Digital Jedi |
10-18-2007 01:32 AM |
Okay, it's not just cutting off code. It's cutting off multiple selection fields if they have a lot of text in them. I just tried a long sentence 10 times and it cut the sentence down to two and chopped the third. What can I do to fix that? (Other then putting all my relevant images in a shorter directory?)
EDIT: Okay, I see why their being truncated now.
EDIT: Quick question. Is there any way to move the radio buttons and check boxes to the other side of their text? The way it is now, it aligns the text smack dab against the text for the next field, making it look like it belongs with something else. I've already accidentally selected the wrong field several times during testing, and I'd already told myself before installing not to do that. I can imagine this being done often by our users, and if if radio buttons are checked accidentally, there's no way to deselect them when you go to edit (barring creating an N/A field, which I'd rather not have). I think if you switch sides, you'll get the formatting like what you have with radio buttons beside the post icons. Just a guess, but I think vB is styled to have the radio and check fields to the right of it's text/icon, judging from the large spacing it puts to the close spacing it puts to the right of those fields and the huge gap it puts on the left. (It's also easy to confuse folks, when the spacing is exactly the same on the post icons below, but the alignment is different.)