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Dras 08-04-2003 12:19 PM

Could you please give me a hint where modifyprofile is? I updated it directly from PHPmyadmin last time =/

Triade 08-04-2003 01:00 PM

Go to Admin CP
Click in the bottom of the menu in MODIFY on TEMPLATES
Click on Expand List
Click Expand in User Option Templates
here you find the modifyprofile :)

Dras 08-04-2003 01:34 PM

Thnx worked like a charm.

Legendary Kid 08-04-2003 05:30 PM

What is the value for points in the itemshop hack? I know the store's point value is storep.

saint_seiya 08-05-2003 03:00 AM

Hey, one of my users has this problem:

Okay, my HP , once I got to approximately level 30, drastically 1,000 points.

I heard many other forums have the same problem... any fix?

Dras 08-05-2003 03:52 AM

When I go to edit my users info I get this:

Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.3.0:

Invalid SQL: SELECT field6 FROM userfield WHERE userid='1'
mysql error: Unknown column 'field6' in 'field list'

mysql error number: 1054

Pricyber 08-05-2003 09:03 AM


Are they allowed to purchase an item for a different class, or only items that are in the Generic class?
It allows them to purchase items for any class. However I removed it and recoded some of the template & php file so that the unknown does not show up and no item boxes show up until they choose a class.

I'm sure I could dig up what I had to change if you need it.


Which option does this happen with? All of them, or just the 25% option, etc.?
I believe it is usually the one before heal full or heal full... I can't be 100% sure, as I've only seen it happen a couple of times. However picking a different one always solves the problem. It's never more than 1 at a time.


There is an "Edit Users" Link in teh admin cp that lets you edit RPG Users. Does this not work for you? Or are you looking for a different way to edit RPG Users?
Thanks I must be blind lol.


It is supposed to automatically change the drop-down options based on which gender and alignment you select. If this is not the case, then can you send me a copy of the HTML source (In IE, go to View -> Source) of member.php when you are modifying your profile?
I will redownload the hack and review the member.php edits. If I still can't fix it I will pm you the information you requested :)

Blackangel 08-05-2003 02:19 PM

it's possible to prevent user who have not selected any class/race /etc to get any experience and lvl ... ?

because i have some user already lvl 5 but all information are unknown (not playing, only post) , i have the lock at lvl 10


Legendary Kid 08-05-2003 03:45 PM


Today at 04:19 PM Blackangel said this in Post #2086
it's possible to prevent user who have not selected any class/race /etc to get any experience and lvl ... ?

because i have some user already lvl 5 but all information are unknown (not playing, only post) , i have the lock at lvl 10


Delete the unknown class, race, type. But there really isn't anything else you can do, maybe edit it so that other than unknown stuff appears when somebody first registers you could edit somestuff to make it so that a certain other race, class, type appears for every users stats appear the same when they register.


Today at 05:52 AM Dras said this in Post #2084
When I go to edit my users info I get this:

Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.3.0:

Invalid SQL: SELECT field6 FROM userfield WHERE userid='1'
mysql error: Unknown column 'field6' in 'field list'

mysql error number: 1054

Um, normally field5 or field6 is the point field, are you using store points or itemshop points? Go into the admin cp and see what is in field6.

Wedge 08-05-2003 04:13 PM

I was wondering if it is possible.... to specify a class that only comes up with a specific race? (kind of like how the male/female works)


Dras 08-05-2003 05:18 PM

I am useing Store points.

In Itemshop settings it's field5

Wedge 08-05-2003 05:50 PM


Today at 07:18 PM Dras said this in Post #2089
I am useing Store points.

In Itemshop settings it's field5

I had the same problem... go into your mysql database and find out what field in userfield has the rpgname and points. then go into your admincp and change field5 (item cp) and field6 (battle cp) to what the real fields are.

Mine turned out to be field15 and field16 instead of field5 and 6


Blackangel 08-05-2003 06:00 PM

i have a question
it's seen that Evil alignement got less hp/ma/pp by lvl than a good.

it's normal ?!

lioncool1589 08-05-2003 07:12 PM

bitsys how do i descrease % miss in battle
or i have to decrease def

saint_seiya 08-05-2003 07:40 PM

Hey, one of my users has this problem:

Okay, my HP , once I got to approximately level 30, drastically 1,000 points.

I heard many other forums have the same problem... any fix?

Also did oyu ever post the fix for the members with problems with healing and bank stealing their money???

Legendary Kid 08-05-2003 07:45 PM


Today at 07:18 PM Dras said this in Post #2089
I am useing Store points.

In Itemshop settings it's field5

Well actually itemshop doesn't have to be field5 it could be field 43 or field15 or any field lol, but wedge is right with the solution ;)


Hey, one of my users has this problem:

Okay, my HP , once I got to approximately level 30, drastically 1,000 points.

I heard many other forums have the same problem... any fix?

Also did oyu ever post the fix for the members with problems with healing and bank stealing their money???
1) Can you re-explain that?

2)What problems with healing, and what do you mean by bank stealing, if they use a script from a different website of from localhost I can give you a script that will make it so you cannot enter your bank unless you came from another part of your forum.

Blackangel 08-05-2003 09:25 PM

is there any hack, for user to regen some hp when posting a thread (same style than gain gils)

Dras 08-05-2003 09:55 PM


Today at 07:50 PM Wedge said this in Post #2090
I had the same problem... go into your mysql database and find out what field in userfield has the rpgname and points. then go into your admincp and change field5 (item cp) and field6 (battle cp) to what the real fields are.

Mine turned out to be field15 and field16 instead of field5 and 6


I don't see any fields with numbers... All i see is info... lol

Legendary Kid 08-05-2003 11:55 PM


Yesterday at 11:55 PM Dras said this in Post #2096
I don't see any fields with numbers... All i see is info... lol

It's in "Custom Profile Fields" in your admin cp, where you see the edit button right-click and click "copy shortcut" and paste it in your address bar and at the edit you should get something like this: admin/profilefield.php?action=edit&profilefieldid=3 That is the field.

Dras 08-06-2003 01:08 AM

Alright thnx guys that fixed it

lioncool1589 08-06-2003 09:15 PM

i have moved to new host but when i create new battle it send links ask yes/no battle invite to old host anyway i can fix it

legendarysk8er 08-06-2003 11:41 PM


08-01-03 at 03:07 PM Bitsys said this in Post #2054

Since HP is based on posts per day and the amount of time you have been with the forums, it is possible that your HP went down because you posted less, or the other members have a much higher post per day count. Can you verify this?

No, I have a pretty high post per day percentage and it didn't drop any. My actvity actually increased...

Also, what prevents a user from creating a personal itemshop, then just buying items from his own store and giving himself money?

Wedge 08-07-2003 01:13 AM

hmm, dunno if anyone saw this when I originally posted it..

I want to limit a class to a race. So that each race has it's own classes that other races can't use. is there a way to do that?


Rogue Pan 08-07-2003 10:25 AM

when i change the Item types in the admin cp i pick items to show up in type id 10 its show up in 0 too same with 1 & 11 and so on

Triade 08-07-2003 10:42 AM

Rogue, there's a correction in the forum to this... i don0t know where... i think in the last 20 pages.
try seraching.

Blackangel 08-07-2003 12:16 PM

it's fine no more needed hack for heal epr thread, i have change a bit your script :)

now hp and ma are no more affected by post per day, and join date.

each class and race got a hp/ma/pp modifier, and now i have mage class with more magic power than a warrior.

more fun in fight :)

and i have an option for healing at 50% hp when posting a thread in the rpg battle forum only :)

Triade 08-07-2003 07:11 PM

I ask you a help to understand a little thing...

In Itemshop.php, in BUY PERSONAL
i found this...


$userr=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM items_cats WHERE ownerid=$bbuserinfo[userid]");

if(sizeof($userr)!=16 AND $points >= $options[pcost]) {
This part is where you can buy a personal shop... but i don't understand the control that makes on userr in the IF.

In my opinion (but i'm not a php programmer and i can say stupid things) if(sizeof($userr)!=16 can be ereased.

What do you think? Am i wrong?


I changed

if(sizeof($userr)!=16 AND $points >= $options[pcost]) {


if($userr[ownerid]!=$bbuserinfo[userid] AND $points >= $options[pcost]) {
in this way, a user can have only 1 shop.

legendarysk8er 08-08-2003 12:06 AM

Can anyone tell me how I could make the AP not do as much damage? When a user reaches 100% AP there is no chance in you surviving, not even me and I have 3000 posts on my forum, can someone help me with this?

saint_seiya 08-08-2003 03:14 AM


08-05-03 at 09:45 PM Legendary Kid said this in Post #2094
Well actually itemshop doesn't have to be field5 it could be field 43 or field15 or any field lol, but wedge is right with the solution ;)

1) Can you re-explain that?

2)What problems with healing, and what do you mean by bank stealing, if they use a script from a different website of from localhost I can give you a script that will make it so you cannot enter your bank unless you came from another part of your forum.

1) He got to level 30 and instead of increasing his stats decreased drastically...

2) Some people's hp bar just wont go up when they click heal.

3) The bank instead of giving interest seems to eat the money...

legendarysk8er 08-08-2003 04:48 AM

I also had a problem with my HP dropping dramatically along with another member.

Legendary Kid 08-08-2003 04:12 PM


Today at 05:14 AM saint_seiya said this in Post #2107
1) He got to level 30 and instead of increasing his stats decreased drastically...

2) Some people's hp bar just wont go up when they click heal.

3) The bank instead of giving interest seems to eat the money...

Hmmm..... That is happening to another person named Kaotic, you might want to talk to him about the bank. I really can't help you must with the heal.php, you might what to download the rpg hack again and then re-upload a new copy of heal.php.

Mistah Roth 08-10-2003 02:55 PM

Er a suggestion for an extra thing.... I see you have an add-on that converts Itemshop money to Store Hack money... can someone make a script the does the opposite? Converting Store Hack money to Itemshop money?

BlueBlazed 08-10-2003 03:58 PM

what about NPC's can you code anything to battle NPC's to get you exp without playing others.

Mistah Roth 08-10-2003 04:53 PM

I believe DarkWaltz is working on a "Monster Arena" that is pretty much the same as what you just requested, but I don't think he will have it available for free... we'll see what happens

legendarysk8er 08-10-2003 09:21 PM

He is going to be selling it, but he has been busy with a few other things right now so he hasn't worked on it much. I think he'll be selling it for $20. I'm buying it, that's for sure.

Areku 08-10-2003 09:31 PM

Any chances to have this hack stand alone... in the terms of keeping it hacked to vb interaction for messaging and stuff, BUT give users action points or life thru other means (i.e. TURNS-based, 1 turn each xx hours for example) instead of thru posts?

Because current way makes me think of 1000's of users posting stupid things just to gain life...

Otherwise I might have not understood the way this hack behaves...

Legendary Kid 08-11-2003 01:49 AM


Yesterday at 11:31 PM Areku said this in Post #2114
Any chances to have this hack stand alone... in the terms of keeping it hacked to vb interaction for messaging and stuff, BUT give users action points or life thru other means (i.e. TURNS-based, 1 turn each xx hours for example) instead of thru posts?

Because current way makes me think of 1000's of users posting stupid things just to gain life...

Otherwise I might have not understood the way this hack behaves...

Errr.... can you re-phrase that?

PixelFx 08-11-2003 08:25 AM

It was brought up a while ago, but any of you guys want to try coding a PvM system? player vs monster?

Areku 08-11-2003 08:28 AM

I didn't meant of monsters vs players... It's ok if it's players vs players, but if I understood it right (rephrasing!) you get life when you post on the forums right?

Don't users post stupid things on forums just to gain life then?

PixelFx 08-11-2003 10:18 AM

adding geforce warning systems hack is good, ;) cuts down on spam ;) that and or just make it so that only time you chain points is in battle :P or other

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