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bananalive 03-29-2015 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Fields (Post 2540901)
Unfortunately, this option is already set to Yes :(

Apologises, I misread your message. If you reject a challenge, then your opponent won't receive a PM.

Fields 03-30-2015 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 2541836)
Apologises, I misread your message. If you reject a challenge, then your opponent won't receive a PM.

Too bad, is it possible to set it up? :)

squidsk 04-16-2015 07:31 PM

A bug in your code that prevents access to the member profile pages.

In the file includes/functions_tal.php you have the following code:

if (!in_array(THIS_SCRIPT, array('ladders', 'competitors', 'tournaments', 'teams')) && !$vbulletin)
        global $vbulletin;
        print_r("<!-- Non-standard page, trying global vbulletin variable -->\r\n");
if (!$vbulletin->options['tmnt_active'] && $vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] != 6)
        print_r("<!-- vBulletin Tournaments &amp; Ladders disabled in AdminCP -->\r\n");

If the tournament mod isn't active then memberinfo.php is not accessible to non-admins. The code should be changed by having the second if statement nested inside the first, so the tournament mod active check only executes on tournament mod specific pages.


global $vbulletin; //just globalize no need to test if it exists you don't gain anything
if (in_array(THIS_SCRIPT, array('ladders', 'competitors', 'tournaments', 'teams')))
        print_r("<!-- Non-standard page, trying global vbulletin variable -->\r\n");
        if (!$vbulletin->options['tmnt_active'] && $vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] != 6)
                print_r("<!-- vBulletin Tournaments &amp; Ladders disabled in AdminCP -->\r\n");

This way if you are on a tournament specific page and the tournament mod is disabled you won't be able to access it unless you are an admin. This also makes sure that the member profile page (since includes/functions_tal.php is included in the User Profile Tab (member_complete hook) plugin is accessible even if the tournament mod is inactive.

killerford 04-19-2015 04:02 PM

It's not letting me add the files onto our server, any reason why?

Colossal31 05-03-2015 10:40 PM

Ok I got these messages:

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /public_html/forums/teams.php on line 88
Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /public_html/forums/tournaments.php on line 112

I am aware of the php 5.4/5.5 changes and already have these hidden with the aforementioned hiding code in the inlcude/config.php file. However these errors are still showing any help will be appreciated

EasyEazy 05-04-2015 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by Colossal31 (Post 2544791)
Ok I got these messages:

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /public_html/forums/teams.php on line 88
Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /public_html/forums/tournaments.php on line 112

I am aware of the php 5.4/5.5 changes and already have these hidden with the aforementioned hiding code in the inlcude/config.php file. However these errors are still showing any help will be appreciated

Not sure on the second error but the first one is fixed by this:

Try changing line 88 in /teams.php

$actiontemplates['none'] =& array_merge($actiontemplates['teams'], $actiontemplates['viewteam']);


$actiontemplates['none'] = array_merge($actiontemplates['teams'], $actiontemplates['viewteam']);

iraqiboy90 05-04-2015 07:44 PM

"Can view Tournaments" option on the usergroup, if set to "No" will lock the usergroup out from accessing any member.php (member profile) page including theirs.

Plugin disabled until this is fixed....

squidsk 05-06-2015 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by iraqiboy90 (Post 2544886)
"Can view Tournaments" option on the usergroup, if set to "No" will lock the usergroup out from accessing any member.php (member profile) page including theirs.

Plugin disabled until this is fixed....

You can try the fix I posted a few posts above yours (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....postcount=2243) and see if that solves your problem for you.

iJosh 06-11-2015 05:59 AM


Can anyone help me?

When ever I view a tournament I get the following error:

Warning: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in ..../includes/functions_tal.php on line 1168

php ver: 5.59

any help?

squidsk 06-15-2015 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by iJosh (Post 2547579)

Can anyone help me?

When ever I view a tournament I get the following error:

Warning: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in ..../includes/functions_tal.php on line 1168

php ver: 5.59

any help?

Change line 1168 as follows:


$userhtml = preg_replace('|\{([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)\}|e', ' $userinfo["$1"] ', $vbulletin->options['tmnt_userhtml']);
New Version:

$userhtml = preg_replace_callback('|\{([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)\}', function($m){return $userinfo[$m[1]];}, $vbulletin->options['tmnt_userhtml']);

ReMarkable1991 08-06-2015 09:12 AM

Do you accept paid requests for functions?

What I need is a drafting system for both leagues and tournaments. People fill in their 5 options (Custom fields not drop down). When matched against a person in either league or a tournament you see the opponents 5 fields and what he filled in. You can then take turn to ban/pick for yourself or your enemy.

In my imagination a custom system for everybody should look like this:
Do roll for who is Player A and B.
Stage 1 : Player A [Drop down menu] Pick/Bans one of Player A/B options.
Stage 2 : Player B [Drop down menu] Pick/Bans one of Player A/B options.
Stage 3 : Player A [Drop down menu] Pick/Bans one of Player A/B options.

Not a coding expert but seems achievable for me.
To clear up the admin sets if Stage 1 is a Pick or ban and if it affects player A or player B's options.

OPsNaStYM0FO 08-10-2015 04:15 PM

everything installed fine but now i get 500 error when going to competion and nothing shows to edit or anything in admincp....


OPsNaStYM0FO 08-10-2015 04:15 PM

Never mind

OPsNaStYM0FO 08-10-2015 07:17 PM

ok how do you add category for ladders and delete leagues and all that because i've searched everywhere and can not find out how to delete stuff and edit things....

bananalive 08-10-2015 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by OPsNaStYM0FO (Post 2552583)
ok how do you add category for ladders and delete leagues and all that because i've searched everywhere and can not find out how to delete stuff and edit things....

To add categories, there are 3 ways
  1. Competitions sub nav at top of page: Categories -> New
  2. Competitions sub nav at top of page: New -> New Category
  3. competitions.php?do=categories and at bottom of page - new category
If you cannot see the links then you may have insufficient usergroup permissions set in admincp

To delete ladders, click pencil and then "Delete". (Single click brings up menu of admin options, double click takes you straight to edit page)

ReMarkable1991 08-11-2015 11:29 AM

So I take you are too busy to even consider answering my question?

No, I'm currently to busy with other projects to consider this now. Or No, never going to happen is a better reply then just don't reply.

ProFifaLeagues 08-22-2015 11:50 AM

Could anyone get the Lite version to run a football league??
Ie 3 points for a win O points for losing and 1 point for a draw

OPsNaStYM0FO 08-27-2015 12:10 AM

Date error in tournaments section not sure if anywhere else! It only goes up to 2014

OPsNaStYM0FO 08-27-2015 12:16 AM

1 Attachment(s)
here is the issue .... can only go to 2014... Also this error shows up at the top of the tournament page after creating a tournament,

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home4/*username***/public_html/criticalxgaming.com/tournaments.php on line 111

ProFifaLeagues 08-27-2015 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by OPsNaStYM0FO (Post 2553710)
here is the issue .... can only go to 2014... Also this error shows up at the top of the tournament page after creating a tournament,

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home4/*username***/public_html/criticalxgaming.com/tournaments.php on line 111

shows to 2020 year on our install mate

OPsNaStYM0FO 08-27-2015 03:25 PM

not on mine http://criticalxgaming.com/tournaments.php

OPsNaStYM0FO 08-27-2015 03:33 PM

Just like this happens when I join a league....

PHP Warning: Illegal string offset '' in ..../ladders.php on line 4169

PHP Warning: Illegal string offset '' in ..../ladders.php on line 4180

PHP Warning: Illegal string offset '' in ..../ladders.php on line 4181

PHP Warning: Illegal string offset '' in ..../ladders.php on line 4182

This shit has more bugs in it than EGL ladders script and I was fixing to purchase the Pro version thank god I haven't

squidsk 08-27-2015 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by OPsNaStYM0FO (Post 2553768)
Just like this happens when I join a league....

PHP Warning: Illegal string offset '' in ..../ladders.php on line 4169

PHP Warning: Illegal string offset '' in ..../ladders.php on line 4180

PHP Warning: Illegal string offset '' in ..../ladders.php on line 4181

PHP Warning: Illegal string offset '' in ..../ladders.php on line 4182

This shit has more bugs in it than EGL ladders script and I was fixing to purchase the Pro version thank god I haven't

It doesn't actually have more errors if you knew anything about php, which clearly you don't. A warning has no impact on the actual running of the script. The reason you have those warnings is you are using a version of php that this mod was not designed for. Further it didn't take me long to find out how to fix the issues you're complaining about. Since you didn't want to search for solutions I've kindly decided to quote the posts that tell you how to fix the problems you're describing. For the fix by ozzy you can also upgrade to 4.2.3 in order to get the same fix, which you should be doing since 4.2.3 is the only version that supports php 5.4+.


Originally Posted by ozzy47 (Post 2529889)
Open your includes/config.php file and below <?php add the following.

PHP Code:


So it looks like this:
PHP Code:

/*=================================================  =====================*\
|| ##################################################  ################## ||
|| # vBulletin 4.2.2

Use a editor like notepad++ to edit any files, don't use Notepad or Wordpad.

This turns off the extra error reporting in php 5.3 & 5.4 (for strict & deprecated warnings), but will allow other important errors to show.


Originally Posted by JJBB (Post 2530931)
Hi there,
I got this mod installed recently but I'm having two problems which need some help here (vb4.2.2):

1, The 'Year' on create tournament date has capped to 2014. Am I doing something wrong on installing or Can I fix it somewhere?


2, The tournament stats on user postbit or profile are only updating the individual record. Team record doesn't count. Is this by design?


Thanks in advance!


Originally Posted by pantasd (Post 2532951)
I find solutions for me in Style Manager edit default template in Tournament and Ladders Templates ? edit tmnt_edit and tmnt_new

Just find <select name="year" title="year" tabindex="1"> and add new year :)

vN CrazyEddy vB 09-22-2015 09:27 PM

<i>Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/projectgaming/public_html/teams.php on line 88

How Can I fix this error?

vicking74 09-23-2015 12:22 PM

1 Attachment(s)

I ve installed but can not activate it. How can I do?


ProFifaLeagues 09-23-2015 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by vicking74 (Post 2555597)

I ve installed but can not activate it. How can I do?


Make sure you have set the permissions for your usergroups

friendlymela 10-06-2015 06:50 AM

Its interesting for members

twistedsoul 05-24-2016 05:49 AM

awesome awesome mod. had to change match year options as well to update them from 05-15 to be present years but this thing is great!!!! tyvvm

twistedsoul 08-05-2016 08:33 AM

As we have just actually tried to use this for the first time for a tournament, once the tourny is created pwople are getting a blank page or an error page when trying to join said created tourney.

twistedsoul 08-05-2016 08:36 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Attached pic of error page when trying to join a tournament. that is a pic from phone.
on edge it says http 500 error no page found

bananalive 08-07-2016 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by twistedsoul (Post 2574387)
Attached pic of error page when trying to join a tournament. that is a pic from phone.
on edge it says http 500 error no page found

Hi, can you PM or email me a link and I can look into this.

twistedsoul 08-07-2016 11:28 AM

emailed web address and a temp admin account to you. I appreciate the help! =)

twistedsoul 08-09-2016 06:26 PM

issue fixed. awesome =)) Thank you banana!!!!

JoKeRxbLaCk 08-18-2016 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 2574455)
Hi, can you PM or email me a link and I can look into this.

Hi, how can i add some fields in the matchfinder when i want to create a challange? I can see only:
-your team
-squad size

I would like to add some fields like game modality (S&D, TDM...) or the third map in case of a draw... Is it possible? Thanks..

snapcstrike 08-25-2016 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by twistedsoul (Post 2574387)
Attached pic of error page when trying to join a tournament. that is a pic from phone.
on edge it says http 500 error no page found

hi @bananalive

I have same problem like this, how can we fix it ?

Dieter27 08-31-2016 07:52 PM


i am having a problem with this when i try to join the tournament i created it gives me this error =>>> https://gyazo.com/5ec5336309027a6bb397df736afa13db i have downloaded the v7.1.0 VErsion i hope this is the right one if someone could help me with this pls thx in advance

vze2yqtm 01-17-2017 10:17 AM

Hi, I get a blank page when I try to join a competition, thanks in advance for your help :)

bananalive 03-02-2017 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by vze2yqtm (Post 2580975)
Hi, I get a blank page when I try to join a competition, thanks in advance for your help :)

Can you PM / email me a link to your website and i'll have a look. Cheers

lostrevel 09-13-2017 03:50 PM

Can someone port this over to VB5? I run a Video Gaming community forum and am looking to have something like this, however nothing currently exists.

HTMMinion 09-21-2017 03:10 PM


Great mod, I just installed it and I'm trying to set up a tournament to test with. However when I try to join the tournament with my team I get the following warning/error.

PHP Warning: require_once(..../includes/functions_tll_prem.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in ..../tournaments.php on line 2881

Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/home4/minion/public_html/forum2/includes/functions_tll_prem.php' (include_path='.:/opt/php55/lib/php') in /home4/minion/public_html/forum2/tournaments.php on line 2881

Could you advise on what I need to do?

*EDIT* Please disregard, I found the issue.


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