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mystery250 10-18-2004 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by Link14716
Installs hacks and makes it easier to upgrade since all the file edits of hacks installed using it are accessible in the admincp.

Great hack. No real problems. I did experience that it didn't automatically install the phrase for the action manger, however.

glorify 10-19-2004 05:28 AM

Yes, I noticed that there are no phrases installed for colors:

'$vbphrase[uttstore_inputs_color_colorusername],---called for in action.colorusername.php, line 14
'$vbphrase[uttstore_inputs_color_glowusername]',--called for in action.glowusername.php line 14

Both are called for in each action, but they are nowhere to be found. I searched in the install file, and it looks like they don't even get created. Any help on this? My guys are getting tired of guessing which color names to try since no color picker is showing up at all.

I am running 3.03 and ushop 95b

pgowder 10-19-2004 12:29 PM

As times goes on my users are accumulating large amounts of points, getting over 100 million for 1 users.

I'm looking for more things for them to spend thier points on.

Besides the ones that come with script what else have people created??


Zachery 10-19-2004 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by pgowder
As times goes on my users are accumulating large amounts of points, getting over 100 million for 1 users.

I'm looking for more things for them to spend thier points on.

Besides the ones that come with script what else have people created??


We are looking to an a sort of Item Shop system down the line, also i have some planed intergration with vBa Gallery, as well as uploads and downloads with attachments

glorify 10-19-2004 02:20 PM

Am I right in assuming that these phrases are supposed to be installed? Any help would be aprecciated. Thanks.

Link14716 10-19-2004 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by glorify
Am I right in assuming that these phrases are supposed to be installed? Any help would be aprecciated. Thanks.

Those phrases are hardcoded into the files. This hack only uses a few phrases at this point.

glorify 10-19-2004 11:09 PM

Thanks for the reply. Then, if I have this installed correctly, which I think I do, there's no color picker. Is there a list of useable colors? My guys have been just typing in 'green' or 'red'.

I really appreciate the help.

Debbi 10-20-2004 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by glorify
Thanks for the reply. Then, if I have this installed correctly, which I think I do, there's no color picker. Is there a list of useable colors? My guys have been just typing in 'green' or 'red'.

I really appreciate the help.

I've had good luck taking them from this site. Also, you can "test" the name colors before you buy so you'll know whether or not they work.

Link14716 10-20-2004 03:53 AM


Originally Posted by glorify
Thanks for the reply. Then, if I have this installed correctly, which I think I do, there's no color picker. Is there a list of useable colors? My guys have been just typing in 'green' or 'red'.

I really appreciate the help.

Well, typing in "green" and "red" should work fine.

I'll look into some color picker though.

AA2004 10-20-2004 03:55 PM

Warning: main(uttstore/action.): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/username/public_html/forum/ushop.php on line 259

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'uttstore/action.' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/username/public_html/forum/ushop.php on line 259

Any ideas?

filth 10-20-2004 03:58 PM

is /home/username/public_html/forum/ actually the path to your files

if not then it looks like its a configuration problem

AA2004 10-20-2004 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by filth
is /home/username/public_html/forum/ actually the path to your files

if not then it looks like its a configuration problem

I editted that line, but the username the error message gave is the correct path to the files.

3clipse 10-20-2004 05:29 PM

seems i have a common error here occuring with my install but i've tried what has been suggested before with other users and i still have problems:


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/local/www/****/public_html/forums/global.php on line 639
this only happens when i make the last file edit on the global.php file, the code line this error is in and some surrounding code is shown below

// Make a list of the all the actions...
foreach ($storeactions as $actionid => $theaction) {
        if ($theaction['active'] == "1") {
                $allowed = explode(",", $theaction['allowedgroups']);
                foreach ($allowed as $allow) {
                        if (is_member_of(array('userid'=>$bbuserinfo['userid'], 'usergroupid'=>$bbuserinfo['usergroupid'], 'membergroupids'=>$bbuserinfo['membergroupids']), $allow)) {
                                $canenter = "1";

im currently using vb 3.0.3 and have the v3 arcade mod installed. i have tried fresh installs of the db and editing fresh files.

glorify 10-20-2004 06:34 PM

Thanks Debbi and Link!

Link14716 10-20-2004 07:01 PM

Run the install script...

wi11ie1950 10-21-2004 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by Link14716
No it shouldn't. You can do it like that, but it isn't needed.

Originally Posted by wi11ie1950
Find in File admincp/usergroup.php

PHP Code:
'profilepicmaxwidth' => 100, 'profilepicmaxheight' => 100, 'profilepicmaxsize' => 25000

Replace with

// ## <ucs>
'profilepicmaxwidth' => 100, 'profilepicmaxheight' => 100, 'profilepicmaxsize' => 25000, 'uttstore_discount' => 0
// ## </ucs>

IT SHOULD BE........

// ## <ucs>
'profilepicmaxwidth' => 100, 'profilepicmaxheight' => 100, 'profilepicmaxsize' => 25000, 'uttstore_discount' => 0,
// ## </ucs>

Otherwise it creates an error when you try to access Usergroups in Admin CP

Find in file includes/init.php
PHP Code:

Replace with:
PHP Code:

Replace with

Hi Link. Well it gave me a Parse Error every time until i added the comma's :):)

Areku 10-22-2004 10:02 AM

I agree. It gives errors until u apply those fixes. Thanks wi11ie!

Link14716 10-22-2004 09:04 PM

It doesn't on an unhacked vB3. ;)

If anything comes after the line added (and before the end parenthesis), then yes, you'll need a comma.

Zachery 10-22-2004 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by Areku
I agree. It gives errors until u apply those fixes. Thanks wi11ie!

We only provide instructions for an UNHACKED version, we cannot support other hacks :) take it up with the authors for bad pratcies.

kall 10-24-2004 03:35 AM


Originally Posted by wi11ie1950
I had Petz and Utt store installed on my last forum which was VB3 Gold and never had any problems with either of them... :)

I find that highly unlikely, due to the way Petz changes the markup.

Blam Forumz 10-24-2004 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by kall
I find that highly unlikely, due to the way Petz changes the markup.

Not hard to do, its quite easy infact, just need to modify where you insert the code, you can also put segmens of code together and still get then both working

ezsouljahs 10-24-2004 11:26 AM

this might be dumb but umm can this work on 2.3.5.. i would use 3.0.3 vb but it don't have the templates like the older one has.. u know the one with .style :)

msimplay 10-24-2004 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by ezsouljahs
this might be dumb but umm can this work on 2.3.5.. i would use 3.0.3 vb but it don't have the templates like the older one has.. u know the one with .style :)

this hack doesn't work on 2.3.5
use lesanes store hack vbulletin 2

Zachery 10-24-2004 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by msimplay
this hack doesn't work on 2.3.5
use lesanes store hack vbulletin 2

Lesanes hacks are no longer at vBulletin.org, after he left the vBulletin community his hacks left as well.

Zachery 10-24-2004 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by ezsouljahs
this might be dumb but umm can this work on 2.3.5.. i would use 3.0.3 vb but it don't have the templates like the older one has.. u know the one with .style :)

You would be better off upgrading to vBulletin 3, its much better :D

ezsouljahs 10-24-2004 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery
You would be better off upgrading to vBulletin 3, its much better :D

i have vb3 atfirst but sucky templates..and i saw that the vb2 had some really sweet ones and just went with that..

Zachery 10-24-2004 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by ezsouljahs
i have vb3 atfirst but sucky templates..and i saw that the vb2 had some really sweet ones and just went with that..

dfine "sucky" templates. you mean ones that work in all browsers and dont cause them to crash?

oh you must mean things that look pretty and use arseloads of bandwith :)

nemanja 10-24-2004 09:04 PM

i have a ? about this you know how admins can modify the points how can u make it where Super mods can edit the points to?

Spyke 10-26-2004 05:27 PM


Nice mod here. though the name glow isn't working correctly for some reason. My skin has the username in a table and the glow glow's the username and the table. Is there anyway to fix this? ( http://eternal-realm.net/vb/showpost...21&postcount=1
Take a look at the username.)


Zachery 10-26-2004 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by Spyke

Nice mod here. though the name glow isn't working correctly for some reason. My skin has the username in a table and the glow glow's the username and the table. Is there anyway to fix this? ( http://eternal-realm.net/vb/showpost...21&postcount=1
Take a look at the username.)


Be aware that Glow is an INTERNET EXPLORER ONLY FEATURE. as it works fine for me in IE 6 SP2 :)

Zachery 10-26-2004 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by nemanja
i have a ? about this you know how admins can modify the points how can u make it where Super mods can edit the points to?

Edit the permissions of that action :)

danrak 10-27-2004 04:18 AM

How is this on performance. I searched the thread, and only found one reference to it increasing server load, but it didn't say how large the forum was. I would really like to try this hack on my main site with the physical shipment items hack installed as a way to reward the techs at my site.

Would this kill a server for a site with 20,000 uniques a day?

radicaledward 10-27-2004 08:42 PM

Alright, I have been working with uStore for along time now that I have writen a custom shop for adventchildren.net, and I have noticed two things that I was wondering if there was a fix for (or if I should just fix them myself):
- When discounts are totaled they don't seem to take into account discounts for additional usergroups
- The richest members list only takes into account what you have outside of the bank, not what's in it

Any idea if those have been fixed, or if I should do it myself (and if so post the code :D)

Also, the shop that we are using at adventchildren.net is mostly done, would people perhaps be interested in using it? I can post another thread with screen shots in it if you want.

yinyang 10-29-2004 02:48 AM

do i have to enable "custom user title" in usergroups in order for the "change other user title" to work?

right now it's set at no and uses the default ladder.

Zachery 10-29-2004 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by radicaledward
Alright, I have been working with uStore for along time now that I have writen a custom shop for adventchildren.net, and I have noticed two things that I was wondering if there was a fix for (or if I should just fix them myself):
- When discounts are totaled they don't seem to take into account discounts for additional usergroups
- The richest members list only takes into account what you have outside of the bank, not what's in it

Any idea if those have been fixed, or if I should do it myself (and if so post the code :D)

Also, the shop that we are using at adventchildren.net is mostly done, would people perhaps be interested in using it? I can post another thread with screen shots in it if you want.

I say it once, i say it twice, i say it again and again and again and again.


Wential 10-29-2004 02:25 PM

I think people are confused with the "The Author(s) agreed to give support for this modification!" line since the Mod is here. I almost made the same mistake. Maybe it should be removed or altered to say "The Author(s) agreed to give support for this modification at www.geekydesigns.com/board". This may help with the confusion.

Zachery 10-29-2004 11:36 PM

No, we WILL give support here, will WILL NOT track bugs here

Andy R 10-30-2004 03:12 AM

Can this hack be used to allow members to shop for merchandise that I provide? For instance if I want to give away t-shirts.



Zachery 10-30-2004 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by organic-hosting
Can this hack be used to allow members to shop for merchandise that I provide? For instance if I want to give away t-shirts.



No not at this time.

AuXiLiRY 10-31-2004 11:39 PM

Everytime, yes, everytime I install this hack, I get this error:


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/.igmu/mysite/mysite.com/forums/global.php on line 639
Which then leads to me seeing all of these:


Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
File: /home/.igmu/mysite/mysite.com/forums/global.php
Line: 639
It's all done right, so I don't know what to do. Any idea?

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