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Luky 04-03-2007 11:29 AM

Haha on your comment "I have an awesome plan... ON PAPER!" :P If you like i can get you some awesome plans on paper, it will take you a few years to do what i want but XD

milsirhc 04-03-2007 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by nexialys (Post 1218986)
Sorry, i was unable to release the debug yesterday evening due to family matters... i'll do it when i'm done with the breakfast.. :) (it is 8:27 here!)

no worries buddy!

Family should always come first and I respect that! =)

it's 10:32pm in Sydney!! =)

Luky 04-03-2007 12:21 PM

Geez, he must eat a whole live cow for breakfast, either that or he choked... he seems to be gone a while :P

nexialys 04-03-2007 12:39 PM

i choked.. lol

milsirhc 04-03-2007 12:44 PM

ahh.. you managed to spit out the cow's eyeball!

Luky 04-03-2007 12:44 PM

:O Quickly, someone make a shop so we can buy water to stop Nexi from choking!!!

@Up, you beet me by like a second.

milsirhc 04-03-2007 12:49 PM

wahhaa!! you and your shop thingy again!!!!

nexialys 04-03-2007 01:21 PM

Luky is right about a Shop, we really need someone to build one... :)

ok, updated the core so the deletion of posts and threads is supposed to be ok.. i tested all the situations yesterday and it is supposed to be fixed accordingly. that process add a new query to the addon, but i can tell that it is an invisible query, so it is not overloading your system.

milsirhc 04-03-2007 01:35 PM

brillianttt!! the deduction of per post and per thread works!

buttttt (there's always a but! =P) if the thread consists of posts inside.. it's behaving abit strang.

Here's what happened:

User A (has 10 points already) created a thread (he got 10 + 1x 5 points = 15 points)

User B (has 0 points) created 2 posts in there (he got 2 x 2 points = 4 points)

say when the admin came along and he delete User A thread becos it's a spam..

So User A should have (15 - 5 = 10 points) = 10 points (but it's not happening. It's became 8 instead! (somehow the core is deducting 7 points (instead of 5) from the creator! Seems like it's treating his thread as (thread+post points) together!)

User B have (4 - 4 = 0 points) = 0 (this is brilliant)

nexialys 04-03-2007 01:56 PM

ok, so user B solution is working.. lol fun!

but user A... damn... these calculations are supposed to work, i tested that exact situation this evening... ARGH it's not even calculations, it's a logical statement...

i don't know what was going out on your tests, but i just tested the exact situation you have here, and my results are correct... there is nothing wrong with the results... check:

thread creation: 3.50 points
post reply: 1.90 points

grunt: 4.00
nexia: 8.90

post a new thread:

grunt: 7.50 (4.0 + 3.5)
nexia post 2 replies: 12.70 (8.9 + 1.9 + 1.9)

deleted thread: return to proper counts

grunt : 4.00
nexia: 8.90

.................................................. ............

milsirhc 04-03-2007 02:04 PM

hmm... i think we need a shop for sure now, so I can buy a calculator! =P

@Nex: I'll test it thoroughly again tml after work.. it's 1:04am, maybe i'm seeing things.

If no one else got the same prob.. maybe it's just me!! but i'll let you know by tml!


Blaine0002 04-03-2007 03:44 PM

What do you mean a shop, like a real life shop? using forum points?

nexialys 04-03-2007 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Blaine0002 (Post 1219123)
What do you mean a shop, like a real life shop? using forum points?

He was making a joke Blaine.. lol

actually there is 2 or 3 kinds of shops possible... Goods (bought and delivered), Products (downloadable stuff) and Gadgets... like username changes etc...

zardos 04-03-2007 04:02 PM

Hi, nice hack! are u still working on a points for Referrer add-on? this would be really nice!

nexialys 04-03-2007 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by zardos (Post 1219131)
Hi, nice hack! are u still working on a points for Referrer add-on? this would be really nice!

will be set in sooner than tomorrow... i'm fixing some of the settings, and will bundle it as a single "Addon related to Registration".. :)

zardos 04-03-2007 04:44 PM

Nice, am working on a paypal and download store script that are going to be integrated with this script. it is not going to be a product cause i have no experience with that. Its is going to be a single php file. Some people might want it when it is finished. You are suppose to be able to by usergroups and download links ;) is some one already don this plx tell me.

nexialys 04-03-2007 05:45 PM

Here is a screenshot of what is coming in the adminCP side...

this screenshot is the "Info Page" for the sections inside the Dealer. when someone create a new addon, like for an arcade or bank etc, a Dealer can be created, and a info block like this one may come to explain it...

The three displayed there are the actual ones i work on today... when debugged and released, it will start the 1.1 version of the GOLD!

auctionguy 04-03-2007 07:06 PM

I would be real interested in that! That is what I need next! I have installed the IbPro Arcade and the Vbay auctions in my brand new site at www.yobux.com Have a look! I just need a good points system with people being able to buy points from a bank via Pay Pal and a custom shop set up and I would be a happy camper!!! Any suggestions yet???? Thanks for all of these awsome mods so far!!!

Luky 04-04-2007 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by nexialys (Post 1219194)
Here is a screenshot of what is coming in the adminCP side...

this screenshot is the "Info Page" for the sections inside the Dealer. when someone create a new addon, like for an arcade or bank etc, a Dealer can be created, and a info block like this one may come to explain it...

The three displayed there are the actual ones i work on today... when debugged and released, it will start the 1.1 version of the GOLD!

Your browser font is ugly dude.. to chunky for my liking! :P

I would tell you to goto the shop and buy some new fonts, but we dont have one! *Ba-doom-pshh* >_< I find my self amusing.

erinys 04-04-2007 07:16 AM

Im really interested to see how this turns out :)

can you make a couple of things in it wich my members loved from vbux??

- sticky topic options?
- a lottery system?
- giving gifts to other people


Luky 04-04-2007 07:51 AM

That will all be features of the store.

nexialys 04-04-2007 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Luky (Post 1219478)
Your browser font is ugly dude.. to chunky for my liking! :P
I would tell you to goto the shop and buy some new fonts, but we dont have one! *Ba-doom-pshh* >_< I find my self amusing.

hum, i would tell you that it's vb.org's fault... the screenshot is minimized to fit the proportions of image width...

can you just stay on topic a little, so we have less spam... i will have to ask the moderator to drop all your comments if you continue...

milsirhc 04-04-2007 10:17 AM

Hi Nex,

I tested the deduction thingy and it's still not working =(

Removing of individual thread and posts worked perfectly..

but as I mentioned if the threads has post in there.. and admin delete the whole thread, the thread starter points get minus more than usual (she was deducted 0.5 (current) - (0.5 0.2) = You actually have -0.02 $ in hand!!!

Hmm.. what's happening?

nexialys 04-04-2007 10:28 AM

smoookey... damn, negative values...

did you update lately ?!... i thought it was ok with the new version, i will make a last check.

milsirhc 04-04-2007 10:29 AM


I can see a huge problem is that if a user keep spamming the board (and encountered a spam flood error), the points will still be given to the poster even though the thread is not physically on the board!!

I can see this being exploit by people who keep hitting the reply button.. man oh mannn!

milsirhc 04-04-2007 10:30 AM

yup, came home.. uninstall the version I have and redownload and install again. Setup everything from scratch but still having the same problem...

nexialys 04-04-2007 11:03 AM

for the spamming thing, can't do more... the hook is installed after the post is posted, this can't be controled...if you have spam floods, points or not you will have problems, i think it is not related to the system here...

milsirhc 04-04-2007 11:06 AM

hmm.. okay.. i just thought someone could have exploit this and get massive points a day..

any luck with the points deduction thingy?

Luky 04-04-2007 11:25 AM

Fine i wont post in this thread unless i must.

megamoose 04-04-2007 12:01 PM

Here's a little hack/mod to get the points to be displayed in the profile.

First: Goto the plugins section in your ACP and click [Add New Plugin] at the bottom.

Secondly: Fill in the fields with the information below:
Product: Nexia's Points System
Hook Location: member_complete
Title: Shows Points in Members Profile
Execution Order: 1 (or just leave it as it is)
Plugin PHP Code:

$userinfo['nex_points_hand'] = vb_number_format($vbulletin->userinfo['nex_points_hand'], $vbulletin->options['nex_points_currency_decimal']) . $vbulletin->options['nex_points_currency_name_symbol'];
Plugin is Active: Yes

Then click the Save button

Thirdly: In the ACP goto Styles & Templates and goto Style Manager. Then do this for each theme:
Select a theme and then click the dropdown box beside it which says All Style Options and then click Edit Templates.

Now in the listfield to your right, find the Member Info Templates item and expand it by double clicking on it. Then when the page reloads double click on the MEMBERINFO item.

When the page loads again, you should now see a big chunk of code. In it find:

                                                $vbphrase[total_posts]: <strong>$userinfo[posts]</strong> (<phrase 1="$postsperday">$vbphrase[x_posts_per_day]</phrase>)

Or something similar depending on how much hacking your forum has

And then directly below that last </tr> add:

                                                Points: <strong>$userinfo[nex_points_hand]</strong>

Now click the Save button.

This worked for me and I hope it will work for you :)


nexialys 04-04-2007 12:08 PM

Thanks Mark.. :)

i will add this addon in the release by the end of the day, so everybody can profit from it.. ;)

milsirhc 04-04-2007 12:11 PM

Thanks Mark for your contribution!

I'll set it up once Nex get the core running perfectly!

Deimos 04-04-2007 02:04 PM

If the ability to buy gifts for people, run the lottery, and do all the stuff that VBplaza allowed (Change name, title etc), then you'd be onto a winner.

blockbusted 04-04-2007 02:10 PM

I don't know if this has been suggested, but a good thing to add would be a donation option.

If you don't want to take the time to do it, I will be more than happy to code it for you and send it to you for the next release.

nexialys 04-04-2007 02:17 PM

@Deimos... these features are interesting, but not in my own plans... someone will have to code it.

@blockbusted... i'd be more than happy to see someone participate by bringing more addons like the one you suggest... the donations are in the plans, but not 'til i finish with the admin section...
(and debugging the points!)

Excal 04-04-2007 05:34 PM

Nexialys thanks for the work you are doing I would just like to say that. One suggestion I'd like to make if it hasn't been made yet is putting the amount of points a user has in the admincp when you edit a users profile so it can be edited by admin/supermods if need be. Kinda how post count or rep points are in there you can change them or whatever. Again thanks for doing this, I can't wait to see where this add-on goes. ;)

NaughtyStud 04-04-2007 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by nexialys (Post 1218448)
someone got a request for applying the points on existing posts and threads ?!

this will be done by the afternoon, with the Points Dealer (admin apps)

.. the Points Dealer give the admin a flexibility to give points whenever wanted...:

what action to perform: add, strip, multiply, divide
quantity, or value: X

choice of action #1:
  • apply on: everybody, members with more than, member with less than
  • than what: X points

choice of action #2:
  • apply on usergroup X (one usergroup per action - due to serverload!)

Hello, forgive me if I missed a followup post to this.I was wanting to know if this option was still going to be added.I looked through the options after uninstalling and installing 1.0.1 ,but I didn't find anything yet. ;)

nexialys 04-04-2007 05:47 PM

it is not finished yet... there was more work to be done than expected, but i'm working on it... actually, 75% of it is done and tested... SEE ATTACHMENT

also, i'm actually updating the release:

1- now you can edit users points in the AdminCP when you edit/add a user.
2- delete thread/post is now permanently fixed... no more tries on it!
3- will add more stuff later!

NaughtyStud 04-04-2007 05:48 PM

Thanks nexia, I can't wait and great job on this. ;)

paulvev 04-04-2007 06:08 PM

Looking forward to being able to view /amend points in Admin for each user. Brilliant mod!!Cant wait for any update!

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