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Alfa1 06-08-2006 02:26 PM

I have used the search function for this, but could not find an answers:

I want to display the total LDM as a block in vBadvanced. How do I do that. Is there a plug in or module for this?

Another question: I use the LDM_new.php module. How can I make it display icons as well?

redlabour 06-08-2006 03:47 PM

Will it work in the Future with vBulletin 3.6 ?

sonicBeagle 06-09-2006 01:17 AM

Will Links and Downloads Manager improve download stability?

By this I mean that many of my users report aborted and incomplete downloads when trying to pull 100Mb attachments from posts in my forums. The folks at vBulletin have suggested that their product was never intended for that purpose, and who am I to argue with them? All I know is that I need to be able to reliably download large files from my forums.

If LDM is not the answer, and anyone knows what is, I would greatly appreciate some guidance. Money is not the issue here - reliable downloading is the issue and I can pay for a solution.


GrendelKhan{TSU 06-09-2006 04:07 AM

couldn't find this answe in the admin options or in this massive thread (don't kill me!!)...

is it possible to have people ONLY be able to open the jukebox, but NOT launch the Visit/Download link via the title link and thumbnail? (enable/disalbe for each category individuslly.)

almost no one clicks the launch icon (as first instinct) and keep clicking the thumbnail or link... after a delay this launches either embedded QTime in the same window or launches standonline real player (on my system and few others). so its really confusing what's goign on for people. esp if they WANT to launch the jukebox but accidently/naturally go for the link or thumbnail first.

is this normal behavior? I figured it was supposed to launch a download file thingy (like right click).

if this is normal, I want to be able to disable the view/download for some of the categories and have them only be able to right-click download or luanch the Jukebox.

AndrewD 06-10-2006 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by lexx27
Another thing I noticed is that a file had 30 downloads yesterday (webalizer report), and only 2 hits inside the manager???

The code checks for multiple clicks in close succession from a given user, and reports them once, since it usually means that the user is mouse-happy. Furthermore, it only records the hit when the download is complete. 30 compared to 2 seems a bit extreme, so it suggests that the transfer had problems going through to completion.

AndrewD 06-10-2006 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by lexx27
do you know anything about this

I'm sorry - are you asking a question or telling me that something doesn't work?

There is an 'extra' (id3_handles) available with LDM, which autocreate thumbnails for mp3 files from the file's tag information.

AndrewD 06-10-2006 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by Alfa1
I have used the search function for this, but could not find an answers:

I want to display the total LDM as a block in vBadvanced. How do I do that. Is there a plug in or module for this?

Sorry, I don't understand the question. What do you want the vba module to do?


Originally Posted by Alfa1
Another question: I use the LDM_new.php module. How can I make it display icons as well?

Currently, this needs a few changes in the code as well as in a template. I attach a file containing a modified version of the function get_link2(), which you can find in local_links_include.php. With that change, the following version of the links_vbalinks template will do the trick:


<td class="alt1">
<div style="float:right"><span class="smallfont">$linkhits</span></div>
<span class="smallfont">$linktypebit<if condition="$linkstatus<=0">$linkname<else />$linkurllink</if></span>

I will include the code change in the next upload of LDM, version 2.2.2, when this goes live.

AndrewD 06-10-2006 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by redlabour
Will it work in the Future with vBulletin 3.6 ?

There is no reason why not, but I have not yet tested it. I will give an answer as soon as possible. If changes are needed, they will be made available.

AndrewD 06-10-2006 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by sonicBeagle
Will Links and Downloads Manager improve download stability?

By this I mean that many of my users report aborted and incomplete downloads when trying to pull 100Mb attachments from posts in my forums. The folks at vBulletin have suggested that their product was never intended for that purpose, and who am I to argue with them? All I know is that I need to be able to reliably download large files from my forums.

If LDM is not the answer, and anyone knows what is, I would greatly appreciate some guidance. Money is not the issue here - reliable downloading is the issue and I can pay for a solution.


LDM is only part of the answer. The problem with very large downloads is really on the client side - the user's browser can drop the connection. This is one reason for using a download manager on the user's machine.

LDM supports what is called 'partial file transfer'. Client-side download managers tend to use this mechanism to speed up downloads and to recover from dropped connections.

I have tested LDM with a couple of download managers and it works fine. I can't guarantee that it will work with them all. I tested, for example, flashget and Download Accelerator Plus.

AndrewD 06-10-2006 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
couldn't find this answe in the admin options or in this massive thread (don't kill me!!)...

is it possible to have people ONLY be able to open the jukebox, but NOT launch the Visit/Download link via the title link and thumbnail? (enable/disalbe for each category individuslly.)

almost no one clicks the launch icon (as first instinct) and keep clicking the thumbnail or link... after a delay this launches either embedded QTime in the same window or launches standonline real player (on my system and few others). so its really confusing what's goign on for people. esp if they WANT to launch the jukebox but accidently/naturally go for the link or thumbnail first.

is this normal behavior? I figured it was supposed to launch a download file thingy (like right click).

if this is normal, I want to be able to disable the view/download for some of the categories and have them only be able to right-click download or luanch the Jukebox.

If you set the *can_play_musicbox* permission but unset the *can_save_musicbox* permission for usergroup (LDM/admin/permissions), then both the icon and the title become urls to the jukebox.

Currently, this is an all or nothing setting - it applies to all musicbox entries in all categories. It is easy enough to make available on a a per-category basis, if this has any value to you.

AndrewD 06-10-2006 09:46 AM

Just to let everyone know -

Main LDM features work ok with vb36, but some recoding is needed before it will be fit for release. There is also a bug in the VB36 product importer itself.

MissKalunji 06-10-2006 10:59 AM

got any plans for 3.6 :)?

lexx27 06-10-2006 11:24 AM

Sorry if I wasnt clear. When I link an mp3 file the code generates a broken thumbnail.

Alfa1 06-10-2006 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Sorry, I don't understand the question. What do you want the vba module to do?

I want the module to show the total LDM. All categories. So, LDM would be fully integrated with vBadvanced. So that members can browse the LDM within vBadvanced, viewing multiple vBadvanced blocks/modules, of which LDM is one. A total integration if you will.


Originally Posted by AndrewD
I will include the code change in the next upload of LDM, version 2.2.2, when this goes live.

You are giving the best support I have seen anywhere.

lexx27 06-10-2006 12:15 PM


You are giving the best support I have seen anywhere.
I agree! He is a pro!

rogersnm 06-10-2006 02:10 PM

ah well L&D does not work on v3.6 it says:
Unexpected critical failure
Critical Error: Links and Downloads Manager v.2.2.1 requires VBulletin version 3.5

AndrewD 06-10-2006 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by rogersnm
ah well L&D does not work on v3.6 it says:
Unexpected critical failure
Critical Error: Links and Downloads Manager v.2.2.1 requires VBulletin version 3.5

Actually this is the easy one to fix - it's simply a check on the version.

More tricky is that the VB people have changed the profilefields table, so all the integration with user profiles has to be rethought

stonner 06-10-2006 09:20 PM

Hi Andrew!

First I wanna thank for this great hack!

I receive the same error message as Alfa1 once received:
Error - unable to move uploaded file on server

your answer to Alfa1 was:

Originally Posted by AndrewD
The error mesage is triggered in two situations:

- If the code is unable to create a subdirectory in your uploads directory corresponding to the user who is making the upload
- If the code cannot move the uploaded file into that directory once it has created it.

You can check which case is causing the problem by looked in the directory you have specified as your uploads directory. It should contain subdirectories and sub-sub-directories with single digit names, e.g. for a user with userid 36, there should be a directory tree /uploads/3/6, etc.

If these exist, upload a file under your own admin id and check that a new file (it will have a random filename) appears where you expect. If it does, then check that you have given proper permissions to your uploads directory. If not, then try to discover where the files are actually being placed.

Have you, for example, changed the setting of local_file_root (LDM admin page)?

Let me know what you find out, in case there's a bug in LDM.

in my case, it's the second situation. It creates the subfolder with my userid in the upload-folder (CHMOD777).

But what else is wrong? How can I fix this?

thank you!

obmob 06-11-2006 02:21 AM

o.o ok, i'm struggling with the CVS importer, is there a way to add more info into this?

As an example, creation date... or current hits, i have all this info in my old script, and would love to paste it directly and not modify every file induvidually u.u

Or... i'd love to know if there is some tool to create sql queries out of CVS files? Oo

I remember once trying to do this with excel, but when i exported as text, there were some spaces between variables and the code never ran into phpmyadmin ><

AndrewD 06-11-2006 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by stonner
Hi Andrew!

First I wanna thank for this great hack!

I receive the same error message as Alfa1 once received:
Error - unable to move uploaded file on server

your answer to Alfa1 was:

in my case, it's the second situation. It creates the subfolder with my userid in the upload-folder (CHMOD777).

But what else is wrong? How can I fix this?

thank you!

I've found it easiest to answer these questions by taking a look at the site. Pls can you send me a PM with your site details + a username/pwd with admin privs.

AndrewD 06-11-2006 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by obmob
o.o ok, i'm struggling with the CVS importer, is there a way to add more info into this?

As an example, creation date... or current hits, i have all this info in my old script, and would love to paste it directly and not modify every file induvidually u.u

Or... i'd love to know if there is some tool to create sql queries out of CVS files? Oo

I remember once trying to do this with excel, but when i exported as text, there were some spaces between variables and the code never ran into phpmyadmin ><

The csv import/export code is very old - it was more or less the first thing written for LDM before it was even called LDM. There is also XML import/export code, which handles everything in the LDM database, I'd recommend, if you need to make changes, that you start with that code.

The XML exporter in built in as LDM/admin/import and export
The importer is in the 'extras' directory in the release

AndrewD 06-11-2006 05:09 AM


Originally Posted by lexx27
Sorry if I wasnt clear. When I link an mp3 file the code generates a broken thumbnail.

In case this is the same problem just solved on another site - have you installed the LDM 'id3-handles' extra in order to tag/scan mp3s?

If so - if you upload the getid3 code into the wrong place, you get this 'blank screen' bug when uploading files.

The getid3 subdirectory has to be directly in the forums directory:
Not, e.g.

For what it's worth!

lexx27 06-11-2006 12:43 PM

ok, I ll try it and tell you. Thank you very much

rogersnm 06-11-2006 12:44 PM

when do you think a vb3.6 compatible version will be out? and will it keep all the listings all ready entered?

AndrewD 06-11-2006 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by rogersnm
when do you think a vb3.6 compatible version will be out? and will it keep all the listings all ready entered?

I guarantee (;)) that you will not lose anything.

As for when it will be ready, that all depends on how much of the base code I discover that the VB guys have changed. These things tend to be buried in the undergrowth. I hope that it's not going to be anything like as big a job as the move from vb3.0 to 3.5.

lexx27 06-11-2006 01:33 PM

Its working. Thank you! :)

rogersnm 06-11-2006 01:34 PM

it shouldn't be becuase it's "mainly a feature feast" :D

Axl-Rose 06-13-2006 09:38 AM

got a problem with LDM...

I've got 2 servers! one with the forum on it and the other with the files...
my forum server is daly out of traffic...

but if i set force_redirect to 2 (a standard html hyperlink is shown) no traffic comes up....

what can i do, to use the link protection?

AndrewD 06-13-2006 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Axl-Rose
got a problem with LDM...

I've got 2 servers! one with the forum on it and the other with the files...
my forum server is daly out of traffic...

but if i set force_redirect to 2 (a standard html hyperlink is shown) no traffic comes up....

what can i do, to use the link protection?

Bit of a problem, this one...

If you want to keep the file location completely hidden, then the LDM script has to handle file reading and writing. There is no alternative, as far as I know.

It is reasonably efficient to do this provided the script can use built in file handling routines. However, if you put LDM and the files on different servers (using http as channel of access between the two), then the reading/rewriting process becomes expensive.

By setting force_redirect to 2, you remove all the server load at a price of making the file location visible.

Why do you want to place the files on a different server?

maroceve 06-13-2006 10:02 AM

i am really having troubles seting up for people to upload the files ..they can oly link :( ...

if anyone can please help me, my msn is hamzaalami@gmail.com


AndrewD 06-13-2006 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by maroceve
i am really having troubles seting up for people to upload the files ..they can oly link :( ...

if anyone can please help me, my msn is hamzaalami@gmail.com


I am happy to help, but it is easiest to do so if you give me admin access to your site. Send me a PM if you want me to take a look.

maroceve 06-13-2006 10:16 AM

ok done :)

obmob 06-13-2006 02:31 PM

OMG... it was a little hard for me, but finally, i set my xml and all my files are in the database, y revalidated them and they seem to be ok... buuuut - :p - filse size wasn't calculated... what should i do?

is there a way to do this in a batch process... o i must visit and edit every file to be recognized? Oo

Also, any way to rebuild statistics... i added my download/hits ti each file, but nothing appears in fromtpage.


AndrewD 06-13-2006 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by obmob
OMG... it was a little hard for me, but finally, i set my xml and all my files are in the database, y revalidated them and they seem to be ok... buuuut - :p - filse size wasn't calculated... what should i do?

is there a way to do this in a batch process... o i must visit and edit every file to be recognized? Oo

Also, any way to rebuild statistics... i added my download/hits ti each file, but nothing appears in fromtpage.


If the xml file was in the right format, size and statistics should have been imported.

The attached version of local_links_admin.php will rebuild all the file sizes when you do an admin revalidation.

Maybe you could upload your xml file so that I could take a look at the format.

obmob 06-13-2006 04:45 PM

oh, thanks for the file, it's just that i didn't add the size to the xml... now i have another question, is it possible to show thumbail but disable automatic creation?

Maybe i must delete the thumbs directory location?

Alfa1 06-13-2006 05:06 PM

Hi Andrew,

Did you catch the explanation to my last question:


Originally Posted by Alfa1
I want to display the total LDM as a block in vBadvanced. How do I do that. Is there a plug in or module for this?


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Sorry, I don't understand the question. What do you want the vba module to do?


Originally Posted by Alfa1
I want the module to show the total LDM. All categories. So, LDM would be fully integrated with vBadvanced. So that members can browse the LDM within vBadvanced, viewing multiple vBadvanced blocks/modules, of which LDM is one. A total integration if you will.

AndrewD 06-13-2006 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by obmob
oh, thanks for the file, it's just that i didn't add the size to the xml... now i have another question, is it possible to show thumbail but disable automatic creation?

Maybe i must delete the thumbs directory location?

That's right - with no thumbnail directory, these are regenerated 'on the fly'. This puts more load on your server, but doesn't create a large number of files.

AndrewD 06-13-2006 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1
Hi Andrew,

Did you catch the explanation to my last question:

You mean something like this?? I coded it at the weeked, but it needs a few changes to the guts of LDM to work properly, so I haven't released it.

AndrewD 06-13-2006 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by rogersnm
it shouldn't be becuase it's "mainly a feature feast" :D

However, they have recoded some code functions and database tables (e.g. profilefields, xml parsers), and I have to discover these one by one :tired:

Alfa1 06-13-2006 05:48 PM

I am in awe. You are really amazing. That is almost what I need. The only thing I miss is the LDM navbar. When I have LDM in vBadvanced, I will not use LDM in it's normal form any longer. Therefore all LDM functions should be available trough the vBa module.

My LDM is rather large. (and will grow a lot larger ; )
I guess, the size will automaticly adjust to have it fit in there?

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