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Boofo 04-11-2004 10:55 PM

I woulds say change your username and password to match that of the db long enough to install this and then change it back to what it is now. Problem solved. ;)

Pro 04-12-2004 02:37 AM

Whats up, I installed this tonight and it works great for everyone so far besides ONE of my users. I'm worried that there'll be more though... When he clicks on the Arcade link the page comes up white - so i told him to switch to the MAIN STYLE which is where i used the arcade code for the template - but for some reason when he switched - all the sudden he got this error:

Parse error: parse error in /home/illicitr/public_html/board/profile.php on line 2606

Anyone know why?

thanks for any help!

Pro 04-12-2004 02:55 AM

is there a way to UNINSTALL so i can reinstall this????

i hope to god i dont have to go through everything again???

Boofo 04-12-2004 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by Pro
Whats up, I installed this tonight and it works great for everyone so far besides ONE of my users. I'm worried that there'll be more though... When he clicks on the Arcade link the page comes up white - so i told him to switch to the MAIN STYLE which is where i used the arcade code for the template - but for some reason when he switched - all the sudden he got this error:

Parse error: parse error in /home/illicitr/public_html/board/profile.php on line 2606

Anyone know why?

thanks for any help!

What is the code on that line in the profile.php?

esoin 04-12-2004 04:26 AM


NM, I got it working, I forgot to upload a few files. Do'h

I just installed this hack. No problems while the installation. However, whenever I try to access the arcade link, it says I don't have permission to enter the forum. So I go to the usermanager and it's on 'yes' for me. Where did i go wrong?

martinh4 04-12-2004 07:47 PM

I love this hack. :) Hit's Install. ;)

juanchi 04-12-2004 09:01 PM

Well I was messing with the files to translate them to my language, but now when you try to add a comment to a game that you just finish you get a blank page with the following error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: print_no_permission() in /home/webadmin/forospanama.com/html/arcade.php on line 1352

I think that I changed something in the template that it is related to the main arcade.php file, can anyone help me with this, Thanks.

juanchi 04-12-2004 09:05 PM

I don't know if this have something to do but I translated the add comment button to my language, could this be the problem? I change it back but I still get this error.

MGM 04-12-2004 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by MetalGearMaster
I'm having a small problem, whenever I finish a game and it's loading to take me to the comments page, it just returns me to Arcade Home and it says this at the very top:

Warning: No content-type in POST request in Unknown on line 0

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent in Unknown on line 0

Any reason why?

MGM out

Can anyone help me with this problem? I just found that it ONLY happens when finishing a game and trying to comment. And also, it only records the score for the game in certain areas and not others

MGM out

ragintajin 04-12-2004 11:05 PM

Hmmm, I'm trying to allow guests to play the games...I have the Unregistered / Not Logged In usergroup to allow it...yet they get this:
" You need to register in order to play in the Arcade. Click here to register."

Any ideas??

Darnell 0216 04-13-2004 12:03 AM

I installed v3 Arcade and 18 games without a hitch. Very well done I must say :) I love the simplicity behind installing games. No complicated codes and database management necessary.

Darnell 0216 04-13-2004 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by esoin

NM, I got it working, I forgot to upload a few files. Do'h

I just installed this hack. No problems while the installation. However, whenever I try to access the arcade link, it says I don't have permission to enter the forum. So I go to the usermanager and it's on 'yes' for me. Where did i go wrong?

If you've made any custom usergroups, they will be denied access by default. Only the original usergroup numbers are given default access as was the case with my forum. Check your usergroup permissions (AdminCP - Usergroups - Scroll down to the Arcade Management).

Darnell 0216 04-13-2004 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by CricketWeb
I'm trying to order my games in alphabetical order. I've added this:


        // Selects all games from the database
        $result_allgames = $DB_site->query("
                SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "games $searchclause ORDER BY shortname asc

but the "ORDER BY shortname asc" orders them in descending order and when I use desc it does the same thing.

Any ideas guys?

My arcade can be viewed here - http://forum.cricketweb.net/arcade.php?

Try capitalizing ASC. SQL commands are case sensitive in some usages.


juanchi 04-13-2004 12:32 AM

This is my original arcade.php file, Could anyone have the time to look at it an tell me if he/she sees something wrong on it, thanks in advance.

This was my first message:


Well I was messing with the files trying to translate them to my language, but now when you try to add a comment to a game that you just finish playing you get a blank page with the following error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: print_no_permission() in /home/webadmin/forospanama.com/html/arcade.php on line 1352

I think that I changed something in the template that it is related to the main arcade.php file, can anyone help me with this, Thanks.

juanchi 04-13-2004 02:04 AM

Don't worry guys problem solved.

egyptsons 04-13-2004 12:57 PM

ok the script dosen't make the templeat :( on the Boards :(

GlitterKill 04-13-2004 07:14 PM

Very nice system... Now live @ http://forums.pimprig.com/arcade.php?


BBoo 04-13-2004 07:56 PM

Thanks, its great!


InSaNeOnE 04-13-2004 08:26 PM

Multiple pages ?

I have installed numerious games, and when I check your site ithas a "Page 1 ..2 ...3 " etc in the bottom right.

On mine, it only shows the first page with 10 games on it.

How can I solve this, so it shows multiple pages ?

I have the latest version etc...

any ideas.

ConqSoft 04-13-2004 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by InSaNeOnE
Multiple pages ?

I have installed numerious games, and when I check your site ithas a "Page 1 ..2 ...3 " etc in the bottom right.

On mine, it only shows the first page with 10 games on it.

How can I solve this, so it shows multiple pages ?

I have the latest version etc...

any ideas.

Sounds like you didn't complete the upgrade instructions. Make sure you do the step where you edit the template.

deaconxgp 04-14-2004 01:59 AM

*Deacon installs*

and it's great! but how do i issue challenges and how do I add additional games?

InSaNeOnE 04-14-2004 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by ConqSoft
Sounds like you didn't complete the upgrade instructions. Make sure you do the step where you edit the template.

heh, cheers mate, that must be the only file I didnt read.

[high]* InSaNeOnE feels about this big now :D[/high]

GlitterKill 04-14-2004 01:24 PM

I have a question about changing the way the arcade awards are displayed. How can I remove the text next to the award and instead just have the graphic show and when someone holds the mouse pointer over it and the tooltip pops up I want it to say "Tetris Champion // High Score:4000"

How can I do that? I have been looking through the templates and can't seem to locate where I need to make the changes.

fly 04-14-2004 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by CricketWeb
I'm trying to order my games in alphabetical order. I've added this:


        // Selects all games from the database
        $result_allgames = $DB_site->query("
                SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "games $searchclause ORDER BY shortname asc

but the "ORDER BY shortname asc" orders them in descending order and when I use desc it does the same thing.

Any ideas guys?

My arcade can be viewed here - http://forum.cricketweb.net/arcade.php?

I'm having the same problem, and my statement is capitalized.

RaZor Edge 04-14-2004 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by RaZor Edge

It can be cool if we can show the user best score (not the global hight score) for this game in the play template (at the right of the game). Will be a good motivation for people to beat there own best score...


The mod I was searching for is available here (thanks Owen):


vhoang 04-14-2004 07:15 PM

I installed v 1.0.2 without any problem, but when done, click on Arcade (on Navbar) leads to a white blank page?

I had this error before when i tried the same action at another forum.

Any help please?


Pseudomizer 04-14-2004 07:20 PM

Check your templates. When you have a white page you either don't have any templates in your current style or you did not install them correctly.



thenetbox 04-14-2004 07:32 PM


vhoang 04-14-2004 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Pseudomizer
Check your templates. When you have a white page you either don't have any templates in your current style or you did not install them correctly.



Thanks man, that was it. But it was not my fault. The auto installer is supposed to put in new templates for each style that i have right? Cause thats wat i see when it runs. However, it only adds to my default style, not the others. I just happened to test on a non-default template so i didnt see it work.

How do i migrate the "Custom templates" into the other styles that i have?

krohnathlonman 04-14-2004 08:36 PM

Too easy to cheat?


Darnell 0216 04-14-2004 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by vhoang
Thanks man, that was it. But it was not my fault. The auto installer is supposed to put in new templates for each style that i have right? Cause thats wat i see when it runs. However, it only adds to my default style, not the others. I just happened to test on a non-default template so i didnt see it work.

How do i migrate the "Custom templates" into the other styles that i have?

The installer is only made to put the templates into the forum's current Default Style. To import the templates into each style, Simply change the default style settings in AdminCP -> vBulletin Options -> Style and Language Settings -> Default Style and run just Step 1 of the installer to put the templates into each style desired. Maybe in a future release he'll figure out how to install it into each style as a default template instead of custom.

vhoang 04-14-2004 09:18 PM

Thanks Darnell!

vhoang 04-14-2004 09:28 PM

How do u install a new game ? Upload all files then run thegame.php as an admin?

vhoang 04-14-2004 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by vhoang
How do u install a new game ? Upload all files then run thegame.php as an admin?

Yeah that was it :) :) bravo!!!

Darnell 0216 04-14-2004 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by vhoang
How do u install a new game ? Upload all files then run thegame.php as an admin?

Upload the files as directed. A Zip usually contains 4 files
thegame.php -> admincp folder
game1.gif -> images/arcade folder
game2.gif -> images/arcade folder
game.swf -> games folder

After the files have been placed appropriately, just run the game.php while logged in as an admin and you're done. That simple :). Make sure you delete thegame.php after you've installed the game.

[Edit] You figured it out while i was typing, LoL. I'll leave the post here anyways...

ph03nIX 04-15-2004 02:28 AM

Hello, I upgraded my VB to 3.1 and now the arcade does not work. When you go to it all you run it to is TONS of errors. and a message telling me that I do not permission to access the page. Any solutions? :ermm:

Pseudomizer 04-15-2004 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by ph03nIX
Hello, I upgraded my VB to 3.1 and now the arcade does not work. When you go to it all you run it to is TONS of errors. and a message telling me that I do not permission to access the page. Any solutions? :ermm:

Wow. You are quick. The release is out for 18 hours and you expect all hacks to work ? Please be patient.



ph03nIX 04-15-2004 03:09 AM

Sorry, I'm just not in a great mood tonight. I can't believe I actually bothered to upgrade. But I think I found the problem nonetheless.

FoxFire2 04-15-2004 05:09 AM

How do I alter the templates so that when a user clicks on "high scores" it sends them to the weekly high scores instead of the all-time top scores?

Eternal2u 04-15-2004 06:38 AM

hey this mod is awesome..

i have a VERY SERIOUS concern over cheating on it though..

the following image has not been altered except for a black arrow made in paint and a lil text..

it's also not the game that he cheated, its the arcade system because he did this on every game on the list...

neways here is the picture


Alot of my members have voiced concern's over this, since it's obviously making the point system useless now..


that aint my board..i kno says someone cheated MY board, but woteva..just a board i goto..and happen to be friends w/ the amdins and ++++..

and erm, i got arcade installed on MY ACTUAL BOARD..so yea could easily happen to any of us..

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