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-   -   vBookie for vBulletin 3.5 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=94128)

Viruseater 07-20-2009 08:31 PM

Yes, I'm using it with 3.8.3 and it works. Using those instructions. well from someone else, but the same steps, and it's stable.

EDIT: except the iCash. no idea if that works.

ALso, there are two steps missing in that response.
1. you must rebuild the bit fields after install. Put this at the end of your forum URL to do it: admincp/index.php?do=buildbitfields
2. Set the permissions. go to the forums, and permissions and make sure the right groups are assigned to be able to create and edit events.

Finally, the step to include the block where you search for $threadmanagement or whatever is critical. this must be done in ALL your themes or it will only work in the ones you do the hack to. I mean it's the only way to get the vbookie options visible.

I use TMS so I can edit my master template and it flows to all the themes I have. very handy

SMMensans 07-21-2009 05:01 PM

In the vBookie ReadMe file it gives the following instructions:


In Templates postbit/postbit_legacy
$vbphrase[posts]: $post[posts]

<if condition="$vboptions['vbookiecashon']">
<br />$vbphrase[vbookie_vcash]: $post[vbookie_cash]
When I search the postbit and postbit_legacy templates it does not find the string:
$vbphrase[posts]: $post[posts]

Anyone have any ideas about this?

Running vBulletin 3.8.3

DS MrSinister 07-21-2009 10:10 PM

it should find it...

try to search for this....



linfield 07-22-2009 08:56 PM

Will the orginal vbookie hack work for 3.7? I havent a clue about changing codes etc..

merk_aus 07-23-2009 02:02 AM

The recoding of vBookie which is being labelled as vBookie 2.0 that I am working on (with the blessing of Andreas) works out of the box on 3.8.3 meaning you download the file, upload the files needed and make just one template edit and install the product and it works.

It is written so it handles numerous points system including vBCredits, vBux, and most other popular points/credits system - without any template/php file edits it is a simple drop down menu to select the cash/credits/points system that you use and an option to change the field in the database if you have named it something else.

It also has the option to change the overall name: where it says vBookie Event you can change that to Virtual Betting etc more or less whatever you want.

So that is the first steps completed it works out of the box and allows some better customisation, now I am turning my focus to be working on adding additional features.

A number of bugs have been fixed including one that almost ruined my website where the users get their money back plus their winnings - in real life betting this does not happen.

I found that if people put 100 credits on an event that was paying 2/1 if that event won they would get the 100 credits they originally bet back, as well as 200 further credits for winning meaning if you have multiple bets available then your users can cheat and bet 100 credits on two outcomes and not lose any credits overall as it was handing money back to them.

So I have fixed this bug to react like real betting... and have already added one feature where you can select if an event is a race eg: Horse Race, Motorsport Race which allows you to enter a win price and place price then when selecting the outcome of the event there are two columns one for the Winning Horse/Driver/Car and one for the Horses/Drivers/Cars that finished with a placing.

So as I mentioned when I first started I am far from being a top notch coder and so work continues on it trying to find and add further features - I am considering entering a final beta stage of what I have at the moment and releasing it as vBookie 2.0 and then continue to work and add further features to release as 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 etc etc.

fodboldforumdk 07-23-2009 10:55 AM


I cant remember how to reset vbookie points back to 500.
Anyone can help me out??


MissKalunji 07-23-2009 11:43 AM

execute this SQL query:

UPDATE user SET vbookie_cash=500;

Regs 07-23-2009 02:16 PM

Awesome stuff merk_aus!

Do you have a paypal account I can send you some money to? Hit me up by PM, I'd like to donate some coin your way.



Originally Posted by merk_aus (Post 1853909)
The recoding of vBookie which is being labelled as vBookie 2.0 that I am working on (with the blessing of Andreas) works out of the box on 3.8.3 meaning you download the file, upload the files needed and make just one template edit and install the product and it works.

It is written so it handles numerous points system including vBCredits, vBux, and most other popular points/credits system - without any template/php file edits it is a simple drop down menu to select the cash/credits/points system that you use and an option to change the field in the database if you have named it something else.

It also has the option to change the overall name: where it says vBookie Event you can change that to Virtual Betting etc more or less whatever you want.

So that is the first steps completed it works out of the box and allows some better customisation, now I am turning my focus to be working on adding additional features.

A number of bugs have been fixed including one that almost ruined my website where the users get their money back plus their winnings - in real life betting this does not happen.

I found that if people put 100 credits on an event that was paying 2/1 if that event won they would get the 100 credits they originally bet back, as well as 200 further credits for winning meaning if you have multiple bets available then your users can cheat and bet 100 credits on two outcomes and not lose any credits overall as it was handing money back to them.

So I have fixed this bug to react like real betting... and have already added one feature where you can select if an event is a race eg: Horse Race, Motorsport Race which allows you to enter a win price and place price then when selecting the outcome of the event there are two columns one for the Winning Horse/Driver/Car and one for the Horses/Drivers/Cars that finished with a placing.

So as I mentioned when I first started I am far from being a top notch coder and so work continues on it trying to find and add further features - I am considering entering a final beta stage of what I have at the moment and releasing it as vBookie 2.0 and then continue to work and add further features to release as 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 etc etc.

Chase 08-02-2009 10:16 PM

Is there an update on when version 2.0 will be released?

- random question... but how do you determine the odds of winning? i.e the 10/1 or 2/5? On games like football, soccer, ect. I don't know how this works??

dancue 08-04-2009 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by merk_aus (Post 1853909)
The recoding of vBookie which is being labelled as vBookie 2.0 that I am working on (with the blessing of Andreas) works out of the box on 3.8.3 meaning you download the file, upload the files needed and make just one template edit and install the product and it works.

It is written so it handles numerous points system including vBCredits, vBux, and most other popular points/credits system - without any template/php file edits it is a simple drop down menu to select the cash/credits/points system that you use and an option to change the field in the database if you have named it something else.

It also has the option to change the overall name: where it says vBookie Event you can change that to Virtual Betting etc more or less whatever you want.

So that is the first steps completed it works out of the box and allows some better customisation, now I am turning my focus to be working on adding additional features.

A number of bugs have been fixed including one that almost ruined my website where the users get their money back plus their winnings - in real life betting this does not happen.

I found that if people put 100 credits on an event that was paying 2/1 if that event won they would get the 100 credits they originally bet back, as well as 200 further credits for winning meaning if you have multiple bets available then your users can cheat and bet 100 credits on two outcomes and not lose any credits overall as it was handing money back to them.

So I have fixed this bug to react like real betting... and have already added one feature where you can select if an event is a race eg: Horse Race, Motorsport Race which allows you to enter a win price and place price then when selecting the outcome of the event there are two columns one for the Winning Horse/Driver/Car and one for the Horses/Drivers/Cars that finished with a placing.

So as I mentioned when I first started I am far from being a top notch coder and so work continues on it trying to find and add further features - I am considering entering a final beta stage of what I have at the moment and releasing it as vBookie 2.0 and then continue to work and add further features to release as 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 etc etc.

Will there be an option to have one on one betting? Let's say you want to bet on something against one person. Example: "I bet you 10K vbcredits that the Orlando Magic will win" I'd love to be able to challenge people this way.

fly 08-04-2009 10:32 AM

Any chance that the new version can have the option of a vig?

SVTCobraLTD 08-04-2009 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by MissKalunji (Post 1854113)
execute this SQL query:

UPDATE user SET vbookie_cash=500;

Can you explain more? I do not see these settings in phpmyadmin

bobster65 08-04-2009 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by SVTCobraLTD (Post 1861307)
Can you explain more? I do not see these settings in phpmyadmin

that isn't a setting, its an SQL Query that you have to run against the Database..

Open you DB in phpmyadmin and on the top row you will see "tabs" named Structure, SQL, Search, Query, Export, Import, Operations, Privileges and Drop..

Click on the SQL tab, paste the Query that she gave you and then hit the GO button

SVTCobraLTD 08-04-2009 05:20 PM

Thanks, I knew it was not an option but didnt know where to paste it.

What about resetting the score board entirely?

tjdrico 08-09-2009 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by Regs (Post 1854185)
Awesome stuff merk_aus!

Do you have a paypal account I can send you some money to? Hit me up by PM, I'd like to donate some coin your way.

Just a warning to anyone using PayPal to accept donations for vBookie: I had my PayPal account closed by them. The reason they gave was that I was using PayPal to "support gambling" or bookmaking (because I used it to accept vBookie donations). I explained that vBookie was a virtual system and no real bets or real money was used, and they bought that for a while, but eventually my account was terminated again and I had to set up a new one.

tjdrico 08-09-2009 06:55 AM

I've just reinstalled this on my current forum. \o/ Thanks to Andreas and merk_aus for picking up vBookie and keeping it going.

Jeff66 08-09-2009 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by merk_aus (Post 1853909)
A number of bugs have been fixed including one that almost ruined my website where the users get their money back plus their winnings - in real life betting this does not happen.

I found that if people put 100 credits on an event that was paying 2/1 if that event won they would get the 100 credits they originally bet back, as well as 200 further credits for winning meaning if you have multiple bets available then your users can cheat and bet 100 credits on two outcomes and not lose any credits overall as it was handing money back to them.

So I have fixed this bug to react like real betting

That's not a bug, that's how it's supposed to work.
English odds work that way - if you win you get your stake back along with the winnings. If people are using other odds systems with vBookie they should adjust the odds to take this into account.
There is a bug though, in that vBookie incorrectly displays the odds in decimal format - as mentioned here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=631

Maybe there could be an option to choose which kind of odds system to use, it might be confusing if lots of people who are used to the existing system have to get used to something new, particularly if the new system is different to what they're used to seeing at real bookmakers.

bobster65 08-09-2009 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by tjdrico (Post 1863938)
Just a warning to anyone using PayPal to accept donations for vBookie: I had my PayPal account closed by them. The reason they gave was that I was using PayPal to "support gambling" or bookmaking (because I used it to accept vBookie donations). I explained that vBookie was a virtual system and no real bets or real money was used, and they bought that for a while, but eventually my account was terminated again and I had to set up a new one.

I had the exact thing happen to me with both vBookie and the Casino add on... PP did an audit and shut me down for "gambling" .. once I explained that it was all "virtual" they reactivated my PP account... then about a year later, same thing happened again.

SVTCobraLTD 08-10-2009 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by SVTCobraLTD (Post 1861330)
What about resetting the score board entirely?

Anyone know how to do this?

bobster65 08-10-2009 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by SVTCobraLTD (Post 1864531)
Anyone know how to do this?

Its not a simple answer.. multiple tables involved and it depends on what you are willing to also get rid of along with it.

SVTCobraLTD 08-10-2009 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by bobster65 (Post 1864540)
Its not a simple answer.. multiple tables involved and it depends on what you are willing to also get rid of along with it.

My bookie events are for football. The football season is about to start again and I would like to wipe the stats clean. I have already reset all the users money to the starting amount but the amount of money spent is still from last years games.

DS MrSinister 08-10-2009 01:27 PM

I would just uninstall and reinstall vbookie...

bobster65 08-10-2009 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by SVTCobraLTD (Post 1864541)
My bookie events are for football. The football season is about to start again and I would like to wipe the stats clean. I have already reset all the users money to the starting amount but the amount of money spent is still from last years games.

the vbookie_bets_placed Table is where all of that info is stored (for the user) .. maybe try truncating that table (make a backup of the table data first) and see if that does what you want it to..

You may end up having to truncate the vbookie_items and vbookie_item_options tables as well ....

Chase 08-10-2009 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by tjdrico (Post 1863943)
I've just reinstalled this on my current forum. \o/ Thanks to Andreas and merk_aus for picking up vBookie and keeping it going.

Which instructions did you use? I haven't installed yet but I want to.

Also... can some answer this random question for me?

... how do you determine the odds of winning? i.e the 10/1 or 2/5? On games like football, soccer, ect. I don't know how this works??

Jeff66 08-10-2009 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by bobster65 (Post 1864546)
the vbookie_bets_placed Table is where all of that info is stored (for the user) .. maybe try truncating that table (make a backup of the table data first) and see if that does what you want it to..

You may end up having to truncate the vbookie_items and vbookie_item_options tables as well ....

This is what I do:

Run the following database queries:

update thread set vbookie_item_id = 0
update user set vbookie_cash = 500

Empty the following tables:


Switch3130 08-11-2009 05:55 AM

Edit: Resolved the issue myself.

BigFooty 08-15-2009 05:41 AM

Eagerly awaiting Version 2. :up: We have a large forum and we've not been game to use an old, unsupported hack.

Happy to donate too, merk_aus.

SVTCobraLTD 08-17-2009 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Jeff66 (Post 1864851)
This is what I do:

Run the following database queries:

update thread set vbookie_item_id = 0
update user set vbookie_cash = 500

Empty the following tables:


Thank you for the straight forward response. That did what I wanted it to.

linfield 08-20-2009 03:24 PM


How do you make the option that the winner gets the 'winnings' plus the stake back?

NolimitMike 08-24-2009 07:04 PM

I have a problem with mine it works up until you hit "Submit Post" it does not bring up the vbookie screen. Just takes me right to the post.

COL NIL SATIS 09-02-2009 12:28 PM

does this work on 3.8.4 vbulletin boards???

willy888 09-02-2009 06:09 PM

yes I would like to know , if it works with vb 3.8

cockneymackem 09-04-2009 01:21 PM

I have installed this feature and it is working great on the forum. Only problem is the VCash doesn't appear anywhere on user profiles? So no one is aware how much cash they have to gamble with.

Can anyone explain how to fix it? Cheers.

New Joe 09-04-2009 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by NolimitMike (Post 1873614)
I have a problem with mine it works up until you hit "Submit Post" it does not bring up the vbookie screen. Just takes me right to the post.

The posting of vbookie events in 3.6 or higher (3,8 works fine with after the edit as well) is broken because the hook used has moved.

To fix this problem, the following plugin must be edited ;

vBookie: Redirect to vbookie.php when posting new Event

Replace the plugin code with this ;

PHP Code:

if ($newpost['postvbookieevent'])
$vbulletin->url = 'vbookie.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "t=$newpost[threadid]&vbookieeventoptions=$newpost[vbookieeventoptions]&do=newevent";
eval(print_standard_redirect('redirect_postthanks_ moderate', true, false
After that then disable the mod then re able it, that should make it work.

New Joe 09-04-2009 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by COL NIL SATIS (Post 1878360)
does this work on 3.8.4 vbulletin boards???

Yes, but do the above edits to the php and the disable and re able it.

New Joe 09-04-2009 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by cockneymackem (Post 1879587)
I have installed this feature and it is working great on the forum. Only problem is the VCash doesn't appear anywhere on user profiles? So no one is aware how much cash they have to gamble with.

Can anyone explain how to fix it? Cheers.

Did you read the 'read me' and do the 'Template edits' ?
Probably not, read and edit them.

cockneymackem 09-04-2009 01:54 PM

Yes I have done the template edits.

New Joe 09-04-2009 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by cockneymackem (Post 1879615)
Yes I have done the template edits.

In your admin >vB Options>vBookie do you have this option set to 'yes'? >

Display vBookie Cash in Postbit

cockneymackem 09-04-2009 02:07 PM

Yes I do have that set too. Thanks for the help New Joe, appreciate it. Any other ideas why it won't be working?

New Joe 09-04-2009 02:11 PM

Not sure, can all your members make a vBookie Thread?
Are you sure you got the Template edits in the right place? Have you re checked them?

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