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Phalynx 10-21-2011 11:04 AM

Please read this posting about 3.8.6:

M.C. 10-21-2011 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 2259724)
Please read this posting about 3.8.6:

thanks for quick reply. Is it any chance to add some functions to shop and it's integration with LDM?

Phalynx 10-21-2011 11:24 AM

The development of 3.8.6 does not include added features to the shop. However, there is a plugin already available called "download_files_shop_ldm.xml" (Download files with vBExperience as a credit system ("LDM Links and Downloads Manager", "DownloadsII"))

M.C. 10-21-2011 11:35 AM

Thanks, yes I have that plugin, but it asking to buy LDM first. But I have not only files but links and I would like to see option to turn this plugin ON/OFF for certain LDM categories. Is it possible to do so?

Phalynx 10-21-2011 11:59 AM

Currently not, not even with vBExperience 4.

SamirDarji 10-21-2011 01:59 PM

Noting this mod for future research.

M.C. 10-22-2011 11:57 PM

couldn't find any info in thread (may be just blind) is this version fixed from this: http://packetstormsecurity.org/files...Scripting.html

Phalynx 10-23-2011 05:16 PM

Yes, it is.
Quote: / 3.8.5 Beta 5, 10th July 2011
- Prio 1 security patch, please update just xperience.php!

Eric9357 10-28-2011 05:30 AM

How can I uninstall this after upgrading to vB 4.0? I uploaded the uninstall script but it encounters errors.

Phalynx 10-28-2011 07:05 AM

Did you uploaded the uninstall script that was inside the vBExperience 4? If not, please do so.

Alfa1 11-17-2011 10:24 PM

Like 5 other webmasters, I also experience deprecated errors:

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /xperience.php on line 554

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /xperience.php on line 740

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /xperience.php on line 800

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /xperience.php on line 827

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /xperience.php on line 1526
Could you please provide a fix or tell me how to resolve this?

Alfa1 11-17-2011 11:52 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Never mind. I found the issues and fixed them. See the files attached.

Phalynx 11-18-2011 08:10 AM

Thanks for sharing.

HHelp1 11-23-2011 04:50 AM

Thanks dude... i like this :)

Spinball 12-08-2011 09:46 PM

Is there a way to give out some points for posting the first reply to a thread in order to reduce the number of unanswered threads?

Phalynx 12-12-2011 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by Spinball (Post 2276029)
Is there a way to give out some points for posting the first reply to a thread in order to reduce the number of unanswered threads?

Yes, you need to write your own CDP plugin, check the ZIP for more information.

carolc 01-12-2012 08:07 PM

Two questions:

- I'm a few updates behind (I think I'm on I'm nervous about installing the latest patches (i.e. 'if it aint broke, don't fix it...'). Is there anything that might break if I get the latest version? I have a lot of items in the shop, but I haven't changed anything using the cdp.

- Does the integration with Cyb Paypal Donate still work? I'd like to give that a try.

Thanks again for this great mod

Phalynx 01-14-2012 10:33 AM

Install as it contains security fixes, no other changes were applied, so no worry.

Paypal donate should work fine.

carolc 01-25-2012 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 2287599)
Install as it contains security fixes, no other changes were applied, so no worry.

Paypal donate should work fine.

Thank you, Marius.

I installed and it went very smoothly - just changed the one file per the instructions that came with it.

Regarding the PayPal donate feature, it looks like it is working for the most part, but can you confirm two things about the way it calculates PayPal Donate points?

- does it only calculate the donation points after the donation has been "confirmed"?

- How do you calculate the donation points? Do you mulitply the number of points by the dollar amount they donate? e.g. I've set "Points that are added for amounts that has been donated via Hack "Cyb - PayPal Donate"" equal to 70. I then tested by donating $2 and was awareded 140 points. I thought it would be a flat 70 points per donation but it seemed to multiply it by the number of dollars.


Alfa1 02-12-2012 05:26 PM

Is there an easy way to change the location for images and icons? Or is a replacement variable needed?

Phalynx 02-13-2012 08:48 AM

Images and icons are served from the misc stylevar.

Alfa1 02-13-2012 04:01 PM

I do not understand: vbxperience images are located in /forum/xperience/images/

Can I modify this location somewhere or do I need to add a stylevar for /xperience/images/ or do I need to do something else?

upperwhitetrash 02-13-2012 08:34 PM

anyone know how i can uninstall this program?

Phalynx 02-13-2012 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 2299296)
I do not understand: vbxperience images are located in /forum/xperience/images/

Can I modify this location somewhere or do I need to add a stylevar for /xperience/images/ or do I need to do something else?

That's right, with 3.8.4 I changed the location to /xperience. You need to use "redirect" the path, there is no setting for that.

Alfa1 02-17-2012 11:35 PM


appleballs 02-28-2012 06:28 PM

The following explanation of how activity is computed isn't very clear:

"The system calculates the activity by taking the average post count/visitormessages/group discussion/Blog entries of the ten most active user and comparing it to own post count. This can be set to count only the last X days, f.e. 21 days."

Currently our "Timeframe for Activity" is set to 21 days.

This is how I imagine (incorrectly I'm sure) activity percentages are computed:

1) The activity count is based on posts, visitor messages, group discussions, and blog entries. Correct?
2) You find the 10 most active users based on activity count from the last 21 days. Correct?
3) How then is the average post per day (PPD) calculated? Each of the 10 most active users will have their own PPD over the 21 days. What do you do with these 10 individual PPD's. Take the average of the averages?
4) The activity percent for a given user is then computed by calculating his activity count over 21 days and then comparing this number with the count computed in step 3. Correct?

I think a more detailed explanation of how activity is calculated will help answer a lot of questions posters have, like "why do does everyone have 99.9% activity?".

I appreciate any help. Thanks.

Phalynx 02-28-2012 06:57 PM

1) Correct
2) Correct
3) Before calculation there is no average PPD available. Average PPD is calculated from pulling the 10 most active users within posts, visitormessage, group discussions, blog entries from the database.
4) Correct

appleballs 02-28-2012 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 2304354)
1) Correct
2) Correct
3) Before calculation there is no average PPD available. Average PPD is calculated from pulling the 10 most active users within posts, visitormessage, group discussions, blog entries from the database.
4) Correct

Thanks for your reply.

It is the 3rd step that really needs a better explanation. I know there is no PPD available. How exactly it is calculated is where I'm confused. Here's an example.

Total counts over last 21 days for top 10 active users:

user A: 175 counts (8.3333 PPD)
user B: 170 counts (8.0952 PPD)
user C: 165 counts (7.8571 PPD)
user D: 165 counts (7.8571 PPD)
user E: 160 counts (7.6190 PPD)
user F: 160 counts (7.6190 PPD)
user G: 150 counts (7.1429 PPD)
user H: 155 counts (7.3810 PPD)
user I: 145 counts (6.9048 PPD)

Total count = 1545
PPD = 7.3571 (which is the average posts per day of the top 10 active users).

Based on this wouldn't user A have an active percent of 113.3% = 100 *8.3333 / 7.3571?

The reason I want to know the gory details is because when I changed the timeframe from 60 days to 21 days the activity percents changed considerably. What would cause this? An average taken over 21 days compared to 60 days shouldn't make a big difference.

Phalynx 02-28-2012 09:17 PM

Thats right. 113% are for simplicity corrected to 100%, 112% to 99.9%.....

60 days compared to 21 days makes a big difference. Some users post more, some less... 60 days is a long date range for that.

appleballs 02-29-2012 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 2304407)
Thats right. 113% are for simplicity corrected to 100%, 112% to 99.9%.....

60 days compared to 21 days makes a big difference. Some users post more, some less... 60 days is a long date range for that.

I'm not sure how it got set to 60 days, I just assumed that was the default. Is the default/recommended setting 21 days?

RustyF 03-08-2012 12:35 PM

Thanks for your hard work. I'm confused as usual.

We only need to overwrite the xperience.php when upgrading? / 3.8.5 Beta 5, 10th July 2011
- Prio 1 security patch, please update just xperience.php!

I see something above about you changing one of the directories? Sorry, lost.

forum4 03-25-2012 05:05 PM

Since 3.8.6 may not be released, can you share if there were major fixes? I don't care about more features or anything, just the fixes.

I'm getting the validation errors (as mentioned by others) with the double border="0" and missing alt tags. Can someone tell me where to fix those validation errors?

Actually, I'm very surprised that more aren't concerned about the validation errors. Each icon kicks back 2 validation errors, so if you have a page with many posts and each member has 6 icons or so, that could lead to loads of validation errors. For example, this page from one of the demos http://www.insidetwoworlds.com/showthread.php?t=33271 shows 497 validation errors through http://validator.w3.org/ That is a lot of coding errors for one page.

forum4 03-28-2012 12:56 AM

Just an FYI....found this while trying to find a fix

Phalynx 03-28-2012 09:26 AM

This has been already fixed on 10th July 2011:
Quote: / 3.8.5 Beta 5, 10th July 2011
- Prio 1 security patch, please update just xperience.php!

forum4 03-28-2012 03:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 2314172)
This has been already fixed on 10th July 2011:

Sweet! That was all I found to.

So sorry to be so annoying, but what about the validation errors? I just need to know which template to work on. I am not asking you to update the files or anything. If I need to adjust many files, I am fine with that. I've spent 2 days trying to figure it out and removing border="0" from each template, and I seriously can't find where to fix the issues. Each icon in postbit is throwing up a duplicate border="0" error and a missing alt error.

I know we can be annoying with requests and such, and I wouldn't care much if it were just a couple errors on each page, but it adds up to a lot of errors on the showthread pages, which is where all of my content is.

*Found the errors in the functions_xperience.php . It was a very easy fix once I found the file. I'm not a coder/programmer so didn't realize it would be literally on the same line. Too funny.

Here's the file I altered. It's in the includes folder on the root. Once the alt attributes were added and the double border attributes removed, my thread pages pass validation.

Phalynx 03-29-2012 06:19 AM

Glad to see you got it. That part is not in a template as the icons are pulled from database before the templates are read.

portes 04-19-2012 04:20 AM

Hello, great mod! The only problem I have is that the achievements aren't displayed in memberinfo or postbit (if you go to the achievements page, it does says what achivements you "deserve"). I've tried all the options and mantainance tools that you have, even some modifications provided in this thread.

One time I could get the achievements to show but only in some users. There is any cache? Please let me know what can I try.

Alfa1 06-30-2012 08:27 AM

Phalynx, could you please ad a usercp setting to show or hide the points bar in postbit?
This would be much appreciated. A large number of my members want to hide the points bar, while a significant group wants to keep it.
Everyone wants to keep the activity bar.

Is it possible to exclude banned members from appearing on the statistics?

sslprovider 07-01-2012 10:14 PM


Alfa1 07-09-2012 02:15 PM

Over the years, my members have reported a bug that still exists:
When an award is issues or removed, they get a notification. After clicking on the notification, it never goes away anymore.

Does anyone know how I can fix this?

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