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LVC 06-14-2011 02:53 AM

Hopefully it will get updated
I need a turnkey solution like this


Originally Posted by S3Ponline (Post 2207426)
The new editor makes it so this mod won’t let people add videos :(

tlwwolfseye 06-14-2011 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by tlwwolfseye (Post 2205406)
Today I uninstalled this Mod because I build my Media Gallery with some external Software. Since then I get DB Error Emails with the following content:

Is the uninstall not enough ? I uninstalled, removed all files. Why do I get this messages ?

Any help is appreciated.


Its really a shame, I thought I would get a little help from the creator of the Mod here. But it seems when its about uninstalling, the interest in support is gone.

Seems I have no choice than to re-install the whole Board then, just because I got not help whatsoever from its creator. Really good to know.


CK 06-14-2011 09:17 AM

Make sure you delete all the files this left over which will be essentially everything. One way to do it is to grab a fresh copy of the mod, look at the file/folder structure then fire up your ftp client and delete the files one by one.

What db errors ate you getting?

tlwwolfseye 06-14-2011 09:27 AM

Thank you, already posted that here.


All these DB Errors are created by visits from Search Engines like YAHOO, GOOGLE etc. that go over my site. I determined that from the IP's i get in these DB Errors.

And I compared the files on the FTP and the ones that were from the Mod that I uploaded back then. I deleted all these files, there is nothing left. Thats why I dont understand why these errors still come up.

chocolate angel 06-14-2011 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by tlwwolfseye (Post 2207491)
Its really a shame, I thought I would get a little help from the creator of the Mod here. But it seems when its about uninstalling, the interest in support is gone.

Seems I have no choice than to re-install the whole Board then, just because I got not help whatsoever from its creator. Really good to know.


what software are you using?

tlwwolfseye 06-14-2011 12:58 PM

If you mean what vB Version, its 4.10. The Media thing was already installed a long time and working well without Problems.

basilrath 06-14-2011 01:16 PM

the only issues im having is the comments ............ this is down to the editor issue again in 4.1.4

has anyone come up with a fix yet ?

gobble 06-15-2011 02:47 PM

I'm getting the following error:

The description you have entered is too short (0 characters). Please lengthen your description to at least 10 characters.

Any fix?

So I see other people are having the issue on 4.1.4. In the XML file near the bottom is the coding for the checks, I can see it, but I'm not coder, so if anyone knows how to remove the check, it's at least a work around for now?

basilrath 06-15-2011 03:23 PM

im trying to sort the comment issue

gobble 06-15-2011 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by basilrath (Post 2208112)
im trying to sort the comment issue

Great! I will try contact the developer. I'd pay for him to brand remove and fix this for me as this is a mod I really want to work.

Cruxis 06-15-2011 06:15 PM

Instead of not being able to add new videos with the new editor, I can't seem to add/modify a video description and/or comment on the video at all..

needs a fix :)

Bob_R 06-15-2011 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Bob_R (Post 2202896)
Can someone provide a link to their vBulletin website with this mod working to the point where the author stopped working on it?



EquinoxWorld 06-16-2011 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by gobble (Post 2208104)
I'm getting the following error:

The description you have entered is too short (0 characters). Please lengthen your description to at least 10 characters.

Any fix?

So I see other people are having the issue on 4.1.4. In the XML file near the bottom is the coding for the checks, I can see it, but I'm not coder, so if anyone knows how to remove the check, it's at least a work around for now?

Which XML?

P.S. You can check ours out @ http://aniworlds.net/anime/ We've modified the hell out of it but the core is the same. You can accomplish many things with this script if you know what our doing.

gobble 06-16-2011 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by EquinoxWorld (Post 2208313)
Which XML?

P.S. You can check ours out @ http://aniworlds.net/anime/ We've modified the hell out of it but the core is the same. You can accomplish many things with this script if you know what our doing.

The product XML file that you upload to the site (product-medialibrary) is the one I'm talking about.

So you've got around the description error message then? Care to share how you managed that?

EquinoxWorld 06-16-2011 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by gobble (Post 2208385)
The product XML file that you upload to the site (product-medialibrary) is the one I'm talking about.

So you've got around the description error message then? Care to share how you managed that?

All I saw in that XML was the phrase groups for desc. , I beleive the check comes with the editor itself and not this script. What I did to get it working again was just go to :

Settings - Message Posting and Editing Options - Minimum Characters Per Post : 0

Even though you put 0 there , users still have to enter some character to post. In the mean time it's a solution. Not the greatest but a solution to be able to upload. I'll keep looking into that issue and update this thread once I get some results.

LVC 06-16-2011 11:29 AM

If you are willing to share/sell your modification Please PM --

I need a Media directory as part of my roll out plan.

I am looking for a gallery that users can

1, Video -Embed from youtube etc
2. Photo upload or link from photobucket etc (choice set in admincp)
3. Pretty much everything else like in 8way (category, sections, stats, page layout etc)

Mod has such incredible potential -- it is crazy that a similar commercial supported version has not been released --- I would buy it in a heartbeat.



Originally Posted by EquinoxWorld (Post 2208313)
Which XML?

P.S. You can check ours out @ http://aniworlds.net/anime/ We've modified the hell out of it but the core is the same. You can accomplish many things with this script if you know what our doing.

skol 06-16-2011 11:32 AM

It's not supported,and he holds the licence so no one can take it over or support...Again it should be in the graveyard.

gobble 06-16-2011 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by EquinoxWorld (Post 2208435)
All I saw in that XML was the phrase groups for desc. , I beleive the check comes with the editor itself and not this script. What I did to get it working again was just go to :

Settings - Message Posting and Editing Options - Minimum Characters Per Post : 0

Even though you put 0 there , users still have to enter some character to post. In the mean time it's a solution. Not the greatest but a solution to be able to upload. I'll keep looking into that issue and update this thread once I get some results.

Thanks for that mate. I'll find the part in the XML if you're any good with your coding?

Infact, if you search on the error code in my first post on the last page, it will find it for you :)

EquinoxWorld 06-16-2011 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by gobble (Post 2208469)
Thanks for that mate. I'll find the part in the XML if you're any good with your coding?

Infact, if you search on the error code in my first post on the last page, it will find it for you :)

Just tell me at what line you see that check and I'll post the fix here for everyone.

stained 06-16-2011 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by skol (Post 2196059)
@ Jaxel

Or YouTube do.....Media Libary dosen't parse http://youtu.be...Therefore the mod needs updating which obviously won't happen here as it's in your words a XenForo mod..Then it's time to send it to the graveyard..

Totally agree.

I'm grateful to all of the coders for their hard work and their willingness to share and this was a great mod until Jaxel decided he didn't like vb any more. That's his right of course but I think that there is a certain level of responsibility which goes with very popular mods like this and if he isn't willing to continue to support then it needs to go to the graveyard. Jaxel says that it works but it doesn't because it can't parse http://youtu.be... urls

Misjahx 06-17-2011 01:32 PM

No update for 4.1.4? :(

Anyone knows a similar Plugin?

8thos 06-18-2011 01:15 AM

Turned comments off for all usergroups since comments are not submitting in vb4.1.4.

The CKEditor DOES work with 8waymedia run but only when submitting a vidoe.

Also, the mod is awesome if your media links are set for Friendly URLS.

For instance: http://the8thlegion.com/media/m1-revelation-of-iraq-hq

What you should do is turn off all your comments for usergroups, embed the video into your thread or blog if you want comments.

For instance Submit Comments Here: link to thread or blog

tlwwolfseye 06-18-2011 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by skol (Post 2208449)
It's not supported,and he holds the licence so no one can take it over or support...Again it should be in the graveyard.

LOL, not supported ! Great. So now that I used it for a while, I cant get rid of it properly without Database errors and I don't even get help from the Author.

I am so glad i installed this. :erm: :mad:

Wordplay 06-18-2011 11:56 AM

nobody has a fix for this?

is it possible to turn off ckeditor off for media comments?

basilrath 06-18-2011 03:13 PM

you can go to usergroups and make it not possible to comment so this works

the addon to compliment this would be to make the thread creation "auto ticked" and also thread created auto opened and not default closed then the comments / debates would then move to the thread and veiwable etc

Which is what i have done to work around this for now

paulket 06-18-2011 10:16 PM

Uninstalled, thankfully without any database errors. Losing this mod to 4.1.4 is a major disappointment. This mod should be archived.

If anyone knows of a similar mod (paid or free) that works with 4.1.4 please let me know.

LVC 06-18-2011 10:41 PM


Paypal locked and loaded!


Originally Posted by paulket (Post 2209622)
Uninstalled, thankfully without any database errors. Losing this mod to 4.1.4 is a major disappointment. This mod should be archived.

If anyone knows of a similar mod (paid or free) that works with 4.1.4 please let me know.

cherylferraro 06-18-2011 11:16 PM

It still works for me on 4.1.4, just can't edit the descriptions or use comments.

Wouldn't have paid the dev to remove the link if I knew he was going to stop supporting the mod.

Will be happy to pay for a replacement mod if anyone knows of one that is supported.

Mark4865 06-19-2011 07:18 PM

Hello all,

Not sure if it is politically correct to post this here (please remove if it is not), but as mod is not supported and lots of people are looking for alternatives, Lancerforhire is willing to write a similar mod to this from scratch. We need 15 people interested willing to pay a small fee to get this done, thus far we have 2 but looks like a lot more would be interested. PM Lancerforhire to confirm your interest.

Once again sorry if this is posted in the wrong place

chocolate angel 06-19-2011 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Mark4865 (Post 2210071)
Hello all,

Not sure if it is politically correct to post this here (please remove if it is not), but as mod is not supported and lots of people are looking for alternatives, Lancerforhire is willing to write a similar mod to this from scratch. We need 15 people interested willing to pay a small fee to get this done, thus far we have 2 but looks like a lot more would be interested. PM Lancerforhire to confirm your interest.

Once again sorry if this is posted in the wrong place

thanks :) pm sent.

Jirka73 06-19-2011 07:34 PM

We are not able to submit a comment on video post. When I wrote a comment to editor window, then I click to a submit button and it not works. Please help, where is a reason ?? In the Control panel the commens are enabled to all usergroups. Thanks.

paulket 06-19-2011 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Mark4865 (Post 2210071)
PM Lancerforhire to confirm your interest.

PM sent.

EquinoxWorld 06-19-2011 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by paulket (Post 2210096)
PM sent.

Same here...Let's do this!!!!!

Mariner1 06-19-2011 08:38 PM

Pm sent too

cherylferraro 06-19-2011 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by Mark4865 (Post 2210071)
Lancerforhire is willing to write a similar mod to this from scratch. We need 15 people interested willing to pay a small fee to get this done, thus far we have 2 but looks like a lot more would be interested. PM Lancerforhire to confirm your interest.

PM sent.

LVC 06-19-2011 09:11 PM

PM sent


Originally Posted by Mark4865 (Post 2210071)
Hello all,

Not sure if it is politically correct to post this here (please remove if it is not), but as mod is not supported and lots of people are looking for alternatives, Lancerforhire is willing to write a similar mod to this from scratch. We need 15 people interested willing to pay a small fee to get this done, thus far we have 2 but looks like a lot more would be interested. PM Lancerforhire to confirm your interest.

Once again sorry if this is posted in the wrong place

EquinoxWorld 06-20-2011 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Mark4865 (Post 2210071)
Hello all,

Not sure if it is politically correct to post this here (please remove if it is not), but as mod is not supported and lots of people are looking for alternatives, Lancerforhire is willing to write a similar mod to this from scratch. We need 15 people interested willing to pay a small fee to get this done, thus far we have 2 but looks like a lot more would be interested. PM Lancerforhire to confirm your interest.

Once again sorry if this is posted in the wrong place

We should have close to 15 by now, c'mon people this is for a greater good! We need a few more. :)

stained 06-20-2011 12:12 PM

PM sent

ashley55 06-20-2011 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Octavius. (Post 2124000)
Hi! Your htaccess code fixed my problem. Is this up-to-date?

where did u put that htaccess file? ive tried it and i still get this same error


HellRZR 06-20-2011 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by EquinoxWorld (Post 2210364)
We should have close to 15 by now, c'mon people this is for a greater good! We need a few more. :)

I checked with Lancerforhire this morning, we are only at 9 people. Many people love this mod, its very unfortunate that the developer has moved on to another platform.

So if we want a revamp of this, a product that is supported, we need to move on this.

Plus, its a great feeling to contribute to get something developed and then released to the community afterwards... :D

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