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bigdadie 12-31-2013 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2471438)
This might be the wrong thread for that issue :)


gotcha lol

newbie2007 12-31-2013 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2471438)
This is not an issue anyone else have been able to reproduce as far as I know. Can you please run the "Rebuild Statistics" maintenance action and then recalculate?

Have you configured the usergroup permissions in the Manage Buttons interface?

This might be the wrong thread for that issue :)


Thanks! Figured it out, had to be done with the main admin account and not supermoderator!

Vaira 01-08-2014 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2469090)
There's userid and receiveduserid columns in the APTL dbtech_thanks_entry table as well.


Sure, but why does DBTech maintenance not update the receiveduserid column properly?
VB maintenance did it right assigning the posts to the new userprofile (post count, search index, etc...)

I have assigned all the posts of a deleted user to a new ID, thus the new user(ID) inherits all the posts and all the thanks they have got.

Should your maintenance script not recollect all the posts a user has made and their thanks they have got? The thanks are still there....MEANS belong actually to the new user.

The description:"This will recalculate how many thanks / likes / dislikes a user should have. Best ran after the above Cleanup function has been ran."

It actually does not. Or am I missing something important?:confused:

Well, what happens to the receiveduserid column in the APTL dbtech_thanks_entry table after the user has been deleted via admin CP? Do they remain there (original userID)?

DragonByte Tech 01-08-2014 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Vaira (Post 2473002)
Sure, but why does DBTech maintenance not update the receiveduserid column properly?

Because you need to do that yourself. This mod has no way of knowing that what used to be receiveduserid X is now receiveduserid Y.

vBulletin does not automatically assume that either, you manually updated the userid column in the post table to change X to Y.

The same has to be done with the userid and receiveduserid column in the APTL table.

After you have done so, then run the maintenance action you listed.


Vaira 01-08-2014 03:07 PM

Ah OK, that sounds reasonable. :) (It's not getting the relation from the post table)
So simply:

UPDATE dbtech_thanks_entry SET userid='xxx' WHERE username='Old Name';
UPDATE dbtech_thanks_entry SET receiveduserid='xxx' WHERE username='Old Name';

(xxx userID of new user) would work?

...sorry for the questions I am not familiar with db-tech table structure and what happens when the user has been deleted.
So userid and receiveduserid both have to get the same new ID there???
What is actually different of both, I'd think receiveduserid are those from who have thanked and should be untouched....

Thanks for your efforts answering my questions. :)

DragonByte Tech 01-13-2014 09:10 PM


UPDATE dbtech_thanks_entry SET userid = 'xxx' WHERE userid = 'Old ID';
UPDATE dbtech_thanks_entry SET receiveduserid='xxx' WHERE receiveduserid = 'Old ID';

Vaira 01-14-2014 01:23 PM

Thanks for your reply, but it's not that easy since the original userid no. vanished at dbtech_thanks_entry table after deletion of the user, you have programmed it that way???? ... . :)
Finally I had the chance to run several SQL SELECT queries myself to get an idea of your table. :)

To directly update (replace) the ID works only at receiveduserid column.
At the SQL UPDATE query the userid received 0 rows. (I am sure the user thanked, though)...I had tried that query already.
The original userid must have been lost already, the question is when and how...

What happens when a user has been deleted (and dbtech maintenance has been run afterwards), does it delete the db entryid? Does it change the userid? Fact is the old userid is not there anymore! Your first query is actually useless.
I also had a look at the db backup I've made right before I ran those queries and before I ran any maintenance, it seems the userid has been removed already there...

Vbulletin's post table gets userid = 0 guest BUT still has reference to the username. Also abe's table has the username column.

My original thoughts are realized at abe's mod. He does not use receiveduserid, the relation is gotten through the post table.

Any other way to get back the thanks given?
Thanks again. :)

great kitten 01-14-2014 10:38 PM

i got an error:


i cant give thanks, or anything.

i use vb 4.2.2

BadaTurkiye 01-15-2014 02:12 PM

After i click like button, message disapperas :D To see the message refresh needs ??

4ngeluxpunk 01-15-2014 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2471438)
This is not an issue anyone else have been able to reproduce as far as I know. Can you please run the "Rebuild Statistics" maintenance action and then recalculate?

Good thanks, but thanks to click on goes blank and will not be updated with the username of the person who has given thanks, and apart in the field is not updated postbit goes as seen in the picture, I did you mentioned but still the same. It is noteworthy that use PHP 4.2.2 and 5.4.20 vBuetin. I would appreciate your help.

shahidbaloch 01-16-2014 04:53 AM

my question is still un answered & prob is still persistent plz solve the issue.
on my forum thanks/like buttons are na appers thats why i disable the mod.
i am using vbulletin 4.2.2

ForceHSS 01-16-2014 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by shahidbaloch (Post 2474530)
my question is still un answered & prob is still persistent plz solve the issue.
on my forum thanks/like buttons are na appers thats why i disable the mod.
i am using vbulletin 4.2.2

na appers this is not a word maybe this is why no one can help you
In the admin panel under DBTech - vBShout have you tried Repair Cache you might have to do this a few times. Also check permissions in Instance Management but without more info its hard to help you

DragonByte Tech 01-16-2014 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Vaira (Post 2474128)
Any other way to get back the thanks given?
Thanks again. :)

Without the original user ID it's impossible to recover the thanks.


Originally Posted by great kitten (Post 2474245)
i got an error:


i cant give thanks, or anything.

i use vb 4.2.2

You cannot click the buttons for your own posts. Also, you need to configure the permissions in the Manage Buttons screen.


Originally Posted by 4ngeluxpunk (Post 2474434)
Good thanks, but thanks to click on goes blank and will not be updated with the username of the person who has given thanks, and apart in the field is not updated postbit goes as seen in the picture, I did you mentioned but still the same. It is noteworthy that use PHP 4.2.2 and 5.4.20 vBuetin. I would appreciate your help.

This mod does not support PHP 4. Please upgrade to PHP 5.3 or newer.


4ngeluxpunk 01-16-2014 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2474606)
This mod does not support PHP 4. Please upgrade to PHP 5.3 or newer.

Sorry I meant to use vBulletin 4.2.2 and PHP 5.4.20. Haber if I can help out with this bug that occurs.

Vaira 01-16-2014 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2474606)
Without the original user ID it's impossible to recover the thanks.

NO it is impossible because it seems the entryids with the original userid are deleted already!
Why are they missing? You should know it best, do you really want to help me? :);)

Sure without original ID there is no recovery! But I never have said that I haven't it!!!
I HAVE the original id already UPDATED at receiveduserID!!!
And I have recovered the thanks received already....what is still missing are the thanks given..

Do you read my posts? ;)

Are the entryid rows with the original userid persistent or not AFTER a user has been deleted?
You suggest an UPDATE query even though the old userid containing entryid row is missing!
You can go into tech details I am familiar with the tables now, I simply have had no access myself to the vbulletin SQL database!!!

Thanks again. :)

ikopylov 01-16-2014 10:00 PM

DragonByte Tech, if you have converter "Likes" from [AJAX] Thumbs Up? to Advanced Post Thanks => Like ?


shahidbaloch 01-17-2014 04:45 PM

my dear what info you want?
i have not installed vbshout.
i have installed only DBTech Advance post thanks/like.
after installation thank /like button is not appear beneath each post or thread.
i have repaired cache many time but no result.


Originally Posted by ForceHSS (Post 2474537)
na appers this is not a word maybe this is why no one can help you
In the admin panel under DBTech - vBShout have you tried Repair Cache you might have to do this a few times. Also check permissions in Instance Management but without more info its hard to help you

Vaira 01-17-2014 08:16 PM

I have figured it myself!
Why do you advise to UPDATE the userid column with the new ID even though the complete corresponding entryid rows get REMOVED when a user has been deleted????

You could have saved me a lot of time posting that the thanks given are lost at the moment when the user has been deleted!
The thanks received (receiveduserid column) persist (the entryid rows), though and can be recovered by updating with the new ID!

Can you change that at a further update of your mod, please?
I mean the userprofile is gone anyway, the thanks received are still left and the thanks given could be still left over at your table for recovery...a little improvement. :)

Thanks again.

DragonByte Tech 01-26-2014 03:52 PM

Advanced Post Thanks / Like v3.2.0

New Features Added

Button Statistics Privacy
  • Hides buttons only active in certain forums from statistics page
  • Offers better privacy for admin-only buttons


10 Gauge 01-26-2014 04:23 PM

Can I make a request?

Would it be possible to make this mod compatible with Tapatalk such as the "Post Thank You Hack" is?

btedition 01-27-2014 03:02 AM

Hello DBTech,

Is it possible to make Thanks/Likes integrated with RepPower? What I mean, if user X receives 5 likes let's say he'll receive an extra 1 RepPower point, and if he receive 2 Thanks then he'll receive 1 RepPower point. Something like that.

This will make reputed users stand out among others. What do you think?

Cheers! :D

mariannet 01-27-2014 12:46 PM

When doing a search, the result is a blank page.

vBulletin 4.2.2
[DBTech] Advanced Post Thanks / Like v3 (vB4) [AJAX] 3.2.0

RedTrinity 01-29-2014 07:35 AM


Fatal error: Class 'THANKS' not found in ***/forums/dbtech/thanks/actions/admin/button.php on line 28
Just upgraded from older version. Getting above error when accessing the "manage buttons" and "forum manager" menu options in the mod ACP. Also this for the search menu option:


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in ***/forums/dbtech/thanks/actions/admin/search.php on line 55
Also not getting the thanks display area appearing under posts.

Any ideas?

Thanks :D

DragonByte Tech 01-29-2014 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by 10 Gauge (Post 2477001)
Can I make a request?

Would it be possible to make this mod compatible with Tapatalk such as the "Post Thank You Hack" is?

We've reached out to Tapatalk for integration support, but thus far we've received no response.


Originally Posted by btedition (Post 2477139)
Hello DBTech,

Is it possible to make Thanks/Likes integrated with RepPower? What I mean, if user X receives 5 likes let's say he'll receive an extra 1 RepPower point, and if he receive 2 Thanks then he'll receive 1 RepPower point. Something like that.

This will make reputed users stand out among others. What do you think?

Cheers! :D

This is already a feature of the mod :)


Originally Posted by RedTrinity (Post 2477660)

Fatal error: Class 'THANKS' not found in ***/forums/dbtech/thanks/actions/admin/button.php on line 28
Just upgraded from older version. Getting above error when accessing the "manage buttons" and "forum manager" menu options in the mod ACP. Also this for the search menu option:


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in ***/forums/dbtech/thanks/actions/admin/search.php on line 55
Also not getting the thanks display area appearing under posts.

Any ideas?

Thanks :D


Originally Posted by mariannet (Post 2477186)
When doing a search, the result is a blank page.

vBulletin 4.2.2
[DBTech] Advanced Post Thanks / Like v3 (vB4) [AJAX] 3.2.0

This means the files haven't been uploaded correctly. Please drag and drop the contents of the upload folder to the folder your forum files are in.


Brandon Sheley 02-02-2014 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by great kitten (Post 2474245)
i got an error:


i cant give thanks, or anything.

i use vb 4.2.2

I see the same thing on a clients site.
vb 4.2.2.
brand new, default style
I don't see this manage screen anywhere either?


betts02 02-06-2014 06:46 PM

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/nextgen6/public_html/teaminvictus.co.uk/dbtech/thanks/actions/admin/search.php on line 55

Any ideas ? Cheers

YOODA230 02-06-2014 07:52 PM

you can make it to hide x area in the text?
ex links..

Nelson58 02-07-2014 08:07 PM

I know this has been asked somewhere, but I just could not find it. I want to move the "like" and "thanks" buttons onto one line instead of one on top of another.

Can someone tell me how to do that please?


DragonByte Tech 02-07-2014 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by Brandon Sheley (Post 2478687)
I see the same thing on a clients site.
vb 4.2.2.
brand new, default style
I don't see this manage screen anywhere either?

If you can't see the DBTech - Post Thanks admincp menu, you'll need to add yourself to Super Administrator or request the Can Administer Thanks permission from the root admin.


Originally Posted by betts02 (Post 2479401)
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/nextgen6/public_html/teaminvictus.co.uk/dbtech/thanks/actions/admin/search.php on line 55

Any ideas ? Cheers

This means the file hasn't been uploaded fully to the server. You need to re-upload the mod :)


Originally Posted by YOODA230 (Post 2479406)
you can make it to hide x area in the text?
ex links..

That's a Pro-only feature.


Originally Posted by Nelson58 (Post 2479628)
I know this has been asked somewhere, but I just could not find it. I want to move the "like" and "thanks" buttons onto one line instead of one on top of another.

Can someone tell me how to do that please?


Please post a screenshot.


Nelson58 02-08-2014 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech (Post 2479660)

Please post a screenshot.


Here you go:


Nelson58 02-08-2014 01:50 PM

It would be great if I could move the thanks up to the other symbols, like promote to article and report post, etc.


Does anyone know how I could do this?


usHealthy 02-09-2014 03:08 AM


Originally Posted by betts02 (Post 2479401)
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/nextgen6/public_html/teaminvictus.co.uk/dbtech/thanks/actions/admin/search.php on line 55

Any ideas ? Cheers

Same problem here and I re-uploaded the mod like 4 times same error. :confused:

Nelson58 02-09-2014 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by Nelson58 (Post 2479808)
It would be great if I could move the thanks up to the other symbols, like promote to article and report post, etc.


Does anyone know how I could do this?


Can anyone help with this? At least get the two lines of the mod's output on the same line? It is making each post too long.



Webdevkirk 02-09-2014 08:06 PM

I was wondering, you know the post/thanks plugin.. I was wondering how can I move it from a little box under the post http://prntscr.com/2r0zrj

To where it's actually on the post, like this forum has; http://prntscr.com/2r10fp (the users who have liked the posts, are there)


ForceHSS 02-09-2014 08:33 PM

Only for the pro version

Nelson58 02-10-2014 12:35 PM

Thanks Force, no one was answering about moving the thanks over .... Now I know it is a pro function.

BadaTurkiye 02-23-2014 06:45 PM

how to manuel show postbit stats ? what is the code?

killerford 02-25-2014 01:38 PM

When am I getting this error when pressed the manage button?

Invalid Button: 0

Chris-Moody 02-25-2014 03:24 PM

Error in admincp for search is the only problem I'm having.

GunsNetwork 02-26-2014 11:07 PM

I read, installed and did all the edits in code and uploaded in right directories. installed like I have over the last 10+ years on any hacks....

even changed the permissions... On VB 4.2.2


The Admin Cp - did everything the instructions said. I have no errors ... nothing.

Have no idea where to look, almost like where is the ON BUTTON, LOL...


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