GoTTi |
07-28-2006 09:44 AM |
i had to remove this earlier today because it was lagging the server quite bad, and what i did was disable it first, then i uninstalled it, and the server locked up for like 3 minutes, then the processes were shooting up to 75%.
i had to force the server restart, and manually make services start.
i went to put the shoutbox back on, and now i get this error when its importing the plugin:
Database error in vBulletin 3.5.4:
Invalid SQL:
(languageid, phrasetypeid, varname, text, product)
(-1, 5000, 'setting_shout_banned_perms_desc', 'Choose access permissions for banned users, by default they will not be able to post shouts.', '_vbshout'),(-1, 5000, 'setting_shout_banned_perms_title', 'Banned Permissions', '_vbshout'),(-1, 5000, 'setting_shout_banned_usergroups_desc', 'Enter banned usergroups here, split each UsergroupID with a comma, like so: 1,2,3', '_vbshout'),(-1, 5000, 'setting_shout_banned_usergroups_title', 'Banned Usergroups', '_vbshout'),(-1, 5000, 'setting_shout_banned_users_desc', 'Enter banned users here, split each UserID with a comma, like so: 1,2,3', '_vbshout'),(-1, 5000, 'setting_shout_banned_users_title', 'Banned Users', '_vbshout'),(-1, 5000, 'setting_shout_bbcode_desc', 'Allow users to use vBCode/Smilies within their shouts', '_vbshout'),(-1, 5000, 'setting_shout_bbcode_title', 'Allow vBCode/Smilies', '_vbshout'),(-1, 5000, 'setting_shout_box_height_desc', 'Change the height of the \'shouts\' display element in pixels', '_vbshout'),(-1, 5000, 'setting_shout_box_height_title', 'Shoutbox Height', '_vbshout'),(-1, 5000, 'setting_shout_can_commnd_desc', 'Can admins/super moderators use special commands in the chat?<br />\r\n(Please refer to the thread on for reference to the commands for now)', '_vbshout'),(-1, 5000, 'setting_shout_can_commnd_title', 'Command Activation', '_vbshout'),(-1, 5000, 'setting_shout_display_desc', 'Number of shouts to be displayed', '_vbshout'),(-1, 5000, 'setting_shout_display_title', 'Shouts To Display', '_vbshout'),(-1, 5000, 'setting_shout_editor_position_desc', 'Choose the position of the vBShout editor', '_vbshout'),(-1, 5000, 'setting_shout_editor_position_title', 'Editor Position', '_vbshout'),(-1, 5000, 'setting_shout_extra_options_desc', 'Display the shout format options?', '_vbshout'),(-1, 5000, 'setting_shout_extra_options_title', 'Display Format Options', '_vbshout'),(-1, 5000, 'setting_shout_messages_order_desc', 'Change the order of the messages display', '_vbshout'),(-1, 5000, 'setting_shout_messages_order_title', 'Shout Messages Order', '_vbshout'),(-1, 5000, 'setting_shout_position_desc', 'Where the shoutbox will be positioned on your forums index.\r\nNote that \'Above Forums\' may be the same position as \'Below Navigation Bar\', this option is for users who have other things between the navigation and forums.', '_vbshout'),(-1, 5000, 'setting_shout_position_title', 'vBShout Position', '_vbshout'),(-1, 5000, 'setting_shout_smilies_show_desc', 'Number of random smilies to show on the shoutbox. Enter 0 to show them all.', '_vbshout'),(-1, 5000, 'setting_shout_smilies_show_title', 'Smilies To Show', '_vbshout'),(-1, 5000, 'settinggroup_vbshout_options', 'vBShout Options', '_vbshout');
MySQL Error : Duplicate entry 'setting_shout_banned_perms_desc--1-5000' for key 2
Error Number : 1062
Date : Friday, July 28th 2006 @ 05:36:14 AM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address : XXXXXX
Username : GoTTi
Classname : vb_database
any ideas?