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-   -   Show Thread Enhancements - [AJAX] Post Thank You Hack (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=122944)

Scooty 12-15-2008 12:09 PM

A really great mod! Thanks for taking the time to create this!

timberball 12-18-2008 05:35 AM

i want to delet some information about my post thank hack !
i dont want to : Thanked x times in x post and Thanked x times, appear in my post bit ! how can i remove it ?

timberball 12-19-2008 10:02 AM

no answer ?

Abe1 12-26-2008 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by timberball (Post 1688646)
no answer ?

If you get the vb3.7/3.8 version, there is an option.

Yosef Sh 01-21-2009 06:41 PM

Thank U
the "thanks" image doesnt appear just the text form

bestmilan 01-25-2009 04:40 PM

Great Hack! Thank you Abe

How can I remove the "Thanked Posts/Thanked" bits that display in every user's post from certain usergroups?


OK, I found this solution. If the user is a member of the X usergroup then show the code.


<if condition="$post['usergroupid'] == X">


And then you can use the ! to tell it to not show it to the X usergroup but show it to everyone else.


<if condition="$post['usergroupid'] != X">



Sup101 01-27-2009 06:01 PM

I am having a gaping problem top and bottom. As well as that black box showing up around the user name.

Iv looked at all the code and cannot find the problem. if anyone could help that would be great!

Sup101 01-28-2009 02:51 AM

Anyone at all ? it seems to be breaking some of the site.

mindfrost82 02-06-2009 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by Addicted2HD (Post 1532954)
Is there anyway to disable the "post" that is made in the thread "The following user(s) say thank you to so-and-so for this useful post" which displays the names of the users that clicked "thanks"?

We have installed the hack and it works great, we would just like to keep a total of how many times a user was thanked rather than display who thanked who in order to avoid some childishness that may come as a result (why didn't so and so thank me?).

Any option to turn the "thanks post" on or off would be great, maybe at the user level so mods and admins could see it but not registered users?


Ever figure out if there's a way to do this? Our staff is wanting to do the same thing for this hack.

RangerXXX 02-21-2009 10:20 PM

How can I have a forum that only people with a certain number of thanks can view?

chapsrulez 03-23-2009 07:31 PM

Im using Vbulletin 3.7.0 and Thanks Hack.

Long time ago, in order to download attachments in my community, users must have at least one reply to a thread and i created a "introduce yourself to the community" thread where new users may be able to have their first post and download all my content.

About a month ago, i have no restriction to download files, any user (registered or not) is able to download, but i kept the introduce thread, every time a new user is registered, a private message is sent to their inbox and users are asked to read the rules and to make their first post in the introduce thread.

I also close threads when they reach 3,500 replies and open a new one, in the case of the introduce yourselve thread i have 4 threads.

Today i noticed that on one of my closed introduce yourself to the community thread, four users are having a lot of thanks which is strange because

1- The thanks are on a closed thread which is only visible on the fourth or fifth page of the forumdisplay
2- Those posts should not recive a thank because they are useless posts
3- The users are reciving up to three or four thanks of the same day by the same user

My question is if this is some kind of exploit on the hack?
or what maybe something wrong with the settings of the hack?

any help would be appreciated.
thanks a lot.

z0diac 05-01-2009 05:14 PM

Wish list:

Add to reputation instead of 'thanks' counter.

I've been trying to get my users to use the reputation system for years.

A thumbs up / thumbs down (with anonymous thumbs down option) right at the bottom of each post would be GREAT.

rangana1 05-31-2009 07:33 AM


z0diac 06-08-2009 11:38 PM

I've had this mod running for a couple weeks now but just got this sent to me:

Database error in vBulletin 3.6.8:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM post_thanks AS post_thanks INNER JOIN user AS user USING (userid) WHERE post_thanks.postid IN () ORDER BY post_thanks.username ASC;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') ORDER BY post_thanks.username ASC' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Date : Monday, June 8th 2009 @ 03:00:14 PM
Script : http://forum.mysite/post_thanks.php?...sing_ajax=1&p=
Referrer : http://forum.mysite.com/showthread.php?t=3119
IP Address :
Username : Unregistered
Classname : vB_Database

AJ CHRI 07-04-2009 12:04 PM

Thank You

z0diac 07-07-2009 03:52 PM

Got this error again...


z0diac 07-07-2009 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by z0diac (Post 1844566)

Anyone know what causes this?? Is this thread still monitored by the mod author ?

HeyMe 07-27-2009 10:25 AM

Bad, no thanks button on this thread :D

Namsto 08-26-2009 04:53 PM


I have problem with this mod. Sometimes ,when user of my site click thx button he become this message:


XXX, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

  1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
  2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

It's become 2 times on 10 attemps. How can I fix it? ;)

Thx for help ;)

Namsto 08-29-2009 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by frupunch (Post 1320333)

i upgraded 5.3 to 6.3 (VB version is 3.6.8), If i click "Thank" button it will appear this "Message".


I hope that someone can help me!

First of all sorry for double post but I looked for something helpfull in this topic and I found this(look up). The same problem without solution... template edit nothing changed, reinstall.. I tried all.. Someone?? Please.. I'm only a little user, who is looking for help :P :)

With love ;P

goshalim 09-09-2009 02:15 AM


I have the Thanked product , and i would like to make it looks like the picture below
According to each usergroup , then colour must me shown, when they thank.

Does any ones kons how to do this please


leftwich86 09-17-2009 05:37 PM

We just re-installed our thanks (because AJAX isn't working) and a couple of issues:

1) AJAX isn't working for it. The page refreshes
2) Thanks are no longer showing up in the user cp history

Any help with either?

demonfatal 10-07-2009 09:04 PM

Thank you for this great hack!!!

My forum has some posts with 250 or more Thanks, which takes up a lot of space.
How can I add a button to Hide/ Show the Thanks and at the same time, keep the total number of Thanks displayed?
I have tried to add a button in the "thanks_postbit" template, but I have not been successful.

Kingdombuilder 10-20-2009 07:32 AM

will this work for VB 3.8?

Ghostt 11-02-2009 01:16 PM

cant install it on 3.8.4 . getting error"isnt available ":down:

seyfihoca 11-18-2009 08:56 AM

can you add a feature so that a thanked thread, say ten times, moves up?

Raptor 12-17-2009 05:58 PM

works perfect on vb 3.8.4 - even on a full custom skin no edits required !

Good Job !

CyberSultan 12-30-2009 02:32 AM

Sure hope Abe1 has the strength to make this work in vb 4.0 with all the changes that took place in 4.0.

Edit: Just found that there is a more current thread regarding a work-in-progress update to 4.0. Thanks Abe1!!!

Abe1 12-30-2009 08:31 AM

vb4.0 versions released here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=231666

flOid 01-20-2010 01:36 PM

please delete

SebKom 01-26-2010 05:00 PM

How can we remove the "the following users say thank you to ..." from appearing in the forum?

kmoh 02-05-2010 06:03 AM

How am i going to put my Thanked/Thanks count on the users data?

Like this

The one on the side, below the power level or the post count.

mandy02 03-04-2010 03:33 AM

I am having a problem installing this MOD. I thought I uploaded all of the files, but it's saying I did not. I'm guessing it's because I'm not sure how to implement this part of the instruction "and into EVERY "buttons" folder in every style you have." I don't know where the styles are stored in the file structure. I looked for something obvious, but didn't see it. Can you tell me where to find the buttons folder for a style?

jmpa 03-22-2010 05:16 PM

Is there a way to show extra content on the post when a user Thanks?

basketmen 06-09-2010 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by pandaram (Post 1251272)
Hi,thanks for the hack..i have a small issue..i run vB 3.6.4..please have a look at the image below


the thanks numbers are being displayed correctly in the usercp...but the numbers are not being displayed in "postbit" and "memberinfo"

and for some members its getting stuck at 1,even though they have received hundreds of "thanks" in more than a single thread.


Can someone please help me out...?

i am sorry to replying this old post and thread, i am using this hack version and using vb 3.6.8

but i still cant see the thanks numbers in the usercp, where it is exactly in usercp?

i am trying to add these code but no one works, please help guys what is the right code to showing the thanks number in the usercp




JohnAvila 06-20-2010 06:33 AM

What does this mean

2) Import product-post_thanks.xml into PRODUCTS. Allow Overwrite "YES" (admincp -> Plugin System -> Manage Products -> [Add/Import Product])

Were do i find Plugin System and Manage PRODUCTS And were do i add the imports and were do i find them

ESKORPION 08-20-2010 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by JohnAvila (Post 2056205)
What does this mean

2) Import product-post_thanks.xml into PRODUCTS. Allow Overwrite "YES" (admincp -> Plugin System -> Manage Products -> [Add/Import Product])

Were do i find Plugin System and Manage PRODUCTS And were do i add the imports and were do i find them

In your admincp (http://www.yourpage.com/admincp).

Anyway i have a problem importing product-post_thanks.xml, never finish. ?Any solution?


rbrashear68 09-29-2010 12:49 PM

I am having no luck with this. I uploaded the files and imported the product and it doesn't work. It displays like it's working, but when I click "Thanks" the button disappears and nothing happens. Nothing gets "thanked" and the tally doesn't show anything either.

I've uninstalled it, re-installed it, 3 times and still nothing. Any ideas anyone?


rbrashear68 09-29-2010 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by rbrashear68 (Post 2104609)
I am having no luck with this. I uploaded the files and imported the product and it doesn't work. It displays like it's working, but when I click "Thanks" the button disappears and nothing happens. Nothing gets "thanked" and the tally doesn't show anything either.

I've uninstalled it, re-installed it, 3 times and still nothing. Any ideas anyone?


And it is slowing the forum down incredibly bad. I have it uninstalled right now, but sometimes I get this error when it's installed:


Database error in vBulletin 3.6.8:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM post_thanks AS post_thanks INNER JOIN user AS user USING (userid) WHERE post_thanks.postid IN (0,116954,116955,116956,116958,116961,116962,11696 3,116966,117001,118114,118975) ORDER BY post_thanks.username ASC;

MySQL Error : Table '20070305.post_thanks' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Date : Wednesday, September 29th 2010 @ 02:01:55 PM
Script : http://forum.domainnamehidden.com/sh...t=13614&page=7
Referrer : http://forum.domainnamehidden.com/sh...t=13614&page=6
IP Address : 12.234.xxx.xxx
Username : RickB
Classname : vb_database

Dexter_kcd 09-30-2010 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by rbrashear68 (Post 2104643)
And it is slowing the forum down incredibly bad. I have it uninstalled right now, but sometimes I get this error when it's installed:

There was a post in another version of this product that gives the solution:



1. Open the file "post_thanks.php"

2. Find:


// ####################### SET PHP ENVIRONMENT ###########################
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);

3. Change to:


// ####################### SET PHP ENVIRONMENT ###########################
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~8192);

4. Save "post_thanks.php"

5. Re-upload to your FTP server.

This addresses some incompatibilities in newer versions of PHP.

It worked for me by the way.


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