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-   -   Major Additions - vbBux / vbPlaza v1.5.8 (Points + Store System) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=106953)

Makaveli105 02-21-2006 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by hornstar1337
Still cant install this because In my postbit and postbit legacy i dont have $vbphrase[posts]: $post[posts]

And ideas on where to put it now?

I used to have ushop installed should i remove this first? if so how?

Please help asap, thanks

search for [posts]. on some styles it is changed to something else. but [posts] will always stay the same

jojo77 02-21-2006 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by jojo77
Where do I find that? I have checked everything else. Access masks is enabled and when I go to that users access masks, I see that access to that forum has been set to no.

My default setting for access to that forum is set to yes. That is ok right? Because the user access masks that gets set to no after the ban access purchase should override it correct?

this is so weird, when I go to the user mask of that user, the access says no but they can still access the forum. So I went back to that same user mask page that already said no, clicked save, and now it worked. It's like even though it said no, it didn't log that to the back end for some reason. Any idea why? Cause I'm going to end up running into this problem the next time someone buys the ban access item again.

Rickie3 02-21-2006 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by hornstar1337
Still cant install this because In my postbit and postbit legacy i dont have $vbphrase[posts]: $post[posts]

And ideas on where to put it now?

I used to have ushop installed should i remove this first? if so how?

Please help asap, thanks

are you trying to add this code to postbit????

$vbphrase[posts]: $post[posts]
Replace With:

$vbphrase[posts]: $post[posts]<br />
<a href="estore.php?do=donate&amp;userid=$post[userid]">$vbphrase[ebux_points]</a>: $post[points]<br />
$vbphrase[ebux_bank]: $post[bank]<br />
$vbphrase[ebux_total_points]: $post[totalpoints]<br />

or this code???

<div id="postmenu_$post[postid]">
Replace With:

<if condition="$post['glowcolor']"><div id="postmenu_$post[postid]" style="filter:Glow(Color=$post[glowcolor],Strength=$post[glowstrength]); width:100%;"><else /><div id="postmenu_$post[postid]"></if>

Fuzz 02-21-2006 06:21 AM

I was hoping someone knew exactly how server intensive this hack is? I have a fairly large community (20-40 members on at a time) and since i have installed this wonderful hack my host is now barking at me for using too much CPU, MEM, SQL%. I'm on a shared host environment so I can not hog all the resources obviously, but this has not been a problem until I installed this hack, I believe.

CMX - do you know any ways to optimize the eShop/eBux system so it is less server intensive? I didn't know if there were any options I could take out of the internal code or simply disable the options that are the major server eaters, if you know what they are.

I LOVE this hack and my members have been loving it... I haven't had any technical issues... it is just the server usage is a problem. I was hoping you could share a few pointers. I also know that w/ every release it is more optimized and uses less queries, so I'll continue to upgrade (which seems to be every day with your pace! your awesome). Any help would be nice, thanks!

lazytown 02-21-2006 06:29 AM

That would be great!


Originally Posted by vissa
I've seen this asked, with a few nonspecific answers...

But is there any way forums can automatically (or even manually) give points to users that contribute $$? VB already has contibuton/subscriber feature built in -- couldn't it give users points somehow through that once they donate? It doesn't need to integrate directly with Papal or anything.

Great Mod!


Originally Posted by CMX_CMGSCCC
Actually that should be possible by adding a plugin to the plugin named --> paidsub_build

I'll see about adding a setting for this as well, but the points will always be the same, no matter what subscription was chosen I think, if thats ok, I'll go ahead and add this feature.


designBox 02-21-2006 08:07 AM

I voted for this hack at the HOTM.
Thanks again, i really like it :)

Wachtmeister 02-21-2006 09:15 AM

I noticed, that most (or nearly all) of my translations are gone after upgrading from 116 to 118. Is there a way to avoid this in the future?

akanevsky 02-21-2006 10:56 AM

screenshots please ffs

influence 02-21-2006 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision
screenshots please ffs


and how come you dont answer your PM to support your "PAID" hacks?

Joep11 02-21-2006 12:15 PM

Bug: estore setting Default PM user id is not working with lottery pm, still sending from 1 :)

Exitilus 02-21-2006 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by CMX_CMGSCCC

The gift should show up in the profile if you have more than 1 of that gift. For example, if someone gave u 2 beer's, if u delete only 1 of them, the first beer will show up in the postbit as it only lists 1 of each item in the postbit.


Actually this is when as a Admin. I delete someone elses Gift.

IE ... I gave someone a Gift. Then Deleted it by going to their profile. When I did that. It doesn't show up on their profile anymore, but it shows up still in the postbit with no way to remove.
Not sure if you saw this CMX. About my problem with the gifts showing up on postbit after admin deletes them.

Though another user mentioned they are stored in two different tables?

rinkrat 02-21-2006 12:56 PM

OK I'm finally up and running and everything seems to be working. I am converting from Ucash and Ustore and the points all showed up fine but all of the points they had in the bank are all gone. I'm thinking I have to specify the ushop bank table for ebux to use as the bank stats for it to carry over the old bank figures. Is this right? What do I enter to do this and where? (the name of the ucash bank table?)

Thanks :)

Red Blaze 02-21-2006 01:16 PM

Eh, what I plan to do, rinkrat, is ask all my members to get their points outta the bank. I give them enough time to do so, and after that, I plan to drop all the tables related to uShop/uCash except the money table in the user's table. That way, it'd be pretty much a clean install for eBux.

hotrod1 02-21-2006 01:51 PM

Awesome job!!!

fly 02-21-2006 02:23 PM


For some reason, I am now unable to disable the Daily Lottery from the Lottery List. I can disable it from inside the lottery itself though.

edit: And once you select a lottery, is there a place to see how much the ticket costs? And something about when the lottery ends would be great too!

The Chief 02-21-2006 02:35 PM

ok, I've seen the update with the categories and usergroups, does that mean that I don't have to edit every single new option for each usergroup if I edited the categories?

thanks so much for this again!

JBMoney 02-21-2006 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by flypaper

For some reason, I am now unable to disable the Daily Lottery from the Lottery List.

Same problem here, but it went back to v1.1.7. I just set it to $0 payout and $0 cost... and folks are still buying tickets of course... lol.

moonclamp 02-21-2006 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by moonclamp
Another request ...

a user earns points for uploading a profile photo but gets charged loads for removing it.

To prevent spam, changing the photo does nothing.

Originally Posted by CMX_CMGSCCC
This should be rather easy to implement, but the hardest part is blocking any exploits with it, I'll look into it nonetheless.

Would be very much appreciated if you do, thank you. :)

If that isn't safe then another idea would be to pay a regular wage to users who do have a picture. No picture=no wages.

(My site is a sort of flirt/date/banter type thing but so many users are shy about revealing what they look like ... I'm doing my best to encourage them)

The Chief 02-21-2006 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by moonclamp
Would be very much appreciated if you do, thank you. :)

If that isn't safe then another idea would be to pay a regular wage to users who do have a picture. No picture=no wages.

(My site is a sort of flirt/date/banter type thing but so many users are shy about revealing what they look like ... I'm doing my best to encourage them)

yeah, I would love that :)

Smiry Kin's 02-21-2006 02:59 PM

how do i check my version

also how do i remove peoples stuff that they brouht? e.g bold ness, glow etc?...

fly 02-21-2006 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by JBMoney
Same problem here, but it went back to v1.1.7. I just set it to $0 payout and $0 cost... and folks are still buying tickets of course... lol.

The amounts that I set still work for me, but it doesn't tell the user what that amount is before they purchase them...

mkoerner 02-21-2006 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by PixelFx
Looks Promising :D any plans to add paypal intergration?

Yes that would be awesome to have paypal intergration. They can buy points that would be sweet 5 bucks gets you 1000 pts.

Great idea!

mkoerner 02-21-2006 03:05 PM

There seems to be a few problems with the lottery.

I cant disable one or the other also I cant seem to add a new lottery.

This is one of the best mods I have seen next to the shoutbox. Keep the upgrades coming!

Zowners 02-21-2006 03:18 PM

You can do that yourself. Just have an exchange rate. That is whay I am doing. My users can buy 1 points for 1 dollar. Or trade in 20 points for 20 dollars (no less).

lordofgun 02-21-2006 04:13 PM

Same lottery problem for me. The Daily lottery runs even when set to inactive.

fly 02-21-2006 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by lordofgun
Same lottery problem for me. The Daily lottery runs even when set to inactive.

You can disable it, you just have to go INTO the lottery.

inspiration100 02-21-2006 04:36 PM

very nice yet again. Would it be possible to include the psd file for the categories so we can make our own category image?

fly 02-21-2006 04:57 PM


Since you must not have a life, with all these updates, can you include a plugin to group the templates together in the AdminCP? Check out this thread:

CrazyShooter 02-21-2006 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by inspiration100
very nice yet again. Would it be possible to include the psd file for the categories so we can make our own category image?

Yup, good idea

CrazyShooter 02-21-2006 05:12 PM


CMX_CMGSCCC 02-21-2006 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by hornstar1337
If I install this now, there are no problems upgrading it each time a new version comes out is there? Or will people loose points and things they have paid for?

As long as you do not Uninstall, they will keep their points.


Originally Posted by dan35
I mean the option "No" of "Lottery Active" is not working. It always shows "Yes".

Will be fixed in v1.1.9


Originally Posted by Zowners
Bugs I have found:

1) A thread counts as a post. So if you make 1 point per thread, and 1 per post, you get 2 for a thread.
2) Reputation adding doesn't add to the points.

I cant confirm either one of these bugs.

1) DONT forget you get points per characters too, check your settings for that inside eBux Settings.
2) The points goes to the person GIVING the reputation, not the person you are giving reputation to.


Originally Posted by 7thgenCivic.Com
I have 2 requests for the hack of the year!!

1. Be able to completely delete/remove the mod/admin options and/or anything I don't need. Less cluter, plus I don't like having those high risk options there.

2. Complete history admin in the admin section. Be able to search by user, date, addon etc. Then you can remove the one in each product in the store.

Keep up the awesome work. I bought a beer for you on my site!

1) LoL, I guess I could allow delete to function on those certain items.

2) I was going to work on something like that in the future when I have more time.


Originally Posted by hornstar1337
In my postbit and postbit legacy i dont have $vbphrase[posts]: $post[posts] because another hack removed it.

Where should i insert $post[glowstrength]); width:100%;"><else /><div id="postmenu_$post[postid]"></if>


i used to have ustore installed in 3.0.x forums, I searched and I found I already have $post[glowstrength]); width:100%;"><else /><div id="postmenu_$post[postid]"></if> because of that old installation.

Should I remove that old installation first, if so How should I do that.


It depends on how badly its out of order, reverting might be necessary, how long has it been since you've done a template revert?


Originally Posted by mikeylikesitz
i have a bug in creating a new usergroup and wanted to see if ebux/estore had anything to do with it


### INSERT QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###INSERT INTO forumpermission
        (`forumid`, `usergroupid`, `forumpermissions`)
        ('9', '20', '0');

MySQL Error  : Duplicate entry '20-9' for key 2
Error Number : 1062
Date        : Monday, February 20th 2006 @ 07:37:32 PM
Script      : http://www.gamersvault.net/forum/admincp/usergroup.php
Referrer    : http://www.gamersvault.net/forum/admincp/usergroup.php

updated to 1.18 and still get the error, this is the only thing ive added recently as far as plugins are concerned. If this isnt a ebux issue, sorry for the post.

Keep up the good work!!

I dont think it is the issue as its not using any of the eBS fields in that query, but to 100% verify its not the eBS, goto Manage Products and and set EBS to Disable, then try to add the usergroup again.


Originally Posted by Zowners
Well, I have a hack that auto closes the thread when it reaches 1000. And I never plan on having one that big. I just think that even with the query, it would be worth it. Because that is a fairly big exploit right there. If a user finds this out, he can get a lot of points without me knowing. Or if he makes a horrible post, I delete it, he basically stole the points from me.

Even still, 1000 posts, if 1000 different users did post in the thread, that would be 1000 users getting updated in a query, if not multiple queries. If someone wants to do something like that, I'm just asking it to be an Add On as I dont want to add it when it definitely could cause issues with timeouts and/or really large boards/forums like my own.

You should remove some points from the user inside the Admin CP that would accomplish the same results of a cheater.


Originally Posted by Rickie3
i dont know if this has been asked before, but when i first installed this,a few of my members bought gifts,and now ive upgraded from the first release to the current v1.1.8 ,now in v1.1.6 i set gifts to expire in 1 day but those gifts are still showing in members posts how do i get rid of those gifts?

Options with CUSTOM script locations can not expire. If you edit the Option in Manage Options and it says it has action.whatever.php for a script location, that item is not allowed to expire as the .php will not know how to handle it.


Originally Posted by XanTrax
I will then further investigate this new one. Users points are increasing 10 folds. If I had coded this it would have been much easier to find the exploits :p.

This particular exploit of posting more than the allowed number of characters or any other kind of post that generates an ERROR will NOT give points anymore, I have changed the plugin location to newpost_complete meaning it HAS just inserted the new post into the database and it SHOULD give the points. Before it was giving the points on newpost_process which still hadnt done the error checking. Needless to say, if u find another exploit, it wont be related to posting a thread/post.


Originally Posted by RDX1
Every memeber has something like this as their item history. 1) I never had these options active and 2) they all seem to be random.

Those are the items that that member had purchased. Thats why they are always random. Its viewing that User's History of purchases they have made with the eStore, and/or they purchased it before u had a change to disable them.

It's possible some option ID's have changed and its showing the wrong name there, to fix that goto Admin CP -> eStore Options -> Clear User History.


Originally Posted by MorrisMcD
My glow STILL doesnt work.. It starts right at the right of the username and goes over the online status only...

All other username items work fine.. :shrug:

I even moved the online status stuff down as suggested by someone and it just put a small line next to the name since nothing was there to highlight.. Is it possible to make this glow the same way it did before the .6 update?

The only thing I can think of is your template edit must not be 100% proper, PM me your Template for postbit/postbit_legacy, whichever one u use.


Originally Posted by Colejo
What about an option in the store to buy a smilie so that it is named after their username?

lol, that sounds like it would be a custom action script. I'm sure something like that could be done, I'll add it on the future folder.


Originally Posted by jilly
I'd like to see a 'greeting card' option added = I know it may be a lot of code, but just thought I would ask anyway :)
Here's what I can come up with for details as of now

* User purchases a card for another member under the misc options area

* User is taken to a place to pick options to 'design' the card - design the card options include:

> Pick card background
> Pick graphic for the card
> Type in area for text - user types in their message to the other user.
> Pick time expiration for card (1 day, 7 days, 30 days, etc)

* Card is 'sent' to the recipient (recipient receives a pm letting them know they have an estore card to pick up with a link - the link takes them to a card pick-up area to see their card.

* Sender is notified when their card has been picked up.

* Extra idea for public cards - card pickup area could include a public and private area - if someone picks a card to be 'public' when they create it, then everyone can see them - they would display in a tiled manner in a card area of the estore
If someone picks a card to be 'private' then only the recipient sees it.

If you do work this up, I can donate some backgrounds/imgaes/graphics if you are interested..

This also would be a custom add on like the gifts/ribbons. Perhaps someone will get to something like this before I would though.


Originally Posted by hornstar1337
Still cant install this because In my postbit and postbit legacy i dont have $vbphrase[posts]: $post[posts]

And ideas on where to put it now?

I used to have ushop installed should i remove this first? if so how?

Please help asap, thanks

Send me your postbit/posbit_legacy template via PM and I'll see if I can add it for u.


Originally Posted by Fuzz
I was hoping someone knew exactly how server intensive this hack is? I have a fairly large community (20-40 members on at a time) and since i have installed this wonderful hack my host is now barking at me for using too much CPU, MEM, SQL%. I'm on a shared host environment so I can not hog all the resources obviously, but this has not been a problem until I installed this hack, I believe.

CMX - do you know any ways to optimize the eShop/eBux system so it is less server intensive? I didn't know if there were any options I could take out of the internal code or simply disable the options that are the major server eaters, if you know what they are.

I LOVE this hack and my members have been loving it... I haven't had any technical issues... it is just the server usage is a problem. I was hoping you could share a few pointers. I also know that w/ every release it is more optimized and uses less queries, so I'll continue to upgrade (which seems to be every day with your pace! your awesome). Any help would be nice, thanks!

Not really sure why it would be super server intensive, there could be some optimizations almost certainly. There is rarely any script that could not use any optimization. But the hard part is finding out what is causing the thing to be slower if anything is cauing it to slow down massively. If anyone find something that increases the running time of the script, let me know.


Originally Posted by Wachtmeister
I noticed, that most (or nearly all) of my translations are gone after upgrading from 116 to 118. Is there a way to avoid this in the future?

Hmm, besides making an XML file with your phrases in them, I dont know.


Originally Posted by Joep11
Bug: estore setting Default PM user id is not working with lottery pm, still sending from 1 :)

I cant replicate this problem, be sure that it did save the setting in the Admin CP properly, I'll try looking into it more when I get time as well.


Originally Posted by Exitilus
Not sure if you saw this CMX. About my problem with the gifts showing up on postbit after admin deletes them.

Though another user mentioned they are stored in two different tables?

They are stored in the user table and estoregifts table, but the delete script handles both. If you delete someone's gift and they had 2 of that item, it will still show it in the postbit as someone else had given them that item too.


Originally Posted by rinkrat
OK I'm finally up and running and everything seems to be working. I am converting from Ucash and Ustore and the points all showed up fine but all of the points they had in the bank are all gone. I'm thinking I have to specify the ushop bank table for ebux to use as the bank stats for it to carry over the old bank figures. Is this right? What do I enter to do this and where? (the name of the ucash bank table?)

Thanks :)

The early 3.5.0 version of uCash didnt have a bank field, so it didnt transfer any of those funds. If you had an extremely old version of ucash/ushop those are not transferred either, someone would have to write a script to handle that or I will try to add it when I get time.


Originally Posted by flypaper

For some reason, I am now unable to disable the Daily Lottery from the Lottery List. I can disable it from inside the lottery itself though.

edit: And once you select a lottery, is there a place to see how much the ticket costs? And something about when the lottery ends would be great too!

Slight issue, will be resolved in v1.1.9. For now, click on Daily Lottery in the Admin CP, and change it to Active, No there, instead of on the Manage Lotteries main page itself.


Originally Posted by The Chief
ok, I've seen the update with the categories and usergroups, does that mean that I don't have to edit every single new option for each usergroup if I edited the categories?

thanks so much for this again!

All category permissions FILTER down to all of the options now.

If you have to override the category permissions there is a new setting to do so for each individual item. Otherwise the permissions there for the Manage Options say "Additional Usergroups". So you can add one to your Premium Usergroup or something for that specific option as well.


Originally Posted by moonclamp
Would be very much appreciated if you do, thank you. :)

If that isn't safe then another idea would be to pay a regular wage to users who do have a picture. No picture=no wages.

(My site is a sort of flirt/date/banter type thing but so many users are shy about revealing what they look like ... I'm doing my best to encourage them)

lol, I've added it to the future updates folder.


Originally Posted by Smiry Kin's
how do i check my version

also how do i remove peoples stuff that they brouht? e.g bold ness, glow etc?...

To remove stuff people bought, you have to goto Admin CP and search for that User, there are "display flags" and others, but rest assured they are advanced users only to modify them. It's easiest to just set it to 0 if u want to disable someones flags.


Originally Posted by flypaper
The amounts that I set still work for me, but it doesn't tell the user what that amount is before they purchase them...

It does show the amount before purchase. The lottery has 3 pages.. not just 2 like other actions.

1) Page 1 shows the types of lottery that are active and available for purchase.
2) Page 2 shows a summary of the lottery info, jackpot, ticket price, etc..
3) Page 3 actually does the purchase.


Originally Posted by mkoerner
Yes that would be awesome to have paypal intergration. They can buy points that would be sweet 5 bucks gets you 1000 pts.

Great idea!

Still someone needs to tackle this as an add on, I do not wish to touch any issues that could cause legal issues as with my company www.cmgsccc.com I know all too many common legal concerns and stay away from them.


Originally Posted by mkoerner
There seems to be a few problems with the lottery.

I cant disable one or the other also I cant seem to add a new lottery.

This is one of the best mods I have seen next to the shoutbox. Keep the upgrades coming!

The disable problem u are having will be fixed in v1.1.9, but for now, just goto the Manage Lotteries, click on the name of the lottery u wish to disable, and then turn Active = No there and it will save.

And I've just added a new lottery no problem, what is the error you are getting?


Originally Posted by lordofgun
Same lottery problem for me. The Daily lottery runs even when set to inactive.

That cron task issue will be fixed in v1.1.9 as well, seems it didnt have WHERE (active = 1) anywhere in the cron task.


Originally Posted by inspiration100
very nice yet again. Would it be possible to include the psd file for the categories so we can make our own category image?

I believe so, I'll have to get them from my wife though.

fly: I'll look into the template grouping as that sounds like a good idea.


RDX1 02-21-2006 05:39 PM

Is this right, the lottery was less then a week and I ended up winning. It should have been 250 but it ended up being 9,750 after taxes! I checked the history, it says I bought the daily lottery when it was a custom one I set up.

CMX_CMGSCCC 02-21-2006 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by RDX1
Is this right, the lottery was less then a week and I ended up winning. It should have been 250 but it ended up being 9,750 after taxes! I checked the history, it says I bought the daily lottery when it was a custom one I set up.

The lottery still has a taxes field that it uses for Points Options -> Buy Lottery Ticket -> Item Tax, change it to 0 to make the lotteries tax free.


Alviker 02-21-2006 06:04 PM

Hello ^^. I like this hack ^^. But... Run in vB 3.5.1? :( I installed this hack in mi vB 3.5.1, and it made perfect, but in de eStore don't apears any Item :( :(. How can I do? I need help, please :(.

Very thanks.

Atte. Alviker

3dsoft 02-21-2006 06:16 PM

Is it possible to receive points for 3rd party extensions?
I like the following extensions very much.

1.) vbJournal for 3.5
2.) Photoplog Lite Gallery

It would be great if the users get points when writing into a journal.
I also would like the idea taht users could get points when adding comments to photos (Photoplog Lite Gallery).


RDX1 02-21-2006 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by CMX_CMGSCCC
The lottery still has a taxes field that it uses for Points Options -> Buy Lottery Ticket -> Item Tax, change it to 0 to make the lotteries tax free.


No, sorry I should have clarifed.

I won 9,750. The jackpot should have been 250. It seems after checking the history I won the daly lottery of 10,000 even though I bought a ticket for the weekly lottery, and so did others.

And just a question, does the add tickets to jackpot option add it permanently or just that week?

StarBuG 02-21-2006 06:36 PM


I have set up a lottery with 10,000 as price and tickeds DONĀ“T build the jackpot.

I was the only one taking part and I now get a pm

"You have hit the jackpot for 97500 after taxes!"

ImportPassion 02-21-2006 06:38 PM

One of my users is getting this error when he goes on the site and he can't go any further


The eStore option you are trying to purchase has an invalid Set Name.
I noticed he bought forum access when it first was an option, but he swears he didn't, but was merely "checking it out". I have since turned that option off. Could that have anything to do with it?


Smiry Kin's 02-21-2006 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by Smiry Kin's
how do i check my version

also how do i remove peoples stuff that they brouht? e.g bold ness, glow etc?...

To remove stuff people bought, you have to goto Admin CP and search for that User, there are "display flags" and others, but rest assured they are advanced users only to modify them. It's easiest to just set it to 0 if u want to disable someones flags.
ermm i see no display flags?? could you possible make this easier? :S

CMX_CMGSCCC 02-21-2006 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Alviker
Hello ^^. I like this hack ^^. But... Run in vB 3.5.1? :( I installed this hack in mi vB 3.5.1, and it made perfect, but in de eStore don't apears any Item :( :(. How can I do? I need help, please :(.

Very thanks.

Atte. Alviker

Try running the Admin CP feature called Rebuild Datastore.


Originally Posted by 3dsoft
Is it possible to receive points for 3rd party extensions?
I like the following extensions very much.

1.) vbJournal for 3.5
2.) Photoplog Lite Gallery

It would be great if the users get points when writing into a journal.
I also would like the idea taht users could get points when adding comments to photos (Photoplog Lite Gallery).


It is, but if they dont have any "hooks", then I cant add support for them into the product and it has to be a 3rd party add on.

Also u could always take the code from one of the plugins eBS uses and implement it into one of their plugins/php files as well.


Originally Posted by RDX1
No, sorry I should have clarifed.

I won 9,750. The jackpot should have been 250. It seems after checking the history I won the daly lottery of 10,000 even though I bought a ticket for the weekly lottery, and so did others.

And just a question, does the add tickets to jackpot option add it permanently or just that week?

Ah, slight issue in the cron task, it will be fixed in v1.1.9


Originally Posted by StarBuG

I have set up a lottery with 10,000 as price and tickeds DON?T build the jackpot.

I was the only one taking part and I now get a pm

"You have hit the jackpot for 97500 after taxes!"

Same as above, fixed in v1.1.9


Originally Posted by 7thgenCivic.Com
One of my users is getting this error when he goes on the site and he can't go any further

I noticed he bought forum access when it first was an option, but he swears he didn't, but was merely "checking it out". I have since turned that option off. Could that have anything to do with it?


What option are they trying to purchase?


Originally Posted by Smiry Kin's
ermm i see no display flags?? could you possible make this easier? :S

Look at my attachment, it should be there..


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