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Jafo232 02-17-2007 04:25 AM

I doubt this will work with MU.. I also have fears that it may not work well with sub-domains either.

wottech 02-17-2007 05:08 AM

With the modifications I had done to vbbridge.php, it seemed I got everything to work just fine with the subdomains. And I looked at the files in the error I listed above. Ended up changing the name of the function in the functions_gallery.php, so that works now as well. I also had to change the name of a file in the vbbridge.php file (its now just registration.php in MU, versus registration_function.php). So it all looked like it was working decently. I got a post to go to the forum, so that was exciting. But, I think I came up with an issue I'm not can be worked around with MU... But you never know. That's where you guys come in :)

For each blog created, it creates new SQL tables, but they are just numerical equivalents to the standard tables (ie, wp_users is now wp_users, wp_1_users, wp_2_users, and so on). The mod adds the information just fine to the wp_XXX tables, but not to the numbered ones. Therefore, it doesn't seem like the user gets logged in to the blog. Any ideas on this one?

Jafo232 02-19-2007 12:24 PM

I am not familiar with WP MU at all, so I really couldn't help you there.

sovereign87 02-21-2007 09:29 AM

can i use this bridge with WP MU? i only want user integration (when you log in vb also logged in wp and sing up to vb also signed wp) is it possible with thisi bridge?

wottech 02-21-2007 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by sovereign87 (Post 1187351)
can i use this bridge with WP MU? i only want user integration (when you log in vb also logged in wp and sing up to vb also signed wp) is it possible with thisi bridge?

I am trying to do the same thing, but I have run into some issues. From what I can tell, each blog you create has a seperate userlist. This hack only imports into the main userlist. I've been busy the last few days, so I haven't been able to look into it any further though.

And if you look at the post right above yours, Jafo basically spells out that he is not familiar with WP MU at all.

miloheckport 02-26-2007 04:03 PM

This is a great mod - thanks. I have the mod installed here


The only problem I have is on the main index page it shows that there are no comments and when you click on the link to open the page it shows the correct number of comments. Any idea on what I need to change so that it shows the correct number of comments on the index page? I am using vbulletin for comments. Thanks

Jafo232 02-26-2007 04:28 PM

I can't seem to get to your site at all, so I cant be exactly sure.. If you are able to view your database, please check and see if the column vb_threadid was created in the wp_posts table.

miloheckport 02-26-2007 04:41 PM

Should be OK now.

jared85 02-26-2007 11:18 PM

Ok, I am about half way through the install.

Everything seems to be working when I post. It posts to VB correctly.

Now I am trying to work on using VB comments.

I started editing single.php.

I had to hardcode the paths in the vbbridge.php, however I am getting an error.

Fatal error: Class 'vBulletinHook' not found in D:\htdocs\personal\interwebgeek\forum\includes\cla ss_bbcode.php on line 2347

Any ideas?

Jafo232 02-26-2007 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by miloheckport (Post 1191244)
Should be OK now.

Did you edit the template at all so the new comments would work? It appears to me to be using the WP comment system.

I see it correctly when viewing a single post, however, on the front page it is not appearing correctly.

Jafo232 02-26-2007 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by jared85 (Post 1191512)
Ok, I am about half way through the install.

Everything seems to be working when I post. It posts to VB correctly.

Now I am trying to work on using VB comments.

I started editing single.php.

I had to hardcode the paths in the vbbridge.php, however I am getting an error.

Fatal error: Class 'vBulletinHook' not found in D:\htdocs\personal\interwebgeek\forum\includes\cla ss_bbcode.php on line 2347

Any ideas?

Umm, is your hook system on (plugin system) in Vbulletin?

jared85 02-26-2007 11:51 PM

Well I am new to VB, but I set the option to 'on' earlier but I still get the same error.
Is there anything else I can check?

Jafo232 02-27-2007 12:15 AM

Do you get this error without editing single.php? It could very well be your WP template setup is unfamiliar to me.

miloheckport 02-27-2007 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by Jafo232 (Post 1191528)
Did you edit the template at all so the new comments would work? It appears to me to be using the WP comment system.

I see it correctly when viewing a single post, however, on the front page it is not appearing correctly.

The comments are showing correctly on the main index page (my mistake for not identifying the correct area where the problem is happening)

This works> http://discussion.socalskateparks.com/news/

The comments are not showing correctly when you drill down to a category.

This is where the problem is > http://discussion.socalskateparks.com/news/?cat=1

jared85 02-27-2007 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by Jafo232 (Post 1191548)
Do you get this error without editing single.php? It could very well be your WP template setup is unfamiliar to me.

Jafo, all I have done to the single.php was insert the first part, like this...
PHP Code:

    <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
### Vbridge Call
$vbridge Comment_Handler($post->ID); 

I uploaded what I have so far. It is just the default skin that comes with the latest install of WP.


jared85 02-27-2007 05:43 PM

Were you able to tell anything from my files?

Bubble #5 03-01-2007 12:41 AM

What is the main difference between the author, contributor and subscriber settings? I would think that an 'author' is a contributor and a subscriber. Not sure about what any of the titles mean.

Also, now it won't allow us to login as the admin of wordpress (username admin) since we never registered as 'admin' through the forum. When we go to the blog and click on login, it now sends us to the forum, instead of the Wordpress login page. Same with register. If we log in as the forum admin it does allow us to login to the wordpress ACP, BUT only as a level 8 admin (when it's supposed to be level 10). So how are we supposed to login to Wordpress as the admin (level 10)? :confused:

Jafo232 03-01-2007 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by jared85 (Post 1192052)
Were you able to tell anything from my files?

Yes, I was able to tell that you didn't follow the directions in the readme. :)

You need to add the comment code that is in the readme file to use the comment feature.

Jafo232 03-01-2007 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by Bubble #5 (Post 1192991)
What is the main difference between the author, contributor and subscriber settings? I would think that an 'author' is a contributor and a subscriber. Not sure about what any of the titles mean.

Also, now it won't allow us to login as the admin of wordpress (username admin) since we never registered as 'admin' through the forum. When we go to the blog and click on login, it now sends us to the forum, instead of the Wordpress login page. Same with register. If we log in as the forum admin it does allow us to login to the wordpress ACP, BUT only as a level 8 admin (when it's supposed to be level 10). So how are we supposed to login to Wordpress as the admin (level 10)? :confused:

You can find the differences between each WP usergroup at the WP site. Each role has different permissions.

I have a feeling you did not follow the readme to the letter. You do understand that you cannot use the same admin username in WP and VB right? This is spelled out in the readme.

Once you activate the plugin, you never login or register with WP again, only VB.

Bubble #5 03-01-2007 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Jafo232 (Post 1193049)
You can find the differences between each WP usergroup at the WP site.

Actually they don't, at least I couldn't find anything regarding it. They just tell you about user levels (level 10, level 4. etc). I will ask on another site about what their main differences are.


I have a feeling you did not follow the readme to the letter.
You'd be wrong :D We specifically made sure that the username at WP was different. WP forces you to use 'admin' anyway so it really wasn't an issue.


Once you activate the plugin, you never login or register with WP again, only VB.
Which brings us back to our question... since we never originally registered as 'admin' through the forum, how do we log-in at vb with that username? :confused:

Jafo232 03-01-2007 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Bubble #5 (Post 1193339)
Which brings us back to our question... since we never originally registered as 'admin' through the forum, how do we log-in at vb with that username? :confused:

You don't. Admin is basically never used again. You should have mapped a VB usergroup to administrator. That user should have admin privis. If not, deactivate the plugin (just rename the plugin file), login as admin, rename the plugin to the original name, turn off integration, and remap the usergroups correctly.

Bubble #5 03-01-2007 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Jafo232 (Post 1193345)
You don't. Admin is basically never used again.

Well that's not going to work because only the original WordPress admin has a level 10 access! All other WP admins are only level 8 :(

So basically what you're saying is that by installing this hack that the main Wordpress admin (level 10) is removed? :confused:

Jafo232 03-01-2007 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Bubble #5 (Post 1193352)
Well that's not going to work because only the original WordPress admin has a level 10 access! All other WP admins are only level 8 :(

So basically what you're saying is that by installing this hack that the main Wordpress admin (level 10) is removed? :confused:

From what I understand, version 2.x does not use user levels, it only uses roles:



Note: The User Levels described in this article are replaced in WordPress 2.0 by Roles and Capabilities.

So being an 8 or a 10 is not relevant.

Further information follows:



WordPress Version 2.0 introduces the concept of Roles. The WordPress distribution comes delivered 'standard' with five pre-defined Roles: Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, and Subscriber. Each Role is allowed to perform a set of tasks called Capabilities. There are thirty Capabilities including publish_posts, moderate_comments, and edit_users. The Capabilities are pre-assigned to each Role.

The Administrator Role is allowed to perform all possible Capabilities. Each of the other Roles has a decreasing number of allowed Capabilities. For instance, the Subscriber Role is allowed just the read and level_0 Capabilities. One particular Role should not be considered to be 'senior to' another Role. Rather, consider that Roles define the user's responsibilities within the blog.

Bubble #5 03-01-2007 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Jafo232 (Post 1193359)
From what I understand, version 2.x does not use user levels, it only uses roles:

That would be incorrect. Firstly, they still describe using both roles and user levels on their site for the current version.


Role Name: Administrator



The admin that this hack imported is a level 8, not a level 10. There needs to be at least one level 10 admin in control at all times. We cannot just effectively delete the level 10 admin as you suggested that this hack does. We'd love to use this hack, but not at the expense of losing our level 10 admin account :(

Secondly, we tried to install another plugin the other day and we received the error: "Sorry, a user level 8 cannot make this change" so we know levels are still being used. We are also using a fresh install of their latest version (2.1.1).

Jafo232 03-01-2007 02:55 PM

You failed to read further down that page:

"Maintained for backward compatibility for Plugins"

The error you are getting is most likely from the plugin you are trying to install, not WP. The plugin needs to be updated.

I can install/uninstall any plugin on three different fresh installs of the latest version of WP. User levels are now deprecated.

The page clearly states:


Administrator - Somebody who has access to all the administration features

the role of Administrator encompasses every possible task that can be performed within a WordPress blog.

Greg-J 03-02-2007 09:33 PM

Does anyone have this working with VB3.5.x ? If so, were there any modifications involved?

Jafo232 03-03-2007 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by Greg-J (Post 1194439)
Does anyone have this working with VB3.5.x ? If so, were there any modifications involved?

It has been a while since I have used 3.5.x, so I cannot be a 100% sure. From what I know of the VB code, I see no reason why it will not work, but please report any problems.

Bubble #5 03-04-2007 06:28 PM

2.1.2 is a mandatory upgrade, as a cracker has altered 2.1.1's files. However when we went to upgrade and tried to activate this plugin we received this error:


WordPress database error: [Duplicate column name 'vb_threadid']
ALTER TABLE wp_posts ADD vb_threadid INT(10)

How should we fix this? :confused:

Also, we came up with a great feature idea if you'd like to include it in the next version. Since vB members are now automatically being subscribed to the sites blog, it would be great if their avatar also carried over. This way when they post a comment, their vb Avatar would also be displayed :)

Jafo232 03-04-2007 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Bubble #5 (Post 1195660)
2.1.2 is a mandatory upgrade, as a cracker has altered 2.1.1's files. However when we went to upgrade and tried to activate this plugin we received this error:

How should we fix this? :confused:

Also, we came up with a great feature idea if you'd like to include it in the next version. Since vB members are now automatically being subscribed to the sites blog, it would be great if their avatar also carried over. This way when they post a comment, their vb Avatar would also be displayed :)

All that error means is the column already exists. The plugin should be enabled at that point. If it really bothers you, delete the vb_threadid column from the wp_posts table.

sandrodz 03-04-2007 10:05 PM

can I use subdomain? like blog.flunkme.com for the blog? also do I have to change usergroup? can I use default vb name? like registered group?


Jafo232 03-05-2007 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by sandrodz (Post 1195781)
can I use subdomain? like blog.flunkme.com for the blog? also do I have to change usergroup? can I use default vb name? like registered group?


The script may experience certain cookie and/or session issues if using different sub-domains. I cannot tell you yes or no as I have not tested it in such an environment.

I do not understand your usergroup question.

cddw.ltd 03-05-2007 10:38 AM

Never Mind : got it working now :)

Bubble #5 03-05-2007 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Jafo232 (Post 1195685)
All that error means is the column already exists.

That's what we first thought, but we deleted the vb_threadid column from the wp_posts table and we STILL get the same error everytime we try to install a plugin :( The only way the error goes away is if we deactivate this hack before we install the new plugin. Using the latest version of both this hack and Wordpress.

Jafo232 03-05-2007 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by cddw.ltd (Post 1196117)
Never Mind : got it working now :)

Great, click install please, ;)

Greg-J 03-07-2007 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by Jafo232 (Post 1194637)
It has been a while since I have used 3.5.x, so I cannot be a 100% sure. From what I know of the VB code, I see no reason why it will not work, but please report any problems.

I installed and tested it and everything seemed to go fine until I logged out and tried to log back in. I would get forwarded to the URL entered in plugin manager as my forum unstall instead of the login rendering my wp admin completely inoperable. Regardless of browsers or cookies.

Let me know if you'de like my help in getting this running. I could really use it and will pay for the service of making it work with 3.5.4.

Thank you

Jafo232 03-08-2007 02:59 AM

When you install this plugin, you no longer login via the wp login, only via the forum. If you find yourself locked out (i.e., you didn't map the usergroups), just rename the plugin and that will deactivate it.

mikesz 03-08-2007 04:26 AM

Hello, I have got to the point where I can post to my forums and am now trying to map user groups. I can not find a default use, I have supermoderator, moderator, uses waiting for email verification and nonlogged users, nothing for logged/standard users, am I missing something?



mikesz 03-08-2007 04:48 AM

Hello, if this was a dog it would have bit my head off.. I was trying to add complexity where none existed. I thought the two columns were interacting with each other not realizing the they were all separate user groups. sorry for the trouble ... regards, mikesz

mikesz 03-08-2007 04:50 AM

Hello, if this was a dog it would have bit my head off.. I was trying to add complexity where none existed. I thought the two columns were interacting with each other not realizing the they were all separate user groups. sorry for the trouble ... regards, mikesz

btw, I am running the wordpress in a subdomain so I had to change the relative path in the script to absolute and the instruction worked great!

mikesz 03-08-2007 08:33 AM

I got everything set correctly I think and I can post a message and it gets posted to WP and VB like I expected. I mapped all the user groups and that appears to have worked but the login recognition is not working. I logged into the webmaster account on vb and called the blog and expected that it would know that I am a vb user but it does not. I can log into the admin account on WP but I thought that wp was suppose to know how the vb users are?

any ideas?

TIA, mikesz

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