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Dark s.s. Trunk 02-03-2006 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by nvhlinh

Problem: bold, glow,italic, color of username dont show in postbit (but it shows in profile). I have vB3.5.0 and ebux1.0.3

- Item Shop (gifts)
- Admin can see history of user
- History all transaction

Same thing here.. its like when you install the product its not editing the Templates fully... like coding is missing after its dun...
After that only other problem is still no numbers next to the points in the postbits

ChurchMedia 02-03-2006 07:37 PM

This is working great for me and my board. Lots of people using it with no complaints.

I wrote a new action that allows members to trade points for physical items (like a book or calendar). It PMs the address of the user to the site owner and a receipt to the user. The only downside right now is that you have to insert the data for the action manually. When CMX gets that part of the hack done, I'll release my add-on. If you want it now, PM me and I'll send you instructions.

[email protected] vbmenu_register("postmenu_889616", true); 02-03-2006 07:37 PM

would it be a good idea to contact the coders of v3arcade to find out about the hooks? I am definately willing to donate if you can pull this one off also...

Eagerly watching :)

ImportPassion 02-03-2006 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by HR3rdGen
Second, anyone know how to user glow in firefox, apparently only IE users see it. And my site has a large FF users base.

here u go, not an elegant solution, but it's a solution


PennylessZ28 02-03-2006 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by forumsoup.com
I installed the version 1.0.0 (from yesterday). How do I upgrade?

Simply upload all the files in the upload folder overwritting the orginal files. Then re-import the product and select allow over-write.


Originally Posted by 7thgenCivic.Com
here u go, not an elegant solution, but it's a solution


Thank you

samu2 02-03-2006 07:59 PM

OK my points are still disappearing.I get them when I post but as soon as I look at another thread or go off the page they disappear.This happens to everyone.

ImportPassion 02-03-2006 08:07 PM


Add an ACTIVE coloumn in eStore Actions List (yes/no)

caimakale 02-03-2006 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by saint@t-og.net
would it be a good idea to contact the coders of v3arcade to find out about the hooks? I am definately willing to donate if you can pull this one off also...

Eagerly watching :)

The developer of v3arcade has quit supporting his product. He did this with the last version too. He shows up...codes the project...gets people to buy his "premium support" and then bails on them. Maybe when vbulletin 4.0 is released we will see him again.

***EDIT*** The developer actually posted on his site today (finally) and says he is going to start bux fixes and a new version. Hopefully this is the truth...only time will tell...........

The Notorious 02-03-2006 09:23 PM

I guess this should have most of the old ucash&ushop features with some new ones, but not stuff like ban user or change names. Need to keep it fun, not piss off users.

CMX_CMGSCCC 02-03-2006 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by Frugal
Sorry to ask again but I suspect you missed it the first time. Do you have any plans to add the ability to buy the option to protect your title that you mentioned in an earlier post? Also if you do add that option can you also allow admins to lock titles either by user or group? Without this feature title wars will be unworkable on my forum but with those features title wars should be a lot of fun.

Even if you can't add those, thanks for the great work you are doing.


Yes, I will add an Immunity field in the future.

Also gifts is something I will look into as well.


Sooner95 02-03-2006 09:33 PM

Alrighty.. Installed. Smooth, no probs

First ran the Ucash Intergration, said it would take a bit, tho doesnt give you any indication its done..none the less after about 2 minutes I moved on.

I then changed the field from ebux to ucash...

All set, vbookie, store ect all using same points system.

Great work, looking forward to further updates with more items for store.

Red Blaze 02-03-2006 09:33 PM

Earlier in the thread, someone mentioned that quickly reply didn't add any points. Is that fixed? I may have misunderstood.

Mr Peabody 02-03-2006 09:34 PM

Thank you for adding the Theif action. :)

Dark s.s. Trunk 02-03-2006 09:36 PM

Is anyone working ont he few bugs posted here are are the few of us being ignored... now..
2 problems.. with perfect install: No Name GLows or colors etc in postbits but in profiles viewing, and no Digits next to Points on postbits...

CMX_CMGSCCC 02-03-2006 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by forumsoup.com
I installed the version 1.0.0 (from yesterday). How do I upgrade?

Just Upload all of the files in the UPLOAD folder to your forum's root folder again, then reimport the Product and choose Allow Overwrite to YES.

And make sure the template edits are done properly.


The Notorious 02-03-2006 09:40 PM

ok so this is no beta anymore?

CMX_CMGSCCC 02-03-2006 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Dark s.s. Trunk
Is anyone working ont he few bugs posted here are are the few of us being ignored... now..
2 problems.. with perfect install: No Name GLows or colors etc in postbits but in profiles viewing, and no Digits next to Points on postbits...

I really need access to someone's forum where this is happening so I can try to debug whats happening, can someone replicate this bug on a 'test' forums somewhere that I can log into and try to modify some of the plugins to display some print_r(...) outputs..


Dark s.s. Trunk 02-03-2006 09:40 PM

All i know is ive been at this all day ive dun it over 50x times.. exact to the installation files so i dun understand why in hell its not working and its got me in a really mad mood.

CMX_CMGSCCC 02-03-2006 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Sonikku
Earlier in the thread, someone mentioned that quickly reply didn't add any points. Is that fixed? I may have misunderstood.

Unfortunately not, it seems the Ajax is not running the plugin for newpost_process, I've posted a thread in another forum asking if anyone else knows how to fix that problem.


.Tim 02-03-2006 09:43 PM

How can I allow people to change the user title for admins? If you try and change the user title of an admin you get a protected user message. I don't want anyone protected.

CMX_CMGSCCC 02-03-2006 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by .Tim
How can I allow people to change the user title for admins? If you try and change the user title of an admin you get a protected user message. I don't want anyone protected.

Right now you will have to edit the action.changeotherusertitle.php file and remove the part that says...


        // you cant change an administrators title :p
        if (($touser['usergroupid'] == '6') || ($touser['userid'] == '1'))
                // display error, this user is protected against this action


Sooner95 02-03-2006 09:54 PM

the glowing names does not work in Firefox, hell never has.. that is a firefox thing.

Forgot to add..

Only thing I could see to add, that would be of use, is the donation link in ones USERCP..prob not that hard to do.. just have to figure out which template to edit..

Its not a big deal and certainly doesnt need to be done ASAP.

Not even worried about the quick reply thing.. if they want the points, then go advanced baby..LOL

@Dark ss.. no one is ignoring you, this thread is but 2 days old and is large..have some patience..dude has his hands full..

Only thing I can think of for you issue, is to check to see if perhaps other hacks on your board could be interfering with it. Maybe its a theme thing?? just throwing things out there..

.Tim 02-03-2006 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by CMX_CMGSCCC
Right now you will have to edit the action.changeotherusertitle.php file and remove the part that says...


        // you cant change an administrators title :p
        if (($touser['usergroupid'] == '6') || ($touser['userid'] == '1'))
                // display error, this user is protected against this action


Works perfect. Thanks. You rule.

Mr Peabody 02-03-2006 10:04 PM

Just a quick bug report.
Theif works great except when you have 1 bux you can still try and steal 100 off another user and if you fail it takes you into the negative.
I think you should be only be able to steal as much as you currently have :) I've disabled it for now.

Yeah shame about the firefox glow thing, too bad theres no work around.
Keep up the good work much appriciated.

caimakale 02-03-2006 10:10 PM

Can anybody confirm if this transfers the banked points into ebux? The system transfers the visible points from ucash, but it didn't transfer over the points from the bank.

Did this happen to anybody else?

I would do it myself as my site is very small, but it appears that the bank points are encrypted...any ideas?

CMX_CMGSCCC 02-03-2006 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Dark s.s. Trunk
All i know is ive been at this all day ive dun it over 50x times.. exact to the installation files so i dun understand why in hell its not working and its got me in a really mad mood.

Thanks to Dark s.s. Trunk, I have found the problem why some people it shows blank for the points field, it will be fixed in v1.0.4


CMX_CMGSCCC 02-03-2006 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by Mr Peabody
Just a quick bug report.
Theif works great except when you have 1 bux you can still try and steal 100 off another user and if you fail it takes you into the negative.
I think you should be only be able to steal as much as you currently have :) I've disabled it for now.

Yeah shame about the firefox glow thing, too bad theres no work around.
Keep up the good work much appriciated.

Good catch, I'll add that to the thief script for v1.0.4 too.


Dark s.s. Trunk 02-03-2006 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by CMX_CMGSCCC
Thanks to Dark s.s. Trunk, I have found the problem why some people it shows blank for the points field, it will be fixed in v1.0.4


Glad i could help.

zappsan 02-03-2006 10:18 PM

Just tried it out on my testboard, working great *thumbs up* :)

Just one question:
Is there actually an option to display the points in user's profiles or did I miss something?

CMX_CMGSCCC 02-03-2006 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by zappsan
Just tried it out on my testboard, working great *thumbs up* :)

Just one question:
Is there actually an option to display the points in user's profiles or did I miss something?

Not yet, I'm going to add this template edit soon.


evenmonkeys 02-03-2006 10:27 PM

I'd like to make three requests if that's okay. Consider them when you have time.

- Trade money for points via PayPal.
- Lottery System
- Thief percentage based on reputation.

CMX_CMGSCCC 02-03-2006 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by xYarub
I'd like to make three requests if that's okay. Consider them when you have time.

- Trade money for points via PayPal.
- Lottery System
- Thief percentage based on reputation.

The Trade real money for points via Paypal is possible, but a bit tricky and I need to do some heavy research before doing this, is there someone who already made a hack to do something similar to this?

Lottery System, good idea, I'll see if I can add one in the near future.

Thief Percentage based on reputation, how would that work, the higher the reputation the better chance of stealing, or the lower the reputation (the higher the scumbag...) therefore the better chance of stealing? :)


creedmaniac 02-03-2006 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by CMX_CMGSCCC
Thief Percentage based on reputation, how would that work, the higher the reputation the better chance of stealing, or the lower the reputation (the higher the scumback...) therefore the better chance of stealing? :)

If you put it like that...i'd say it would be a good idea to let the admin of the forum decide which way to do it

Makaveli105 02-03-2006 10:54 PM

I have a question, I changed my username color to Blue, and looked in firefox which i use all the time, and nothing changed. then i looked in internet explorer and it was blue. is it both username color and glow that doesnt work in firefox? or did i do something wrong here..

Sai01 02-03-2006 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by Makaveli105
I have a question, I changed my username color to Blue, and looked in firefox which i use all the time, and nothing changed. then i looked in internet explorer and it was blue. is it both username color and glow that doesnt work in firefox? or did i do something wrong here..

i assume it's a firefox problem... ucash/shop in 3.0x doesn't work with firefox either... firefox has more issues than IE... it's good to use but hell for programmer! that's why i don't use it. it blocks some simple java script sometimes... IE takes everything! works with everything!

PennylessZ28 02-03-2006 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by Sai01
i assume it's a firefox problem... ucash/shop in 3.0x doesn't work with firefox either... firefox has more issues than IE... it's good to use but hell for programmer! that's why i don't use it. it blocks some simple java script sometimes... IE takes everything! works with everything!

heh thats only cuase IE is not standard compliant. So all the bad code works great. :devious:

Ignignokt 02-03-2006 11:17 PM

When trying to steal money from someone and they don't have enough money, the error says you, the thief, don't have enough money to do so, where it is actually the victim who doesn't have money out of the bank to steal.

Sai01 02-03-2006 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by HR3rdGen
heh thats only cuase IE is not standard compliant. So all the bad code works great. :devious:

you're totally dissing on the guy that did this script/hacks or the dude that did ucash/shop for 3.0x...
:) basically you're saying they suck at coding...?

lordofgun 02-03-2006 11:50 PM

Incredible hack!

Would love to be able to see other users' banked totals in postbit or profile.

PennylessZ28 02-03-2006 11:55 PM

Can we develope add-on's for this? I was just thinking of a vbgallery add-on, allowing members to increase diskspace

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