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TECK 11-18-2002 01:00 AM

There is a minor code update for vbHL v3.5. read more here:

download the new .zip file:

poopy 11-18-2002 01:44 AM

uhh requesting access :D

boutwell 11-18-2002 01:48 AM

I am in a loop Teck..won;t let me post in the thread on your forum to request access, and will not let me PM you because I do not have permissions, so requesting it here :)

Anyone know of a way to only show recent topics from certain forum categories on the front page? Some of my members are concerned that the title of their post is displayed on the front page when they posted in a private forum.

I will move this question to you forum when I get acces Teck, just posting here for the benefit of anyone else who might be wanting the same thing :)

TECK 11-18-2002 04:28 AM

if there are 74members who managed to do it, i dont see why you can't do it also boutwell?
read this thread. that's where all the restricted access no permissions will bring you.
and yes, this thread you can read it as a guest.

boutwell 11-18-2002 12:43 PM

Not sure what is going on Teck. When I try to reply to that thread to paste the URL for my validation, I get:

You do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
You do not have permission to access the page that you were trying to. Are you trying to edit someone else's post or trying to access user restricted or administrative features? Check that you are allowed to perform this action in the Forum Rules.
If you accessed a restricted area, go here to request your access.

If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
Logged in user: iaewedar [logout]

Forgotten your password?

When I click on the link mentioned above, I lopp back to the same page you refered me to...

I also should have mentioned in my first post that my username on your forum is iaewedar rather than boutwell. I tried to re-register using boutwell but it says that a unique home page URL is required.

Sorry for the trouble Teck...great mod you made here friend :)

TECK 11-18-2002 03:51 PM

I will look into it right now. :)
Ok you didn't confirmed your email, that's why. I will send you again the activation code...

boutwell 11-18-2002 04:36 PM

Thanks Teck :)

Requested access here

TECK 11-18-2002 06:04 PM

Smoothie authorised you. Welcome.

Chuklz 11-19-2002 04:47 AM

was vbhl 3.6 .zip was released with 3.5 code/instructions?

TECK 11-19-2002 04:52 AM

You are correct, I forgot to change the instructions file.
Make sure you delete all your temp files before you re-download the .zip file. Sorry about that.

You will notice there is no upgrade file because all changes are done onto vbHL index.php file only.

Sparkz 11-19-2002 03:19 PM


<!-- Do not remove this copyright notice or edit the links -->
Powered by: <a href="http://www.teckwizards.com" target="_blank" style="text-decoration: none">vbHome (lite) v$vbhlversion</a> and <a href="http://www.qksrv.net/click-1128187-804495" onmouseover="window.status='http://www.vbulletin.com'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;" target="_blank" style="text-decoration: none">vBulletin v$versionnumber</a><br>
Copyright ?2000 - 2002, Jelsoft Enterprises Limited<br>
<!-- Do not remove this copyright notice or edit the links -->
I thought this script was supposed to be the 'free' version, however when you force me to use your affiliate link instead of mine, I am indirectly paying you money...

TECK 11-19-2002 03:31 PM

Sparkz, the links that I request to be in place are a small price for the quality of the code you get for free.
My script is the only one that have support forums, hacks and people to help you solve any problems you might encounter.

Is up to you. If you want, you keep the links. If you don't, I can't force you to do this. That's why I left the file here, instead of moving it to my forums.
But is a matter of ethics. If you like my work and you see the difference from other scripts (which they "borrowed" part of my code), a small link at the bottom, that 99% of the time is not clicked, should not bother you, especially if you place a logo anywhere you want on that page. Nobody is stopping you from putting a big logo in the advertising area, with your referral.

LeeCHeSSS 11-19-2002 06:23 PM

Exactly what I was thinking: How many times have you profited from a sale made through a referral link at very bottom of your site?

-=dm=- 11-19-2002 07:57 PM

TECK I still cant get in???

TheSaint-AeD 11-19-2002 08:58 PM

I request access to your vBHL Forums, TECK :) There, the Account is ~Seraiel~.

Chuklz 11-19-2002 10:50 PM


Originally posted by Sparkz

I thought this script was supposed to be the 'free' version, however when you force me to use your affiliate link instead of mine, I am indirectly paying you money...

no. You aren't even indirectly paying. The money is not leaving your pocket and going to someone else who is in turn giving the money to TECK. This costs you nothing and is a small condition of usage.

I've looked at other portal code, even written my own- this is a superior product and bargain to boot.

Sparkz 11-19-2002 11:30 PM


Originally posted by TECK
Sparkz, the links that I request to be in place are a small price for the quality of the code you get for free.
My script is the only one that have support forums, hacks and people to help you solve any problems you might encounter.

Is up to you. If you want, you keep the links. If you don't, I can't force you to do this. That's why I left the file here, instead of moving it to my forums.
But is a matter of ethics. If you like my work and you see the difference from other scripts (which they "borrowed" part of my code), a small link at the bottom, that 99% of the time is not clicked, should not bother you, especially if you place a logo anywhere you want on that page. Nobody is stopping you from putting a big logo in the advertising area, with your referral.

I'm simply not going to use it. The old copyright text you had worked very well in my mind. I might have used your portal if it stayed like it was.

I like your work very much Floren, but I do have a problem with the attitude you display here from time to time. That is probably the biggest reason I won't install this portal on the board I have in the works now. I think I have said it before, but I'll say it again; sometimes it helps to take a few deep breaths before posting.

You might have noticed that I don't post nowhere near the volume I did before, and the sole reason is the way quite a few posts turned out to be dung-flinging contests. You're not the only one, but you were sure one of them.

And just in case it drowned in the rest of my rant, I'll repeat it again: I respect your work very much, so don't consider my criticism an attack on your skills or anything. I just have a habit of looking at stuff from a slightly different angle.

TECK 11-19-2002 11:37 PM

badham, check the reply, on my forums. :)
you are almost in.

TECK 11-19-2002 11:38 PM


Originally posted by -=dm=-
TECK I still cant get in???
Please check the message from Smoothie, on my forums. Thank you.

TECK 11-19-2002 11:47 PM


Originally posted by Sparkz

I'm simply not going to use it. The old copyright text you had worked very well in my mind. I might have used your portal if it stayed like it was.

I like your work very much Floren, but I do have a problem with the attitude you display here from time to time. That is probably the biggest reason I won't install this portal on the board I have in the works now. I think I have said it before, but I'll say it again; sometimes it helps to take a few deep breaths before posting.

You might have noticed that I don't post nowhere near the volume I did before, and the sole reason is the way quite a few posts turned out to be dung-flinging contests. You're not the only one, but you were sure one of them.

And just in case it drowned in the rest of my rant, I'll repeat it again: I respect your work very much, so don't consider my criticism and attack on your skills or anything. I just have a habit of looking at stuff from a slightly different angle.

I never looked at it as an attack from you. Is true.
The fact is that this board is full of teens that have pumped their brains with power trips and have no idea what they are doing IRL.
I'm 33 years old and every time I see someone acting bossy (or like knowing anything in this world), when he barely had sex for the first time (if he had), it makes me feel sorry for them, so that's why I'm a little harsh with those type of people... you can spot them from 100 miles. I never saw Erwin, Xenon, smachol, etc making a bad remark out of line...
Also, try to read my thoughts also from a different angle. If you read again the sentence now (without your prejudices) you will see that is nothing bad said onto it. Just read it again please, but this time take out of your mind the fact that I have something with you or someone else.


Sparkz 11-19-2002 11:53 PM


Originally posted by Chuklz

no. You aren't even indirectly paying. The money is not leaving your pocket and going to someone else who is in turn giving the money to TECK. This costs you nothing and is a small condition of usage.

I've looked at other portal code, even written my own- this is a superior product and bargain to boot.

Well, in the event that someone clicked that link, I'd be losing the money I would have gotten if my affiliate ID was there instead.

Now, tell me how this does not cost me anything, even if it is indirectly...please.

TECK 11-19-2002 11:57 PM

I think he was referring to the fact that is very rarely someone will click to those links. I spoked with other people and I will change the regulations Sparkz.

Just to show you I'm not obtuse. :)
I'm going to remove the vBulletin referral link and leave only the regular link, in our case, www.vbulletin.com. Let me know what you think.

Just give me 2 mins to modify the rules... and upload the new files.

TECK 11-20-2002 01:33 AM

Ok I removed completly the referral link. Now is a regular link to www.vbulletin.com
Please clean your temporary files and redownload the package.

mdcomp 11-20-2002 02:03 AM

lol i fugred out why, doesnt like my old posts :D

-=dm=- 11-20-2002 02:31 AM

I cudnt find it, never mind no need for it.
(due to Im newbie I always test hacks on localhost but it seem that I cant get support before u see the vBhome thing)

TECK 11-20-2002 02:56 AM

You can get support here, from other users. :)
But you will not be able to get hacks and other useful mods since you don't have it online your vbHL site.
That's why I left the file here so people can test it and see if they like it.

If they enjoy the quality of the code (especially 3.6 which is written in vbulletin 3 code style) they will go online with the site and request access to the restricted area.

I think is a good system so far. Let me know what you think about it please. Thanks.

TECK 11-20-2002 03:58 AM

Congratulations to our new forum moderators. :)

desmondw 11-20-2002 04:28 AM

I like VBHome (Lite) :)

TECK 11-20-2002 04:29 AM

Time to setup your site on it then. :)

7alem 11-20-2002 03:05 PM

hi :)
thanks alot it's a great hack :) i like it :)
but i face a problem whith. it's not a big problem :(

when i make the poll is enable the give an error in it's say

Fatal Error call to undefined frunction: get_bbarraycookie()in ....\...\index.php on line 163.

this line it's talk about the poll ID, do i need to put an poll id or what? or just but the id number for how is submit the Poll.


TECK 11-20-2002 03:06 PM

search this thread for: get_bbarraycookie

Anitah 11-21-2002 06:58 AM

A few questions:

1. How can I have one post (for my introduction) remain fixed at the top, like a sticky or annoucement?

2. Is there a way to have attachments?

3. Why is a poll posted in a private forum appearing on the home page?

4. What is the purpose of assigning members to a journalist group if anyone's posts appear on the home page?

That's it. Thanks.

TECK 11-21-2002 07:47 AM

I can give you support on my forums, only. Is mentioned on the first post.
We have a team of competent people that will gladly help you solve all your problems, at http://www.teckwizards.com/forum

Smoothie 11-21-2002 10:06 AM

Originally posted by Sparkz

I thought this script was supposed to be the 'free' version, however when you force me to use your affiliate link instead of mine, I am indirectly paying you money...
Grow up. Its a free script that Teck worked hard on. You are not paying a freaking dime for his hard work. Go ahead and use it without the copyright notice. Many do. The ones that care about hackers hard work, and want to promote better scripts will always show their appreciation by doing this small thing, showing the copyright.

Its people like this, here at vb.org, that don't have the decency to add a few lines of copyright, that is the reason why Teck has moved support off these forums. Thanks-a-lot.

Have fun with the script. BTW, check it out, vbhome lite, will be voted HOTM. :)

I'm glad to support Teck and his hard work.

Floris 11-21-2002 04:20 PM

hi there f,
would love of you to set me up

TECK 11-21-2002 05:53 PM

xiphoid, when you have time, please install the script and let me know what you think about it.
If you like it, please enter the vbHome URL in your profile, in our forums.
Once vbHL licensed user, you will get support from our Team to help you solve any problem related to the script and answer any questions you might have.


Sebastian 11-21-2002 06:06 PM

I tried vbhome but didn't have what I was looking for, all it basically does is pull threads from a forum and puts them on the frontpage with a login box that tells you to login and how many new threads/posts..

I was expecting maybe a download section, archive news, things of that nature. it lacks some features, probably good for a small personal site .. good job nonetheless.

TECK 11-21-2002 06:10 PM

Seb, I think you should look to the alternative link I posted at the bottom of the first post (I quote: "For a commercial version of this script, go here."). It has all the features you requested, I think.

Have a look please.

Visionray 11-21-2002 06:24 PM


This seems like a great hack, but I really don't need all the features it offers. Im really only interested in the latest threads being displayed on my main index page (not forum index).

Is there any way I can extract and only use that code? Of course I would still leave the copyright for vbhome (lite) at the bottom. How would I go about doing this? I already have a design that I like for my main site page, but liked a lot of the coding you used for the latest threads. Is this possible and how?

Again, giving full credit to you.

TECK 11-21-2002 06:27 PM

There is a hack I released. :)
Check my signature and click on My Hacks to find the Latest Threads hack... it will save you some time extracting the code.

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