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Ov3rrun 07-13-2016 07:04 PM

Can this work on Vbulletin 5?

nhawk 07-13-2016 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Ov3rrun (Post 2573217)
Can this work on Vbulletin 5?

No it won't work on vB5.

No vB4 add-on will work with vB5. If one does, I'd be absolutely shocked.

audzilla 07-18-2016 06:19 PM


Out of nowhere, I've recently had a form that started giving the following error:

Form failed to submit. The following error(s) occured:
Please complete both the subject and message fields.

More specifics about behavior:
* I'm running 4.2.3 patch 1, php5.4, and the current version of Easy Forms
* If I fill out a form entirely with the word "test" it succeeds; if I use huge blocks of Lorem Ipsum it's fine; if I use "real" content (which is not in any way weird, but is pasted from google docs and potentially carrying formatting tags?) I get the error.
* There is no conflict in {q_*} tags between different forms, unless something has gotten scrambled on the back end and reassigned numbers around.
* This just started happening in the last week when my webhost depricated php5.3 and pushed us to 5.4.

Update: It chokes on copied characters from text editors such as fancy "smart quotes" or a condensed ellipses. It used to handle these gracefully but no longer!


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 2572523)
Try attached.

Thank you!

Replacing the php file gives me this when I try to view a form (the form list looks as expected):


Database error in vBulletin 4.2.3:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM vb_formbits WHERE fid = 30 ORDER BY page ASC, displayorder ASC
But I'm sort of a novice, is there something else I should be doing?

Ov3rrun 07-19-2016 04:20 AM

Banalive, I have the same problem: The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters.

Is there a fix? If I download your attach, it cause database error.

I see that is a bug with special characters: á é ñ etc... is there a way to fix? And If posible to translate the date field from: Thurdays -> Jueves, ????

Thanks for help.

bananalive 08-07-2016 10:08 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Ov3rrun (Post 2573424)
Banalive, I have the same problem: The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters.

Is there a fix? If I download your attach, it cause database error.

I see that is a bug with special characters: ? ? ? etc... is there a way to fix? And If posible to translate the date field from: Thurdays -> Jueves, ????

Thanks for help.

Are you using latest version?

ne_one 08-28-2016 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 2574456)
Are you using latest version?

I'm getting a database error with this build as well.

Anyone else?

Trevor Hannant 08-31-2016 12:08 PM

At some point, a site I now do some work on has had their forms stop working although no-one seems to know when! Site is running vB4.2.2 and have tried the latest forms.php and 4.4.0 update but still get following error when trying to open a form:

PHP Fatal error: Cannot use object of type mysqli_result as array in /var/www/vhosts/DOMAIN/httpdocs/forum/forms.php on line 1242, referer: http://DOMAIN/forum/forms.php?do=editform&fid=1&pg=7

Server running:

PHP 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.24
MySQL Version 5.5.50-0ubuntu0.12.04.1

Runs on another server I have OK - probably been looking at it too long and missing something obvious...

Ov3rrun 09-06-2016 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 2574456)
Are you using latest version?

Banalive, now its working. Now all the international characters are ok, all is working. Thanks a lot for that fix.

Leifer 09-12-2016 02:22 PM

GREAT JOB bananalive :D
EDIT : Latest version works fine :) thanks a lot

EDIT 2 : Same question :)


Originally Posted by HM666 (Post 2558760)
I have a question. I have used this mod for quite some time on a site and we've had a form intact and it works just fine, but recently I was asked to change the options where the user who submitted the form can change the information submitted in the form they submitted by using the edit button in the thread the form started. I found this option: "Users Can Manage their own Form Results - All registered users can view/edit/delete their own form results saved to database." and I have ticked it to "Yes", but for those who have already submitted the form they still cannot edit the thread/post it made. I've tried to "Rebuild Thread Information" from the update area in the AdminCP but that did not seem to make it where the old thread can be edited by the person who submitted them. Am I just doomed to have Admins be PM'ed for changes here lol?

ne_one 09-16-2016 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by ne_one (Post 2575308)
I'm getting a database error with this build as well.

Anyone else?

I managed to resolve this issue by re-importing the XML file.

I noticed however that special characters will still trigger an error if they are used in the title.

As a quick fix, do a search for :

PHP Code:

$threadtitle htmlspecialchars($threadtitle); 

And comment out the text:

PHP Code:

//$threadtitle = htmlspecialchars($threadtitle); 

This should allow any text to be used for the title and content.

Oh and... ΘωΘ

Trevor Hannant 10-06-2016 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Trevor Hannant (Post 2575383)
At some point, a site I now do some work on has had their forms stop working although no-one seems to know when! Site is running vB4.2.2 and have tried the latest forms.php and 4.4.0 update but still get following error when trying to open a form:

PHP Fatal error: Cannot use object of type mysqli_result as array in /var/www/vhosts/DOMAIN/httpdocs/forum/forms.php on line 1242, referer: http://DOMAIN/forum/forms.php?do=editform&fid=1&pg=7

Server running:

PHP 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.24
MySQL Version 5.5.50-0ubuntu0.12.04.1

Runs on another server I have OK - probably been looking at it too long and missing something obvious...

To add, doesn't matter whether 'mysql' or 'mysqli' is used in the config file...

Budget101 12-23-2016 02:25 PM

I would like to add a Referer hook to the form output- basically I want to know what page they were on when they accessed the form and sent it to me.


Example: form is hosted on this page:


when the form is submitted I want to have a field that shows:

Referer: anysite.com/content.php/1950-friendly-url

Instead all I can see is:

Referer: anysite.com/forms.php?do=form&fid=47

Any ideas on the correct syntax to add it to the Form Hook before submission?

I've tried:
PHP Code:

$formoutput .= $form[preq] . "Referer:" $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; 

PHP Code:

$formoutput .= $form[preq] . "Referer:" $_GET['auth'] . $form[psta]; 

PHP Code:

$formoutput .= $form[preq] . "Referer:" $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; 

PHP Code:

$formoutput .= $form[preq] . "Referer:" $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; 

PHP Code:

$formoutput .= $form[preq] . "Referer:" $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; 

PHP Code:

$formoutput .= $form[preq] . "Referer:" $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; 

PHP Code:

$formoutput .= $form[preq] . "Referer:" $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']; 

PHP Code:

$formoutput .= $form[preq] . "Referer:" $_SESSION['loc']=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . $form[psta]; 

PHP Code:

$formoutput .= $form[preq] . "Referer:" $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] .

I basically want to know if people are accessing the form directly by sharing the link or whether they are accessing the form from the specific page I am embedding it within.

audzilla 02-15-2017 07:57 PM

Any php folks who could help me with some custom stuff? I don't even know if this is possible:

I've got a question with a five item dropdown, and I'm hoping I can use a custom question to populate the form output with a bunch of other information depending on which of the five items a user picks.
e.g. They pick their city of residence from a dropdown, and the output of the submitted form lists a few things relevant only to that city. Picking a different city gives different output. The bits of info themselves are not super long and won't be changing.

EGNDRAGON 03-07-2017 06:39 PM

Need help i cant seem to figure out where to creat the forum or what not

MdSWolfy 03-10-2017 08:06 AM

I am unable to create new form questions. The submit button after creating a new question doesn't seem to do anything at all.

Here is the button that is not doing anything when clicked:


<input class="button" name="cancel" type="button" id="cancel" value="Cancel" onclick="window.location.href='forms.php?do=editform&amp;fid=1'">

kobrualet 05-25-2017 08:59 AM


How can I install it to Vb5? Is it possible? Or can someone help me with it?

Thank you.

Trevor Hannant 05-25-2017 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by kobrualet (Post 2586927)

How can I install it to Vb5? Is it possible? Or can someone help me with it?

Thank you.

If you rewrite it you can install it to vB5....

grey_goose 05-28-2017 01:20 PM

Really love this mod, so first off -- big thanks.

Following this line of questions with ascroft, I wanted to add a subscription to the newly posted thread for the user.

Hook Location: newthread_post_complete


if ($fid == 32)
        $addthreadinfo = fetch_threadinfo($newpost['threadid']);
        $adduserinfo = $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'];
        $db->query_write("INSERT INTO subscribethread 

I even replaced the variables with static info which also did nothing so it looks like the IF $fid isn't working. Did I miss something or is there a better way to go about adding a user thread subscription for the newly created thread?

grey_goose 05-28-2017 09:12 PM

nvm, I just added into the 'Easy Forms Part 1' plugin:

~ line 807 just before 'mark_thread_read'

PHP Code:

        // Add Subscription        
$fid $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('p''fid'TYPE_UINT);
        if (
in_array($fid, array('10''25''27''14'))) 
$subscribethisuser $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'];            
$db->query_write("INSERT INTO subscribethread  

It doesn't check for user specific settings for subscriptions, but I want them subscribed regardless of their personal prefs. Seems to be working.

wolfey 06-02-2017 11:42 AM


Recently my emails are delayed for 12 hours only when sent from forms?

Further...just updated to 4.25, and form gets stuck now when trying to submit

Thank you

iyihost 06-22-2017 05:19 PM

l want to show new thread page.

l created form and if you members click a new thread show form and than create thead.

Who can help me ?

wf007 07-05-2017 06:09 AM

works on 4.2.5 no problem. However, not supported on mobile device, can i remove this msg anywhere?

IggyP 07-14-2017 03:21 AM

doing some testing on a 4.2.5 upgrade....

atm it is running php 7.1.6 and the patched forms.php

Fatal error: 'continue' not in the 'loop' or 'switch' context in /path/to/website/forums/forms.php on line 564

when trying to run a form url or form list ...any ideas?

i know at least on google i read it is a php 7 issue but how could it be repaired? i did not see that

blind-eddie 07-14-2017 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by iyihost (Post 2587697)
l want to show new thread page.

l created form and if you members click a new thread show form and than create thead.

Who can help me ?

In the forumdisplay template you can wrap if conditionals to hide both the new thread buttons for the forum you want the form to show.
Then add another if conditional to show a copy of the new thread button but linked to your form.
Then if a member clicks the new post button in that particular forum they will be taken to your form and once submitted it will post in that forum if you set it to do so.

Happy editing! :D

SilverBoy 07-17-2017 01:36 PM

Is this product compatible with PHP7?

IggyP 07-17-2017 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by SilverBoy (Post 2588545)
Is this product compatible with PHP7?

dont think so :(

SilverBoy 07-17-2017 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by IggyP (Post 2588581)
dont think so :(


Thank you.

djbaxter 07-18-2017 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by SilverBoy (Post 2588545)
Is this product compatible with PHP7?

I have it running on one forum, vBulletin 4.2.5 with PHP 7.1 and it's working fine.

It was installed quite a while ago, though, so it existed on the forum long before the update to 4.2.5 and long before I upgraded the server to 7.1.

IggyP 07-18-2017 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 2588604)
I have it running on one forum, vBulletin 4.2.5 with PHP 7.1 and it's working fine.

It was installed quite a while ago, though, so it existed on the forum long before the update to 4.2.5 and long before I upgraded the server to 7.1.

interesting....i get this " Fatal error: 'continue' not in the 'loop' or 'switch' context in /path/to/website/forums/forms.php on line 564"

i didnt try it with the pre patched files tho....hmm

MarkFL 07-18-2017 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 2588604)
I have it running on one forum, vBulletin 4.2.5 with PHP 7.1 and it's working fine.

It was installed quite a while ago, though, so it existed on the forum long before the update to 4.2.5 and long before I upgraded the server to 7.1.

I have it running on vB 4.2.5/PHP 7.0.21 with no issues myself. :)

IggyP 07-18-2017 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2588609)
I have it running on vB 4.2.5/PHP 7.0.21 with no issues myself. :)

good to know :)
can i ask which versions of the forms.php and xml you are using?

djbaxter 07-18-2017 09:22 AM

For me, it is version 4.3.0

MarkFL 07-18-2017 01:01 PM

I'm also using version 4.3.0. :)

IggyP 07-18-2017 06:39 PM

rolled it back and working again here too :)

djbaxter 07-18-2017 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by IggyP (Post 2588633)
rolled it back and working again here too :)

You had a later version?

IggyP 07-19-2017 12:24 AM

yes from a few pages back it was said about patching the forms.php and xml file to a "4.4.0"

but in this case it seems the earlier one is better

djbaxter 07-19-2017 01:34 AM

Ahhh. I missed that. Apparently it's a good thing I did. :)

quachvu 07-25-2017 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by MarkFL (Post 2588609)
I have it running on vB 4.2.5/PHP 7.0.21 with no issues myself. :)

me too, vBB 4.2.5 and PHP 7.0.21, but did you check the function "Redirect user after form is submitted"? In my website it doesnt redirect my members After Form is Submitted.

djbaxter 07-26-2017 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by quachvu (Post 2588879)
me too, vBB 4.2.5 and PHP 7.0.21, but did you check the function "Redirect user after form is submitted"? In my website it doesnt redirect my members After Form is Submitted.

I hadn't noticed but I just checked that part and it doesn't redirect on my installation either.

Mind you, I can't say with certainty that that feature ever worked.

quachvu 07-26-2017 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 2588886)
I hadn't noticed but I just checked that part and it doesn't redirect on my installation either.

Mind you, I can't say with certainty that that feature ever worked.

this feature "redirect" worked before my upgrade. Can some one try to fix this problem in vBB 4.2.5 and PHP 7.X? Thanks. :)

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