02-26-2006 05:20 PM |
Originally Posted by LJR
The support you are giving this product is excellent!
Here is some feedback I had from a Mac user on my site
Any suggestions anyone?
Hmm, it uses the same code as the 'Search' drop down menu's, I wonder what could be wrong, I dont have a Mac to test on though :/
Originally Posted by LJR
I get something similar. I have two gifts, but only the last one displays in the postbit. If you want admin access I am happy to give it you temporarily. Just pm me.
The gifts system is being redone as per many requests in v1.2.2, stay tuned!
Originally Posted by Smiry Kin's
just wondering, where do the tax'is go?? could ya make em go into a lottery system or something?... or to a user?
For right now they just go into a federal holding, more features will arise with time.
Originally Posted by RDX1
Still seems the cron is messed up for birthdays, no one is getting points.
I'm unable to replicate this problem. Remember u cant change ur birthday to get more points because once u've been awarded points once, it will not give u points until another 364 days go past. And the users will not receive a PM as that could be too many PM's.
Originally Posted by ZGeek
I'm having a huge problem with the purcahse unlimted reputation", members who bought it can now give 100 rep each go instead of their usual limit. Is there anyway to disable this? Even when I remove it from the store it's still active.
I'm moving the hook location that should fix this problem.
Originally Posted by effectica
Hi all and thank you CMX_CMGSCCC for this, fantastic job.
I have a little problem with this mod where I have users cheating.
Basically I have some users using the "points per characters in post" to earn money very fast. When they make a thread or reply to a post, they paste a very long text ( +4000 characters), submit it and then quickly edit it to make it return to a normal reply.
Once they submit their post, the characters get counted and they can get 200-300 points per post even if after they edited the post there is maybe just a smilie in what they wrote. Using this system members can buy all the store items in one day. :ermm:
Currently I have the "characters per post" reward set to 0.01, and I know a solution to stop these users cheating would be to set it to 0. But this would not be ideal for obvious reasons.
Does anybody know if this can be fixed somehow?
Thank you for taking the time to read this
Unfortunately there is no known way to know how many characters the old post was I think, but I'll look into something that could eradicate this issue.
Originally Posted by Loco.M
disable post editing for that usergroup ?
Can I make a good suggestion..
add a preview of what the user name and title will look like ... please :D
phpbb2 had this in their shop points mod...
this was users can change their color and not have to go find a post to see what they now look like....
please think about this... i think it's great :D..
LoL, its on the todo list.
Originally Posted by hornstar1337
you have a spelling mistake here
Senior Member Age
Enter the age your user's have to be before receiving the Senior Discount Percenage below. (Default is 55.)
also for some of the other ones you should also state what figure the user should put to disable it (for example, 0 to disable, or something like that.)
Thanx will be fixed in v1.2.2
Originally Posted by jilly
Loading new gifts into the gift function - when new gifts are uploaded into the gift directory, they are displayed in the drop down box in the order they have been added to the directory - is there a way to make them all appear alphabetically in the drop down, regardless of when they were added?
I'll add a fix for this in v1.2.2
NOTE TO ALL ABOUT THE GIFTS: The fix that EVERYONE is wanting is coming soon!