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Drache 09-01-2011 07:28 AM

I have a question. I have many fourms with sub forums, If I want to exclude a forum from counting can i just put the parent forum into exclude? or do I need to put all the sub forum number in as well?

also feature request.

Is there a way to allow users to disable the exp plugin themself if they don't want their exp to be show? Like the reputation system. I know now we can do it manually but it is better to allow users do it themself.

jagexfails 09-02-2011 01:50 PM

It keeps asking to upload the files..

I uploaded the upload via ftp file to my server under forums. Now I get to the product manager trying to add in the product_vbexperience404.xml
But it keeps asking to upload files

PBRiot 09-02-2011 03:06 PM

I looked through, but there is a LOT of content to sift through, and I was unable to find this:

In the readme_levels.txt, I see:
List of levels
vbexperience_level_1_small.xml - for small boards up to 3000 users
vbexperience_level_2_average.xml - for average boards with around 3000-6000 Members
vbexperience_level_3_big.xml - for boards which have more than 7000 members
vbexperience_level_4_huge.xml - if "big" is not big enough for you
vbexperience_level_5_very_large.xml - Huge is too small?
vbexperience_level_6_ultra.xml - Ultimate users and postings
vbexperience_level_7_crazy.xml - Very large big boards with much of content
vbexperience_level_70_WoW.xml - Levels made for a large World of Warcraft forum

My download only came with level_2, but I will need something larger - where do I download those XML files?

Mooff 09-02-2011 04:19 PM

in the zip file first post -> extras -> levels

PBRiot 09-02-2011 04:51 PM

:) Thank you sir!

jagexfails 09-03-2011 11:20 AM

Never mind i fixed it.

ManWithoutHeart 09-03-2011 02:57 PM

i have a problem ^^"

the achievement no longer appear in the postbit ... even i set "" Display Achievements-Showcase? "" to (postBit_userinfo_left)below rank , defult )

and i tried to change the position .. and still didnt show ... !!

why is that ?

what i have to do to make achievement appear again ?

P.S. thats happend after i set some usergroups to not be taken in calculation and recuont

hope to find some answer from u soon ..


Drache 09-04-2011 05:38 AM


Originally Posted by Drache (Post 2240729)
I have a question. I have many fourms with sub forums, If I want to exclude a forum from counting can i just put the parent forum into exclude? or do I need to put all the sub forum number in as well?

also feature request.

Is there a way to allow users to disable the exp plugin themself if they don't want their exp to be show? Like the reputation system. I know now we can do it manually but it is better to allow users do it themself.

Still want to know about this. if in the future this will be added.

Also a ssh recount would be better, will this be added?

Your script is really nice.

jeepsurf 09-06-2011 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by jeepsurf (Post 2240675)
I have an interesting bug I think.

I am setting up achievements for getting threads rated.

The way I am setting it up is you start by getting a base and then move up to the next. I am trying to make it work so that when you get the next one it takes the place of the previous, which works for all except the first. No matter what the first achievement (the base one) sticks.

Anything on this?

silpher 09-07-2011 01:13 AM

Please, update this mod for 4.1.4-4.1.5 :D!!!!!!!!!

thedvs 09-07-2011 09:54 AM

so is this working or not in 4.1.5?

Mooff 09-07-2011 11:02 AM

On our testboard (4.1.5) it was. Still curious what exactly isn't working in 4.1.4/5. Can't speak for our liveboard, running 4.1.3 there due to the new editor.

StudioWorks 09-07-2011 03:41 PM


I have installed this mod on my forum however I have a problem.

My forum already has forum members, some of them with hundreds of posts. And after I installed this mod I see they automatically got hundreds of points. Is there a way I can bring the points count back to 0 for each of them ?

Would appreciate any help I get.


Kr33p3r 09-08-2011 12:59 AM

My bad disregard!

Mopar1973Man 09-12-2011 08:00 PM

Got a problem I can't seem to figure out...


Take notice the text is crammed to the right. But when you look at the source of the page you find...


Overall activity: 35.0%
But when you look at the template it using <dt> and <dd> tags...

Should be...


<dt>Overall activity:</dt> <dd>35.0%</dd>
But the tags are not being used or is the template not being used. I got frustrated hunting for the last few hours trying to figure this out. Could some tell me how to get the tag inserted into the template or get the program to see the current template which already has it.

tidus78 09-12-2011 08:53 PM

How can I change the size of icons in postbit 16 to 32 px?

Please help meeeeeee

mynameismonkey 09-13-2011 12:26 PM

Installed this a few days ago, the members are absolutely loving it, thank you for this mod!

Two questions I cannot figure the answer to...

1. I have created a couple of new awards that are based on new fields like "most calendar entires" and "most downloaded attachment" but no matter what I do the test query comes up with zeroes for everyone. This is only for a few of the awards that I made. Is there something I need to do to populate the stats database? Here's an example query in question:


SELECT u.userid,
points_misc_events AS get_count
FROM vb_xperience_stats as s
INNER JOIN vb_user as u ON u.userid = s.userid
ORDER BY get_count DESC,
points_xperience DESC LIMIT 10

2. I made several custom awards to assign manually, but no matter who I assign them to one additional user (id 4) always receives the same award. is this an intended function?

Thanks in advance if anyone has had a similar problem or knows a simple fix!

Mopar1973Man 09-13-2011 05:46 PM

I've been back and modified the xperience_points_postbit template and it has no effect of postbit display of points.

As you can see there is <dt> and <dd> tags here but looking at the output HTML there just not there.

<dt>{vb:rawphrase xperience_points}</dt> <dd>{vb:raw xperience.points}</dd>
HTML Code:

Points: 264,827, Level: 59
But I keep tracking back to the postbit_display_complete.php as being the problem but since I'm not very savvy at PHP I'm stuck.

Please help...

Carpesimia 09-16-2011 12:15 PM

A ssh recount would be awesome. I cannot currently recount my system. I ran it last night after upgrading, and this morning i woke up to find that my server load was over 50, and i had only processed 5000 out of over 150k users.

ummm... help?

StonePilot 09-20-2011 09:23 PM

I just went up to 4.1.6 and this is not working, so I guess I'l joining the small crowd that has noticed? I'm getting members tell me that it's not working, so they're looking at it.

RoG Aftermath 09-21-2011 06:27 PM

Doesnt look like the leveling system is working for 4.1.6, I installed it yesterday and made about 10 posts but its still says level 1 level completion 99% 0 points to next level. Do i need to add more levels or something? All my sites members say the same thing.

glen290 09-22-2011 09:36 AM

Seems to be ok on my 4.1.6 board.

DonosOdD 09-22-2011 10:00 AM

For all those on 4.1.6 not able to level up: try reuploading your level files.

Phalynx 09-22-2011 06:32 PM

There are no known problems with 4.1.6

DonosOdD is right, it seems you are not uploaded a correct level file.

owning_y0u 09-24-2011 06:53 AM

just a small question phalynx, my score goes ballistic on my forum. When i make a post lets say for example just 10 letters i get 963 points for it :-O, strangely enough nobody else get that much points as i do, from time to time this occurs to different members aswell.

some log thingy's


14:33 Owning has earned 1626 Points for Posts points
14:32 Owning has earned 1825 Points for Posts points

09:30 Owning has earned 963 Points for Posts points
09:30 Owning has earned 1 Points for threads points
09:30 Owning has earned 1 Points for User points
09:30 Trillseeker has earned 2 Points for Posts points
09:30 Trillseeker has earned 1 Points for User point

weexto 09-26-2011 05:52 PM

hello, I have just delete stats ... how to not keep score since the beginning but as of today?

ahobilam 09-28-2011 03:26 AM

In my forum the level of the user is not changed even after getting 4000 points and after two months registered.
How to customize the points for a level?

Phalynx 09-28-2011 07:31 AM

Just a note about vBulletin 4.1.6: vBExperience works without problems! I'm running my servers already with 4.1.6


Originally Posted by owning_y0u (Post 2249495)
just a small question phalynx, my score goes ballistic on my forum. When i make a post lets say for example just 10 letters i get 963 points for it :-O, strangely enough nobody else get that much points as i do, from time to time this occurs to different members aswell.

some log thingy's


14:33 Owning has earned 1626 Points for Posts points
14:32 Owning has earned 1825 Points for Posts points

09:30 Owning has earned 963 Points for Posts points
09:30 Owning has earned 1 Points for threads points
09:30 Owning has earned 1 Points for User points
09:30 Trillseeker has earned 2 Points for Posts points
09:30 Trillseeker has earned 1 Points for User point

Very strange. Take a look at the xperience_stats_changes table, filter by your userid


Originally Posted by weexto (Post 2250294)
hello, I have just delete stats ... how to not keep score since the beginning but as of today?

not possible, vBExperience will always calc all data.
See also this task:


Originally Posted by ahobilam (Post 2250774)
In my forum the level of the user is not changed even after getting 4000 points and after two months registered.
How to customize the points for a level?

Please read readme_levels.txt

thecore762 09-28-2011 08:09 AM

Phalynx, great job with everything.
Everything still works fine.

DonosOdD 09-28-2011 10:38 AM

Phalynx! Any dibs on an update?

owning_y0u 10-01-2011 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 2250825)
Just a note about vBulletin 4.1.6: vBExperience works without problems! I'm running my servers already with 4.1.6

Very strange. Take a look at the xperience_stats_changes table, filter by your userid

Done that and see some strange value's

f.e. (i have removed the user id from this list)


5974        *        points_xperience        11973        2275        14248        2        1310039640
5977        *        points_user                  2211        2275        4486        1        1310039640
5981        *        points_user_vppd                0        2100        2100        0        1310039640
11        *        points_user_vppd                        0        2000        2000        0        1308092400
9        *        points_user                          2330        2000        4330        1        1308092400
8        *        points_xperience                11871        2000        13871        2        1308092400

gazzak 10-03-2011 12:31 PM

Great plugin, users love it, just one issue I can't fix.

I installed the VBookie plugin and set vbookie to use custom points as seen in other posts, so that users can gamble their experience points. However, when users make bets they actually gain a few points, and if they win at the bookies they gain x amount more than they should. It's just not working as it should. Apart from setting VBookie to "custom", all other settings in VBExperience are default.

Any pointers?

Edit: After further testing, this appears to go wrong when you bet on an event you created yourself. When others bet on your event it calculates OK. Does that help narrow down the issue?

Budget101 10-04-2011 10:20 AM


/***** Calculation of the activity *****\
The system calculates the activity (week, month and also a custom defined datespan, 60) by counting the actions a user has done.
Was this actually Finally implemented??? That we can enter a start date for calculation of points, rather than it automatically calculating the content from the last decade . . .

I've installed and deleted this mod 10x's over the past couple years because it lacks this feature. It's just NOT useful to reward people for posts they made 10 years ago.

nacaruncr 10-06-2011 05:17 AM

I'm using 4.1.6 and the achievments display 3 times.... how I can fix it??
thanks :D

Teascu Dorin 10-06-2011 01:54 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Romanian translation for this addon (vBExperience 4 v4.0.4)



chrisngrod 10-09-2011 04:47 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Love this mod. Thanks..

This is a new install...

Added plugins for VSa Paypal donate, ran counter again, and even though it says some users have awards, they are not appearing. Attached picture.


sonic83 10-09-2011 05:09 PM

Hello friends.
I have a problem with the 'system of achievements'.
These days I have had several difficulties, first did not work 'Replace this Achievement' on some achievements (not all, in others if it works).


I could solve it by clearing these achievements and creating new ones alike.

But now only comes in a few users and not others in the postbit. For no apparent reason.

Always leave the tab for all users experience:




But not in the postbit some users and others do:



As might fix it?

DonosOdD 10-10-2011 05:59 PM

Fez, make sure you're setting up the conditions properly.

kmckay 10-10-2011 06:44 PM

I've found a bug in the file functions_xperience.php, within the function "DoAchievements" ..

The result of the bug is that the scheduled task that calculates achievements will eventually prematurely end before processing all achievements.

The limit variable that is passed which is defaulted to 100, is being reached early causing the function to return before running all achievements. The variable seems to be used inconsistently as it's used to limit the stats pulled for an achievement, but rather than looping through groups of the achievement, it returns out of the function with no way of continuing from where it left off. Also, the processed count is incremented on non-related activities, so it wouldn't be a reliable count to use for continuing the process anyway.

Has anyone noticed this? (It was found in version 4.0.4)

red_head 10-10-2011 08:49 PM

i upgrade from 3.6.8 to 4.1.7
and then upgrade my mods or remove and install again ( by bigger chances).
My problem is when i activate the vBExperience 4 Mod, the forum only a white site with 0 Byte size. No Error nothing.
I must stop all mods over the config(on filesystem) and stop the mod.

a another mod (german) has the same failure.

VSa - ChatBox - works
Post Thank You Hack - works

i have removed vBExperience complete and install again.

i have no ideas what's wrong...

(sry for my bad english, i hope you can understood it )

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