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Kinneas 12-04-2007 12:19 PM

Nice hack!

Only problem seems to be with Firefox. I know this has been mentioned several times already but while the snow effects do display in FF they only seem to cover the immediate Window. If you scroll down they don't go further.

Has anyone been able to find a solution for this?

ericgray 12-07-2007 07:48 PM

this mod is officially f*cked up --

-- the only thing that works is the small pixels, and the ghosts.

what a mess.

MoJo Smirnoff 12-08-2007 12:46 PM

Got this working...but not on my CMPS home page. and yes, it's set to global. any ideas?

Tralala 12-08-2007 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by ericgray (Post 1396997)
this mod is officially f*cked up --

-- the only thing that works is the small pixels, and the ghosts.

what a mess.

LOL... opposite experience over here. Working just fine... perfect... every one *except* for the Ghosts!

m002.p 12-08-2007 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by MoJo Smirnoff (Post 1397362)
Got this working...but not on my CMPS home page. and yes, it's set to global. any ideas?

Yes, ensure that on every styles template "header", you add this code to the very top: ;)


<!-- Start vBGuides Season -->
<if condition="$vboptions[guidesvbs_onoff] == 1">
<if condition="$vboptions[guidesvbs_area] == 0">
<script type="text/javascript" src="season/$vboptions[guidesvbs_type].js"></script>
<!-- End vBGuides Season -->

If you cannot get the mod to work on your forumhome, then simply add this code to the "forumhome" template above "$header":


<!-- Start vBGuides Season -->
<if condition="$vboptions[guidesvbs_onoff] == 1">
<if condition="$vboptions[guidesvbs_area] == 0">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/season/$vboptions[guidesvbs_type].js"></script>
<!-- End vBGuides Season -->

In addition, to get it to view on other mods such as IbProArcade (the homepage) add the code above to the template concerned above the "$header" code :)

Lifesupporters 12-09-2007 06:27 AM

I'd love to use this effect but it's a nightmare in Firefox. Not only does in not scroll to the bottom of the page (as mentioned many times already) but it also flickers the bottom scroll bar as well which gets annoying fast to my members.

Can someone please, please, please provide a concrete solution that actually works in Firefox?

Many thanks.

MoJo Smirnoff 12-10-2007 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by m002.p (Post 1397550)
Yes, ensure that on every styles template "header", you add this code to the very top: ;)


<!-- Start vBGuides Season -->
<if condition="$vboptions[guidesvbs_onoff] == 1">
<if condition="$vboptions[guidesvbs_area] == 0">
<script type="text/javascript" src="season/$vboptions[guidesvbs_type].js"></script>
<!-- End vBGuides Season -->

If you cannot get the mod to work on your forumhome, then simply add this code to the "forumhome" template above "$header":


<!-- Start vBGuides Season -->
<if condition="$vboptions[guidesvbs_onoff] == 1">
<if condition="$vboptions[guidesvbs_area] == 0">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/season/$vboptions[guidesvbs_type].js"></script>
<!-- End vBGuides Season -->

In addition, to get it to view on other mods such as IbProArcade (the homepage) add the code above to the template concerned above the "$header" code :)

well, im officially stumped...tried all that, ensured my code was placed correctly...shows everywhere but on the CMPS homepage. Shows on forums home page, arcade...everywhere else

Dark_Sirius 12-10-2007 07:55 PM

Is there any way to extend the animation display for this mod? What I mean is, on my forum (http://www.m3forum.net/m3forum/), the animation only appears over the first (top) 1/4 of the forum home. As you scroll down, the animation dies out instead of extending itself to the bottom (footer) of the page.

Is there a way to modify this or no?

Jimandbob 12-10-2007 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Dark_Sirius (Post 1398764)
Is there any way to extend the animation display for this mod? What I mean is, on my forum (http://www.m3forum.net/m3forum/), the animation only appears over the first (top) 1/4 of the forum home. As you scroll down, the animation dies out instead of extending itself to the bottom (footer) of the page.

Is there a way to modify this or no?

Just a guess. Do you have it in your header template?

Try adding to your FORUMHOME template or to whatever template you wish it to show on.

Dark_Sirius 12-10-2007 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Jimandbob (Post 1398771)
Just a guess. Do you have it in your header template?

Try adding to your FORUMHOME template or to whatever template you wish it to show on.

I followed the instructions -- I am thinking it's a programming thing in the java files.

I have the following in my headers:


<!-- Start vBGuides Season -->
<if condition="$vboptions[guidesvbs_onoff] == 1">
<if condition="$vboptions[guidesvbs_area] == 0">
<script type="text/javascript" src="season/$vboptions[guidesvbs_type].js"></script>
<!-- End vBGuides Season -->

And the following in my forumhome templates:


<!-- Start vBGuides Season -->
<if condition="$vboptions[guidesvbs_onoff] == 1">
<if condition="$vboptions[guidesvbs_area] == 1">
<script type="text/javascript" src="season/$vboptions[guidesvbs_type].js"></script>
<!-- End vBGuides Season -->

m002.p 12-10-2007 08:39 PM


I'd love to use this effect but it's a nightmare in Firefox. Not only does in not scroll to the bottom of the page (as mentioned many times already) but it also flickers the bottom scroll bar as well which gets annoying fast to my members.

Can someone please, please, please provide a concrete solution that actually works in Firefox?

Many thanks.
Works fine with firefox for me. Try checking your FF JS settings....


well, im officially stumped...tried all that, ensured my code was placed correctly...shows everywhere but on the CMPS homepage. Shows on forums home page, arcade...everywhere else
Sounds to me that you need to provide a full URL to the JS file mate. In other words, for the code provided in each header template, change:


<script type="text/javascript" src="season/$vboptions[guidesvbs_type].js"></script>
To this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.myforums.com/season/$vboptions[guidesvbs_type].js"></script>
To recap, change all the instances of the above code to a full SRC. Check in your FTP browser to see where exactly the "season" folder is located. Then link to it as demonstrated above. Good Luck!

Martell 12-12-2007 01:24 PM

Thanks :up:

Jimboj79 12-13-2007 04:24 PM

excellent hack :) thanks

|Jordan| 12-16-2007 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by haris_led (Post 1131522)
Of course :)

Before making the template edits, do theese:
1) AdminCP -> User Profile Fields -> Add New User Profile Field
2) Choose "Single Selection Radio Buttons"
3) Fill in all required fields and insert two values in the Options Box: (seperated with a return)

4) Set "Default" to YES
5) Hit "Save" and memorize the name of your field, in my case it's "field8".
6) Now, instead of adding

<!-- Start vBGuides Season -->
<if condition="$vboptions[guidesvbs_onoff] == 1">
<if condition="$vboptions[guidesvbs_area] == 0">
<script type="text/javascript" src="season/$vboptions[guidesvbs_type].js"></script>
<!-- End vBGuides Season -->

at the top of the header, add this:

<!-- Start vBGuides Season -->
<if condition="$bbuserinfo['fieldX']=='YES'">
<if condition="$vboptions[guidesvbs_onoff] == 1">
<if condition="$vboptions[guidesvbs_area] == 0">
<script type="text/javascript" src="season/$vboptions[guidesvbs_type].js"></script>
<!-- End vBGuides Season -->

7)Also, instead of adding

<!-- Start vBGuides Season -->
<if condition="$vboptions[guidesvbs_onoff] == 1">
<if condition="$vboptions[guidesvbs_area] == 1">
<script type="text/javascript" src="season/$vboptions[guidesvbs_type].js"></script>
<!-- End vBGuides Season -->

in forumhome, add this:

<!-- Start vBGuides Season -->
<if condition="$bbuserinfo['fieldX']=='YES'">
<if condition="$vboptions[guidesvbs_onoff] == 1">
<if condition="$vboptions[guidesvbs_area] == 1">
<script type="text/javascript" src="season/$vboptions[guidesvbs_type].js"></script>
<!-- End vBGuides Season -->

You should replace the fieldX to the one specified on step 5 :)

Known bug: If i set from acp the default to YES, it does not show the snowflakes, but my users, must set it to yes from user cp, and save, to see them. Any ideas to make it working for all users, without having to enable it for the first time?

You can force it enabled to all current users by executing the following command on your database:


UPDATE userfield SET fieldXX='YYYYY'
Where XX is the id of the field you added and YYYYY is the default option.

|Jordan| 12-16-2007 01:00 AM

Snowflakes only display for the first section of the page. When i scroll down, they dont drop below. Is it supposed to be like that?

PepiMK 12-16-2007 04:02 AM

The add-on description says "Uses plugins", but that's not true, vbgseason.xml has no plugins defined at all.

Since I prefer a plugin over template edits (minimum of additional load, I admit, but makes it much easier to update; or to apply when you've got a dozen styles), here's what I added to make the template change unnecessary:

Add a new plugin, for hook global_complete, with the following code:

if ($vbulletin->options['guidesvbs_onoff']==1)
{ if ($vbulletin->options['guidesvbs_area']==0)
    $rplseason = "<body>";
  else if ($vbulletin->options['guidesvbs_area']==1)
    $rplseason = "<body>";
  $tempseason = "<!-- Start vBGuides Season -->\n";
  $tempseason .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="season/'.$vbulletin->options['guidesvbs_type'].'.js"></script>'."\n";
  $tempseason .= "<!-- End vBGuides Season -->\n";
  $output = str_replace($rplseason, $rplseason."\n".$tempseason, $output);

Btw, I see the same problem of snow flakes not falling when scrolling, that's why it's currently on my test forum and not on a live one yet.

(edit: small mistake in code above, no time to fix it immediately, was just a incentive to go plugin anyway ;) )

|Jordan| 12-16-2007 04:25 AM

I got both snow effects to scroll with the page (they go from top to bottom regardless if you scroll). I didn't make the code edits, just found them on a javascript site. I'm looking for other better javascripts for all the other effects.

Instructions: Extract the contents of the zip to your season folder.

fattony69 12-16-2007 08:43 AM

Does this kill the cpu and bandwidth?

tekguru 12-16-2007 08:59 AM

I know the option is in there to have the effects on the forum index page only, but for those of us running vBadvanced is there a way of showing them on that page only?

masterme 12-16-2007 03:43 PM

I have this nice mod now for a while, today updated it and still fine, but there is always a 'but'.
I use the small snowflake, but is there a way to make the snow fall a little bit more? Now I have 5/6 snowflakes falling reallys slow, but when I think of snow, I mean a little bit me than 5/6 flakes at a time on my screen.

Confined 12-16-2007 04:53 PM

is there one for christmas holidays?

|Jordan| 12-16-2007 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by masterme (Post 1402176)
I have this nice mod now for a while, today updated it and still fine, but there is always a 'but'.
I use the small snowflake, but is there a way to make the snow fall a little bit more? Now I have 5/6 snowflakes falling reallys slow, but when I think of snow, I mean a little bit me than 5/6 flakes at a time on my screen.

Yes, as with all of the effects, you just edit the corresponding javascript file.

To add more small snow, edit in "season\2.js" the line:

// Configure below to change number of snow to render
var no = 10;

Change 10 to however many snow flakes you want.

The variable differs in most of the javascripts, but its easily identifiable because there's usually a comment marking where to add more of something.

imprezion 12-18-2007 07:49 AM

I don't see the seasonal options when I goto vBulletin Options after I installed and uploaded.

anyone can tell me why?


imprezion 12-18-2007 07:51 AM

should I upload the product-guidevb_bgcolor.xml or vbseason.xml? thanks

imprezion 12-18-2007 07:57 AM

oops just got it working -) working on the forums..but not working on the vbAdvanced homepage. =(
I already added the codes to the template running on the homepage.

m002.p 12-19-2007 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by imprezion (Post 1403457)
oops just got it working -) working on the forums..but not working on the vbAdvanced homepage. =(
I already added the codes to the template running on the homepage.

Well thats no use as the code needs to be added to the "HEADER" Template to all the relevant styles ;)

Chachacha 12-21-2007 11:38 PM

This conflicts with the arcade.

|Jordan| 12-22-2007 01:06 AM

Which one? I have no problems with ibproarcade.

Chachacha 12-22-2007 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by |Jordan| (Post 1406558)
Which one? I have no problems with ibproarcade.


When someone is playing a game and a snowflake falls into the play screen, it messes it up.

|Jordan| 12-22-2007 04:07 AM

Snowflakes fall behind the game for me and dont affect the game in any way. I'm using firefox.

m002.p 12-22-2007 07:58 AM

Yes ^^^^ It shouldnt. Mine falls behind the game also ;)

support2142 01-01-2008 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by Shazz (Post 1126926)
Really lags forum and sucks up the bandwith -.-

Lags the serve?Based on personal experience this hack has not lagged the sever, unless you have a database server that offers free space. If you want a good website, upgrade or switch to a server that has plenty of space and bandwidth for the massive site you have. HaHaHa.

I'm only playing, but if you want to complain, give a reason that can be believable. This hack is so small it will not lag or reduce the performance of your website or server provider.

I have a couple complaints or suggestions, due to IE. I have a customized style, which your hack works perfect, but in default vBulletin style it doesn't show snowflakes properly. Many of my users agree that they see nothing, but X's in a box, dropping like rainfall. In IE under custom style the snowflakes are perfect, but in FireFox Browser there is never a problem with either styles.

Funny thing is, when I am in FireFox, the snowflakes are consistent in every style, but when viewing in Internet Explorer all styles are not consistent. Custom style in IE is perfect, but in vBullentin default style a snow flake shows up as a box with an X in the box. The box reacts as an raindrop on a window rather than a snowflake.

Any suggestions to my problem will be very appreciated. Thanks Brad

|Jordan| 01-03-2008 01:17 AM

It can't lag your site because it isin't server-side javascript; its client-side javascript. The only way it might lag certain user is because they have a dinosaur computer that can't handle movement on screen or a browser that can't fully parse the javascript.

montsa007 02-28-2008 07:15 AM

Installed :)

Livingstrong 04-29-2008 09:55 PM

I have been trying to upload it but it didn't work for me. I have 3.6.8 vBulletin version. D'ya guys think that this is the reason why it didn't work?

Mudo 06-12-2008 01:59 PM

when do you upgrade it.

GuaRRand 06-13-2008 12:07 PM

could you add a function that we can schedule the seasonal effects?
Most effects are for holidays... those holidays are already default in VBulletin calendar .. can you hook it up to that so it will automaticly load witches at haloween, hearts at valentine's day, snow at the beginning of winter etc... (maybe a sun also for summer?)

majordork82 06-13-2008 08:59 PM

I just installed this today. I am totally illiterate when it comes to these things, but this was actually pretty easy.

I also figured out, as many of you said, that if you rename a gif to any of the names and replace them in the ghost folder you can have any image you want :)

zombietom 09-29-2008 11:36 PM

any new images for this --i would like a zombie face or something like that

Antek 10-04-2008 06:49 PM

Thx 4 this mod, works fine with vB 3.7.3 under IE and FF

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