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Warlord 12-28-2004 01:31 AM

Any plans for more actions to be added to the ushop?

I'd like to give my members more things to buy with their points as they rack them up very quickly in the vBookie.

I'd like to see:

Midi Song in Profile
Expiration of all actions... (i.e. Name is no longer bold after X amount of days, etc)
Interest made when money is in the bank.
Loans, with interest from the bank.
Create a Forum (In a designated category only and would expire after X amount of days)
- Mod the forum you created (costs extra)
Integration with the Quiz Hack (by TWTCommish I think?) (earn pts for each question answered correctly, lose pts for incorrect answers)

And any other good suggestions anyone else has.

Zachery 12-28-2004 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by Warlord
Any plans for more actions to be added to the ushop?

I'd like to give my members more things to buy with their points as they rack them up very quickly in the vBookie.

I'd like to see:

Midi Song in Profile
Expiration of all actions... (i.e. Name is no longer bold after X amount of days, etc)
Interest made when money is in the bank.
Loans, with interest from the bank.
Create a Forum (In a designated category only and would expire after X amount of days)
- Mod the forum you created (costs extra)
Integration with the Quiz Hack (by TWTCommish I think?) (earn pts for each question answered correctly, lose pts for incorrect answers)

And any other good suggestions anyone else has.

Any suggestions should be posted at Geekydesigns.com, both me and matt have given up trying to track suggestions and bugs though vBulletin.org

Sai01 12-28-2004 02:16 AM

nevermind i got it to work now, thanks...

it seems that functions.php have a problem when editing in dreamweaver.

well thanks for the hack!

Sai01 12-28-2004 04:53 AM

i have a few question

take a look at my screen shot.

the question is, how do i change the "Points" to "Cash"?
and also i want to place it under the post count.
how, and where can i do it?

one last one...how and where can i edit the store "welcome message."?

thanks in advance.

fly 12-28-2004 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by Warlord
Interest made when money is in the bank.

That is already an option.

Zachery 12-28-2004 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Sai01
i have a few question

take a look at my screen shot.

the question is, how do i change the "Points" to "Cash"?
and also i want to place it under the post count.
how, and where can i do it?

one last one...how and where can i edit the store "welcome message."?

thanks in advance.

It is a Phase :) try the phrase manager

fly 12-28-2004 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery
It is a Phase :) try the phrase manager

That only changes it in most places. I still had to some file edits to change it universally to 'marklar' on my board...

Sai01 12-28-2004 05:45 PM

can you guys tell me a bit more...you told me to try the phrase manager, however i dont even know what im looking for.

or just tell me all the files that i need to edit.

Zachery 12-28-2004 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by Sai01
can you guys tell me a bit more...you told me to try the phrase manager, however i dont even know what im looking for.

or just tell me all the files that i need to edit.

search for "points"

Sai01 12-28-2004 06:20 PM

Got it! thanks.

Sai01 12-30-2004 03:45 AM

one more question.

in the nav. where it says store and when you click on it, a pop up menu with two category appears. uShop Menu and Action...
my question is how can i chage the title of these two category?

Robby11929 12-30-2004 11:54 PM

What is the exact error you recieve?
Was running fine, then I added another style, didn't do anything to the default style, now when trying to access bb/ushop.php it says no actions found...

Where does the supposed error happen?

What vB version are you running?
vb 3.0.3

PS: I have tried to edit global.php like you suggested, does not work, any information would greatly be appreciated, I would really like to run this hack on my forum, I know it is installed correctly because it was working fine 5 minutes before I added another skin...

Zachery 12-31-2004 03:05 AM


You are currently showing up as unlicensed. To be able to download hacks and/or receive support here at vBulletin.org, we ask you to please click here (vB-germany users click here) and enter your email address, to show us that you are licensed.

You will need to use your customer number and password (which will be in the email you got when you paid for your license) to access that page. Please note that your email is case sensitive. The update of your account may take up to one hour.

Thank you.

Dio 12-31-2004 05:49 AM

I moved to a new domain and everything works fine except for a couple of issues:

1) From the site index, uCash is not displaying the drop down menu properly. It will only show the first four options. When you click on either the uShop Menu link or any other link on the menu, it takes to a Page Not Found (404). It is trying to find the ucash.php file, which is located in the forums directory not the root. Where do I go to correct this problem?


2) Everything works fine when accessing the uCash menu while in the /forums directory.


fatalsex 12-31-2004 09:26 AM

IF it can be an iption toi create Add new things into the shop ?
Like ermm... Lottery or Smsng ?
Respect for this GREAT script

TTG 12-31-2004 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by TTG
Where / how can I remove the Glow user name ..

Anyone know ?

pagekeeper 01-01-2005 03:22 PM

i suspect you could delete it from the utt settings in admin ...

im having a problem with the username colour, when you actually buy it and change the colour, you then preview it(that works) , but once you've confirmed it the username doesnt change color i've checked the code and there is nothing wrong, maybe some of you could check if it happens with your system?

Dio 01-01-2005 03:35 PM

Still looking for help. :disappointed:


Originally Posted by Dio
I moved to a new domain and everything works fine except for a couple of issues:

1) From the site index, uCash is not displaying the drop down menu properly. It will only show the first four options. When you click on either the uShop Menu link or any other link on the menu, it takes to a Page Not Found (404). It is trying to find the ucash.php file, which is located in the forums directory not the root. Where do I go to correct this problem?


2) Everything works fine when accessing the uCash menu while in the /forums directory.


Zachery 01-01-2005 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by TTG
Anyone know ?

Disable the action

Sai01 01-01-2005 11:28 PM

is it possible to see which user donate points/cash to you?

you get interest if you put points/cash in the bank rite?

MajorFm.com 01-02-2005 02:09 AM

I have just installed this, i have to say, thank you for such a simple install... was a piece of cake!

However, im getting a error...

I get

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/local/apache/www/crazyapes/majorfmforum.com/htdocs/forum/ushop.php on line 151

on http://www.majorfm.com/forum/ushop.php

Please advise

Zachery 01-02-2005 03:15 AM

Did you run the installer.

Sai01 01-02-2005 03:32 AM

why is all my question ignored?

if im doing something wrong then please tell me...and please answer my question.(two post above this)

Link14716 01-02-2005 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by Sai01
is it possible to see which user donate points/cash to you?

you get interest if you put points/cash in the bank rite?

1. If you view the purchase history for the donate action, you should see who donated what to who. Also, in uShop 1.00, PMs will be sent on a donation.

2. Yes.

MajorFm.com 01-02-2005 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Zachery
Did you run the installer.

Yes i did run the installer, i did everything eactly step by step..

MajorFm.com 01-02-2005 02:20 PM

I dont know what has happend, but its fixed itself, i assume this is a error when the system has no points, the minute someone earned a point, it all worked fine.

Has the option to buy points via paypal been released yet? i would love this and so would many others, i have seen it on some forums like:


MajorFm.com 01-02-2005 02:34 PM

Just noticed, i get the following error when trying to add to a users reputation:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /usr/local/apache/www/crazyapes/majorfmforum.com/htdocs/forum/reputation.php on line 196

Please advise

link 196 is this


        if ($vboptions['uttpoints_enablesystem'] == '1')

MajorFm.com 01-02-2005 02:41 PM

ok i think i have fixed this

the code was


                INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "reputation (postid, reputation, userid, whoadded, reason, dateline)
                VALUES ($postid, $score, $userid, $bbuserinfo[userid], '" . addslashes(fetch_censored_text($reason)) . "','" . TIMENOW . "')

// ## <ucs>
        if ($vboptions['uttpoints_enablesystem'] == '1')
        { // It's enabled! Yay!
                if ($score > '0')
                { // If the amount of reputation is positive...
                        if ($vboptions['uttpoints_pointsforgreputation'] != '0')
                        { // Needed value is not 0... good.
                                        $givethempoints = ($vboptions['uttpoints_pointsforgreputation'] * $score);
                { // If the amount of reputation is negative...
                        if ($vboptions['uttpoints_pointsforbreputation'] != '0')
                        { // Needed value is not 0... good.
                                        $givethempoints = ($vboptions['uttpoints_pointsforbreputation'] * $score);
                if (isset($givethempoints))
                { // If they get money....
                        // Send the query and we're done.
                        $DB_site->query("UPDATE ".TABLE_PREFIX . $vboptions[uttpoints_pointtable]." SET ".$vboptions[uttpoints_pointsfield]."=".$vboptions[uttpoints_pointsfield]."+".$givethempoints." WHERE userid='$userinfo[userid]'");
        // ## </ucs>");

but i moved the ucs code after the ");


                INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "reputation (postid, reputation, userid, whoadded, reason, dateline)
                VALUES ($postid, $score, $userid, $bbuserinfo[userid], '" . addslashes(fetch_censored_text($reason)) . "','" . TIMENOW . "')

// ## <ucs>
        if ($vboptions['uttpoints_enablesystem'] == '1')
        { // It's enabled! Yay!
                if ($score > '0')
                { // If the amount of reputation is positive...
                        if ($vboptions['uttpoints_pointsforgreputation'] != '0')
                        { // Needed value is not 0... good.
                                        $givethempoints = ($vboptions['uttpoints_pointsforgreputation'] * $score);
                { // If the amount of reputation is negative...
                        if ($vboptions['uttpoints_pointsforbreputation'] != '0')
                        { // Needed value is not 0... good.
                                        $givethempoints = ($vboptions['uttpoints_pointsforbreputation'] * $score);
                if (isset($givethempoints))
                { // If they get money....
                        // Send the query and we're done.
                        $DB_site->query("UPDATE ".TABLE_PREFIX . $vboptions[uttpoints_pointtable]." SET ".$vboptions[uttpoints_pointsfield]."=".$vboptions[uttpoints_pointsfield]."+".$givethempoints." WHERE userid='$userinfo[userid]'");
        // ## </ucs>

I think thats a small error in the installation guide as im pretty sure it said add that code in after


                UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user
                SET        reputation = $userinfo[reputation],
                        reputationlevelid = $reputationlevelid
                WHERE userid = $userinfo[userid]

and not after


                UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user
                SET        reputation = $userinfo[reputation],
                        reputationlevelid = $reputationlevelid
                WHERE userid = $userinfo[userid]

Zachery 01-02-2005 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by MajorFm.com
ok i think i have fixed this

the code was


                INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "reputation (postid, reputation, userid, whoadded, reason, dateline)
                VALUES ($postid, $score, $userid, $bbuserinfo[userid], '" . addslashes(fetch_censored_text($reason)) . "','" . TIMENOW . "')

// ## <ucs>
        if ($vboptions['uttpoints_enablesystem'] == '1')
        { // It's enabled! Yay!
                if ($score > '0')
                { // If the amount of reputation is positive...
                        if ($vboptions['uttpoints_pointsforgreputation'] != '0')
                        { // Needed value is not 0... good.
                                        $givethempoints = ($vboptions['uttpoints_pointsforgreputation'] * $score);
                { // If the amount of reputation is negative...
                        if ($vboptions['uttpoints_pointsforbreputation'] != '0')
                        { // Needed value is not 0... good.
                                        $givethempoints = ($vboptions['uttpoints_pointsforbreputation'] * $score);
                if (isset($givethempoints))
                { // If they get money....
                        // Send the query and we're done.
                        $DB_site->query("UPDATE ".TABLE_PREFIX . $vboptions[uttpoints_pointtable]." SET ".$vboptions[uttpoints_pointsfield]."=".$vboptions[uttpoints_pointsfield]."+".$givethempoints." WHERE userid='$userinfo[userid]'");
        // ## </ucs>");

but i moved the ucs code after the ");


                INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "reputation (postid, reputation, userid, whoadded, reason, dateline)
                VALUES ($postid, $score, $userid, $bbuserinfo[userid], '" . addslashes(fetch_censored_text($reason)) . "','" . TIMENOW . "')

// ## <ucs>
        if ($vboptions['uttpoints_enablesystem'] == '1')
        { // It's enabled! Yay!
                if ($score > '0')
                { // If the amount of reputation is positive...
                        if ($vboptions['uttpoints_pointsforgreputation'] != '0')
                        { // Needed value is not 0... good.
                                        $givethempoints = ($vboptions['uttpoints_pointsforgreputation'] * $score);
                { // If the amount of reputation is negative...
                        if ($vboptions['uttpoints_pointsforbreputation'] != '0')
                        { // Needed value is not 0... good.
                                        $givethempoints = ($vboptions['uttpoints_pointsforbreputation'] * $score);
                if (isset($givethempoints))
                { // If they get money....
                        // Send the query and we're done.
                        $DB_site->query("UPDATE ".TABLE_PREFIX . $vboptions[uttpoints_pointtable]." SET ".$vboptions[uttpoints_pointsfield]."=".$vboptions[uttpoints_pointsfield]."+".$givethempoints." WHERE userid='$userinfo[userid]'");
        // ## </ucs>

I think thats a small error in the installation guide as im pretty sure it said add that code in after


                UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user
                SET        reputation = $userinfo[reputation],
                        reputationlevelid = $reputationlevelid
                WHERE userid = $userinfo[userid]

and not after


                UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user
                SET        reputation = $userinfo[reputation],
                        reputationlevelid = $reputationlevelid
                WHERE userid = $userinfo[userid]

There are no errors inside of the guide that we are aware of, most of the time when there is an error it is on the end user

and yes there is a paypal action that is avaible at Geeky Designs forums.

MajorFm.com 01-02-2005 04:27 PM

must be my eyes at 5 in the mornin... lol

and thanks, i just bought the paypal addon..!

MajorFm.com 01-03-2005 08:09 PM

Bold username, glow, italic etc... not appearing in the whos online bit on front page, please advise....


Username AJ has red glow and bold as you can see in the posts but its not showing on main page

MajorFm.com 01-03-2005 09:22 PM

also once a person has purchased a item, and wanted to buy it again i have set the % of the original price to 50!

But yet the it says: [ Buy ] Cost: 0.00

djjeffa 01-04-2005 12:49 AM

nice hack but i must have did a boo boo cause in tha admin cp when i go to user group manager i get :Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING, expecting ')' in /home/djjeffa/public_html/vb/admincp/usergroup.php on line 139

BarHopper 01-04-2005 12:19 PM

I dont remember making this thread...

EDIT: Ah siilly me, i was the first to post.

Link14716 01-04-2005 06:56 PM

Well, technically I was first to post, but since it now contains the screen shots, it wasn't split off. ;)

Anyone who has asked support in this thread and still needs it, make a new thread. With a whole forum dedicated to support for this hack, I am not going to go through all these posts answering the unanswered questions.

dina 01-05-2005 12:36 AM

I tried to re-install this mod to my 3.0.4 board (upgrade) and it failed. Same with the Arcade mod. Both of them makes the page print out loads of code from init.php and global.php and does not work.

Any fix to this?

Zachery 01-05-2005 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by dina
I tried to re-install this mod to my 3.0.4 board (upgrade) and it failed. Same with the Arcade mod. Both of them makes the page print out loads of code from init.php and global.php and does not work.

Any fix to this?

Please start a new support thread.

Link14716 01-05-2005 01:07 AM

No support in this thread anymore. I'll close it to reiterate that fact.

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