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rmxs 06-09-2006 09:17 AM

New Option: Ability to display the newest member on the list of online users (if the user is really online it won't display, so no double listing)

Its possible to display x last users???

Floris 06-11-2006 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by rmxs
New Option: Ability to display the newest member on the list of online users (if the user is really online it won't display, so no double listing)

Its possible to display x last users???

Nope, that would require a query and I want to keep this query-less. Feel free to make an addon :)

TomJames 06-14-2006 07:07 PM

This might be really good for starting a new site, certainly could be less of a pain than making new accounts + posts all the time :S, and of course you can slowly remove it once you get actual activity. Just take away some members per day, if you get some new members everyday no one will notice, and if they do just say 'Deleting some people who registered twice by acident'.

Anyway great work, I just hope people stop using it once it has kick started there site.

Floris 06-16-2006 09:31 PM

So far only a few people noticed that the test forum where I run it on has 10,000+ users online :D

speedracer68 06-17-2006 03:05 AM

Bummer! We work like crazy for our numbers and are proud to show them off. In fact, recently we had a big milestone and now, it's worthless. I might as well just go double it.

Floris 06-17-2006 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by speedracer68
Bummer! We work like crazy for our numbers and are proud to show them off. In fact, recently we had a big milestone and now, it's worthless. I might as well just go double it.

I disagree, without this modification this can be manually applied or admins can just update the template. This just make that easier. We didn't introduce this 'cheating', we just put the variables into a backend.

But thanks for your feedback and good luck with your community.

Zia 06-21-2006 05:00 AM

its nice...using it...
some requested feature:

-Fake User online .If the use name is registerd there nick could be linked with user profile.

- enable to show at "who is online"
- enable to list reg.usrs name show in "user visited today" block.

-If the reg. user log-out from forum there fake name will be change auto to another pre-defined nick.(kinda irc feature like BNC.)

please give a thought on it.

Thanx in advance.

ronaldmcky 06-21-2006 09:41 AM

how to install this help file?



rogersnm 06-21-2006 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Zia
- enable to list reg.usrs name show in "user visited today" block.

-If the reg. user log-out from forum there fake name will be change auto to another pre-defined nick.(kinda irc feature like BNC.)

1st. This hack does not support 3rd party mods.
2nd. What do you mean? I don't quite get you.

imported_Visions 06-21-2006 10:11 PM

Is there any possable way to put the "what's going on box" from forumhome into a center module for CMPS? Cmps already has a stats module on it but it shows the real stats. Kinda throws people off if you know what I mean.

Any help would be appreciated.

rogersnm 06-22-2006 03:02 PM

yeah, that should be pretty easy. If you not what code/template is in the stats module(i don't use cms systems) Then i can tell you what to add.

imported_Visions 06-22-2006 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by rogersnm
yeah, that should be pretty easy. If you not what code/template is in the stats module(i don't use cms systems) Then i can tell you what to add.

The stats module template is located in vBadvanced CMPS Templates>adv_portal_stats

Im not sure if you understood what I meant. The "what's going on" box is located on forumhome. If CMPS is installed you have a stats module that shows the real stats on the homepage. I wanted to import the "what's going on" box fron forum home page to the cmps homepage and that I could just disable the Stats module. The "what's going on" box on forum home shows the fake stats.

Also there is another module that shows the real stats. The who's online module. We really need to integrate this for CMPS users. I know this is not a supported mod but if someone could get it integrated it would make alot of users happy.

Any takers?

RFViet 06-23-2006 01:44 AM

If I don't want fake logged in user, what should i do ??

rogersnm 06-23-2006 04:00 AM

delete it

I will install vBAdvanced on my dev site tonight and work on your request

imported_Visions 06-23-2006 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by rogersnm
delete it

I will install vBAdvanced on my dev site tonight and work on your request

That would be great...would really make a huge difference to get it into CMPS modules

Good Luck and let us know when you complete it :banana:

jbd 06-23-2006 11:51 AM

currently this hack only seems to allow the dumping of fake posts in one forum category. Would be better and more realistic if you could assign a fake number of posts to any number of forum categories.

Also, incremental posts do not work. Once you've dumped the fake posts, real posts do not increment the post count for that forum category.

ruminet 06-23-2006 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by mcyates
I was thinking of doing that, but your only cheating yourself.

NO kidding - what the hell is the point of bolstering?
Are we that "board" with our lives?

Zia 06-24-2006 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by rogersnm
2nd. What do you mean? I don't quite get you.

Okay Let me explain:
example a registerd nick is : Human
i put this nick in fake onlie user.So now Human is now showing as online user.
If any one klik on this nick user will see this nick's profile.

And :Human nick is showing in online.When the original user will be log-in there will be no double listing.But when the original user will be log-out
the nick will be changed to Human[away] automatically.
means the users nick will be online as Human[away], untill the original user log-in again.

Replicators 06-24-2006 07:57 AM

Neat thing for this, would be a random amount of fake users every so often, and names keep changing. Also the fake users having a profile, not hard for people to tell it is fake. I had like 12 fake users, and 4 real users on the forum, for the members online there was only 4, so it wasn't counting the fake users.

Luggruff 06-24-2006 11:33 AM

what will the users say when the forum has gotten that bopost, and all of a sudden you stop using it.. and the statistics drops radiacally? ;S

rogersnm 06-24-2006 07:05 PM

Luggruff: decrease slowly
Zia: I would not use already registered nicks, if you want a mod which allows you to input names to the who's online just ask.
imported_Visions: Just got back from france, i will start tommorow.

Zia 06-25-2006 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by rogersnm
Zia: I would not use already registered nicks, if you want a mod which llows you to input names to the who's online just ask.

okai sir..asking u..can u integrate it?

aky 06-28-2006 01:21 AM

do the # of guest/members who are online change or is it alway a static # that i have to input?

rogersnm 06-28-2006 03:08 PM

What do you mean? The number of members who are online at that time. It automatically updates.

Gunshot 06-29-2006 06:52 AM

It works well....but when you click on a fake user it just takes you to the top of the page. It should show a "member has chosen blah...blah..blah.." phrase

index.php# is what I get

the phrases are installed but not working

and yes I did the simple edits......tried three different boards too

RedTurtle 07-01-2006 03:24 AM

I seem to be having the same problem some other users have written about:

For the currently active users area it shows something like this:

Currently Active Users: 24 (1 members and 23 guests)

I have the # of guests set to 23 so that is showing up correctly but I also have the # of additional fake active members set to 10 and that isn't reflected at all in the # of members showing up.

The code I put below is the part of the template that deals with that but I don't know if it needs to be modified in any way or not.

My forum is at http://medstudentz.com and I'd love to get any help that you can give me -- I'm really new to all this so apologies if I've overlooked something really simple. Thanks!


<a href="online.php$session[sessionurl_q]" rel="nofollow">$vbphrase[currently_active_users]</a>: $totalonline (<phrase 1="$numberregistered" 2="$numberguest">$vbphrase[x_members_and_y_guests]</phrase>)

Gunshot 07-01-2006 05:03 AM


I have the # of guests set to 23 so that is showing up correctly but I also have the # of additional fake active members set to 10 and that isn't reflected at all in the # of members showing up.


you have to set the value of "Amount of additional (fake) invisible users" to get the effect you want

"additional fake active members" only shows additional "active members" if you have that feature turned on

RedTurtle 07-01-2006 05:12 AM

Thanks so much!

Now is there any way to have the "Total # of users who visited in last 24 hours" to show the fake names + fake count?

Thank you so much for your reply!

SpaceStar 07-01-2006 11:03 AM

Nice way to cheat yourself :Dnot installed

Zia 07-02-2006 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by SpaceStar
Nice way to cheat yourself :Dnot installed

yeah..so was thinking to use it as a Bouncer (BNC) (An Irc featuer ,Like BNC)
When the user quit..nick auto changed to a away nick....when user login nick auto changed to real nick...
Alas...he dont know abt BNC n dont try to understand abt it

[high]* Zia quit[/high]

Shazz 07-02-2006 04:15 AM

It works ok.

Hemanth 07-02-2006 07:07 AM

Need a Real Change. Instead of manually entereing the Name of fake users online, use Users offline for Xdays. It's really helpfull & More powerfull..

Also in who's online add some threads & posts with the Fake members & Guests.

Then it'll be a perefect product.

We're ready for code chages if needed..


007 07-02-2006 04:11 PM

I wouldn't be caught dead using this hack. What a great impression to send to your members.. Lieing to them to get them to join. That's a bad reputation that will be hard to lose.. Don't you think that once your "new members" sign up and realize they were duped that they will be slightly upset? I would be. This is a very annoying hack that does no good for the vBulletin community. It's a shame to see that people are actually using it too.

This hack should maybe be renamed to the Enron hack or the Martha Stewart hack. :-D

rogersnm 07-02-2006 05:14 PM

If you don't like it then you don't like it. But you don't have to insult everyone else who uses it.

SnitchSeeker 07-05-2006 05:43 AM

Nice plug-in!

I like it because we delete all members who are inactive for more than 6 months with one or less posts. Thus, even though we show currently having over 13,000 members, in reality (if we hadn't deleted inactive users) we would have well over 60,000.

So I don't feel I am "cheating" by using it. But rather showing how popular our site really is.

albn 07-06-2006 11:19 AM

I tried this hack, and while this may be helpful for some, it does not work me. If somebody knows how to look, the stats are obviously doctored.

Thanks for sharing this hack though. It may work just fine for some.:D

RedTurtle 07-06-2006 11:22 AM

yea, I've stopped using this too because I can't get it to work with the "# of users online in the last 24 hours" mod...

if someone can get these two to work together, that'd be kickass.

antiekeradio 07-09-2006 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by 007
I wouldn't be caught dead using this hack. What a great impression to send to your members.. Lieing to them to get them to join. That's a bad reputation that will be hard to lose.. Don't you think that once your "new members" sign up and realize they were duped that they will be slightly upset? I would be. This is a very annoying hack that does no good for the vBulletin community.

spot on...

its actually the first really, really bad vbulletin mod I see. not because it doesn't work technically but because it doesn't work, period.

so, i'm skipping.. better luck next time :banana:

masterross 07-11-2006 10:02 PM


i use your hack to change only some stats:

i puted in:


// Fake Active Members
$fake_active = $vbulletin->userstats['activemembers'] + 1000;
$activemembers = vb_number_format($fake_active);

// Fake Online GUESTS
// Regular users will see Guest entries missing on the online.php page
$fake_guest = $numberguest + 1000;
$numberguest = vb_number_format($fake_guest);

$fake_total = $totalonline + 1000;
$totalonline = vb_number_format($fake_total);
$fake_max = $recordusers + 1000;
$recordusers = vb_number_format($fake_max);

and in:


// Fake Online GUESTS
// Regular users will see Guest entries missing on the online.php page
$fake_guest = $numberguests + 1000;
$numberguests = vb_number_format($fake_guest);
$totalonline = vb_number_format($fake_total);
// temporarly included to address a bug in vb?
$fake_max = $recordusers + 1000;
$recordusers = vb_number_format($fake_max);

and it works ok untill i reached "Most users ever online 1000+ "
now it's shown:
Most users ever online was 1,001, Yesterday at 20:26.
in forumhome

but in online.php is still ok:
Most users ever online was 2,042, Yesterday at 20:26.

can you help me where i'm wrong?


Muellmann 07-15-2006 08:27 AM

you had a great idea and i was happy to see such hack, but because
of a few bugs i considered to deactivate this product again.

it has a few bugs or maybe it's specially wanted to be such.
if i added a fake user to be online (in this case the admin who should be appear 24h online) and if i removed this user again it remains a semicolon before all
users like this:

Users Online
,Eric, Nataly, Sonja

what makes this hack in my opinion totally useless is the fact, that
the fake users are not clickable in the list
so everybody determines the fake immediately

i just wanted to be my admin always online something other i need not

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