chatpalace24 |
10-25-2006 07:39 AM |
Hi there,
i have written a little addon for the ibProArcade :)
This small codesnippet is for writing in an existing Thread , ArcadeHiScore or what ever you called it, the Hiscore from the Game.
Not the first , and not every Score and not if the hiscore from yourself.
Let me Explain :
First Score : 1500
Game : PacMan
User : User1
You Play and win the Hiscore
Second Score : 1501
Game : Pacman
User : User2
Then the Hiscorepost is made.
And here we go :
open the File /arcade.php
search for :
// Notification via PM
if (($this->arcade->settings['notification']=="pm") || ($this->arcade->settings['notification']=="pm+mail"))
$DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_pmtext (fromuserid, fromusername, title, message, touserarray, iconid, dateline, showsignature, allowsmilie) VALUES ('".$senderid."', '".$sendername."', '".$title."', '" . addslashes($message) . "', '" . addslashes(serialize(array($recipient))) . "', 0, " . TIMENOW . ", 0, 0)");
$pmid = $DB->get_insert_id();
$DB->query("UPDATE ibf_user SET pmtotal=pmtotal+1, pmunread=pmunread+1 WHERE userid=$recipient");
$DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_pm (pmtextid, userid, folderid, messageread) VALUES ('$pmid', '$recipient', '0', '0')");
Below place this code
/* Wirte a HiScore Post Start */
$postmessage = "The HiScore of ".
" in the Game ".
" is beatn by ".$sendername.
$postdm = new vB_DataManager_Post($vbulletin, ERRTYPE_STANDARD);
$postthreadid = '6805'; //Which post to add our Arcadeposting
$postuserid = '129'; // The Userid , which will post our Arcadepost
$postpagetext = $postmessage;
$threadinfo = fetch_threadinfo($postthreadid);
$foruminfo = fetch_foruminfo($threadinfo['forumid']);
$postdm->set_info('forum', $foruminfo);
$postdm->set_info('thread', $threadinfo);
$postdm->set('threadid', $postthreadid);
$postdm->set('userid', $postuserid);
$postdm->set('pagetext', $postpagetext);
$postdm->set('allowsmilie', 1);
$postdm->set('visible', 1);
$postdm->set('dateline', TIMENOW);
require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_databuild.php');
/* Write a Hiscore Post End */
Have fun with it.
Sorry for my poore English.