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-   -   phpAdsNew Banner Ads integration (advertisements, classified ads, Adsense, etc.) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=100229)

Hialls 01-26-2006 11:21 PM

Very nice!

kahmeal 01-28-2006 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by Rukas
Have you managed to fix it yet?

Nope, still getting the same error :(

Rukas 01-28-2006 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by kahmeal
Nope, still getting the same error :(

Totally delete the friends plugin and reinstall it from scratch, it fixed the problem for me.

Trana 01-29-2006 09:26 PM

I have phpadsnew running on 2.0.7. I installed this xml hack, made the changes in the Server Optimization console:

http://mysite/banner/ (this is what I am using for the location)

And now whenever I try and add the <ad> tag, I get this error message:

xmlrpcval: not a scalar type ()
Fatal error: Call to a member function scalarval() on a non-object in c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\forum\includes\lib-xmlrpc.inc.php on line 729

Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

EdQ 01-31-2006 12:11 PM

Thanks, just installed it. Works great!

Trana 01-31-2006 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by Trana

xmlrpcval: not a scalar type ()
Fatal error: Call to a member function scalarval() on a non-object in c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\forum\includes\lib-xmlrpc.inc.php on line 729

Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

Does anyone have any suggestions?


fzzzt 02-01-2006 07:53 PM


I just installed this plugin a couple days ago. It seems to work, but for some reason the get variable separator (&) is getting translated into "&amp;" when displayed on a page. This prevents the picture from displaying, of course, since the URL is now something like "adimage.php?filename=blahg&amp;contenttype=gi f". I haven't been able to figure out where this is happening or a way to stop it...anyone know what might cause this? I've played with the htmlspecialchars() calls in the XML file but that didn't seem to help any.


Trana 02-02-2006 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by Trana
Does anyone have any suggestions?


I figured this out. For some reason it is not accepting my URL, but the path works fine.

Tru2Chevy 02-03-2006 12:51 AM

After editing the following line of the config.inc.php file:

$phpAds_config['compatibility_mode'] = true;

to reflect true instead of false, I get directed to the upgrade section of PAN, and then when I try to manually type the login page (http://www.mysitenamehere.com/phpAds/admin/index.html) I get a 404 - Not Found.

The reason that I edited that line was because of a database error I was receiving when attempting to use the <ad /> tag in the header template.

The user "Jiggles" had the same issue (back on page 8), and he was refered to the PAN forums (Which I have already posted in here).

I just wanted to know if anyone else had this problem and managed to fix it.

- Justin

fortnox 02-06-2006 05:22 PM


First thanks for this hack.

My Question is, how can i put 3 banners ( 3 different banners) with ad tag in one line on header?

Can me anybody help please?

Pulsorock 02-06-2006 06:50 PM

Just in case anyone using MaxMediaManager is interested. I tried to use this plugin with MaxMediaManager 0.1.x (based mostly on phpAdsNew). It didn't work, but at least I got no error message.

I installed the plugin and edited the path in the settings. I created a zone in MMM and in the invocation code was:
PHP Code:

if (@include(getenv('DOCUMENT_ROOT').'/maxmediamanager/phpadsnew.inc.php')) {
        if (!isset(
$phpAds_context)) $phpAds_context = array();
$phpAds_raw view_local (''2100'_blank''''0'$phpAds_context);

Then on one of my templates I added the following code:

<ad what="zone:21" />
Where 21 was the zoneid of this new zone I created.

When I go to the page, this is what I see:

Anf if I look at the resulting HTML code, this is what I see:

<!-- BEGIN ad 1685741398 -->http://www.pulsorock.com/banners/mediumrectangle_hrc_corporate_youknow.jpg?8a4481c4dc<!-- END ad 1685741398 -->
So in conclusion, at the moment the plugin does not work on MMM...

I think I'll continue using the JS invocation. If anyone has any other idea, feel welcome to share it. ;)

cmiller1014 02-11-2006 05:23 AM

Same problem as these guys.... is there a fix?


Originally Posted by shunx91
Hi Guys,

I got this message when I tried to modify my templates:

Warning: view_ad(/home/web/clubwrx.net/public_html/forums/includes/lib-xmlrpc-class.inc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /includes/init.php(292) : eval()'d code on line 68

Can someone please help me out? I tried to upload those two files in the directory but I got a "permission denied" message.

Exernon 02-11-2006 12:16 PM

Installed and rated it 5 star!

Absolutely a great hack!

Pulsorock 02-11-2006 01:26 PM

It would be possible to make a similar hack like this that works correctly with MaxMediaManager 0.1.x?

Thanks! :)

ianskate 02-12-2006 09:46 PM

I just tried it on 3.5.3, and had no luck. I get a blank page when trying to save the template, but it never actually saves it. I tried a few times with other options enabled and disabled. I tried changing the path to both the absolute path and path with my hostname as a URL instead.

When I tried the hostname and URL, I got the error above, that the others have been describing. When I use local, I get no error, but I am spit to a blank page with no data, and the template is obviously not saved. (Viewing history and page source)

Could that be a possible problem that I'm using 3.5.3? Is it supposed to be supported, or will it be soon?

DannyITR 02-13-2006 02:13 PM

I have a question not immedaitely related to this hack but I cannot track clicks with a flash banner and phpadsnew even if I select the option to check for hard-coded links inside the Flash file. I get skewed results and something like 1/10th of the clicks are actually recorded. Is this related to the banner code itself?

dutchbb 02-13-2006 10:18 PM

I have discovered a problem. The ads show but the target URL directs to: "http://forum.mydomain.com/adscript"

instead of "http://www.mydomain.com/adscript" where it should go.

Any way to fix this problem?

nexus851 02-14-2006 02:48 AM

How do you uninstall this? because there is no uninstall code in the product manager section...

Im moving my server and this hack is what is causing problems with my server move, so anyone know how to uninstall this without causing any vb errors?

nexus851 02-14-2006 08:40 AM

How the hell do u uninstall this???????? crashed by board with a FATAL ERROR when you uninstall this... anyone, please help..

PHP Code:

Fatal errorCall to undefined function: view_ad() in /home/lendinge/public_html/forum/global.php(528) : eval()'d code on line 6 

Pulsorock 02-14-2006 01:34 PM

I think you can uninstall it in the same place you installed it. Control Panel > Plugin System > Manage Products. There you can delete it.

dc1pop 02-14-2006 02:21 PM

Works great on my vb 3.5.3 board!

Thanks :D

Saves all the Java code i was using!!

Trana 02-14-2006 03:44 PM

Two questions...

Does anyone know of an invocation code or something that will display ALL of the banners (either all or all from a campaign)? Sort of like a "Sponsored By" page....

Does anyone know of a way to display banners as thumbnails? I.E. I'd like to dynamically resize them to fit in certain areas of my board.

Thanks in advance to anyone that can help!

The M.I.P. 02-15-2006 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by nexus851
How the hell do u uninstall this???????? crashed by board with a FATAL ERROR when you uninstall this... anyone, please help..

PHP Code:

Fatal errorCall to undefined function: view_ad() in /home/lendinge/public_html/forum/global.php(528) : eval()'d code on line 6 

Select "Uninstall" from the dropdown menu in AdminCP->Manage Products->phpAdsNew Integration

Don't forget to remove any occurences of the ad-tag in your templates, else the compiled template still tries to call the view_ad() function.


Originally Posted by Triple_T
I have discovered a problem. The ads show but the target URL directs to: "http://forum.mydomain.com/adscript"

instead of "http://www.mydomain.com/adscript" where it should go.

Any way to fix this problem?

Did you explicitely set your URL in phpAdsNew's config.inc.php ($phpAds_config['url_prefix'])?

dutchbb 02-15-2006 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by The M.I.P.
Did you explicitely set your URL in phpAdsNew's config.inc.php ($phpAds_config['url_prefix'])?



// The URL to your phpAds-installation
$phpAds_config['url_prefix'] = 'http://www.dutchbodybuilding.com/adserver';
The banner images show, but the target url's go to my forum subdomain.

OrionDesigns 02-16-2006 06:18 PM

I get the following when I try to insert my innvoation code into my header template:


The following error occurred when attempting to evaluate the template 'header':

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /home/oriongra/public_html/forum/includes/adminfunctions_template.php(3532) : eval()'d code on line 13

This is likely caused by a malformed conditional statement.
Here is my innvocation code itself:

if (@include('/home/oriongra/public_html/forum/phpadsnew/phpadsnew.inc.php')) {
if (!isset($phpAds_context)) $phpAds_context = array();
$phpAds_raw = view_raw ('zone:1', 0, '', '', '0', $phpAds_context);
echo $phpAds_raw['html'];
Any ideas?

stefaandk 02-19-2006 10:09 AM

Thanks for this mod, I've installed it on 3.5.3 and had no issues so far.


Citizen 02-19-2006 04:10 PM

Does this hack use javascript at all? What actual code does it use for invocation?

Bhuwan 02-20-2006 06:23 PM

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: view_ad() in /index.php(488) : eval()'d code on line 139

this is with the hack UNINSTALLED!

The Realist 02-28-2006 07:52 PM

Cant get it to work at all :(

dutchbb 03-01-2006 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by Triple_T

The banner images show, but the target url's go to my forum subdomain.

Can I get a little help here


The Realist 03-01-2006 12:33 PM

Cant get anything to show in my header template using the supplied code.


dutchbb 03-01-2006 02:19 PM

I imported the plugin 1.0.3 and now my whole board and admin cp show this error:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: view_ad() in /home/xch1295/domains/domain.com/public_html/forum/global.php(512) : eval()'d code on line 23
Can someone help please?

dutchbb 03-01-2006 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Triple_T
I imported the plugin 1.0.3 and now my whole board and admin cp show this error:

Can someone help please?

Ok solved...

Bad code in the database caused by a server timeout.

bonjurkes 03-01-2006 10:33 PM

i installed the phpadsnew

i installed it to mysiteaddress.com/phpadsnew

my forum is at mysiteaddress.com/forum

what must i write to that Location of phpAdsNew ??

also there is lib-xmlrpc.inc.php file and lib-xmlrpcs.inc.php in libraries folder.

I couldnt find ib-xmlrpc-class.inc.php file.

at phpadsnew there is a section like Allowed invocation types

Do i need to click Allow Remote Invocation and Allow Remote Invocation using XML-RPC from settings?

The Realist 03-02-2006 07:49 AM

Path /phpadsnew

The lib files are in /misc/samples/xmlrpc/php files are in this php folder.

Could try ticking the settings M8, can always untick them later on.



Originally Posted by bonjurkes
i installed the phpadsnew

i installed it to mysiteaddress.com/phpadsnew

my forum is at mysiteaddress.com/forum

what must i write to that Location of phpAdsNew ??

also there is lib-xmlrpc.inc.php file and lib-xmlrpcs.inc.php in libraries folder.

I couldnt find ib-xmlrpc-class.inc.php file.

at phpadsnew there is a section like Allowed invocation types

Do i need to click Allow Remote Invocation and Allow Remote Invocation using XML-RPC from settings?

bonjurkes 03-02-2006 10:59 PM

i made a test advertisement for my forum

i open header and add the code

<ad what="zone:1" />

when i click save i got an db error :

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.3:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT title, styleid
FROM template
WHERE templateid = 455;

MySQL Error : Table '*_phpadsnew.template' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Date : Thursday, March 2nd 2006 @ 04:55:07 PM
Script : http://www.*.com/testvb/admincp/template.php
Referrer : http://www.*.com/testvb/admincp/temp...g=&expandset=1
IP Address : *
Username : bonjurkes
Classname : vb_database

I installed phpadsnew to a different db (i create a new one for it) where can i set it to use proper db? Because i think it tries to find proper tables under forum's database...

Floris 03-02-2006 11:57 PM

Why is this not a .zip file attached to the first post?
Why do I need to enter phpbb is nice, rediculous to ask this from customers of vb!

This totally doesn't work on my 3.5.4 installation, spend an hour on this.

bonjurkes 03-03-2006 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by Floris
Why is this not a .zip file attached to the first post?
Why do I need to enter phpbb is nice, rediculous to ask this from customers of vb!

This totally doesn't work on my 3.5.4 installation, spend an hour on this.

i installed it and the only problem i am having is phpadsnew trying to connect its db from my forum's db, if i can make it connect to its own db everything will be fine i think...

markbolyard 03-03-2006 12:03 AM

I have nothing to do with this plugin, but I can vouch that I have sucessfully installed this for several people in this thread without 1 of the above mentioned problems (VB 3.5.3). It was harder installing and configuring phpadsnew itself than to install and get this plugin to work... I'm going to upgrade to 3.5.4.......I'll let you know if there are any problems...

Great product M.I.P, thank you!

stefaandk 03-04-2006 04:23 AM

I've upgraded 3.5.3 to 3.5.4 today and all my banners are still working OK.

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