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-   -   Major Additions - Zoints LOCAL. Social networking, enhanced profiles, blogs and MUCH more (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=130946)

Zoints 11-10-2006 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by johnstires
I've been tweaking the styles to match my forum. It is getting there but I'm not sure how to do a couple of things. Is there a way to fix the page width? My forum is fixed and I want it to match. How do i remove the dotted line that is around all my modules?

I'm pleased to hear you're making progress :)

1. We're testing fixed width to make sure it doesn't break things. In the meantime, you can add padding to get much of the same effect. This thread explains how.

2. As for the dotted line, that just means you're in "editor mode". Go to the "Actions" dropdown at the top left then "view as" and select "normal". That's how everyone else will see your profile. Switch back to continue editing your profile.

Zoints 11-10-2006 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Roms
If you made a version that ONLY used my site I would even be willing to buy it. I don't like being dependant on another site, I like everything done Inhouse... If you made it like VBulletin is (you can customize it all you want as long as you keep the copyright) I know many people would be interested..

Thank you for the feedback Roms. We're continually evaluating our policies and ways we can help forum owners. I've PM'd you with some questions.

johnstires 11-10-2006 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Roms
If you made a version that ONLY used my site I would even be willing to buy it. I don't like being dependant on another site, I like everything done Inhouse... If you made it like VBulletin is (you can customize it all you want as long as you keep the copyright) I know many people would be interested..


I'd pay for a forum specific site as well that was branded like my forum but allowed my members to reach out to other zoint members and guests if they would like. I like alot of your functionality, but so long as it doesn't feel like my site, I'm not sure it's going to work.

I'm still playing around to see how close I can get things. I don't think your fixed width solution works as everyone's browser is different, so padding it won't fix it the same for everyone. Also, is there a way to repeat a background image just once across? I have a gradient into a solid color on my forum, but it repeats on the zoints page, which doesn't look good.

Finally, you say the header is simple to set up, but it doesn't recognize my phrasing etc. I have my navbar, PM box and search in my header. How do I get all that to work?

thanks for all the support on this, I really encourage all the work you're doing . Might not be there right now for my specific forum, but hopefully it will be soon.

Zoints 11-10-2006 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by johnstires
I'd pay for a forum specific site as well that was branded like my forum but allowed my members to reach out to other zoint members and guests if they would like. I like alot of your functionality, but so long as it doesn't feel like my site, I'm not sure it's going to work.

As much as I would love to take your money as my truck needs a headlight fixed, what you want CAN be done with this free solution. We'll get you there, don't worry.


Originally Posted by johnstires
I'm still playing around to see how close I can get things. I don't think your fixed width solution works as everyone's browser is different, so padding it won't fix it the same for everyone. Also, is there a way to repeat a background image just once across? I have a gradient into a solid color on my forum, but it repeats on the zoints page, which doesn't look good.

On the image upload popup, tick the "repeat" box to no:



Originally Posted by johnstires
Finally, you say the header is simple to set up, but it doesn't recognize my phrasing etc. I have my navbar, PM box and search in my header. How do I get all that to work?

thanks for all the support on this, I really encourage all the work you're doing . Might not be there right now for my specific forum, but hopefully it will be soon.

We're looking to write a nice detailed tutorial for the header stuff. If you're interested and willing to give me access, i'll set your forum header up and use the screenshots of the process in the tutorial. You get what you want, I get what I want, and community owners get what they need. Go go synergy ;) PM me if you're interested.

Roxie 11-11-2006 02:18 AM

Is there a way to make the default search local?

Zoints 11-11-2006 02:45 AM

Zoints Local 1.0 RC3 is now available.


2006/11/10: 1.0 RC 3
* Custom footer in admin area
* Ability to disable network join request PMs in settings
* Added Simple Editor mode (Non drag and drop)
* Ability to login as users for moderation/editing purposes
* Tons of bugfixes (open_basedir, various whitepages, xml bug, etc)

Upgrade Instructions

1. Download the new zip file and overwrite the existing files

2. After uploading the new files, access /z/install/manager.php in your browser

3. Click "Upgrade Zoints" and then click on "1.0 RC2"

That's it! :)

Zoints 11-11-2006 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by Roxie
Is there a way to make the default search local?

At present, no. However, a lot of people want that so we are going to implement a much better way of searching soon. I apologize for the inconvience in the meantime.

wizardan 11-11-2006 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by DChapman

We plan to implement a rating system as it is understandable that some communities don't want to have search query certain types of forums. Expect that in our first major feature release build.

I'm in for the duration then:)

MissKalunji 11-11-2006 05:38 AM

a bit lost someone mind explainning real quick?

pokerie 11-11-2006 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by MissKalunji
a bit lost someone mind explainning real quick?

Basically, it gives each user their very own homepage at your site through their profile. They can add loads of things. Take a site like mine for example, this will be really useful. We have event organisers who use our forum, they run events and would have their own groups of people and regular nights. This will allow them to have a free website address at www.poker.ie/username (for example, www.poker.ie/dublinpoker.

They will then be able to have an "events" page, a photo gallery page (soon) and even their own forum where users will be able to log in and join up to the main database increasing traffic to the site. Regular users, just poker players, could then have their own blog (which will hopefully be integrated with vblogetin.com soon, I've already paid $50 for that and it's the best VB blogging software out there by far) and keep a blog on their page too.

Users can also network with eachother, this could be great for arranging events and other such things or just for general chit chat.

The above are advantages my site can take with this, but you get the idea just how useful it is:) This and vblogetin.com together will be such a huge and useful new feature to us.

What's more is that this team of developers seem to know exactly what they are doing both in a management and coding way. I think at one stage there was 3 updates on this thread of the software in one hour. And what's more is they listen to everything everyone is saying. It's in everyones interest that this is the best it can be so it's great to see the dedication from them and all the other forum admins too.

There's a few reasons this isn't installed on my site yet. I'd like it to be more localised with the searching and ideally not having links in the navbar at the top, like communities. Like a lot of the other forum admins here, I want it to keep my users local and within my network. I understand some things are essential and that's reasonable. What's important though is that we are being listened to and searching will soon have the ability to be made local and a few other things are being worked on too so I think I'll just wait a few more days and see how it goes.

It's shaping up to be a great hack! Thanks to the developers again... and it's FREE:D

ShadowWeaver 11-11-2006 08:31 AM

i like the search function - but a dropdown with "search <local community>" and "search zoints network" would be great. So a user can pick the search he wants fast. most people don't look at hooks - sorry. :)

the only thing that is a bit frustrating is the fixed width of 100% - my site runs on 80% and i know that i can use the padding but thats not the same for every site.

But simple question. If i can edit the header and footer now - can i simply put the whole site into a table (how oldschool :D) and adjust it that way to my site? (edit: no - not working ^^)

the system is highly customizable - so great work here. i love it and my users just have a fun time searching the zoints network for some nice people. :)

Ah! i got one thing. Is it possible to get a WYSIWIG editor for it? the vbulletin one maybe??

keep up the good work. with the local version of zoints i am happy i could join the system and get part of it. ;)

Zoints 11-11-2006 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by ShadowWeaver
i like the search function - but a dropdown with "search <local community>" and "search zoints network" would be great. So a user can pick the search he wants fast. most people don't look at hooks - sorry. :)

Agreed. We have an improved version in the works.


Originally Posted by ShadowWeaver
the system is highly customizable - so great work here. i love it and my users just have a fun time searching the zoints network for some nice people. :)

How fun will it be when they can network with those people? :cool:


Originally Posted by ShadowWeaver
Ah! i got one thing. Is it possible to get a WYSIWIG editor for it? the vbulletin one maybe??

We pull what we call the "UglyWyg" editor from vBulletin. Pulling the full WYSIWYG would be very problematic. Are you getting some editing controls like smilies, fonts, bb codes and such? You should be.


Originally Posted by ShadowWeaver
keep up the good work. with the local version of zoints i am happy i could join the system and get part of it. ;)

And thank you! :)

johnstires 11-11-2006 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by DChapman

On the image upload popup, tick the "repeat" box to no:

This does not work. I have a gradient image that is 1px wide, so it needs to repeat. But not across multiple rows, just once across. THis is my code that I use in vb styles:


background: #B5B5B5;
background-image: url(/forums/images/custom/bg2.gif);
                background-repeat: repeat-x;

Also, with the padding solution, that does not work for a fixed width as everyone's screen rez is different, so padding does not fix a table. Is there a way in the .css to fix it?

I sent you a PM.

MissKalunji 11-11-2006 01:02 PM

wow thanks @ pokerie!! that explainned properly!

one last question am i centrelized in ANY way? i dont want to be link to zoint community at ALL....

vbreal 11-11-2006 01:41 PM

Installed this 3 days ago and loving it. the possibilities are endless with this.

pokerie 11-11-2006 02:02 PM

If anyone has installed this in between a header and footer, please link to it. DChapman, do you have any examples of it between a header and footer please?


wow thanks @ pokerie!! that explainned properly!

one last question am i centrelized in ANY way? i dont want to be link to zoint community at ALL....
No probs:)

In relation to the last part of your message. See I think that kind of defeats the prupose of the tool for the creators of it. They are giving it free and local in the hopes to get more people visiting zoints. I'm not sure, but I think if everyone isolated themselves completely, then this version would have no benefit for the owners of it.

It's unfortunate because it seems a lot of people want to remain central and not connected to the main site in anyway. This is a hard obstacle to overcome because it's nothing against the zoints website, it's just these people don't want to be linked through any external site, which is understandable (I'm one of them). But for what seems to be a great tool for our sites, it seems to be a small price to pay. I myself wouldn't have a problem with the option being there to search the zoints network, but I'd prefer local to be the default search option and I'd prefer not to have to introduce a new nav menu on my pages. Again, if this nav bar could be somewhere else, that would be no problem, in a drop down menu or something perhaps.

Perhaps for people like me, yourself, and the others who don't want to be so obviously linked, there's an alternative solution. We just have to think of it, suggest it and see if they will allow it;)

I'm not sure if our requests come across as rude and cheeky, hopefully not, but as they say, any feedback is good. Especially in the development stages.

Neutral Singh 11-11-2006 03:11 PM

My Goodness!! Zoints is a revolution!! I am loving it!!

friendly 11-11-2006 04:00 PM

Couple questions... Will this work on VB 3.6.3?

and... is there information about Zoints local that owners can post in their forums so members have an idea of what it's about? Like a generic Zoints Local FAQ or something.

It looks exciting. Thanks!

influence 11-11-2006 06:35 PM

how about me paying some money so that my site wont have anything to do with zoints as in linking back to it or me having to keep that zoint header menu?

this is the only reason why im not trying to put this on my site because I have a huge site and this might be a good way to help promote zoints. who knows he might be able to send out mails to everyone on the zoints network

so again, any paid version coming soon?

Dream 11-11-2006 06:42 PM

All you guys should register and discuss Zoints here


It would be easier to everyone instead of using one topic

MustangLisa 11-11-2006 07:28 PM

This is cool, thanks! I've installed it on a test board at www.MustangDanni.com/forums and will launch it on the www.BlackMustangClub.com forums once I find all the tricks. Thanks for all your work and support on this!

MustangLisa 11-11-2006 07:33 PM

Is there a way to send the member a PM when they have a new message via the comments?

I'd also love some of the other features, like local member searching by default (that's confusing to users when they see members not part of our forums). The ability to integrate with the forums header/footer/templates like PhotoPost would also be nice for continuity within the forums ... keeping the Zoints navigation bar, of course.


Zoints 11-11-2006 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by MustangLisa
This is cool, thanks! I've installed it on a test board at www.MustangDanni.com/forums and will launch it on the www.BlackMustangClub.com forums once I find all the tricks. Thanks for all your work and support on this!

Beautiful site Lisa, congratulations on your success with it. When you add Zoints Local to it, be sure to email us at big-boards@zoints.com so we can get you added to the Zoints Enabled Big-Boards directory on Big-Boards.com.

Zoints 11-11-2006 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by johnstires
This does not work. I have a gradient image that is 1px wide, so it needs to repeat. But not across multiple rows, just once across. I sent you a PM.

Ah, I see what you're saying. The trick (if you're using it for the page background) is to make it 1x2000 :) (PM received)

Zoints 11-11-2006 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by friendly
Couple questions... Will this work on VB 3.6.3?

Yes, we've received no reports of any issues with 3.6.3


Originally Posted by friendly
and... is there information about Zoints local that owners can post in their forums so members have an idea of what it's about? Like a generic Zoints Local FAQ or something.

We didn't write a pre-written thread for Zoints Local as we found that members prefer the forum owner to explain things in their own words. However, if you'd really like one, I'm sure we can make that happen.


Originally Posted by friendly
It looks exciting. Thanks!

Our pleasure :)

Zoints 11-11-2006 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by influence
how about me paying some money so that my site wont have anything to do with zoints as in linking back to it or me having to keep that zoint header menu?

this is the only reason why im not trying to put this on my site because I have a huge site and this might be a good way to help promote zoints. who knows he might be able to send out mails to everyone on the zoints network

so again, any paid version coming soon?

We're continually evaluating our policies so we can best serve forum owners. I've sent you a PM.

As for emailing, your member's emails are not and will not ever be sent to us. We respect their privacy, thus the great lengths we've taken with the privacy controls and notification preferences.

Zoints 11-11-2006 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by MustangLisa
Is there a way to send the member a PM when they have a new message via the comments?

That will be in the next build.


Originally Posted by MustangLisa
I'd also love some of the other features, like local member searching by default (that's confusing to users when they see members not part of our forums). The ability to integrate with the forums header/footer/templates like PhotoPost would also be nice for continuity within the forums ... keeping the Zoints navigation bar, of course.

I'm sure much of that will make its way into later builds :)

MissKalunji 11-11-2006 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by pokerie
If anyone has installed this in between a header and footer, please link to it. DChapman, do you have any examples of it between a header and footer please?

No probs:)

In relation to the last part of your message. See I think that kind of defeats the prupose of the tool for the creators of it. They are giving it free and local in the hopes to get more people visiting zoints. I'm not sure, but I think if everyone isolated themselves completely, then this version would have no benefit for the owners of it.

It's unfortunate because it seems a lot of people want to remain central and not connected to the main site in anyway. This is a hard obstacle to overcome because it's nothing against the zoints website, it's just these people don't want to be linked through any external site, which is understandable (I'm one of them). But for what seems to be a great tool for our sites, it seems to be a small price to pay. I myself wouldn't have a problem with the option being there to search the zoints network, but I'd prefer local to be the default search option and I'd prefer not to have to introduce a new nav menu on my pages. Again, if this nav bar could be somewhere else, that would be no problem, in a drop down menu or something perhaps.

Perhaps for people like me, yourself, and the others who don't want to be so obviously linked, there's an alternative solution. We just have to think of it, suggest it and see if they will allow it;)

I'm not sure if our requests come across as rude and cheeky, hopefully not, but as they say, any feedback is good. Especially in the development stages.

Thank you so kindely!

vprp 11-12-2006 01:49 AM

The one thing stopping me from installing this is also that it's still connected to Zoints with that navbar. I would be more than happy to pay for a version that would truly be local to my forum. With that said, Zoints local is a great step forward on this.

amnesia623 11-12-2006 02:01 AM

is there a manual for this so I can fully understand it?


Cocko 11-12-2006 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by DChapman
Not yet. Our next major feature release will allow for multi-language support. At that point, translation will be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the delay in the meantime :(

any news out for german language ?

xfaethorx 11-12-2006 06:47 AM

daft question but how much "talking back" to zoints central does this actually do?

most i've seen is my users user names appear in a centralized search with a link to the external site (being my page) because i have all the member profiles hidden locally anyway they don't seem to be able to get at any of the information on there.

I like zoints its excellent but I run a closed invite only forum and my members guard their privacy firecely and don't want their personal information broadcast across the internet. So how much info goes back to zoints?

finally from what I can see are you NOT allowed to modify the navbar? I.E add or remove buttons on it

Zoints 11-12-2006 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by xfaethorx
daft question but how much "talking back" to zoints central does this actually do?

most i've seen is my users user names appear in a centralized search with a link to the external site (being my page) because i have all the member profiles hidden locally anyway they don't seem to be able to get at any of the information on there.

I like zoints its excellent but I run a closed invite only forum and my members guard their privacy firecely and don't want their personal information broadcast across the internet. So how much info goes back to zoints?

The same exact stuff Google, Yahoo, and MSN are able to gather via crawling with their spiders. If they can access it, we access it. If they can't, we can't. Your members have extremely comprehensive privacy controls via the Privacy button in the navbar. They can show what they want to who they want.


Originally Posted by xfaethorx
finally from what I can see are you NOT allowed to modify the navbar? I.E add or remove buttons on it

Correct. Due to the interconnective nature of the system, there needs to be a small degree of standardization. If one state in the union didn't use road signs, everyone driving cross country through that state would get lost. We're working to create a virtual highway between communities. Forums 2.0 ;)

Zoints 11-12-2006 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by Cocko
any news out for german language ?

Multi language support will be in Zoints Local 1.1

Zoints 11-12-2006 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by amnesia623
is there a manual for this so I can fully understand it?

The start of our documentation can be found here. It is not a complete document at present.

xfaethorx 11-12-2006 07:12 AM

dchapman thanks for the reply :)

im looking forward to future versions , especially those with photopost gallery support :).

Zoints 11-12-2006 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by xfaethorx
dchapman thanks for the reply :)

im looking forward to future versions , especially those with photopost gallery support :).

My pleasure good sir :)

We're hoping to have support for PP in Zoints Local 1.1 (No promises!)

Cocko 11-12-2006 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by DChapman
We're hoping to have support for PP in Zoints Local 1.1 (No promises!)

more pleasure hoping it will be support for photopost pro ? :rolleyes:

MissKalunji 11-12-2006 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by vprp
The one thing stopping me from installing this is also that it's still connected to Zoints with that navbar. I would be more than happy to pay for a version that would truly be local to my forum. With that said, Zoints local is a great step forward on this.

i second this

harry1951 11-12-2006 12:45 PM

DChapman thnx for the fix in the latest RC. I succeeded in installing it now without any errors.
The only problem I have is that links are showing in the wrong way. The show up i.e. like this http://nieuw.mysite.nl/nieuw.mysite....d=1&g=contacts So the site url is there twice.... How can I solve this?

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