Mephisteus |
05-13-2006 03:21 PM |
Originally Posted by Zachery
Titles mean nothing, there are people on this site who have released incrediblily well thought out and developed mods, and they will only ever releaase one, a title is nothing more than a shiney badge. Somehow I'm an advanced coder here Dunno how that happenend.
Because you made and released hacks that were liked? The badge is earned, therefor it means something. If a lot of badges were to get up and leave it would suddenly become a very nice badge to have indeed. A title is a tribute to what you have accomplished, don't say its nothing.
Originally Posted by Zachery
So trying to concenctrate on the other 99% of the community instead of the one or two users who are leaving?
No, just don't ignore or beat down the ones that are leaving.
Originally Posted by Zachery
Ah, see, I think the coders who do actively work and release stuff do deserve celbration, but its not going to happen when they are trying to make a sence.
Not quite sure what you are saying there. I am just assuming that that last word is supposed to be 'scene'.
People stand up for what they want, they will say it and just leave if it doesn't happen. Explaining why is basically showing respect to people by not just disappearing, and allowing for some discussion to come up to resolve the issue.
Originally Posted by Zachery
I'm here and was here and at vBT as a coder, and user before I was staff. I have the utmost respect for the coders. The people who actively contribute to this site and want nothing more back than the praise of the people they work for. I see coders as people who develop hacks for their own needs, not for praise.
Some people make em for praise, most for their own needs (which is not quite true, they started for their own needs but proper documentation + support is not for yourself, but for others) or completely for someone else's need. The coders here aren't selfish, if they were, well, they wouldn't be here.
Originally Posted by Zachery
On the subject of users leaving, everytime one person leaves, a few more will come and take their place. This has never changed, you leave today, tomorrow a new coder will start and get reoniczed etc. I'm sorry that you feel you need to leave the community, but thats your choice, your mind is made up and theres nothing that can stop you.
If enough people get up and leave it won't go back to what it was. It'll leave a scar, simple as that. The new coders won't show up for quite a while since they will see what happened or hear about and procedingly (if the reasons are good enough) steer clear.
I have seen attitudes like yours wreck things before, and not just sites.