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Kolektor 06-22-2010 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by Dutch_Boy (Post 2057586)
www.YOU SITE LINK HERE/forum/admincp/kill_xperience.php

Put the kill file in the map "admincp"

Us link this link --> www.YOU SITE LINK HERE/forum/admincp/kill_xperience.php

Hit enter and done.

Yes. I did. and It left me so many uncached templates (where I was reaching 70 queries per page)


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 2057597)
Did you installed the last Beta first?!?

Actually, I did an upgrade from but for my personal reason I would like to remove it and will install it later.

Phalynx 06-22-2010 06:14 PM

You will need to install the latest beta otherwise you cannot uninstall it correctly. There is a bug in earlier versions.

Kolektor 06-23-2010 10:01 AM

Dear Phalynx,

This uninstaller works!


Thanks :)

jakobility 06-26-2010 08:27 PM

Is there a way to display the users with the most achieved points in a definite period (e.g. 1 month)?? ;)

I want to make a monthly contest, where users with the most achieved points in the definite period can get some prizes. So is there a feature to do something like that? :)

savingsangel 06-28-2010 05:37 PM

Or - can I make the requirements for the award meet more than one condition? I need AND conditions - not OR.

For example... I want a one year, two year, three year award, etc... When the three year award hits, the two year should drop off? (1 year = More than 365 days AND less than 730) Calculated in points, of course...

Phalynx 06-28-2010 06:42 PM

You mean achievements? Awards are summed together, you cannot define conditions.
And yes, you can add multiple conditions for one achievement. And no, you cannot combine them.

jakobility 06-28-2010 06:57 PM

I just want to show the users, who got the most points in e.g. 1 month ;)

Is that possible with achievements?? :confused:

savingsangel 06-28-2010 07:24 PM


Try as I might, I cannot get the achievements (thanks) to display correctly. One year will always display for me on a member with 3,509 points (Days since registering: 3,509) - no matter how many years beyond one year that I've been a member.

I've set days to 3 points each.
Conditions for the 1-year achievement:
> 1095 points
< 2190 points

2 and 3 year appear the same way. 4 year (My admin account I check) does not appear - this is correct.

Question #2:
Sorting does not appear to work for me with achievements when displaying on the user's postbit. I can't figure out what the logic is for what order achievements get written into the user's xperience_achievements field. I just have similar awards (arranged into categories) I would like to group together.

Question #3:
What happens if a user no longer qualifies for an achievement? Will it drop off their recent achievement list? I noticed simply doing a recount does not make the update. In fact, the only way I can successfully clear an achievement is directly in the database through phpMyAdmin.

Phalynx 06-29-2010 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by jakobility (Post 2061272)
I just want to show the users, who got the most points in e.g. 1 month ;)

Is that possible with achievements?? :confused:

No, sorry.


Originally Posted by savingsangel (Post 2061284)

Try as I might, I cannot get the achievements (thanks) to display correctly. One year will always display for me on a member with 3,509 points (Days since registering: 3,509) - no matter how many years beyond one year that I've been a member.

I've set days to 3 points each.
Conditions for the 1-year achievement:
> 1095 points
< 2190 points

2 and 3 year appear the same way. 4 year (My admin account I check) does not appear - this is correct.

Will have to test this for my own, I will contact you after then. But it should work.


Originally Posted by savingsangel (Post 2061284)
Question #2:
Sorting does not appear to work for me with achievements when displaying on the user's postbit. I can't figure out what the logic is for what order achievements get written into the user's xperience_achievements field. I just have similar awards (arranged into categories) I would like to group together.

The function "WriteAchievementItems" writes them ordered by issued dateline.


Originally Posted by savingsangel (Post 2061284)
Question #3:
What happens if a user no longer qualifies for an achievement? Will it drop off their recent achievement list? I noticed simply doing a recount does not make the update. In fact, the only way I can successfully clear an achievement is directly in the database through phpMyAdmin.

Currently achieved achievements are not taken away if the user does not meet the conditions any more.

jakobility 06-30-2010 09:45 PM

How can I disable the user-notifications? Like here:


Phalynx 07-01-2010 05:42 AM

Settings, Experience...

BAWSNIAN 07-03-2010 04:55 AM

Thanks a lot mate....Great Mod

Hellmaster 07-14-2010 02:35 AM

Is a way to keep users points even if I delete old threads/posts?

(example) If the system gives 1 point per thread and 1 per post... in the end, the user has 85 points for that thread, but if I delete it, the user lost his points...

How to stop that?

Phalynx 07-14-2010 05:11 AM

Not possible this way. You would need to donate custom points via AdminCP to the user.

NoNickeD 07-14-2010 12:37 PM

Nice mod mate! Thank you!~

Hellmaster 07-14-2010 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 2068868)
Not possible this way. You would need to donate custom points via AdminCP to the user.

Um... Good idea, thanx :D

carolc 07-16-2010 02:02 AM

If I 'give away' an item to another member, can't they sell the item back to the store? They said that the sell option doesn't appear like it does for other items. I want to give them a 'coupon' type of icon and allow them to trade it in for something else of their choice.

Also, are 'Give Away Points' the same as 'gifts'? If not, how do I buy a gift for someone else? I have the option below set to 'yes'


Enable Gifts?
Can a user buy an item for someone other?

Hellmaster 07-16-2010 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by carolc (Post 2069805)
If I 'give away' an item to another member, can't they sell the item back to the store? They said that the sell option doesn't appear like it does for other items. I want to give them a 'coupon' type of icon and allow them to trade it in for something else of their choice.

Also, are 'Give Away Points' the same as 'gifts'? If not, how do I buy a gift for someone else? I have the option below set to 'yes'


And I can't buy the same item if I gave it for someone else... :(

Phalynx 07-16-2010 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by carolc (Post 2069805)
If I 'give away' an item to another member, can't they sell the item back to the store? They said that the sell option doesn't appear like it does for other items. I want to give them a 'coupon' type of icon and allow them to trade it in for something else of their choice.

Also, are 'Give Away Points' the same as 'gifts'? If not, how do I buy a gift for someone else? I have the option below set to 'yes'


A Gift cannot be selled.

Give Away Points is just like donating points to someone other.

carolc 07-16-2010 05:41 AM

Thanks for the quick response. I guess I will use the GAP for the reward.

Can you tell me where $vbphrase[xperience_gap_text] is used? I edited the phrase, using the Phrase Manager, but I want to change what {3} refers to. I searched the templates but I cannot find it. Is it in a template? If not, where is it?

Thank you for such an awesome mod. My users love it!

Phalynx 07-16-2010 06:34 AM

Nice to hear you and your users love this :)

Check xperience.php
Search for:

$message = construct_phrase($vbphrase['xperience_gap_text'], $vbulletin->options['bburl']."/member.php?u=".$vbulletin->userinfo['userid'],

SilabGarza 07-18-2010 03:55 AM

how come i have like 250k points yet when i go to the shop it says i have 0 custom points? is that a glitch?

Hellmaster 07-18-2010 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by SilabGarza (Post 2070934)
how come i have like 250k points yet when i go to the shop it says i have 0 custom points? is that a glitch?

You have 250k EXPERIENCE points, not custom, I guess...

Phalynx 07-18-2010 06:26 AM

Correct. The currency for the item is set to custom.

SilabGarza 07-18-2010 07:08 AM

how do users get custom points then? i saw on another forum and they somehow had it set to Post points?

Phalynx 07-18-2010 09:00 AM

You will have to edit the shop item and set the currency on that items to f.e. experience points.
Custom points you get by AdminCP, Experience, Manage Custom Points

Hellmaster 07-18-2010 07:29 PM

Won't you upgrade for 3.8.x to stop decreasing points if I delete posts/threads?

If my forum(s) prunes threads every X days/months, a lot of posts/threads are deleted, so my users are losing a lot of points :(

Phalynx 07-18-2010 07:57 PM

No chance for this, as this cannot be just changes. The whole core has to be recoded.

Hellmaster 07-19-2010 12:17 AM

Ok, let's be aware to lost points and give those points from admin panel..

Another doubt is that, when I go to Activities --> Shop (name) says "There are no activities yet.", the 60% of articles are sold at this moment...

Phalynx 07-19-2010 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by rockdrig (Post 2071293)
Another doubt is that, when I go to Activities --> Shop (name) says "There are no activities yet.", the 60% of articles are sold at this moment...

Cannot confirm this. Please PM me the URL to your board.

SEW810 08-02-2010 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by rockdrig (Post 2071208)
Won't you upgrade for 3.8.x to stop decreasing points if I delete posts/threads?

If my forum(s) prunes threads every X days/months, a lot of posts/threads are deleted, so my users are losing a lot of points :(

Why don't you try this mod?:

vbxperience needs postcount for calculating points and stuff (I guess)
So, if postcount doesn't decrease, activity won't be affected.

Best luck

Phalynx 08-08-2010 08:09 AM

Great news:
vBExperience 3.8.6 is currently in development. It incorporates the unfinished 3.8.5 features and also some of the vBExperience 4.0.

Demo Site running with 3.8.6:

A release date is currently unknown, because I don't have much time for this. I think the final version will be released at the end of this month. Maybe later.

stwan 08-11-2010 10:08 AM

Phalynx, nice!
Version 3.8.6 has a shop? And please fix xhtml 1.0 errors bars in postbit and blogs...

Phalynx 08-11-2010 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by stwan (Post 2082081)
Phalynx, nice!
Version 3.8.6 has a shop? And please fix xhtml 1.0 errors bars in postbit and blogs...

I thought you are using vBExperience 4.0? :)

Yes, the shop is a simple item store.

jakobility 08-11-2010 10:55 AM

Yeah, great news Phalynx! Thank you for developing further..

I have just a little question: How can I reach, that everybody could see xperience.php? At the moment, you have to log in to see it.

Phalynx 08-11-2010 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by jakobility (Post 2082101)
Yeah, great news Phalynx! Thank you for developing further..

I have just a little question: How can I reach, that everybody could see xperience.php? At the moment, you have to log in to see it.

The permission is bound to the memberlist, as similar data is beeing displayed. Open the memberlist for unregistered usergroup.

jakobility 08-11-2010 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 2082103)
The permission is bound to the memberlist, as similar data is beeing displayed. Open the memberlist for unregistered usergroup.

Okay, that sounds logical :)
But how can I do that? Do I have to edit the xperience.php? Or is there a setting in vbulletin ACP?

Phalynx 08-11-2010 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by jakobility (Post 2082107)
Okay, that sounds logical :)
But how can I do that? Do I have to edit the xperience.php? Or is there a setting in vbulletin ACP?

Yes, you need to edit the permissions via Usergroup Manager:
- AdminCP
- Usergroups
- Usergroup Manager
- "Unregistered / Not Logged In" -> Edit

Change this:
- Can View Member Info
- Can View Forum
to "Yes"

- Save!

jakobility 08-11-2010 11:55 AM

Thank you Phalynx! :)
It works fine!

But there isn't a opportunity to show the xperience.php for guests, without setting it to "Can View Member Info"?? Maybe by editing xperience.php?

Phalynx 08-11-2010 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by jakobility (Post 2082126)
Thank you Phalynx! :)
It works fine!

But there isn't a opportunity to show the xperience.php for guests, without setting it to "Can View Member Info"?? Maybe by editing xperience.php?

Of course, edit the xperience.php and remove that part:
PHP Code:

// permissions check
if (!($permissions['forumpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canview']) OR !($permissions['genericpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['canviewmembers']))

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