';
// vbNews file name in case that you changed it
$vbnewsname = 'vbnews.php';

For your info my root directory is http://www.ceritabrunei.com/forum and my current index page at http://www.ceritabrunei.com/forum/index.php

See the wording in red color. Is it correct the way i edit the 4 variables? I need your advise.

snakes1100 06-29-2007 03:38 AM

// Path to your vB installation with slash at the end
$vbpath = '/path/to/forum/directory/goes/here/forum/';
// Path to $vbnewsname file with slash at the end
$vbnewspath = '/path/to/vbnews.php/file/goes/here/forum/';
// URL to $vbnewsname file with slash at the end
$vbnewsurl = 'http://www.ceritabrunei.com/forum/';
// vbNews file name in case that you changed it
$vbnewsname = 'vbnews.php';

example path to news:

pcoskat 06-29-2007 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by pcoskat
- Will the DIGG mod work with vBNews?
Mary wrote: Sorry, dont know it. Can you point me somewhere?

I assume that vBNews automatically takes on the skin of the installed vb. Is that a correct assumption?

Is there a Tag system for the vbNews? It would eliminate admins from having to enter articles in multiple categories. Having clickable tags at the end of each article would be awesome. (similar to this: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=148705 )

Also, are you still on track to complete your SNS module at the end of this month?

GrendelKhan{TSU 06-29-2007 07:56 PM

anyone got a working, live example?

I know I'm probably just being a n00b or missing something but it just seems too hard to configure. can't even figure out how to get important news or center area (where main image is) to show up. +_+

really need a "how to" or wiki guide about set-up or something.
still looks great and something I want to use. its NOT very self-explanatory or user-friendly, (imo) and have given up after running into a wall with it a couple times.

I'm still hoping to get the "tricks" to it. but does anyone have a clear step-by-step on how to the content filled AFTER its been installed?

sorry for the n00biness. :(

pcoskat 06-29-2007 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU (Post 1279416)
I'm still hoping to get the "tricks" to it. but does anyone have a clear step-by-step on how to the content filled AFTER its been installed?

Try the demo. I was unclear, too until I played with it for a minute. The learning curve wasn't steep.

pcoskat 06-29-2007 11:35 PM

Mary, in the center column, I don't really need "Breaking" and "Important" news.

Instead is there a way to simply have a list of the most recently added articles - regardless of which category they're in.

karlm 06-30-2007 02:57 AM

on page14 someone asked for a working demo. I have one here:


PS - it is a well worth addon, all my members have been pleased with it.

pcoskat 06-30-2007 03:06 PM

Karl, did you manually add the DIGG and DEL code into the bottom of the article templates, or did you use a mod? (http://antimisandry.com/?do=viewarti...tlanta-meet-up )

www.1n1n.com 07-01-2007 12:22 AM

any one send me this file rss.php

Please :(

karlm 07-01-2007 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by pcoskat (Post 1279971)
Karl, did you manually add the DIGG and DEL code into the bottom of the article templates, or did you use a mod? (http://antimisandry.com/?do=viewarti...tlanta-meet-up )

I manually added them, thus not the prettiest LoL.

bmwusa 07-01-2007 05:38 PM

Im getting this after the install... :(
any ideas.???


Database error in vBulletin 3.6.7:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT userid FROM user
    WHERE userid=1 AND (usergroupid= OR FIND_IN_SET('', membergroupids));

MySQL Error  : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'OR FIND_IN_SET('', membergroupids))' at line 2
Error Number : 1064
Date        : Sunday, July 1st 2007 @ 02:29:28 PM
Script      : http://www.******.com/vbnews.php
Referrer    : http://www.******.com/vbnews.php?do=edit
IP Address  : ***.***.***.***
Username    : ******
Classname    : vb_database

does anyone have the same issue?

thank you in advance

karlm 07-01-2007 06:00 PM

BMWUSA, have you set the usergroup permissions to ensure at the least an admin can use it? Admins should have all parts set to Yes.

bmwusa 07-01-2007 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by karlm (Post 1280727)
BMWUSA, have you set the usergroup permissions to ensure at the least an admin can use it? Admins should have all parts set to Yes.

Yes i did, admins have all the option set to "yes"

this only happend when i try to add an article....
i write all the article and when i click on submit i got that mysql error...

and im also notice that there is not category or subcategory....

any ideas?:confused: thank you....:up:

karlm 07-01-2007 07:20 PM

I'm not affiliated with vbnews or ++++++++++ in any respect, so I understand if you decline the following, offer... if you'd like though, I'd need ftp access and admincp access, i could have a look around for you and investigate the issue further. if you take up the offer, pm me the details and i'll get on it today.

ps - I do not make any guarantee I can fix it, I just know i saw similar problems on mine when I first started with vbnews but got sorted.

kunjuk 07-02-2007 07:27 AM

edit this one double post

GrendelKhan{TSU 07-02-2007 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by pcoskat (Post 1279515)
Try the demo. I was unclear, too until I played with it for a minute. The learning curve wasn't steep.

hmmm.. maybe its the demo version that is giving me problems? I asked a couple fellow admin and they couldn't do much either

1. how do you attach images to an article? is that feature not active with demo? can't get any images to show for articles :erm:
2. how did you get the thumbnails to show (like for editor's choice)?
3. can't get anything to appear in area above "important news" like where you have your group pic.
4. articles all run off the right side (seems to not work with fixed width forums? :( )
5. adding ANYTHING to the head messes up entire forums (ajax stops working and drop down menus all disappear/break)
6. is there a way to have it post articles from an RSS feed? or like "recent threads"? or did you have to set your articles all manually?

sorry, for the questions..again, I know I'm either just missing something really easy (entirelky possible) or just not working for the demo.

some quick error lines appear when posting article but go by quick before I know what they are...and seems to post fine anyway. don't know if that's related. :/


Originally Posted by karlm (Post 1279608)
on page14 someone asked for a working demo. I have one here:


PS - it is a well worth addon, all my members have been pleased with it.

looks good! hope I can get mine going that much at least. :(

karlm 07-02-2007 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU (Post 1281119)
1. how do you attach images to an article? is that feature not active with demo? can't get any images to show for articles :erm:

When adding an article, at the very bottom is a browse button, use that to add images from your own computer and when you submit the article, it will be uploaded and resized to your settings - as set in admincp.


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU (Post 1281119)
2. how did you get the thumbnails to show (like for editor's choice)?

Once you click 'editors choice' in the left side menu, the program makes an automatic thumbnail for you and adds it.


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU (Post 1281119)
3. can't get anything to appear in area above "important news" like where you have your group pic.

Breaking news is made when you click 'breaking' in the left menu (while in edit mode).


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU (Post 1281119)
4. articles all run off the right side (seems to not work with fixed width forums? :( )

Yes, they do actually wrap - but it goes to the very edge when viewing in MSIE. However, firefox, safari & opera do display it correctly.


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU (Post 1281119)
5. adding ANYTHING to the head messes up entire forums (ajax stops working and drop down menus all disappear/break)

I've not amended any code in the head, so cannot help, sorry.


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU (Post 1281119)
6. is there a way to have it post articles from an RSS feed? or like "recent threads"? or did you have to set your articles all manually?

Unfortunately, it is all manually added. Though I think RSS from a specific forum would be an immense improvement, bringing it up to vbadvanced standards.
The major benefit of having it all manually added, is that YOU get to choose what is put on the front page - very specifically. And of course, by manipulating the usergroups, you can allow other trusted members to add specific articles too.

Nova99 07-02-2007 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by MicroHellas (Post 1246236)

Originally Posted by Nova99 View Post
Any comments on this suggestion MicroHellas?
Many members do really care about their post count, so this would be a nice addition..
Maybe after 1-2 months. Sorry, but I'm very busy right now. I already released a new commercial version, so I don't think that it can be done earlier than the end of June.

I haven't been able to read through all of the posts yet, but has this been implemented yet (in the free or paid version) ?? :)

XtremeCrash 07-02-2007 09:46 PM

How do u adjust the news? http://xtremexbox.com/index.php Some images arnt showing at the bottom an its to wide.How can I fix that? Also,Cant log in either.

GrendelKhan{TSU 07-03-2007 01:24 AM

Thanks for the reply!


Originally Posted by karlm (Post 1281278)
When adding an article, at the very bottom is a browse button, use that to add images from your own computer and when you submit the article, it will be uploaded and resized to your settings - as set in admincp.

yah... I've been using that browse to add image when posting articles. just nothing happens! :( maybe its a demo version thing?


Once you click 'editors choice' in the left side menu, the program makes an automatic thumbnail for you and adds it.

Breaking news is made when you click 'breaking' in the left menu (while in edit mode).
weird..my breaking news area...is non-existent. :/ nothing above important news.

and yah, same thing. thumbnails not generating. again, maybe a demo version limit?
That said, I finally able to copy an error at top of page when adding articles (been going by too fast)...maybe this is the culprit?


Warning: move_uploaded_file(./vbnews/tmp/phpQP5bv1.jpg) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /vbnews.php on line 444
Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move '/tmp/phpQP5bv1' to './vbnews/tmp/phpQP5bv1.jpg' in /vbnews.php on line 444
any one with ideas how to FIX that?


Yes, they do actually wrap - but it goes to the very edge when viewing in MSIE. However, firefox, safari & opera do display it correctly.
ugh. most my users are IE. :( that might be a major hitch for me.


I've not amended any code in the head, so cannot help, sorry.

Unfortunately, it is all manually added. Though I think RSS from a specific forum would be an immense improvement, bringing it up to vbadvanced standards.
The major benefit of having it all manually added, is that YOU get to choose what is put on the front page - very specifically. And of course, by manipulating the usergroups, you can allow other trusted members to add specific articles too.
ic ic. thanks. :)

karlm 07-03-2007 01:34 PM



Warning: move_uploaded_file(./vbnews/tmp/phpQP5bv1.jpg) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /vbnews.php on line 444
Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move '/tmp/phpQP5bv1' to './vbnews/tmp/phpQP5bv1.jpg' in /vbnews.php on line 444

any one with ideas how to FIX that?
Did you amend the CHMOD as directed in the instructions?

Step 3:
CMOD following directories to 777
/photos (inside vbnews directory)
/tmp (inside vbnews directory)
/thumbs (inside vbnews/photos directory)
/assets (inside vbnews/editor directory)
/audio (inside vbnews/editor/assets directory)
/flash (inside vbnews/editor/assets directory)
/photos (inside vbnews/editor/assets directory)
/video (inside vbnews/editor/assets directory)

karlm 07-03-2007 01:38 PM

I'll make the same offer I made to bmwusa, if you'd like...:


Originally Posted by karlm (Post 1280773)
I'm not affiliated with vbnews or madebymary in any respect, so I understand if you decline the following, offer... if you'd like though, I'd need ftp access and admincp access, i could have a look around for you and investigate the issue further. if you take up the offer, pm me the details and i'll get on it today.

pcoskat 07-03-2007 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by pcoskat (Post 1279516)
Mary, in the center column, I don't really need "Breaking" and "Important" news.

Instead is there a way to simply have a list of the most recently added articles - regardless of which category they're in.

Does anyone have any word on ^this^

It's kind of a 'deal breaker' for me...

ryans 07-04-2007 03:53 PM

will these articles show up in vbulletins search?

will track back work if i'm using vbseo?

MaryTheG(r)eek 07-05-2007 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by ryans (Post 1282702)
will these articles show up in vbulletins search?

No. vbNews has its own search function. Don't forget that vbNews is not a forum.


Originally Posted by ryans (Post 1282702)
will track back work if i'm using vbseo?

Currently only the commercial version is vBseo friendly.

GrendelKhan{TSU 07-05-2007 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by karlm (Post 1281942)
Did you amend the CHMOD as directed in the instructions?

yup. :(

just redid it again just to make sure with same result. :/

MaryTheG(r)eek 07-05-2007 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU (Post 1283268)
yup. :(

just redid it again just to make sure with same result. :/

The directory that causes the problem is vbnews/tmp/
Check the permissions on that directory.

MaryTheG(r)eek 07-05-2007 07:49 AM

I'll appreciate a lot, before post any rude comment for me to read carefully what I'm saying in my post.
  1. I'm clearly saying that this mod is N-O-T supported !!
  2. Support is given only in my site and ONLY for installation problems. Templates modifications, code modifications, additional features etc is totally out of support issues. This mod has so many features and so many possibilities for configurable appearance, that's impossible to be supporting as free.
It's unfair any rude word to anybody who gave you something for free, just because he/she is unable to support your special needs.

Thank you for your attention

pcoskat 07-05-2007 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by MicroHellas (Post 1283272)
It's unfair any rude word to anybody who gave you something for free, just because he/she is unable to support your special needs.

I think that some of us are simply trying to understand how it works...that's what my question is about. No 'work' is needed. Just a simple 'yes or no'.


Clayton 07-09-2007 09:05 PM


karlm 07-10-2007 09:43 PM

Ahuh, I've done a bit of modifying too the code, but the application - vbnews - is working perfectly fine on my site too.

BTW, Clayton, that site looks very good! :)

BirdDogBowling 07-14-2007 02:05 PM

anyone know how i can turn off signatures displaying under the authors name?

ShawneyJ 07-15-2007 04:15 AM

mite try this out i hope it looks as good as the screen shot.

txsbmw 07-16-2007 02:30 PM

Anyone have any idea how to delete comments? I can't seem to find an option that allows Admins to delete comments.

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