toolblast |
09-17-2006 03:56 AM |
Originally Posted by DementedMindz
WoW the must be one nice profile comments hack for that price. I would have went to the whole vS-Interactive Profiles via Psionic Vision much easier then paying 300 when you could have paid $34.99 for the whole thing...
Well there was a list of things that I wanted done originally. We ended up just picking a few that he could do for the $300. He decided he wanted to do a profile comments hack, and an events hack. The events hack lets people register an event (similar to facebook), and people can 'RSVP' and it shows who's coming. I have it all documented, even with mockups. Gio was given this at the end of July. He finished the comments hack and sent it to me, then this issue of him being away began. I have numerous e-mails from him stating he will have a beta of the event mod done, that he's working on it, that it will be finished. And it is now September 17th and Gio's saying he can't finish it? All I get is a profile comments hack that isn't working properly, for $300? Thats not cool dude.
Update: It is 1:40AM, I'm going to sleep. No e-mail or response yet. Gio, please e-mail me, I'll check in the morning.