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Hippy 02-12-2012 11:43 AM

dont uninstall just over write .. files and xml file ..or you will loose all thanks..
the update just removes the comented out search part you can do this

Originally Posted by slipkot (Post 2298677)
At template "post_thanks_memberinfo_block" you need to remove the comments... <!-- and -->

and no need to update

TinCow1 02-12-2012 02:06 PM

Does anyone know what code changes would be required to make the list of Thanks received only visible to the person who made the post?

elwizard 02-12-2012 07:48 PM

Working fine when using English as default lang, but there're some mistakes when using another langs. Thank you anyway.

ForceHSS 02-13-2012 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by elwizard (Post 2299028)
Working fine when using English as default lang, but there're some mistakes when using another langs. Thank you anyway.

because it was made for English if you want to translate it you can

Zeckson 02-13-2012 03:05 AM

I have installed this hack on my forum and it worked great! However, being a photo forum, most of my members would prefer to LIKE the photo post rather than THANK the photo post. Is it possible that the THANK button change into a LIKE button?

I know about the Facebook LIKE but I wanna keep the LIKES to within my forum. Can this be done?

DS MrSinister 02-13-2012 04:31 AM


For the button edit the phrase called post_thanks_thanks.

to do this login to admincp go to

Languages & Phrases --> Search in Phrases --> place post_thanks_thanks in the search box. make sure you have Phrase Text and Phrase Variable Name checked.

click on edit and type Like Or Likes or what ever you want it to say.

Hope this helps


elwizard 02-13-2012 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by ForceHSS (Post 2299102)
because it was made for English if you want to translate it you can

Yes, I did it. I translated Mod thanks into Spanish lang (my native lang).
I'm really very interested to use this mod on my board, but I need to solve this problem. I guess, problem is not the lang.
It must be something of PHP script, or mod install code or something so, not exactly the lang.

When i choose English lang (testing in localhost before add any change to the server), everything works fine, but when I change the lang to Spanish, is then when I receive next issue:

PHP Code:

WarningInvalid CRT parameters detected in [path]\includes\functions.php on line 4829 

I edited PHP file functions.php to check this issue, but it seems to be a a non-directed issue caused by the mod.

Currently I'm checking all PHP mod thanks code to find the cause, and also the install XML code file.

I also tested changing the template (Default style and MW3 theme by MMORPG Games) and error issue is displayed in both cases, when I use Spanish lang.
When I use English lang, no error is displayed, so I believe the template is not the cause of the mistake.

Testing on Vb 4.1.10 version. I have only installed Spanish lang (from vbhispano - elmer), MW3 theme by MMORPG Games (downloaded from here) and this Thanks mod, nothing else.

Still trying to find the problem. Thanks in advance and sorry by my English.

Hippy 02-13-2012 08:42 PM

@elwizard .. thanks for try to keep up to date ,,
when you figure please be sure to post back

elwizard 02-13-2012 08:59 PM

Don't worry Hippy. I'm getting advances about this issue. All seems to be an issue in vbdate vbulletin function when using this mod. I'll post here my results when finished ;)

Hippy 02-13-2012 09:17 PM

been using this for year and all the boaards I admin at .. not to mention the hours into this mod as forceHSS to keep it alive..

I am sure its vb they fix 10 things and break 50.. or more..


elwizard 02-13-2012 09:45 PM

I'm not really sure this is a mistake from mod thanks. I've been also using this mod in other boards and i have never had a mistake, so, I'm thinking about the possibility of lang issue, not a mod issue.
If I change to English my board lang, your mod works perfect. So, that will mean something.
Anyway, I'm checking everything and discounting possible issues.

Hippy 02-13-2012 10:10 PM

well they just change the phrases to spanish
and leave it english with all psnaish phrases...
thats what your looking to do righy

elwizard 02-13-2012 10:12 PM

Nevermind. I found it. That's problem of the Spanish lang translation, not the mod. Mod works ok. Now I have to repair XML Spanish lang. Thank you anyway to all.

elwizard 02-13-2012 10:14 PM

No, all these mod phrases have been changed to Spanish. Either is the lack of some phrases or is a bad translation. All mod thanks phrases are ok. Problem came again when I installed spanish XML file.

Hippy 02-13-2012 11:06 PM

once you change it all can you post it so we can update the mod..
this will help others

thanks bud

elwizard 02-13-2012 11:34 PM

Ok. No problem ;)

bremereric 02-14-2012 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Hippy (Post 2298834)
dont uninstall just over write .. files and xml file ..or you will loose all thanks..
the update just removes the comented out search part you can do this

and no need to update

Here's what I see and what do I have to take out.


<h5 class="subsubsectionhead">{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_total_thanks}</h5>
<dl class="stats">
        <dt>{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_total_thanks}</dt>
        <dd>{vb:raw userinfo.post_thanks_user_amount_formatted}</dd>
<ul class="group">
        <vb:if condition="$userinfo[post_thanks_thanked_times] == 1">
                {vb:rawphrase post_thanks_time_post}
        <vb:else />
                <vb:if condition="$userinfo[post_thanks_thanked_posts] == 1">
                        {vb:rawphrase post_thanks_times_post, {vb:raw userinfo.post_thanks_thanked_times_formatted}}
                <vb:else />
                        {vb:rawphrase post_thanks_times_posts, {vb:raw userinfo.post_thanks_thanked_times_formatted}, {vb:raw userinfo.post_thanks_thanked_posts_formatted}}
<!--        <li>
                <a href="post_thanks.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=findthanks&amp;u={vb:raw userinfo.userid}">{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_search_user, {vb:raw userinfo.username}}</a>
                <a href="post_thanks.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=findthanks_user_gave&amp;u={vb:raw userinfo.userid}">{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_search_user_gave, {vb:raw userinfo.username}}</a>

DS MrSinister 02-14-2012 08:27 PM


just remove those two things




bremereric 02-14-2012 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by DS MrSinister (Post 2299721)

just remove those two things




I finally looked at without the horse blinders on and got it.

DS MrSinister 02-14-2012 08:35 PM

you will see

<!-- <li> and you will see </li>-->

delete <!-- and --> only leave <li> tags

themommyhood 02-14-2012 08:46 PM

Is there a thank you hack for version 4.1.10? I tried this one and it said it isn't compatible.

DS MrSinister 02-14-2012 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by themommyhood (Post 2299726)
Is there a thank you hack for version 4.1.10? I tried this one and it said it isn't compatible.

use this one here.. i am using the second one!. works great!


bremereric 02-14-2012 08:55 PM

Okay I verifed that I have the 7.83 version and I removed the comments. I still don't see the search option nor do I see the stats in my user profile. :eek:

DS MrSinister 02-14-2012 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by bremereric (Post 2299728)
Okay I verifed that I have the 7.83 version and I removed the comments. I still don't see the search option nor do I see the stats in my user profile. :eek:

Replace your post_thanks_memberinfo_block template which this code and see if works. also look in your profile under about me tab


<h5 class="subsubsectionhead">{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_total_thanks}</h5>
<dl class="stats">
        <dt>{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_total_thanks}</dt>
        <dd>{vb:raw userinfo.post_thanks_user_amount_formatted}</dd>
<ul class="group">
        <vb:if condition="$userinfo[post_thanks_thanked_times] == 1">
                {vb:rawphrase post_thanks_time_post}
        <vb:else />
                <vb:if condition="$userinfo[post_thanks_thanked_posts] == 1">
                        {vb:rawphrase post_thanks_times_post, {vb:raw userinfo.post_thanks_thanked_times_formatted}}
                <vb:else />
                        {vb:rawphrase post_thanks_times_posts, {vb:raw userinfo.post_thanks_thanked_times_formatted}, {vb:raw userinfo.post_thanks_thanked_posts_formatted}}
                <a href="post_thanks.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=findthanks&amp;u={vb:raw userinfo.userid}">{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_search_user, {vb:raw userinfo.username}}</a>
                <a href="post_thanks.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=findthanks_user_gave&amp;u={vb:raw userinfo.userid}">{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_search_user_gave, {vb:raw userinfo.username}}</a>

themommyhood 02-14-2012 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by DS MrSinister (Post 2299727)
use this one here.. i am using the second one!. works great!


Thanks so much :)

DS MrSinister 02-14-2012 09:30 PM

anytime ;)

themommyhood 02-14-2012 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by DS MrSinister (Post 2299734)
anytime ;)

One more question if you have the time... where do I find it to move it? It's in a super weird spot.

bremereric 02-14-2012 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by DS MrSinister (Post 2299729)
Replace your post_thanks_memberinfo_block template which this code and see if works. also look in your profile under about me tab


<h5 class="subsubsectionhead">{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_total_thanks}</h5>
<dl class="stats">
        <dt>{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_total_thanks}</dt>
        <dd>{vb:raw userinfo.post_thanks_user_amount_formatted}</dd>
<ul class="group">
        <vb:if condition="$userinfo[post_thanks_thanked_times] == 1">
                {vb:rawphrase post_thanks_time_post}
        <vb:else />
                <vb:if condition="$userinfo[post_thanks_thanked_posts] == 1">
                        {vb:rawphrase post_thanks_times_post, {vb:raw userinfo.post_thanks_thanked_times_formatted}}
                <vb:else />
                        {vb:rawphrase post_thanks_times_posts, {vb:raw userinfo.post_thanks_thanked_times_formatted}, {vb:raw userinfo.post_thanks_thanked_posts_formatted}}
                <a href="post_thanks.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=findthanks&amp;u={vb:raw userinfo.userid}">{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_search_user, {vb:raw userinfo.username}}</a>
                <a href="post_thanks.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=findthanks_user_gave&amp;u={vb:raw userinfo.userid}">{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_search_user_gave, {vb:raw userinfo.username}}</a>

If I only knew where to look and scroll down far enough. Took those horse blinders off and found it under the about me tab.

Hippy 02-14-2012 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by themommyhood (Post 2299737)
One more question if you have the time... where do I find it to move it? It's in a super weird spot.

if your talking about the thanks button.. you can open your postbit
or postbit_ledgen


{vb:raw template_hook.postbit_controls}
and move it just below

<span class="postcontrols">
move the same code below

<div class="textcontrols floatcontainer">
                                <span class="postcontrols">

or I can make a new hook to add in this place so you don't have to move that one .. but you need to change something else so it works..

this is most of the time good .. I don't know amy mods that use it ..
and if they do noone want it there anyway ..

bremereric 02-14-2012 10:25 PM

Oh Oh when I do either search now I get a database error.


Database error in vBulletin 4.1.3:

Invalid SQL:

                        REPLACE INTO search (userid, ipaddress, personal, searchuser, forumchoice, sortby, sortorder, searchtime, showposts, orderedids, dateline, displayterms, searchhash)
                        VALUES (1261, '', 1, 'bremereric', '', 'post.dateline', 'DESC', 0.01367, 1, '20568,20487,20439,20301,20270,20220,20201,20158,20046,20034,20000,19895,19869,19763,19549,19519,19034,19016,18866,18840,18667,18657,18573,18564,18338,18030,16503,13196', 1329260301, 'a:6:{s:5:\"words\";a:0:{}s:9:\"highlight\";a:0:{}s:6:\"common\";a:0:{}s:5:\"users\";a:1:{i:1261;s:10:\"bremereric\";}s:6:\"forums\";i:0;s:7:\"options\";a:3:{s:11:\"starteronly\";i:0;s:11:\"childforums\";i:1;s:6:\"action\";s:7:\"process\";}}', 'd2f492989ac5e9f8696bc48f05206426');

MySQL Error  : Table 'fbodymop_newvb01.search' doesn't exist
Error Number  : 1146
Request Date  : Tuesday, February 14th 2012 @ 03:58:21 PM
Error Date    : Tuesday, February 14th 2012 @ 03:58:21 PM
Script        : http://www.aspenandvolare.com/post_thanks.php?do=findthanks&u=1261
Referrer      : http://www.aspenandvolare.com/member.php?1261-bremereric
IP Address    :
Username      : bremereric
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.60-community-log

ForceHSS 02-15-2012 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by bremereric (Post 2299749)
Oh Oh when I do either search now I get a database error.


Database error in vBulletin 4.1.3:

Invalid SQL:

                        REPLACE INTO search (userid, ipaddress, personal, searchuser, forumchoice, sortby, sortorder, searchtime, showposts, orderedids, dateline, displayterms, searchhash)
                        VALUES (1261, '', 1, 'bremereric', '', 'post.dateline', 'DESC', 0.01367, 1, '20568,20487,20439,20301,20270,20220,20201,20158,20046,20034,20000,19895,19869,19763,19549,19519,19034,19016,18866,18840,18667,18657,18573,18564,18338,18030,16503,13196', 1329260301, 'a:6:{s:5:\"words\";a:0:{}s:9:\"highlight\";a:0:{}s:6:\"common\";a:0:{}s:5:\"users\";a:1:{i:1261;s:10:\"bremereric\";}s:6:\"forums\";i:0;s:7:\"options\";a:3:{s:11:\"starteronly\";i:0;s:11:\"childforums\";i:1;s:6:\"action\";s:7:\"process\";}}', 'd2f492989ac5e9f8696bc48f05206426');

MySQL Error  : Table 'fbodymop_newvb01.search' doesn't exist
Error Number  : 1146
Request Date  : Tuesday, February 14th 2012 @ 03:58:21 PM
Error Date    : Tuesday, February 14th 2012 @ 03:58:21 PM
Script        : http://www.aspenandvolare.com/post_thanks.php?do=findthanks&u=1261
Referrer      : http://www.aspenandvolare.com/member.php?1261-bremereric
IP Address    :
Username      : bremereric
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.60-community-log

my sig

bremereric 02-15-2012 03:53 AM

Hippy is a great guy. He e-mailed me earlier with the fix and I got it going. Great job you are both doing.

elwizard 02-15-2012 10:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)
As I said, here you have the translation to Hack Post Thanks in Spanish for 3.87 version.

Hippy 02-16-2012 11:07 AM

Thanks I will integrate this on way or an other

elwizard 02-16-2012 01:18 PM

You're welcome ;) In the text file there is only a translation, not the product install XML.
If somebody wants to use it, just only replace English text for this other.
If you need in a future to translate more text, don't worry, you can send private message to me ok?

Hippy 02-16-2012 01:57 PM

thanks I'm just going to set up a English and Spanish product.xml..
so they will have a choice

elwizard 02-16-2012 04:02 PM

Bump!!! Cannot thanks on this forum (or i can't find button thanks) lol Thanks anyway Hippy!

Hippy 02-16-2012 06:32 PM

that little red heart .. https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2012/02/7.gif it's I luv me button .. lol no it's vb's like button

Dave84311 02-16-2012 07:51 PM

It would be nice if staff could remove thanks without having the delete own thanks option enabled.

HHelp1 02-16-2012 08:30 PM

Is ny 1 here PLEASE give me THANKS code ? BC some postbit mess with it :(. And please tell me where to put.

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