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Digital Jedi 06-19-2013 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by idan356 (Post 2428329)
Hi, I'm trying to make a dropbox player.
This is what I tried but I can't make it work.
What's wrong?

The Original Link (Example):

Regular expression:

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="/misc/audio-player/player.swf" id="audioplayer" height="24" width="290"> <param name="movie" value="/misc/audio-player/player.swf"> <param name="FlashVars" value="playerID=audioplayer&amp;soundFile=https%3A %2F%2Fwww\.dropbox\.com/s/$p1%2F$p2.mp3?dl=1"> <param name="quality" value="high"> <param name="menu" value="false"> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> </object>

I don't know too much about embedding Dropbox audio, but I can tell you that your regex shouldn't have the - in the center of the group. It treats the _ and # as a span like it would between 0-9. Move the dash to just after the caret symbol ^. That, at the very least, will give you a valid regex pattern.


Originally Posted by MonkYZ (Post 2428715)
Hi Digital Jedi!

I am trying to use your XML media definitions on my AME3, but i am getting some error "You appear to be trying to import old AME definitions. You can only import definitions made in 3.x".

I don't understand... the definitions are newer... and isn't AME3 newer than AME 2.5?

What should i use to make these definitions work?

Thanks in advance!

AME 3 is newer, but these definitions are for 2.5 only. AME 3 requires a whole different set be written, which I'm currently trying to work on.


Originally Posted by MonkYZ (Post 2428716)

Only if you're using vBulletin 3.x. AME 2.5 will not work on the vBulletin 4 series, and vice versa.


Originally Posted by kshymkiw (Post 2428927)
It does end with </AME>

I removed some of the Imports, and just trying to do Youtube. It says the display order has been saved, but when I go to display defintions, it says there is no definitions.

That definitely sounds like a server issue. And we seem to be running into more and more of these as vB 3 gets older. Try checking with your host to see if limits are set on what can saved or submitted by scripts on your server.

MonkYZ 06-19-2013 08:04 AM

Oh, thanks for the answer. Well, i'm holding my breath for your definitions for AME 3 then :)
Can we donate to speed things up? :)

Digital Jedi 06-19-2013 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by MonkYZ (Post 2429068)
Oh, thanks for the answer. Well, i'm holding my breath for your definitions for AME 3 then :)
Can we donate to speed things up? :)

I would hate to say yeah, and then one of those Digital Jedi things happens again, where something just ridiculously obscure happens to delay me from working on the project. But if folks really would like to see AME 3 definitions sooner than later, then I can try and put it on one of the front burners. I plan on making them one way or another, I just know my time estimates have always been way off in the past. I never want to discourage people from giving me money, though. :p

davew 06-23-2013 11:14 AM

Apologies if this has been covered already, but I've searched every way I can without finding a solution.

Installing the last Master xml file appears to have broken existing links to photobucket images.

The code for the Images ends with .jpg.html ? EG https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2013/06/1.html

Dropping the .html works, but shouldn't AME be taking care of that?

Any suggestions appreciated :)


Digital Jedi 06-24-2013 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by davew (Post 2429962)
Apologies if this has been covered already, but I've searched every way I can without finding a solution.

Installing the last Master xml file appears to have broken existing links to photobucket images.

The code for the Images ends with .jpg.html ? EG http://s634.photobucket.com/user/wjp...ts001.jpg.html

Dropping the .html works, but shouldn't AME be taking care of that?

Any suggestions appreciated :)


Image pages should be being ignored completely by AME. No parsing should be taking place except for when you use a video page, so I'm not sure what's happening there. In fact, from checking just now, Photobucket has moved all their video URLs, so even video wouldn't be parsing properly at the moment. Do you possibly have another modifications installed that affects URLs?

rockerzteam 06-24-2013 06:40 PM

CNN Videos do not work! Can we please get this fixed.

wacnstac 06-25-2013 07:53 PM

Hey Jedi, we are having an issue updating the XML file for a site that is running 3.8.X and AME 2.5.6. We are trying to import all from latest XML delta file and keep getting the error:

PHP Code:

Can not save Import because of the following error(s):

Some keys are empty
Some keys contain invalid characters and must be validated prior to import

We've delete all the definitions from the AME table, uninstalled and reinstalled the AME plugin but keep getting the same error. Any suggestions?

davew 07-01-2013 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 2430199)
Image pages should be being ignored completely by AME. No parsing should be taking place except for when you use a video page, so I'm not sure what's happening there. In fact, from checking just now, Photobucket has moved all their video URLs, so even video wouldn't be parsing properly at the moment. Do you possibly have another modifications installed that affects URLs?

I don't believe I have, but I'll take a good look at it it tonight..

Thanks for the reply, much appreciated!


gabrielt 08-01-2013 09:38 PM

Same issue here:


Can not save Import because of the following error(s):
Some keys are empty
Some keys contain invalid characters and must be validated prior to import.
I tried checking only a few of the definitions; it says "imported like a charm," however the new definitions don't show up under "Display Definitions." HELP.

Jamey 08-10-2013 01:16 AM

I can't get photobucket videos to work. Any ideas?

gabrielt 08-12-2013 03:36 PM

FYI. GameSpot.com and Gametrailers.com changed the format of their links and the media definition file must be updated by the maintainer. Thank you.

Jamey 08-13-2013 05:22 PM

Same with Photobucket

ayman1204 08-21-2013 11:47 AM

thanks to u man
its great mod

i would like to suggest this video sharing website to add it in next version


thanks to u
Mark as Installed
5 stars

viper357 09-02-2013 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by wacnstac (Post 2430502)
Hey Jedi, we are having an issue updating the XML file for a site that is running 3.8.X and AME 2.5.6. We are trying to import all from latest XML delta file and keep getting the error:

PHP Code:

Can not save Import because of the following error(s):

Some keys are empty
Some keys contain invalid characters and must be validated prior to import

We've delete all the definitions from the AME table, uninstalled and reinstalled the AME plugin but keep getting the same error. Any suggestions?


Originally Posted by gabrielt (Post 2436616)
Same issue here:

I tried checking only a few of the definitions; it says "imported like a charm," however the new definitions don't show up under "Display Definitions." HELP.

Same issue here, deleted all definitions, uninstalled then re-installed main mod, but this definitions pack now refuses to install, on vb 3.8.5

viper357 09-02-2013 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 2249499)
Time for another edition of...

|[ Friday Night Definitions ]|


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 2132542)
|[ Friday Night Definitions ]|
Yes, I know it's Saturday. But like they say, it's always Friday somewhere in the world....wait...

The xml's from those two posts import fine, but the latest xml in the first post of this thread does not import. :(

sweptwingnut 09-06-2013 06:04 PM

Installed 3.8.7pl3. Works great!

sweptwingnut 09-08-2013 07:28 PM

Photos from flickr do not appear to be working

jasculs 09-17-2013 06:36 PM

**Nevermind, problem fixed**

Digital Jedi 09-20-2013 12:15 AM

I'm working on an update for the last few reported websites. As I've mentioned before, when you post that a site isn't working, you should be specific about what isn't working, and post links to the various issues. Being very general means I have to go to the website and start testing the regexes myself, which if I can't find a problem with mine, I can't fix yours. And all those checks start to add up to hours wasted over time.

I cannot find any issues with CNBC. Flickr may just end up getting 86'd. Currently testing Photobucket, and I should be able to update it, but will have to drop support for older links. Will try to push this along to my Friday (Which is really Sunday) Night set of definitions.

SBlueman 09-24-2013 04:48 AM

::crossing fingers for DailyMotion to work for us::

Digital Jedi 09-25-2013 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by SBlueman (Post 2447631)
::crossing fingers for DailyMotion to work for us::

The definition is still working on my end. Did you ever get to toggle your modifications to see if one (or all) was interfering?

Digital Jedi 09-27-2013 08:29 PM

1 Attachment(s)
|[Friday Night Definitions]|
Friday Night Definitions on Friday? This could work.

Although I try my best to support older link structures, when those links are no longer valid or when embed capability is no longer possible, I remove that support from the definitions.

CNBC is back and boring-er than ever. (I kid CNBC.)

CNN includes Parts 1 & 2.

College Humor will include a legacy version for valid older links. Marked (Old)

Facebook also includes a legacy version and new links should start embedding using their iframe.

GameSpot has been split into two parts as well. You'll need to delete/disable any other GameSpot definitions you're using.

GameTrailers is packed into a single definition now. I nerfed my notes this time around, but I believe I had a GameTrailers (Old) in the previous definition. That one will need to be turned off or deleted.

Photobucket Videos and Direct Link have been updated to better support their goofy URL strings. However older Photobucket links will no longer work.

Vimeo was tweaked slightly to support https:// URLs.

Yahoo! moved all of their videos to a subdomain called screen, so this should help convert them now.


Storify will embed storify.com feeds in a post. Posted an example of this a while back, but made a mistake in the regex that should be corrected now.
Attachment 146545

Yahoo! Finance was added separately because different data needs to be pulled to support those particular videos. Note that their may be some conflict with Finance Videos and Finance Articles. So your users may need to toggle AME parsing off depending on the situation.

Nook_Neformat 09-28-2013 01:23 PM

Please, update definition for Rutube.

infnity8x3 10-09-2013 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 2279120)
Open the definition with the key ebay3, and in the Regular expression field, put a colon right about here:


I want to make this edit but i don't have a ebay3 I think I installed all the updates

Digital Jedi 10-09-2013 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by infnity8x3 (Post 2451135)
I want to make this edit but i don't have a ebay3 I think I installed all the updates

That post is from 2011. There no longer is an Ebay 3 definition. It's not needed.

infnity8x3 10-09-2013 04:29 AM


Unique Key = ebay

Regular expression =

Replacement =

<br />
    <div style="padding:0; text-align:center; width:250px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto"" class="tborder">
            <div style="background:#FFFFFF url('images/misc/ebay_logo.gif') no-repeat scroll center center; height:55px; width:250px">&nbsp;</div>
            <div class="alt2" style="padding:10px">
<a href="$ameinfo[url]" title="$ameinfo[title]" target="_blank">
                                <img src="http://thumbs.ebaystatic.com/pict/$p2.jpg" alt="$ameinfo[title]" border="0" /></a></div>
      <div class="thead"><a href="$ameinfo[url]" title="$ameinfo[title]" target="_blank">$ameinfo[title]</a></div>
<br />


Unique Key = ebay2

Regular expression =

Replacement =

<br />
    <div style="padding:0; text-align:center; width:250px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto"" class="tborder">
            <div style="background:#FFFFFF url('images/misc/ebay_logo.gif') no-repeat scroll center center; height:55px; width:250px">&nbsp;</div>
            <div class="alt2" style="padding:10px">
<a href="$ameinfo[url]" title="$ameinfo[title]" target="_blank">
                                <img src="http://thumbs.ebaystatic.com/pict/$p1.jpg" alt="$ameinfo[title]" border="0" /></a></div>
      <div class="thead"><a href="$ameinfo[url]" title="$ameinfo[title]" target="_blank">$ameinfo[title]</a></div>
<br />

They are what i have and


Is only a clickable link. Any thing you can help me with?

Digital Jedi 10-09-2013 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by infnity8x3 (Post 2451155)
They are what i have and


Is only a clickable link. Any thing you can help me with?

eBay is one of the next things I'll need to update, since I've discovered a better method of displaying items. But for now, try replacing your Regular Expression in the standard eBay definition with:



infnity8x3 10-10-2013 04:01 AM

thank you! awesome it works. your the man.

Digital Jedi 10-15-2013 04:55 AM

For those wondering, DJ's AME 2.5.7 was released today, with expanded AME functionality. That means that soon you'll see a whole new set of definitions that take advantage of this new feature. So stay tuned!

Digital Jedi 10-15-2013 06:54 AM

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Those having trouble importing the Master XML file will probably still experience the same issues on 2.5.7. This doesn't appear to be a product problem, but a server one. Mainly being the Master XML has simply gotten too large. I'll address this problem in the next definitions update.

Digital Jedi 10-22-2013 03:28 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Because that can be a thing, too

In case you missed the email notification, the incessant thread bumping or the skywriting in every major city, AME 2.5.7 is out, and you can grab it here:

AME 2.5.7 includes two new advanced option called Extra Head Tag Code and Extra Body Tag Code. One of the problems I always had with making definitions, is that some websites required an extra snippet of code, such as JavaScript, in either the <head> or <body> tags of your website. I couldn't put the code in the definitions if it was required in the head tags, and even then, the code could only appear once per page. So your only other option would have been to edit one or more of your templates. That didn't seem like an elegant solution. So in AME 2.5.7, I've included these two extra fields where you can add this extra code, and AME will insert it automatically into the proper templates. No need for editing. No need to edit multiple styles.

So here's a handful of definitions I worked out that use the new feature, just to get you started...


Google+ Profiles, Pages, Posts and Communities :: Each of those can now be embedded in a post using the collection of Google+ definitions in this update. But be sure to include the extra JavaScript code necessary to make it work. Go to your Admin CP ?? AME CP ?? Advanced Options and paste it into your Extra Head Tag Code field:

HTML Code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js"></script>

Pinterest Boards, Pins and Profiles :: My old definitions for Pinterest stopped working a while back, and even when they did work, they had to match up to 20 parameters just to work right. Not the most elegant of solutions, either. This new set of Pinterest definitions will embed Boards, Profiles and individual Pins using Pinterest's native widgets. Go to your Admin CP ?? AME CP ?? Advanced Options and paste the following JavaScript code into Extra Body Tag Code:

HTML Code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="//assets.pinterest.com/js/pinit.js"></script>

But wait, there's less!

I've included some new definitions and some updated definitions that use the regular old run of the mill functions you've come to know and love.


Kickstarter is the crowdfunding website that get's everything from that 500 foot robot snake I always dreamed about as a kid, to a feature-length Veroncia Mars movie it's funding. Two definitions are included where you can decide whether to embed a project's promo video, or it's widget.

Indiegogo widgets are available as well. Think of Indiegogo as the Garfunkle of crowdfunding websites.

Pastebin lets you share, well, pastes with other users. Now you can embed public pastes in a post. (Say that seven times real fast.)

To round out the social media goodness, you can now embed Facebook Posts and Pages in a thread. Note that the Facebook Pages definition will try to embed regular profiles and fail. So user your own discretion with that one.

ProProfs Brain Games host a series of puzzles, brain teasers and word games to keep you from doing your taxes, cooking dinner or feeding the baby, for hours on end. Now make your community as unproductive as you are and embed them in posts.


Just one, but it's a good one.

Remember eBay thumbnails? How about something a little more practical?


In addition, I've updated the existing local hosted definitions, and composed a few more. For one, they should no longer require editing to support your website, they should work out of the box. Let me know if they don't. I added a little extra media support to a couple and just outright created some new ones. As usual, documents display using Google Drive's doc viewer, and I've extended some support to those as well. Check the READ ME file from the actual main post's ZIP folder for more info on some of those. In short, here's what you get:

DIVX (.divx, .mkv)
Flash (.swf)
HTML 5 Player (.ogg, .ovg, .webm)
MP3 (.mp3, mp2)
QuickTime (.mov, .mp4, .3gp)
RealMedia (.rm, .ram)
Windows Media (.wmv, .asx, .avi)
Documents (.pps, .pptx, .ppt, .pdf, .docx, .doc, .txt, .pages, .xlsx, .xls, .xps)
Graphic Files (.ai, .psd, .dxf, .tif, .tiff, .eps, .ps)
Markup/Code (See READ ME file: .css, .html, .cpp, .hpp, .h, .js, .c)


To address the issue some folks have been experiencing with definitions not importing (turns out, when I tested things, I too had the same issue), I've broken down the Master XML file into volumes. There are no more than 70 definitions per volume, as this seemed to be the uppermost limit the XMLs could have before I started getting the "missing keys" error. You can grab the volumes from the ZIP in the main post of this thread.

As always, let me know what you think, if it works, and post links if it doesn't. Enjoy!

Digital Jedi 10-22-2013 08:49 PM

I started working on these last week, and I was wondering if there was any interest in definitions that embed TMDB.org (The Movie Database) data.

It's not finished yet, so this is kind of just a testing layout and the regexes still need perfecting. But you get the idea. It would likely be an admin/moderator only thing, because it would require an API key, and you would have to link to the API address for the movie, using your key, rather than the standard movie entry URL. But testing it out almost makes me think it would be worth it. Let me know what you think:



I'm looking into maybe making a modification version of this, maybe as an AME plugin. But I really wanted to gauge interest before going in too much depth.

sergio00 10-22-2013 09:09 PM

Incredible Update!! Thanks for Don?t forget 3.8.X , The Best Vbulletin Version! :)

Gadget_Guy 10-22-2013 09:59 PM

You are the best!

Nice work!

Importing now.

(Remember my httpS issue... anything I should do after importing?)


Gadget_Guy 10-22-2013 10:18 PM

Some Feedback:

Internal Linking - When I test this... it processes for a LONG time.

I just ended up disabling this

Also... ebay.ca does not work.


Digital Jedi 10-23-2013 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by Gadget_Guy (Post 2455408)
You are the best!

Nice work!

Importing now.

(Remember my httpS issue... anything I should do after importing?)


I don't think there will be an issue with JavaScript widgets, but possibly with eBay since it embeds using <object> code. If they do provide secure URLs, you could see if adding in the "s" to the src="" urls (there should be two), helps out. This, of course, will only work if they provide secure URLs.


Originally Posted by Gadget_Guy (Post 2455416)
Some Feedback:

Internal Linking - When I test this... it processes for a LONG time.

I just ended up disabling this

Yeah, I think there's some kind of "feedback" issue there with the extraction process. Which is why I say to use at your discretion. I ended up just using the User Profile one, myself.


Also... ebay.ca does not work.

That was an oversight on my part. Overwrote a dev version of the definition. Give me just a few to push out an update, as well as one to Google+. I just noticed an issue there.

Digital Jedi 10-23-2013 03:31 AM

Actually, let me get that to you guys tomorrow. Sorry for the delay. Just something came up unexpectedly.

Gadget_Guy 10-23-2013 07:50 PM

Take your time Mark,

We all appreciate all the effort you are putting into this project.

I will watch the thread for an update.


Digital Jedi 10-24-2013 07:58 AM

Sorry that took so long. Was not expecting Google+ to give me so much trouble. There's an additional Google+ definition added to the previous set, and all the others have been updated. Keep in mind that Google+ Posts definitions only work on Public Posts. I previously had a method that accounted for that, but it was causing it to fail if the URL was a redirect. So I had to remove the validation token. Still trying to find a workaround for that issue.

Also got the correct eBay definition in there this time. This should embed any eBay top level domain.

I added all of these back to my previous update post in a new ZIP folder.

Gadget_Guy 10-24-2013 11:31 AM

I installed the update.

ebay still not working for me.


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