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Meltingfire 01-22-2005 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Murphinator

i cant use the log in, it gives me this error

POST requests from foreign hosts are not allowed.
and also i tried to do the admincp/index.php change and it gave me an error :(

I found a fix for the "POST" problem!

Im running vbIndex on "www .site.com" and my forum on "forum.site.com" and i had problems with the POST issue.

I found out that in the preg-replace they have hardcoded the "www" part and changeing it to "forum" solved it for me.


PHP Code:

$http_host preg_replace('#^www\.#i'''$http_host); 

PHP Code:

$http_host preg_replace('#^forum\.#i'''$http_host); 

klute 01-23-2005 05:00 AM

I have the same problem. In which file must the change be carried out?

Impulse 01-23-2005 02:42 PM

I'm asking in in here as well and although it has probaly been asked several times aldready, I couldn't find an answer ;___;

I've recently installed vBindex on www.ffimpulse.com/vbindex.php? Now, when I try to log it, it lets me but on the vbindex page nothing changes, I'm still seen as a guest even though it does log me in on the forums .. it doesn't log me in on the vbindex page.

It's not the same as the above posted problem.

Help, please.

Meltingfire 01-23-2005 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by klute
I have the same problem. In which file must the change be carried out?

Its in includes/init.php

Boots 01-25-2005 01:31 PM

a few questions

1. which is better, this or vbcpms ?
2. is removal easy?
3. how much crap does this add to my database?
4. does it manipulate the structure of the database?
5. does it affect my ability to update my forums?

black04gt 01-25-2005 09:23 PM


I just installed it and folowed the directions exactly word for word and guess what happened absolutly nothing. I used the control pannel and put it to have 2 boxes on left and right sides.. and nodde no error messages nothing...

im stuck in the mud any help please



overload7 01-25-2005 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by black04gt

I just installed it and folowed the directions exactly word for word and guess what happened absolutly nothing. I used the control pannel and put it to have 2 boxes on left and right sides.. and nodde no error messages nothing...

im stuck in the mud any help please



I have the same exact problem. Cannot figure it out at all.

black04gt 01-26-2005 12:24 AM

me either... i dont understand... i reinstalled unintsalled reintalled changed things nothing...... guess no one looks at this threat anymore bro... is there another place i can post for help?

Theory 01-27-2005 11:22 AM

This may sound retarded. But uhh how do you edit custom blocks?

black04gt 01-27-2005 11:38 AM

i was wondering that too...

Theory 01-27-2005 11:59 AM

If you find out let me know.

Theory 01-27-2005 01:07 PM

I think I found out how you have to edit the template vbindex_customblock_1 then copy it over to every skin =/. Wish they had a main menu option set up like vbportal does.

Big Kahuna 01-27-2005 10:24 PM

When I upgraded from VB 3.0.1 to 3.0.6 I lost the dropdown menu for VBindex options in my admincp. I spent an hour looking for the answer here and elsewhere -- before figuring it out. No no one else has to feel my pain -- the answer is:

in the admincp at line 568 replace

PHP Code:


($vbphrase['vbulletin_options'], 'options.php?null=0''<br />'); 


PHP Code:

($vbphrase['vbulletin_options'], 'options.php?null=0''<br />');

construct_nav_option($vbphrase['vbindex_options'], 'vbioptions.php?''<br />'); 

hysteriaweb 01-28-2005 09:12 AM

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.5:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO template
(styleid, templatetype, title, dateline, username, template)
(2, 'stylevar', 'imgdir_attach', 1106910482, 'xxxxxxxxxx', 'http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/images/attach')

mysql error: Duplicate entry 'imgdir_attach-2' for key 2

mysql error number: 1062

I am getting this error when trying to install the portal on the latest version of vbulletin. Has anyone else had this problem?

T3MEDIA 01-28-2005 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Theory
This may sound retarded. But uhh how do you edit custom blocks?

there is a template... custom 1,2,3,4 ect. you put your code in there. what ever your doing that is.

T3MEDIA 01-28-2005 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by dreck

You mean to tell me there isnt anyone that gets this Avatar issue????
any form of fix out there?

Big Kahuna 01-28-2005 02:04 PM

I installed version 3 of this in May on VB3.0.1 and never had a problem with it at www.moparstyle.com

Yesterday I upgraded to VB3.0.6 and the only thing I could find that was lost in the upgrade was the VBindex Options in the adminCP. I found the fix and posted it three posts up.

dboogie2288 01-28-2005 04:45 PM

Hello, I have been using VBindex for a few weeks now, and i have noticed this small problem regarding thread images on the actual index page. For some reason, it displays the domain twice, resulting in a bad link that looks like this: http://www.beginnerbikers.org/forum/...ons/icon10.gif

I have triple checked all my image directories to make sure that the domain and path is correct, so I'm at a loss as to what setting I need to modify. Thanks in advance..

greenhybrid 01-28-2005 10:15 PM

Is it possible to have two different instances of this script installed? I have one page that I now have set up like a portal, but for the homepage of my website, I'd like to have a blog-style news feed from the forums as well. It would run on a different template, URL, etc. Perhaps by doing a big search/replace in the code and re-installing?


MrLeN 01-29-2005 08:09 AM

I installed it exactly as it said. I got an error. So I uninstalled it and installed it again, very carefully. I got the same error again:


Warning: chdir(): No such file or directory (errno 2) in /home/newezone/public_html/vbindex/vbindex.php on line 144

Warning: main(./global.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/newezone/public_html/vbindex/vbindex.php on line 145

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required './global.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/newezone/public_html/vbindex/vbindex.php on line 145
I have:




..I also tried placing them in:


..and I have:





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Charlie Argueta 01-29-2005 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by Charlie Argueta
Hi there!

I have installed the vBindex in my web site but I would like to make a small modification.

The point is that I want to restrict the shoutbox not only to theunregistred users but also one group else, but I don't know what to door which variable to use and were in order to archive this.

I hope you can help me to make this :)

Thanks in advance

Again, can you help me with this?

The thing is that at least I need a style variable to restrict the shoutbox not only to the unregistred, also to another group.

Something like:

<if usergroup="number" bla bla bla "noposting" ...
Please, help me :(

See Ya

greenhybrid 01-29-2005 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by greenhybrid
Is it possible to have two different instances of this script installed? I have one page that I now have set up like a portal, but for the homepage of my website, I'd like to have a blog-style news feed from the forums as well. It would run on a different template, URL, etc. Perhaps by doing a big search/replace in the code and re-installing?


Could I, perhaps, replace all instances of "vbindex" with "vbindex2" and re-install? Any help would be much appreciated.

Prodigal 01-29-2005 11:18 PM

what shoutbox does this use? or does it have one built in thats just not working for me?

Prodigal 01-29-2005 11:26 PM

i love this hack, i installed it immediately. im have a lil trouble understanding how to set up the polls and getting the shoutbox to work. also, im want the vbindex to be at my domain name. any help?

pxtek 01-30-2005 04:51 AM

Warning: chdir(): No such file or directory (errno 2) in /home/t61/public_html/vbindex.php on line 144

flstreetscene 01-30-2005 11:37 AM

Why can't anyone answer this?

What do I have to edit so that there are no margins for the vbindex content

shown here:

greenhybrid 01-30-2005 02:50 PM

Prodigal, you can use htaccess to set the default page for a directory. Not sure if you can make the default page from another directory, though.

flstreetscene, I was looking for that, too. Can't seem to find it? Perhaps get rid of the class that that cell has in the vbindex template.

Can anyone answer my question? ^

pxtek 01-30-2005 10:25 PM

Warning: chdir(): No such file or directory (errno 2) in /home/t61/public_html/vbindex.php on line 144

anyone help with this problem

shin asura 01-31-2005 05:53 AM

Installed it, went through the setup didn't get any errors but I can't get it to show the portal.

What address do I use?

pxtek 01-31-2005 05:37 PM

shin asura i think its www.yourdomain.com/forumname/vbindex.php

T3MEDIA 02-01-2005 05:09 AM

this hack has been abandoned.
dont you guys see that?

and change vbindex.php to index.php

caf0006 02-01-2005 08:18 AM

Can anybody tell me how include the styles header template in the VBINDEX template without cutting and pasting HTML?
I've tried putting $header after the <body> tag but it seems to be including the vbindex_header template there instead.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Kyderoy 02-03-2005 02:55 AM

I installed Vbindex but when I try to access the portal I get this error.....

Warning: chdir(): No such file or directory (errno 2) in E:\Inetpub\forums\vbindex.php on line 144

Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
File: E:\Inetpub\forums\vbindex.php
Line: 144

Please help

caf0006 02-03-2005 06:37 AM

I solved my problem.
in your vbindex.php file go to line 1158
look for:
PHP Code:

eval("\$home[header] = \"".fetch_template('vbindex_header')."\";"); 

replace with:
PHP Code:

eval("\$home[header] = \"".fetch_template('header')."\";"); 

Now where ever you put the $header variable in your vbindex templates your style's header will show instead of vindex's. Just keep in mind that you will no longer be able to use the vbindex_header template. Which is fine by me.

If you want to use your style's footer template rather than vbindex's, go to line 1156(should be right above the place you edited for the header section)
look for:
PHP Code:

eval("\$home[footer] = \"".fetch_template('vbindex_footer')."\";"); 

and replace with:
PHP Code:

eval("\$home[footer] = \"".fetch_template('footer')."\";"); 

There ya go, easy as cake.

T3MEDIA 02-03-2005 02:36 PM

Hey buddy you think you can create a fix for the Avatar bug? if you upload they show if you take one from the database nothing shows.

1nf3rn0 02-07-2005 07:09 AM

well here goes with my lil bug that i cant seem to find...i have installed this addon at 2 sites....both of which all went real smooth.....now...one site, shows the new posts under the new threads in the center column, the other DOESN'T show the new posts under the new threads in the center column....any ideas as to why one site shows and the other doesnt show the new posts?..as well...i have updated counters and added the forum id's for the news to show up and have it enabled...but to no avail...those too aren't showing up..any help is appreciated and thank you in advance...BTW...great add-on!

Alfa166 02-07-2005 04:06 PM

Anyone prepared to share their wisdom ???

I have installed vBindex on 3.0.6, basically the install was faultless, all went in as per instructions.

Problem is obviously due to the updates in vBulletin since 3.0.0 this hack appears not to work, has anyone managed to get it to work on 3.0.5 or 6, if so would you please note the changes you had to make, working vBindex is awesome and i know it works on 3.0.6 because it can be seen HERE.

Any help would be much appreciated and i'm sure would put more than this one user out of their misery.



rodriguez 02-07-2005 06:08 PM

Sorry if someone asked that before, but is there a way to have the side bar on everypage like what vBadvanced can do ?

deta 02-10-2005 09:57 AM


I wanted sometimes questions, when a new version comes?

What is for the new version geplahnt?

cu Deta

mattyk72 02-14-2005 08:54 PM

How can I have the centered latest threads box on top of the news threads, instead of the default way it is now?

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