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Areku 07-30-2003 07:21 AM


Yesterday at 02:06 AM Bitsys said this in Post #2032
Another user has already translated it to Spanish. Would you like to see if they will share their version?

Woops! Already translated it...

Now I'm just missing how to translate the name of the months and the "th" besides the DATE (already modified the th,rd on the positions).

SInce I guess it's the system Date, how could I modify this?

And oh yes, I use the Today/Yesterday hack... is it possible to use this on the Arcade?


Triade 07-30-2003 09:36 AM

I installed the hack but that's an odd thing. Some users told me that in battle they do always 5 hit damage.
They are at level 1 and fight with fists.
3 battles always with 5 hit each one.

Why? there's a way to modify it?
i modifyed the .15 in the battleupdate.php but nothing happened.

Can you help me?

Edit to add:

There's a way to give an ampount of money to a new member when he signs in the forum?

Darkwaltz4 07-30-2003 06:36 PM


Today at 05:36 AM Triade said this in Post #2038
There's a way to give an ampount of money to a new member when he signs in the forum?

yeah...there was a mini hack made for this, its somewhere near like page 60, lol. if you cant find it i might be able to dig it up again :-p a zillion people come to me for it

Triade 07-30-2003 07:49 PM


Today at 08:36 PM Darkwaltz4 said this in Post #2039
yeah...there was a mini hack made for this, its somewhere near like page 60, lol. if you cant find it i might be able to dig it up again :-p a zillion people come to me for it

It's a your hack or someone else?

Triade 07-30-2003 07:54 PM



This is the Add-on, to give to a user an amount of money when he register.

Tks fot the hint Darkwaltz4 :D

EDIT !!!!

Ugh! it's not this...

Darkwaltz4 07-30-2003 07:56 PM

lol, no thats not it..thats something i recommend you use if you apply 'registration' gil :-p the line for registration gil was ..somewhere >.< lost in this sea of pages...

Triade 07-30-2003 08:13 PM



to make 'register' points....
in register.php, find this: (its right under the placed code)


// insert custom user fields

and decide an amount to give...ill label it as XXX in the next bit (i use 1000 currently)

replace the above code with:


// insert custom user fields
$pfield=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT pointfield FROM items_options");
$pointfield = "$pfield[0]";
$DB_site->query("UPDATE userfield SET $pointfield=XXX WHERE userid=$userid");

Dark Dragon 07-30-2003 08:26 PM

I'd just like to say thank you to everyone who helped make these/this hack(s), it is the best I have ever seen. I was getting like 50 posts per day and after I installed this hack it my board got like 800 posts per day. Thanks.

VeoMorphine 07-30-2003 08:38 PM

wow, back after a huge vacation. Nice to see this hack is still in development. When is it going final? ANd im going to put this on my new site.

chrisz 07-31-2003 12:11 AM

I have a suggestion for an addon.
I tried it myself and no luck. (I might stick to gfx lol)
Well what I want it to do is, when you pick a race, you have certain class types, with certain classes.
So each race has its own class types/ classes.
DW if you want me to explain more I can talk to you lataz on msn.
And bitsys your aim is messing with me your always afk! lol.
Anyways I have gotten emails about making more battle scenes.
If you like my battle scenes (the ones in the hack) PM me if you want more. I have about 50 unreleased.

Bitsys 07-31-2003 06:20 PM


Yesterday at 03:21 AM Areku said this in Post #2037
Woops! Already translated it...

Now I'm just missing how to translate the name of the months and the "th" besides the DATE (already modified the th,rd on the positions).

SInce I guess it's the system Date, how could I modify this?

And oh yes, I use the Today/Yesterday hack... is it possible to use this on the Arcade?


Umm, I am not sure about how to do that.


Yesterday at 05:36 AM Triade said this in Post #2038
I installed the hack but that's an odd thing. Some users told me that in battle they do always 5 hit damage.
They are at level 1 and fight with fists.
3 battles always with 5 hit each one.

Why? there's a way to modify it?
i modifyed the .15 in the battleupdate.php but nothing happened.

Can you help me?

Edit to add:

There's a way to give an ampount of money to a new member when he signs in the forum?

Fist damage is based on the user's level. Once they level up a few times they should be doing more damage and it should be more random.


Yesterday at 04:38 PM VeoMorphine said this in Post #2045
wow, back after a huge vacation. Nice to see this hack is still in development. When is it going final? ANd im going to put this on my new site.

No estimate for final.


Yesterday at 08:11 PM chrisz said this in Post #2046
I have a suggestion for an addon.
I tried it myself and no luck. (I might stick to gfx lol)
Well what I want it to do is, when you pick a race, you have certain class types, with certain classes.
So each race has its own class types/ classes.
DW if you want me to explain more I can talk to you lataz on msn.
And bitsys your aim is messing with me your always afk! lol.
Anyways I have gotten emails about making more battle scenes.
If you like my battle scenes (the ones in the hack) PM me if you want more. I have about 50 unreleased.

Hmm, I always get your messages an hour after I go to sleep and an hour before I wake up. Kind of odd. You can always try PMing me here.


Today at 07:38 AM Me! said this in Post #2047
Hmm an interesting idea someone gave to me today. To have certain gender-specific items. Like hairbow for women and such. That would be a cool idea ^^

Interesting indeed.

Areku 07-31-2003 06:34 PM

Bitsys, my apologies, my message was for another hack (the Arcade ;))

legendarysk8er 08-01-2003 12:54 AM

I've recently had a problem. On my forums I have about 3,400 posts and I'm about 1500 more than the second top poster. My character was 12,000 hp when we first made the rpg, and a few days ago he dropped to 7,000. Most other members that our like 20 levels below have like more hp than me, I didn't edit my account or anything, and I dont know whats wrong.

Wedge 08-01-2003 03:45 AM

Hey, I just installed it on my board... but the itemshop.php won't load. and I get a mysql error.. the battle page works as does the cp page... but itemshop and heal get:

Database error in vBulletin 2.2.7:

Invalid SQL: SELECT items_user.bankval, userfield.field5 FROM items_user, userfield WHERE items_user.userid='1' AND userfield.userid='1'
mysql error: Unknown column 'userfield.field5' in 'field list'

mysql error number: 1054

Can someone help me?

Triade 08-01-2003 09:36 AM

Little problem with weapons... they do a lot of miss...
here a log of a battle...


Morkai tried to use his fists. Luck was with him, and he dealt Mikael 31 points of damage.
Morkai shouts:
ma il forum era andato down ??
Debug Variables:
Damage Done ($damagedone): 31
New HP ($newhp): 51

Uh-oh, looks like someone got mad. Mikael used his Spada Katana to deal 2 points of damage. Morkai tried to dodge, but was not successful.
Mikael shouts:
ehm, te lo richiedo, mi aiuti a testare o no? Il tutto ? ancore in fase di test e se non si testa non si mette a posto.
Debug Variables:
Anger ($anger): 1.5
Hit Chance ($hitchance): 0.9
Random Number ($randnum): 71
Regular Attack Bonus ($regattbonus): 293.971251475
Regular Defense Minus ($regdefminus): 219.048115334
Damage Done ($damagedone): 2 == [floor((2 + 293.971251475) * 0.5 * 1.5 + 0 - 0 - 219.048115334)]
Dodge Chance ($dodgechance): 100
New HP ($newhp): 249

Morkai used his Ascia di ghiaccio, but Mikael dodged! Morkai's anger grows by 13.
Morkai blasts:
si ma cosa vuoi testare ??
Debug Variables:
Anger ($anger): 1
Hit Chance ($hitchance): 0.9
Random Number ($randnum): 90
Random Mad ($randmad): 13

Mikael used his Spada Katana, but failed to do any damage to Morkai. Morkai begins to taunt Mikael! Mikael's anger grows by 15.
Mikael shouts:
le armi, le stiamo ancora mettendo a posto... devo capire com'? possibile che ho missato per 17 volte di seguito con te quando con triade lo colpivo ad ogni colpo...
Debug Variables:
Anger ($anger): 1
Hit Chance ($hitchance): 0.9
Random Number ($randnum): 82
Regular Attack Bonus ($regattbonus): 293.971251475
Regular Defense Minus ($regdefminus): 219.048115334
Damage Done ($damagedone): -58 == [floor((2 + 293.971251475) * 0.5 * 1 + 0 - 0 - 219.048115334)]
Random Mad ($randmad): 15

Morkai used his Ascia di ghiaccio, but failed to do any damage to Mikael. Mikael begins to taunt Morkai! Morkai's anger grows by 12.
Morkai blasts:
anche io misso sempre... le uniche volte che tu non missi ? quando usi berserek
Debug Variables:
Anger ($anger): 1
Hit Chance ($hitchance): 0.9
Random Number ($randnum): 87
Regular Attack Bonus ($regattbonus): 147.345643761
Regular Defense Minus ($regdefminus): 153.696337936
Damage Done ($damagedone): -68 == [floor((0 + 147.345643761) * 0.5 * 1 + 0 - 0 - 153.696337936)]
Random Mad ($randmad): 12

Mikael used his Spada Katana, but failed to do any damage to Morkai. Morkai begins to taunt Mikael! Mikael's anger grows by 13.
Mikael shouts:
ma tu leggi le mosse normalmente o vedi anchei messaggi di debug? ho messo su il debug per capire il problema..
Debug Variables:
Anger ($anger): 1
Hit Chance ($hitchance): 0.9
Random Number ($randnum): 65
Regular Attack Bonus ($regattbonus): 293.971251475
Regular Defense Minus ($regdefminus): 219.048115334
Damage Done ($damagedone): -60 == [floor((2 + 293.971251475) * 0.5 * 1 + 0 - 0 - 219.048115334)]
Random Mad ($randmad): 13

Morkai used the potion "Potion" to gain 100 HP. "I've never felt better", says Morkai.
Morkai taunts:
si lo vedo il debug..
capisco solo che la chance per colpire ? 0.9 quindi sotto 1 forse ? per quello..
Debug Variables:

Mikael used his Spada Katana, but failed to do any damage to Morkai. Morkai begins to taunt Mikael! Mikael's anger grows by 15.
Mikael shouts:
no, probabilmente ? nella formula lunga.. quello 0.5 che divide la prima parte a met? e ci sottrae la seconda parte.. risultato: danno negativo e quindi miss
Debug Variables:
Anger ($anger): 1
Hit Chance ($hitchance): 0.9
Random Number ($randnum): 82
Regular Attack Bonus ($regattbonus): 293.971251475
Regular Defense Minus ($regdefminus): 219.048115334
Damage Done ($damagedone): -70 == [floor((2 + 293.971251475) * 0.5 * 1 + 0 - 0 - 219.048115334)]
Random Mad ($randmad): 15

Morkai used his Ascia di ghiaccio, but failed to do any damage to Mikael. Mikael begins to taunt Morkai! Morkai's anger grows by 10.
Morkai taunts:
non so..

cmq ho usato per sbaglio la pozione 100gil buttati
Debug Variables:
Anger ($anger): 1
Hit Chance ($hitchance): 0.9
Random Number ($randnum): 80
Regular Attack Bonus ($regattbonus): 147.345643761
Regular Defense Minus ($regdefminus): 153.696337936
Damage Done ($damagedone): -65 == [floor((0 + 147.345643761) * 0.5 * 1 + 0 - 0 - 153.696337936)]
Random Mad ($randmad): 10

Mikael tried to use his fists. Luck was with him, and he dealt Morkai 35 points of damage.
Mikael taunts:
LOL. Uso un secondo il pugno per vedere la differenza... te usa katana mi raccomando... anche perch? intanto expi visto che ogni mossa ? 2 px
Debug Variables:
Damage Done ($damagedone): 35
New HP ($newhp): 216

Morkai used his Ascia di ghiaccio, but failed to do any damage to Mikael. Mikael begins to taunt Morkai! Morkai's anger grows by 14.
Morkai shouts:
usando l'arma viene | bonus attacco * 0.5 * 1 + 0 - 0 - malus difesa |
quindi avendo attacco maggiore dovrebbe riuscire..

cmq non usare pi? pugno se no mi fai secco
Debug Variables:
Anger ($anger): 1
Hit Chance ($hitchance): 0.9
Random Number ($randnum): 83
Regular Attack Bonus ($regattbonus): 147.345643761
Regular Defense Minus ($regdefminus): 153.696337936
Damage Done ($damagedone): -64 == [floor((0 + 147.345643761) * 0.5 * 1 + 0 - 0 - 153.696337936)]
Random Mad ($randmad): 14
As you see, there's worse chance of hit with weapons and a good one with fists

It a buff weapon problem? or something else?

Bitsys 08-01-2003 01:07 PM


Yesterday at 08:54 PM legendarysk8er said this in Post #2050
I've recently had a problem. On my forums I have about 3,400 posts and I'm about 1500 more than the second top poster. My character was 12,000 hp when we first made the rpg, and a few days ago he dropped to 7,000. Most other members that our like 20 levels below have like more hp than me, I didn't edit my account or anything, and I dont know whats wrong.

Since HP is based on posts per day and the amount of time you have been with the forums, it is possible that your HP went down because you posted less, or the other members have a much higher post per day count. Can you verify this?


Yesterday at 11:45 PM Wedge said this in Post #2051
Hey, I just installed it on my board... but the itemshop.php won't load. and I get a mysql error.. the battle page works as does the cp page... but itemshop and heal get:

Database error in vBulletin 2.2.7:

Invalid SQL: SELECT items_user.bankval, userfield.field5 FROM items_user, userfield WHERE items_user.userid='1' AND userfield.userid='1'
mysql error: Unknown column 'userfield.field5' in 'field list'

mysql error number: 1054

Can someone help me?

Did you run install_itemshop_items.php?


Today at 03:40 AM Me! said this in Post #2052
I'm having a little problem displaying items. I did as you said about keep adding"AND" statements to only display certain items. However it displays only in text now. For example this is what I did in admin/functions.php:


        if($post[$xc]!="No Item" AND $nr == 1 AND $nr == 2 AND $nr == 3 AND $nr == 4) {
                $xvv = "item$nr";
                $xvvv = "icon$nr";
                if(empty($post[$xvvv])) {
                        $post[items] .= "<a href=\"itemshop.php?action=view&id=$post[$xv]\"><img src=\"https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/images/itemshop/$post[$xvv].gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$post[$xvv]\"></a> ";
                } else {

To show the items I used:


and in the postbit it doesn't display an image, rather it just says "Cotton Shirt"

Try doing this instead:

        if($post[$xc]!="No Item" AND ($nr == 1 OR $nr == 2 OR $nr == 3 OR $nr == 4)) {
                $xvv = "item$nr";
                $xvvv = "icon$nr";
                if(empty($post[$xvvv])) {
                        $post[items] .= "<a href=\"itemshop.php?action=view&id=$post[$xv]\"><img src=\"https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/images/itemshop/$post[$xvv].gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$post[$xvv]\"></a> ";
                } else {


Today at 05:36 AM Triade said this in Post #2053
Little problem with weapons... they do a lot of miss...
here a log of a battle...

As you see, there's worse chance of hit with weapons and a good one with fists

It a buff weapon problem? or something else?

I see two problems. First, the armor that each person is wearing is providing a huge defense bonus. Second, the element types of each person are both considered the weaker one to their opponent. This means that all damage is halved. My only suggestion would be to halve the defenses of all armor, but maintain the current prices. Or, you could let people just use their fists when it is a stalemate with weapons.

Wedge 08-01-2003 01:09 PM


Today at 03:07 PM Bitsys said this in Post #2054

Did you run install_itemshop_items.php?

Yep. And when I did vbhacker, it didn't require any manual changes... maybe it is because I'm using 2.2.6? If I used 2.3.0 instead, would it work?


Triade 08-01-2003 09:30 PM


I see two problems. First, the armor that each person is wearing is providing a huge defense bonus. Second, the element types of each person are both considered the weaker one to their opponent. This means that all damage is halved. My only suggestion would be to halve the defenses of all armor, but maintain the current prices. Or, you could let people just use their fists when it is a stalemate with weapons.

Hmmm the people in this case didn't have any armour...
Only weapons.
one with buff 2 the other with buff 0...

Any suggestion about how to put buffs on items and, the average number to give HP in Elements?

Darkwaltz4 08-01-2003 09:36 PM

wow, buffs have to be HUGE becausebuff is about the amount of damage the weapon will be doing....2 just leaves it at such a horribly low amount O.o unless you plan to have like 100x hp or something

Mistah Roth 08-02-2003 01:12 AM

Hey DarkWaltz, are your addons included in the integration zip? or do we have to install them seperately?

Legendary Kid 08-02-2003 01:28 AM

You have to install them seperatly, btw, is the anyway to use spells yet? Because I haven't found a way :-/

Triade 08-02-2003 07:27 AM

Legendary Kid, what do you mean? I use them... No problems in there.

Another question (sorry but i'm n00b in this hack):
i read in the faq, a user can have a guild, having a own alignment with 5 classes.
Can the user do it by himself, or the Admin have to do it by Admin CP?

Pricyber 08-02-2003 07:52 AM

Ok there's alot of stuff there to pick through so I figure it'd just be easier to ask my questions and see if they were answered already (though I'm sure they weren't..)

1. I would like to maintain my use of Lesane's Store Hack, however at this time it does not allow me to use the bank feature. Is there a way to make it work?

If not, would it be possible just to install the bank hack, and then the bank to store integration for Lesane's?

2. When you are in usercp and you select your gender & alignment, you must submit that information before the ability to choose a race comes up, etc. Is there a way to make those combo boxes auto-fill upon choosing without having to submit and reload?

3. I would really like to be able to make it possible for users to not change their characters once they have been created (unless maybe purchasing the ability to do so at Lesane's Store). Is there a way to block a character from being eligable for battle or from buying items until the forum user clicks on 'Finalize Character' and it locks it from being edited?

4. Is there a way you could adapt this so an admin may edit characters through the admin cp?

Also, many thanks for your time and effort, this is a great hack and has given my forum users so much more to do!!!

Pricyber 08-02-2003 12:27 PM

Well I found out how to get the bank feature working for those using Lesane's Store Hack.

Goto itemshop.php


// ###################### display bank stuff #######################
// credit goes to  ----  mem  ----
if(!$options[lesanestore]) {

Change to:

// ###################### display bank stuff #######################
// credit goes to  ----  mem  ----
if($options[lesanestore]) {


// ###################### get bank #######################
if($action==bank && !$options[lesanestore]) {

Change to:

// ###################### get bank #######################
if($action==bank && $options[lesanestore]) {


if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['action']=="save" && !$options[lesanestore]) {

                if (!((substr($bank,$i,1)<="9")&&(substr($bank,$i,1)>="0"))) {

        if ($bank>$points) {
        } else {
        $DB_site->query("UPDATE items_user SET bankval=bankval+$bank,btime='".time()."' WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]");
        $DB_site->query("UPDATE userfield SET $pointfield=$points-$bank WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]");

Change to:

if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['action']=="save" && $options[lesanestore]) {

                if (!((substr($bank,$i,1)<="9")&&(substr($bank,$i,1)>="0"))) {

        if ($bank>$points) {
        } else {
        $DB_site->query("UPDATE items_user SET bankval=bankval+$bank,btime='".time()."' WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]");
        $DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET storep=$points-$bank WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]");


if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['action']=="load" && !$options[lesanestore]) {

                if (!((substr($bank,$i,1)<="9")&&(substr($bank,$i,1)>="0"))) {

        if ($bank>$bankuser[bankval]) {
        } else {
        $DB_site->query("UPDATE items_user SET bankval=bankval-$bank,btime='".time()."' WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]");
        $DB_site->query("UPDATE userfield SET $pointfield=$points+$bank WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]");

Change to:

if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['action']=="load" && $options[lesanestore]) {

                if (!((substr($bank,$i,1)<="9")&&(substr($bank,$i,1)>="0"))) {

        if ($bank>$bankuser[bankval]) {
        } else {
        $DB_site->query("UPDATE items_user SET bankval=bankval-$bank,btime='".time()."' WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]");
        $DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET storep=$points+$bank WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]");

That wasn't overly difficult however I'm trying to figure out how to:

A) Make the top 10 richest show users based on gold on hand plus their gold in bank.

B) Make the postbit show gold on hand plus gold in bank.

Any help would be appreciated.

MSX 08-02-2003 02:22 PM

When I installed the hack, it didn't add the Alignment, ect. to the User CP > Profile part of the User CP


I'm talking about where you enter your RPG Name...the rest of the RPG fields arent there...help?

Triade 08-02-2003 02:39 PM

Another question: Personal shop

No way to add icons in user items...
No way to add buff in user items...

So... what's the personal shop for?
Am i missing some step or it's in this way?

kaotic 08-02-2003 04:34 PM

Try to imagine what would happen to you local economy if the users could define the cost and buff on their own. :p

Jimmy011991 08-02-2003 05:44 PM

I installed this hack this morning and found a bug in the battle system. Even though i have an item the bubble thing at the bottom says that i don't and will only let me use my fists. Is there any way this can be fixed? My VB version is 2.3.0. Thanks in advance!

Legendary Kid 08-02-2003 07:01 PM

This was for versions 2.2.6, 2.2.7, 2.2.8, and 2.2.9 mainly so there are probably a few bugs with version 2.3.0.



Legendary Kid, what do you mean? I use them... No problems in there.
How do you get it so you can use magic and it uses mp or whatever it is called? (lol)


Good Job With the Bank-Store Hack Intergration Hack, I made a .txt file of it here it is:

Pricyber 08-02-2003 10:27 PM

With a little help from my friend I was able to make the top 10 richest show the bankval + storep value.

In store.php


$topresult = $DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM user ORDER BY storep DESC LIMIT 10");
while ($top = mysql_fetch_array($topresult)) {

Replace with:

$topresult = $DB_site->query("SELECT user.*,bankval+storep as total FROM user,items_user WHERE user.userid = items_user.userid ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 10");
I didn't find a way to combine the two in the postbit section, simply because the $post query was far too complicated to mess with.

If you want to show Bank: underneath Gold: where each user's avatar is in the showposts, just add:

Bank: $store[bankval]

Legendary Kid 08-02-2003 11:28 PM

I'll edit the txt file, gj Pricyber

Blackangel 08-02-2003 11:49 PM

well nice hack, but i can get icon for item in postbit.
he display nothing.

Legendary Kid 08-03-2003 01:51 AM

Can somebody make the files in the mod directory,bank.php, and points.php work with the store hack?

Pricyber 08-03-2003 04:23 AM

Just like to mention there are a few bugs with the following:

1. Putting no password in battles results in invalid password display.

2. Having the 'unknown' class allows users to open up the items via the unknown and purchase them whether they have permission to or not (i removed that field from my dbase for now).

3. The healer sometimes shows a bad value, such as intead of 18 it will show 8, then the user wonders why they can't heal because they have 10 gold.

Pricyber 08-03-2003 04:55 AM

Just an update on my removal of the unknown field from the rpg_types table.

If you do this to prevent users from buying items they shouldn't, then you are left with all of the categories upon first going to the itemshop, however they can't be expanded.

This looks messy... so I fixed it.

Simply open itemshop.php

Find (right at the end of the file):

Replace with:

if($action=="" && $itemtype < 1) {
} else {

Then create a new template called itemshop_viewfirst and insert the following:


<title>$bbtitle - Itemshop</title>

<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="{contenttablewidth}" {tableinvisibleextra} align="center">
        <td width="100%"><img src="{imagesfolder}/vb_bullet.gif" alt="" border="0" align="absmiddle">
        <normalfont><b><a href="index.php?s=$session[sessionhash]">$bbtitle</a> &gt; Itemshop</b></normalfont></td>

<table cellpadding="{tableouterborderwidth}" cellspacing="0" border="0" bgcolor="{tablebordercolor}" {tableouterextra} width="{contenttablewidth}" align="center"><tr><td>
<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="{tableinnerborderwidth}" border="0" {tableinnerextra} width="100%">
<tr id="cat">
        <td bgcolor="{tableheadbgcolor}" colspan="5"><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"><tr><td><smallfont color="{tableheadtextcolor}"><b>$bbuserinfo[username]'s Current Status</b></smallfont></td><td align="right"><smallfont color="{tableheadtextcolor}"><b>$points Gold</b></smallfont></td></tr></table></td>
<td bgcolor="{categorybackcolor}" width="5%" align="center"><normalfont color="{categoryfontcolor}"><b>Icon</b></normalfont></td>
<td bgcolor="{categorybackcolor}" width="35%" align="center"><normalfont color="{categoryfontcolor}"><b>Name</b></normalfont></td>
<td bgcolor="{categorybackcolor}" width="50%" align="center"><normalfont color="{categoryfontcolor}"><b>Description</b></normalfont></td>
<td bgcolor="{categorybackcolor}" width="5%" align="center"><normalfont color="{categoryfontcolor}"><b>Cost</b></normalfont></td>
<td bgcolor="{categorybackcolor}" width="5%" align="center"><normalfont color="{categoryfontcolor}"><b>Refund</b></normalfont></td>
<tr id="cat">
        <td bgcolor="{tableheadbgcolor}" colspan="5"><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"><tr><td><smallfont color="{tableheadtextcolor}"><b>Bank Deposit: $bankuser[bankval]</b></smallfont></td><td align="right"><smallfont color="{tableheadtextcolor}"><b>Total Bank Property: $banktotal | Total Bank Clients: $clients</b></smallfont></td></tr></table></td>

<table cellpadding="{tableouterborderwidth}" cellspacing="0" border="0" bgcolor="{tablebordercolor}" {tableouterextra} width="{contenttablewidth}" align="center"><tr><td>

<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="{tableinnerborderwidth}" border="0" {tableinnerextra} width="100%">
<tr id="cat">
        <td bgcolor="{tableheadbgcolor}" colspan="5" align="center" width="33%" align="center"><smallfont color="{tableheadtextcolor}"><b><a href="$PHP_SELF?action=bank">Visit The Bank</a></b></smallfont></td>
        <td bgcolor="{tableheadbgcolor}" colspan="5" align="center" width="34%" align="center"><smallfont color="{tableheadtextcolor}"><b>Total Profit: $options[profit]&nbsp;|&nbsp;Total Sold Items: $options[sold]</b></smallfont></td>
        <td bgcolor="{tableheadbgcolor}" colspan="5" align="center" width="33%" align="center"><smallfont color="{tableheadtextcolor}"><b><a href="$PHP_SELF?action=buypers">Buy Personal Itemshop</a></b></smallfont>

<tr id="cat">
        <td bgcolor="{tableheadbgcolor}" colspan="5" align="center" width="33%" align="center"><smallfont color="{tableheadtextcolor}"><b><a href="$bburl/store.php">Visit The Traveller's Shop</a></b></smallfont></td>
        <td bgcolor="{tableheadbgcolor}" colspan="5" align="center" width="34%" align="center"><smallfont color="{tableheadtextcolor}"><b><a href="$bburl/battle.php">Go To The Battle Arena</a></b></smallfont></td>
        <td bgcolor="{tableheadbgcolor}" colspan="5" align="center" width="33%" align="center"><smallfont color="{tableheadtextcolor}"><b><a href="$bburl/heal.php">Visit The Healer</a></b></smallfont>

<normalfont>Please choose a class to view the items...</normalfont>
<table cellpadding="{tableouterborderwidth}" cellspacing="0" border="0" bgcolor="{tablebordercolor}" {tableouterextra} width="{contenttablewidth}" align="center"><tr><td>
<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="{tableinnerborderwidth}" border="0" {tableinnerextra} width="100%">
<tr id="cat">
        <td bgcolor="{tableheadbgcolor}" colspan="5" align="center" width="100%"><smallfont color="{tableheadtextcolor}"><b>Copyright 2002 <a href="mailto:gheghe@rnc.ro">Mewtwo</a>. <a href="http://ffd.ffrepublic.com">FFDiscovery</a></b></smallfont></td>



That way the user must select a class before being able to see any items :)

Bitsys 08-03-2003 07:33 PM

Wow, gone for 2 days and I miss a page and a half of posts.


08-01-03 at 09:09 AM Wedge said this in Post #2055
Yep. And when I did vbhacker, it didn't require any manual changes... maybe it is because I'm using 2.2.6? If I used 2.3.0 instead, would it work?


Do you have phpmyadmin? If so, do the following:

Go to your forums database. Find the rpg_type, rpg_race, rpg_classf, and rpg_classm tables. Click "Browse" on each of these. Verfiy that there is dat in these tables. If there isn't any data, then clicking "Browse" will return an empty set.


08-01-03 at 05:30 PM Triade said this in Post #2056
Hmmm the people in this case didn't have any armour...
Only weapons.
one with buff 2 the other with buff 0...

Any suggestion about how to put buffs on items and, the average number to give HP in Elements?

Generally, Buffs should be between 10 and 1000. HP on elements should be between 30 and 100.


08-01-03 at 09:28 PM Legendary Kid said this in Post #2059
You have to install them seperatly, btw, is the anyway to use spells yet? Because I haven't found a way :-/

Please try the following:

ADmin CP -> Edit Items. Find the "[Edit]" link next to a category name (the one for spells). Click the link. On the next menu, select "Spells" as the battle type and save changes. Back at the Edit Items screen, make sure that you have given the spell a buff value and an MA cost. Additionally, either the "Attack" or "Heal" checkbox (or both) must be checked.


Yesterday at 03:27 AM Triade said this in Post #2060
Legendary Kid, what do you mean? I use them... No problems in there.

Another question (sorry but i'm n00b in this hack):
i read in the faq, a user can have a guild, having a own alignment with 5 classes.
Can the user do it by himself, or the Admin have to do it by Admin CP?

That admin must do it. That part of the FAQ was written by a user who made up that rule for his forums.


Yesterday at 03:52 AM Pricyber said this in Post #2061
Ok there's alot of stuff there to pick through so I figure it'd just be easier to ask my questions and see if they were answered already (though I'm sure they weren't..)

1. I would like to maintain my use of Lesane's Store Hack, however at this time it does not allow me to use the bank feature. Is there a way to make it work?

If not, would it be possible just to install the bank hack, and then the bank to store integration for Lesane's?

I think you fixed that one on your own ;)


Yesterday at 03:52 AM Pricyber said this in Post #2061
2. When you are in usercp and you select your gender & alignment, you must submit that information before the ability to choose a race comes up, etc. Is there a way to make those combo boxes auto-fill upon choosing without having to submit and reload?
It is supposed to automatically change the drop-down options based on which gender and alignment you select. If this is not the case, then can you send me a copy of the HTML source (In IE, go to View -> Source) of member.php when you are modifying your profile?


Yesterday at 03:52 AM Pricyber said this in Post #2061
3. I would really like to be able to make it possible for users to not change their characters once they have been created (unless maybe purchasing the ability to do so at Lesane's Store). Is there a way to block a character from being eligable for battle or from buying items until the forum user clicks on 'Finalize Character' and it locks it from being edited?
Not currently.


Yesterday at 03:52 AM Pricyber said this in Post #2061
4. Is there a way you could adapt this so an admin may edit characters through the admin cp?
There is an "Edit Users" Link in teh admin cp that lets you edit RPG Users. Does this not work for you? Or are you looking for a different way to edit RPG Users?


Yesterday at 03:52 AM Pricyber said this in Post #2061
Also, many thanks for your time and effort, this is a great hack and has given my forum users so much more to do!!!


Yesterday at 10:39 AM Triade said this in Post #2064
Another question: Personal shop

No way to add icons in user items...
No way to add buff in user items...

So... what's the personal shop for?
Am i missing some step or it's in this way?

Personal shops allow a little more user interaction. The items they add are novelty items only. Allowing users to assign buff values for items would jeapardize the integrity and balance of battles.


Yesterday at 01:44 PM Jimmy011991 said this in Post #2066
I installed this hack this morning and found a bug in the battle system. Even though i have an item the bubble thing at the bottom says that i don't and will only let me use my fists. Is there any way this can be fixed? My VB version is 2.3.0. Thanks in advance!

See my above response to Legendary Kid's post.


Yesterday at 07:49 PM Blackangel said this in Post #2070
well nice hack, but i can get icon for item in postbit.
he display nothing.

Did you purchase an item? Do you see the item when you go to the itemshop?


Today at 12:23 AM Pricyber said this in Post #2072
Just like to mention there are a few bugs with the following:

1. Putting no password in battles results in invalid password display.

Will be fixed in next version.


Today at 12:23 AM Pricyber said this in Post #2072
2. Having the 'unknown' class allows users to open up the items via the unknown and purchase them whether they have permission to or not (i removed that field from my dbase for now).
Are they allowed to purchase an item for a different class, or only items that are in the Generic class?


Today at 12:23 AM Pricyber said this in Post #2072
3. The healer sometimes shows a bad value, such as intead of 18 it will show 8, then the user wonders why they can't heal because they have 10 gold.
Which option does this happen with? All of them, or just the 25% option, etc.?

Moreliator 08-03-2003 08:18 PM


Yesterday at 09:52 AM Pricyber said this in Post #2061

3. I would really like to be able to make it possible for users to not change their characters once they have been created (unless maybe purchasing the ability to do so at Lesane's Store). Is there a way to block a character from being eligable for battle or from buying items until the forum user clicks on 'Finalize Character' and it locks it from being edited?

I made an addon that is really close to this... it locks a user's RPG stats when they reach a certain level. I have mine set to level 5, that way my members can examine all characters, but once they get to level 5 they have to make a permanant decision because it locks and users can't change stats anymore.

Bitsys, would you mind adding this addon to the front page, I have had a few people ask me for it. Its been working on my board for over a month now. Heres the link: CLICK HERE for Auto-Lock Stats Addon

Dras 08-04-2003 03:13 AM

I just installed your hack and I am having some problems with member.php

The addtional info is shown twice! I tried to edit modifyprofile but no luck. I also looked at member.php but TOO long to look at. Any help would be nice.

Triade 08-04-2003 06:28 AM


Yesterday at 09:33 PM Bitsys said this in Post #2074

Personal shops allow a little more user interaction. The items they add are novelty items only. Allowing users to assign buff values for items would jeapardize the integrity and balance of battles.

I thought this:

Allow users to put buff in items... but... with a certain range, and with a cost. I think we can put also an image library for the user items.

Example: in the add item shop, put a select box with buff
+10 +20 +30 +100 +1000 ecc.
Another box with Att, Def, Att+Def

if someone choose a buff in another window will display the price.

if i made an armour with +10 in Att. i'll pay 1000
if it's +50 i'll pay 5000
if it's +50 Add+Def i'll pay 10000
If i make 2 of this i'll pay 20000

This will influence also the sell price, so nobody can make a +1000 item sold for 20 gil.

i'm not a php programmer (but i want to study for it), so someone think it's possible and easy to do?

Moreliator 08-04-2003 11:40 AM


Today at 05:13 AM Dras said this in Post #2076
I just installed your hack and I am having some problems with member.php

The addtional info is shown twice! I tried to edit modifyprofile but no luck. I also looked at member.php but TOO long to look at. Any help would be nice.

it is simple template error that has been known to happen with this RPG Hack. In the modifyprofile template, simply delete the first instance of:

<tr><td bgcolor="$bgcolor"><normalfont><b>Element Type:</b></normalfont><br>
<smallfont>The Element type you want to be at the boards.</smallfont></td>
<td bgcolor="$bgcolor"><normalfont>

<select name="element">

<td bgcolor="$bgcolor"><normalfont><b>RPG Alignment:</b></normalfont><br>
<smallfont>The side you want your character to be on the RPG.</smallfont></td>
<td bgcolor="$bgcolor"><normalfont>
<select name="alignment" onchange="updateRaces()">
<td bgcolor="$bgcolor"><normalfont><b>RPG Race:</b></normalfont><br>
<smallfont>The Race you want your character to be on the RPG.</smallfont></td>
<td bgcolor="$bgcolor"><normalfont>
<select name="rpgrace">
<td bgcolor="$bgcolor"><normalfont><b>RPG Gender:</b></normalfont><br>
<smallfont>This would be your RPG Character's Gender, not your gender in real life.</smallfont></td>
<td bgcolor="$bgcolor"><normalfont>
<select name="rpggender" onchange="updateClasses()">

<td bgcolor="$bgcolor"><normalfont><b>RPG Class:</b></normalfont><br>
<smallfont>The Class you want your character to be on the RPG.</td>
<td bgcolor="$bgcolor"><smallfont>
<select name="rpgclass" onchange="updateType()">

<td bgcolor="$bgcolor"><normalfont><b>RPG Type:</b></normalfont><br><smallfont>Your type is automatically determined by your class.</smallfont></td>

<td bgcolor="$bgcolor" >
<input type="text" class="bginput" name="rpgtypename" value="$rpgtypename" length="30" READONLY><input type="hidden" name="rpgtypeid" value="$rpgtypeid">
<td bgcolor="$bgcolor"><normalfont><b>Build Stats</b></normalfont><br>
<smallfont>Click here if you want to have stats shown on the board.</smallfont></td>
<td bgcolor="$bgcolor"><normalfont>
<input type="checkbox" name="updatestats">Update stats


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