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Bulbucan 01-13-2012 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by DS MrSinister (Post 2287293)
here is a fix for that. it will fix the postbit one..


that doesnt fixed my problem.

Hippy 01-13-2012 10:36 PM

post_thanks_postbit_info template


<vb:if condition="$post['userid']">
    <dt>{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_thanks}</dt> <dd>{vb:raw post.post_thanks_user_amount_formatted}</dd>
    <vb:if condition="$post['post_thanks_thanked_times'] == 1">
        <dd>{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_time_post}</dd>
    <vb:elseif condition="$post['post_thanks_thanked_posts'] == 1" />
        <dd >{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_times_post, {vb:raw post.post_thanks_thanked_times_formatted}}</dd>
    <vb:else />
        <dd>{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_times_posts, {vb:raw post.post_thanks_thanked_times_formatted}, {vb:raw post.post_thanks_thanked_posts_formatted}}</dd>

try this ..
and post me your postbit template here, complete

WoodChuck'r 01-14-2012 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by ForceHSS (Post 2287250)
are you using the one in my sig?

Yes. I am selecting to upload the "post_thanks.php" file and this is what I see -


No matter how long I let it sit for or how many times I try, nothing happens.

sadiq6210 01-14-2012 04:22 AM


Originally Posted by WoodChuck'r (Post 2287499)
Yes. I am selecting to upload the "post_thanks.php" file and this is what I see -


No matter how long I let it sit for or how many times I try, nothing happens.

Are you trying to upload php file from admincp?

Upload the xml file from admincp and the other files you can upload it using one of the FTP programs.

WoodChuck'r 01-14-2012 04:46 AM

That's where I'm confused - what/where is an FTP program....??

I must be uploading it wrong....

sadiq6210 01-14-2012 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by WoodChuck'r (Post 2287537)
That's where I'm confused - what/where is an FTP program....??

I must be uploading it wrong....

When you install the vb script, How did you upload the files to your website?
In same way you can upload the mod files

For example, I am using LeapFTP program

Also, you can use (File manager) in your CPANEL

Bulbucan 01-14-2012 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by Hippy (Post 2287457)
and post me your postbit template here, complete

Code you gaved wont fix it, and here it is my postbit template.

PHP Code:

{vb:raw template_hook.postbit_start}
li class="postbit postbitim postcontainer" id="post_{vb:raw post.postid}">
div class="postdetails_noavatar">
div class="posthead">
span class="postdate {vb:raw post.statusicon}">
vb:if condition="$show['announcement']">
span class="date">{vb:rawphrase x_until_y, {vb:raw post.startdate}, {vb:raw post.enddate}}</span>
vb:else />
span class="date">{vb:raw post.postdate}<vb:if condition="!$show['detailedtime']">&nbsp;<span class="time">{vb:raw post.posttime}</span></vb:if></span>
span class="nodecontrols">
vb:if condition="$post['postid'] AND $post['threadid'] AND !$show['moderated']">
a name="post{vb:raw post.postid}" href="{vb:link thread, {vb:raw thread}, {vb:raw pageinfo_post}}#post{vb:raw post.postid}" class="<vb:if condition="$show['inlinemod']">ie</vb:if>postcounter">#{vb:raw post.postcount}</a><a id="postcount{vb:raw post.postid}" name="{vb:raw post.postcount}"></a>
vb:if condition="$show['moderated']">{vb:rawphrase moderated_post}</vb:if>
vb:if condition="$show['inlinemod']">
label for="post_imod_checkbox_{vb:raw post.postid}"><input class="postimod" type="checkbox" id="post_imod_checkbox_{vb:raw post.postid}" name="plist[{vb:raw post.postid}]" value="{vb:raw post.checkbox_value}" /></label>

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img src="{vb:raw post.avatarurl}" alt="{vb:rawphrase xs_avatar, {vb:raw post.username}}" />
vb:else />
img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/unknown.gif" />
div class="username_container">
vb:if condition="$post['userid']">
vb:raw memberaction_dropdown}
vb:raw post.onlinestatus}
vb:else />
span class="username guest">{vb:raw post.musername}</span>
span class="usertitle">
vb:raw post.usertitle}
vb:if condition="$post['rank']">
span class="rank">{vb:raw post.rank}</span>

vb:raw template_hook.postbit_userinfo_left}
vb:if condition="$show['reputation']">
span class="postbit_reputation" id="repdisplay_{vb:raw post.postid}_{vb:raw post.userid}">{vb:raw post.reputationdisplay}</span>
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vb:raw post.icqicon} {vb:raw post.aimicon} {vb:raw post.msnicon} {vb:raw post.yahooicon} {vb:raw post.skypeicon}
vb:if condition="$post['userid']">
div class="userinfo_extra">
dl class="userstats">
vb:raw post.crowns}{vb:raw post.champtext}<br />
vb:if condition="$post['joindate']"><dt>{vb:rawphrase join_date}</dt> <dd>{vb:raw post.joindate}</dd></vb:if>
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vb:if condition="$post['age']"><dt>{vb:rawphrase age}</dt> <dd>{vb:raw post.age}</dd></vb:if>
dt>{vb:rawphrase posts}</dt> <dd>{vb:raw post.posts}</dd>    
vb:raw template_hook.postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts}
vb:if condition="$show['infraction'] OR $show['reppower']">
dl class="user_rep">
vb:if condition="$show['infraction']">
dt>{vb:rawphrase infractions}</dt
dd>{vb:raw post.warnings}/{vb:raw post.infractions} ({vb:raw post.ipoints})</dd>
vb:if condition="$show['reputation']">
vb:if condition="$show['reppower']">
dt>{vb:rawphrase reppower}</dt
dd id="reppower_{vb:raw post.postid}_{vb:raw post.userid}">{vb:raw post.reppower}</dd
vb:raw template_hook.postbit_userinfo_right}

div class="postbody">
vb:raw template_hook.postbit_messagearea_start}
div class="postrow">
vb:if condition="$post['title'] OR $show['messageicon']">
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vb:raw ad_location.ad_showthread_firstpost_start}
vb:raw ad_location.thread_first_post_content}
vb:if condition="$post['islastshown']">
vb:raw ad_location.thread_last_post_content}
div class="content<vb:if condition="$show['first_ad'] OR $show['last_ad']"> hasad</vb:if>">
div id="post_message_{vb:raw post.postid}">
blockquote class="postcontent restore">
vb:raw post.message}

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vb:raw post.thumbnailattachments}

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vb:raw post.moderatedattachments}

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attachments -->

vb:if condition="$show['postedited']">
edit note -->
blockquote class="postcontent lastedited">
<!--                        <
img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/edit_40b.png" class="inlineimg" alt="" /> -->
vb:if condition="$show['postedithistory']">
vb:rawphrase last_edited_link_by_x_on_y_at_z_postid, {vb:raw post.edit_username}, {vb:raw post.edit_date}, 
vb:raw post.edit_time}, {vb:raw post.historyurl}}
vb:else />
vb:rawphrase last_edited_by_x_on_y_at_z, {vb:raw post.edit_username}, {vb:raw post.edit_date}, {vb:raw post.edit_time}}
vb:if condition="$post['edit_reason']">
span class="reason">{vb:rawphrase reason}:</span> {vb:raw post.edit_reason}
            <!-- / 
edit note -->

vb:raw template_hook.postbit_signature_start}    
vb:raw ad_location.ad_showthread_firstpost_sig}
vb:if condition="$post['signature']">
blockquote class="signature restore"><div class="signaturecontainer">{vb:raw post.signature}</div></blockquote>

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vb:raw template_hook.postbit_controls}
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vb:if condition="THIS_SCRIPT != 'usernote' && THIS_SCRIPT != 'announcement'"><span class="seperator">&nbsp;</span></vb:if>

vb:if condition="$show['quickreply'] AND !$show['threadedmode']">
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span class="seperator">&nbsp;</span>
vb:if condition="$post['replylink']">
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span class="postlinking">
vb:if condition="!$post['forwardlink'] && THIS_SCRIPT != 'usernote' && THIS_SCRIPT != 'announcement'">
vb:if condition="$promote_sectionid AND $promote_sectionid != -1">
a href="{vb:raw promote_url}" class="promotecms">{vb:rawphrase promote_to_article}</a>
span class="seperator">&nbsp;</span>
vb:raw template_hook.postbit_controls}

vb:raw post.iplogged
vb:if condition="$post['forwardlink']">
class="forwardpost" href="{vb:raw post.forwardlink}" rel="nofollow" ><img src="{vb:raw vboptions.cleargifurl}" alt="{vb:rawphrase forward_message}" /> {vb:rawphrase forward}</a>
vb:if condition="$show['reputationlink'] OR $show['infractionlink'] OR $show['moderated'] OR $show['spam'] OR $show['deletedpost'] OR $show['redcard'] OR $show['yellowcard']"><span class="seperator">&nbsp;</span></vb:if>

vb:if condition="$show['reputationlink']">
span class="reputationpopupmenu popupmenu popupcustom" title="{vb:raw post.postid}"><class="popupctrl reputation" href="reputation.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=addreputation&amp;p={vb:raw post.postid}" title="{vb:rawphrase add_reputation}" rel="nofollow" id="reputation_{vb:raw post.postid}"><!--<img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/reputation-40b.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase add_reputation}" />-->&nbsp;</a></span>

vb:if condition="$show['infractionlink']">
nbsp;<class="infraction" href="infraction.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=report&amp;p={vb:raw post.postid}" rel="nofollow" title="{vb:rawphrase add_infraction_for_x, {vb:raw post.username}}"><!-- <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/add-infraction_sm.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase add_infraction_for_x, {vb:raw post.username}}" /> --> &nbsp;</a> &nbsp;
vb:if condition="$show['reportlink']">
nbsp;<class="report" href="{vb:raw post.reportlink}" rel="nofollow" title="{vb:rawphrase report_bad_post}"><!-- <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/report-40b.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase report_bad_post}" /> -->&nbsp;</a> &nbsp;

vb:if condition="$show['moderated']">
img class="moderated" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/moderated_sm.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase moderated_post}" />
vb:if condition="$show['spam']">
img class="spam" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/spam_detected.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase spam_post}" />
vb:if condition="$show['deletedpost']">
vb:if condition="$show['managepost']">
class="deleted" href="{vb:raw $vboptions.vbforum_url}{vb:if "$vboptions['vbforum_url']", '/', ''}postings.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=managepost&amp;p={vb:raw post.postid}" title="{vb:rawphrase manage}">&nbsp;</a>
vb:else />
img class="deleted_nolink" class="inlineimage" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/deleted_sm.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase deleted_post}" />
vb:if condition="$show['redcard']">
class="redcard" href="infraction.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=view&amp;p={vb:raw post.postid}" rel="nofollow" title="{vb:rawphrase received_infraction}"><!-- <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/red-card_sm.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase received_infraction}" /> --> &nbsp;</a>
vb:elseif condition="$show['yellowcard']" />
class="yellowcard" href="infraction.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=view&amp;p={vb:raw post.postid}" rel="nofollow" title="{vb:rawphrase received_warning}"><!--<img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/yellow-card_sm.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase received_warning}" /> --> &nbsp;</a>
vb:if condition="$post['api_platform']">
vb:if condition="$post['api_platform_link']">
class="mobile mobile_{vb:raw post.api_platform}" href="{vb:raw post.api_platform_link}" rel="nofollow" title="{vb:rawphrase {vb:raw post['api_platform_link_title']}}">{vb:rawphrase {vb:raw post['api_platform_link_phrase']}}</a>
vb:else />
span class="mobile mobile_{vb:raw post.api_platform}">{vb:rawphrase {vb:raw post['api_platform_link_phrase']}}</span>
hr />
vb:raw template_hook.postbit_end

Hippy 01-14-2012 03:39 PM

template seems stock
are you using postbit_legacy
your style is edited
and there is other code to make the surround
was this template or the postbit_legacy edited ...

need to find the code they are using and add it to your post thanks so it will match your styles

whats the name of the style.. and or who made it

ftp is what you use to get files to your server like the board files..
the xml file in the mod zip file is the only thing that goes through the admincp import product
the error about is because you are trying to upload files through there

and you can not import the product xml file UNLESS you upload the mod files to your ftp..

hope you got it now

if not feel free to shoot me a pm

Bulbucan 01-14-2012 08:53 PM

postbit_legacy, and im using AfterMath style made by http://mysticdigital.com

Hippy 01-14-2012 11:19 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Bulbucan (Post 2287847)
postbit_legacy, and I'm using AfterMath style made by http://mysticdigital.com

that template I sent you should work .. BUT you have something other editing your postbit
what mod or edit do you have to that area..
some kind of enhancement

BOZOGLU 01-15-2012 01:55 AM

4.1.10 not working

Videx 01-15-2012 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by BOZOGLU (Post 2287973)
4.1.10 not working

What does that mean? If you really can't get 4.1.0 working then go to vb.com and read some threads and do some searches.

If you're trying to say this mod has worked for you for years and after the upgrade to 4.1.0 it has stopped, then say so.

If you're trying to say you've just installed it on a new 4.1.0 board, then say that. And assure us you've read THIS ENTIRE THREAD so we know you aren't just being lazy.

Hippy 01-15-2012 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by Bulbucan (Post 2287258)
Got 2 problems, how to fix it ?? Im using AfterMath style.


ok I spend hours playing CSI here with the little info you gave here

I think it looks like your using this mod eTiKeT? 2011 Posbit_legacy - Postbit Details ??

so you will need to replace your "post_thanks_postbit_info" template with this
over write the template completely


<vb:if condition="$post['userid']">
<div class="etiket_postbit_alanI_userinfo_extra_yazIlarI">
    {vb:rawphrase post_thanks_thanks} <dd>{vb:raw post.post_thanks_user_amount_formatted}</dd></div>
    <vb:if condition="$post['post_thanks_thanked_times'] == 1">
        {vb:rawphrase post_thanks_time_post}
    <vb:elseif condition="$post['post_thanks_thanked_posts'] == 1" />
<div class="etiket_postbit_alanI_userinfo_extra_yazIlarI">
        {vb:rawphrase post_thanks_times_post, {vb:raw post.post_thanks_thanked_times_formatted}}</div>
    <vb:else />
  <div class="etiket_postbit_alanI_userinfo_extra_yazIlarI">   
{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_times_posts, {vb:raw post.post_thanks_thanked_times_formatted}, {vb:raw post.post_thanks_thanked_posts_formatted}}</div>

trainer 01-17-2012 03:03 PM

i just upgraded to 4.1.10 and this is giving me this message when i try to install

This product is not compatible with version 4.1.10 of vBulletin.

AZReptile1 01-17-2012 03:23 PM

I know 143 pages is ridiculous to go through, but this hack hasn't been supported as this version since Jan 2010. It will not work with 4.1.10 "out of the box". To help the people who are still viewing this thread (100's and 100's), - has someone picked the ball up and is there a version that does work with 4.1.10 (other than the dbtech lite program which ads credits/links to the bottom of your forums)?

sadiq6210 01-17-2012 03:48 PM

<a href="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=2249550&postcount=1847" target="_blank">https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showp...postcount=1847</a>

bremereric 01-18-2012 02:52 AM

Man it's so sad that the original developer drop the ball on this great hack. I can't believe how much ForceHSS and Hippy have done to keep this alive. Great job guys.

Hippy 01-18-2012 07:28 PM

welcome any time
glad to help keep this mod alive..

WoodChuck'r 01-18-2012 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by bremereric (Post 2289232)
Man it's so sad that the original developer drop the ball on this great hack. I can't believe how much ForceHSS and Hippy have done to keep this alive. Great job guys.

Couldn't agree with ya more. Great to have help of those in the know! :)

Papa Bear 01-18-2012 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by AZReptile1 (Post 2289031)
I know 143 pages is ridiculous to go through, but this hack hasn't been supported as this version since Jan 2010. It will not work with 4.1.10 "out of the box". To help the people who are still viewing this thread (100's and 100's), - has someone picked the ball up and is there a version that does work with 4.1.10 (other than the dbtech lite program which ads credits/links to the bottom of your forums)?

Use this version for 4.1.10. as posted by ForceHss. I have 4.1.10 and it works fine.


slinky 01-21-2012 07:16 PM

While I like this hack a great deal, I was wondering if someone would be able to convert my thank yous to "reputation." While this works, it's not supported and I'd rather get something that is and will make a better effort to implement the "reputation" button. Has anyone done this, e.g. "best answer" or "+1" - I'd be interested in paying for a solution and conversion despite this system still working well at 4.1.9.

Hippy 01-21-2012 08:47 PM

this mod does add reputation if you turn it on and add the amount per thank in the admincp

slinky 01-21-2012 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by Hippy (Post 2290699)
this mod does add reputation if you turn it on and add the amount per thank in the admincp

Pretty funny... I had this enabled.

Q: Will it recalculate the amount given for reputation?
Q: Will it calculate reputation and make the database entries if it's turned on to add reputation after the Thanks Module has been working for a while?

I'm afraid to touch the dial, lol. Thankfully I put this in. Honestly... looking at it again and with vB Experience and what I have going... it may be better off to deal with the large load of vB Experience and the convenience of this great plugin.

PS - Thank you for your reply.

Hippy 01-21-2012 09:56 PM

I am not sure if you use the recount the thanks it will do the reputation as well..
most likely not..

JimxJNM 01-23-2012 09:38 AM

Can you update it to 4.1.9? i tried installing the XML but it's not compatible with 4.1.9


ForceHSS 01-23-2012 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by JimxJNM (Post 2291334)
Can you update it to 4.1.9? i tried installing the XML but it's not compatible with 4.1.9


it already has been updated link in my sig

DarknessDivine 01-23-2012 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by ForceHSS (Post 2291370)
it already has been updated link in my sig

I have uploaded all of the files from the link in your signature, try to upload the product and it keeps giving this notice:

Please upload the files that came with this Hack before installing or upgrading!
I have checked and double checked, everything has been uploaded.

I am using vb version 4.1.10, clean install.

Hippy 01-23-2012 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by DarknessDivine (Post 2291410)
I have uploaded all of the files from the link in your signature, try to upload the product and it keeps giving this notice:

I have checked and double checked, everything has been uploaded.

I am using vb version 4.1.10, clean install.

then they are not uploaded to the correct place where the script expects them

shervin_dvb 01-27-2012 08:25 PM

The following dependencies were not met:

This product is not compatible with version 4.1.10 of vBulletin. (Compatible starting with 4.0.0 beta 4 / Incompatible with 4.1.0 alpha 1 and greater)

djbaxter 01-27-2012 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by shervin_dvb (Post 2293205)
The following dependencies were not met:

This product is not compatible with version 4.1.10 of vBulletin. (Compatible starting with 4.0.0 beta 4 / Incompatible with 4.1.0 alpha 1 and greater)

Learn to use the "search thread" feature. This issue has been been addressed dozens if not hundreds of times in this thread alone.

majjed2008 01-28-2012 07:52 AM

i get hundred email every day with error 1146 please kindly how to fix it step by step

Hippy 01-28-2012 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by majjed2008 (Post 2293359)
i get hundred email every day with error 1146 please kindly how to fix it step by step

post the error please

pbforum 01-28-2012 05:20 PM

This product is not compatible with version 4.1.10 of vBulletin. (Compatible starting with 4.0.0 beta 4 / Incompatible with 4.1.0 alpha 1 and greater)

Hippy 01-28-2012 05:33 PM

grab the one out of his sig

solson 01-29-2012 03:02 AM

I installed this mod on 4.1.9 and it works great... Thanks for the great mod!

I do have a social network icons installed in the user profile field and when I installed this mod, the icons were on the same line as "Thanked x Times in x Posts." I had to adjust the postbit_social1 to add a break and get the icons to the next line. Not sure why it ended up that way to begin with, or if there was a different way I could have fixed it.

My main question is this: Can I remove how many thanks the user gives "Thanks: x" from the user profile field and only keep how many times a user was thanked? And how would this be done? Thanks so much and keep up the good work! :cool:

Danai 01-29-2012 12:48 PM

Is there a way to change this into a "Like" hack? By this I just mean it would say "*** likes this post" instead of *** thanked for this post, and next to the edit button it would say "like this post" etc.

Cheers, love it by the way!

Hippy 01-29-2012 12:52 PM

in your adminecp search phrases for thanks and change to like...
when you add thanks to your search box make sure you tick Phrase Text and Phrase Variable Name
to find them

I did it here for sawhawgz http://sawhawgz.com/showthread.php?1...age3&styleid=3

Hippy 01-29-2012 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by solson (Post 2293677)
I installed this mod on 4.1.9 and it works great... Thanks for the great mod!

I do have a social network icons installed in the user profile field and when I installed this mod, the icons were on the same line as "Thanked x Times in x Posts." I had to adjust the postbit_social1 to add a break and get the icons to the next line. Not sure why it ended up that way to begin with, or if there was a different way I could have fixed it.

My main question is this: Can I remove how many thanks the user gives "Thanks: x" from the user profile field and only keep how many times a user was thanked? And how would this be done? Thanks so much and keep up the good work! :cool:

edit your post_thanks_postbit template

Danai 01-29-2012 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by Hippy (Post 2293806)
in your adminecp search phrases for thanks and change to like...
when you add thanks to your search box make sure you tick Phrase Text and Phrase Variable Name
to find them


Danai 01-29-2012 05:29 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Oh, sorry, was also going to ask if it was possible to move the "The following users thanked for this post" below the post to inside the post.

Attached a screen shot of that.


Is there a way to align the "Thanks:" under your name to the left instead of the right?
Also attached a photo of that.


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