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Roxie 02-21-2006 12:00 AM

Since the update images aren't showing in posts. There's just a link to the image.

Also, is there a way to make the history only viewable by certain usergroups...or so that you can only see YOUR history. Members don't want others to know they changed their avatar or stole from them.

CMX_CMGSCCC 02-21-2006 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by moonclamp
Another request ...

a user earns points for uploading a profile photo but gets charged loads for removing it.

To prevent spam, changing the photo does nothing.

This should be rather easy to implement, but the hardest part is blocking any exploits with it, I'll look into it nonetheless.


Originally Posted by ChiliVB
Thanks for the feedback about the UNIX timestamp.

I found a small issue I'd like to report.

By Default...
Weekly Lottery is showing the Daily Lottery End Time.
Daily Lottery is using the Weekly Lottery End Time.

That will be fixed in the v1.1.8.


Originally Posted by rinkrat
i figured out why the links don't work for me. I was using IE 7.0 beta. It's not compatible. Works great on Firefox.

LOL, a bug in a M$ product? NO NEVER!! :p


Originally Posted by bitg
First, let me say "I love this addon"!! Thank you.

Is there a way to change the name of the points from "points" to "whatever I want to call them?

Yes, simply change the phrase ebux_points to what you want it to be.


Originally Posted by Zowners
I think I have found another bug. When adding reputation to a user, if you set it to give points for that, it doesn't work.

[s]Also, when ever I try that userinfo['points'], it gives me this error

However, if I take out the '' around the points, it doesn't say that, it just doesn't work. Am I supposed to close it off somehow?[/s] I got that to work with the bbuserinfo[points]

Anyway, I was wondering if there is any way to make it so that if a user changes his user title, he can do anything, like use bb code, italic it, etc. I don't like the fact that they have to buy 3 different things to do something that should be done in 1.

U can add a new store option to give all 3 at once, add the exact same thing as bold username for the add new option in the admin cp, then add up all of the "Set Values" for the username options u want to give all at once and enter that value in the Set Value of your new option and boom, u have all 3-in-1 or whatever.


Originally Posted by jojo77
Where do I find that? I have checked everything else. Access masks is enabled and when I go to that users access masks, I see that access to that forum has been set to no.

My default setting for access to that forum is set to yes. That is ok right? Because the user access masks that gets set to no after the ban access purchase should override it correct?

It's somewhere in the Usergroup Settings, I forget what the option is exactly. I had the same problem on my vB at my company website where I had forums "hidden", but everyone could post everywhere due to some of the usergroups overriding others.


Originally Posted by Gizmo5h1t3
REUWEST - can there be a facility so the winners of the lottery can be notified at all?

just asking, as i won the daily one onmy place yesterday, but i cant see any notification anywhere on the board....

PM would be good, altho others then wouldnt know who had won it.
mebbe something that could be set up so a standard post would automatically go into a forum of admins choosing??...(ie..in a lottery section)....giving date, lottery name, and winning amount?

just a thought.

The main page could show the top 5 lottery winners, but this will add a query too, unless I decide to store the top X winners into the datastore like the categories/whatnot, we'll see.

If you goto the lottery page it should now show a Previous Winners page.


Originally Posted by Zowners
Question, what would be the phrase to find the payment for threads and posts per forum. I was thinking something like

$bbforuminfo[points_thread] or something. But I am pretty sure that is wrong.

Most of the time its $foruminfo[ebux_perthread].


Originally Posted by caimakale
This is known and has no real fix. The only way around it is to turn off the points per character or if CMX codes in a "Max Points for Points per Character" that you can set in the admincp. It will suck for those that truly do have a long post, but for those trying to scheme more points, they would probably get frustrated and give up if it was set to 5 or 10 points.

I also hope admins don't have that set any higher than .01 because if you do, you are just asking for trouble. I tested it with it set to .1 and had a very lengthy post that was legit and ended up with over 2000 points for the post.

I've fixed this exploit in v1.1.8 :)


Originally Posted by trackpads
I just want to say thanks to the designers of this great project and everyone who is helping! My users love it!!

Thanx for supporting and using eBS!


Originally Posted by kylek
Originally Posted by kylek
Here's a strange one. Added an admin tonight, changed his usergroup from active member to administrator and now he cannot access the eStore, gets the you do not have permisson page. Anyone come across this before?

"CMX - Does administrator have the Usergroup Setting "Can Access eStore at all?" enabled to Yes?"

Yes admin settings are set for can access eStore at all, the same settings that I have also as the other admin. He can and has access to every part of the board, arcade, galley, petz, etc but cannot get into eStore.

I wonder if you change the user's usergroup does it update their permissions. Maybe its not changing the users permissions to the ones in the admin table properly? Anyone have any ideas?


Originally Posted by Zowners
Is there any way in the store, to change it so that when it displays the price of an item, it doesn't just say "8". I want it to say 8 (point name).

Also, is there any way that I could get this?


And I found a bug. I have it set so that adding reputation adds .01 points, but it doesn't add. Just thought I would point that out.

EDIT: I also just realized that if someone posts, and that posts gets deleted, they don't loose the points they gained from that.

They wont lose points ever from deleting a post because there are too many userids in the post and that would be a huge query to have to worry about if you had 2000 posts in 1 thread....


Originally Posted by bashy

I aint quite sure what to do here...

I thought i have sorted this so that i can use the ebux for VBookie
I am sure vbookie used ucash but i am now seeing vcash

I tried to do the uCash Integration but got this error...


Database error in vBulletin 3.5.3:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE forum SET ebux_perview=ucash_perview, ebux_perthread=ucash_perthread, ebux_perreply=ucash_perreply;

MySQL Error  : Unknown column 'ucash_perview' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date        : Monday, February 20th 2006 @ 09:07:58 PM
Script      : http://www.bashys-place.com/forums/admincp/estore.php
Referrer    : http://www.bashys-place.com/forums/admincp/estore.php?do=ucash

I am at a loss :(

Please help if you can

Looks like u didnt have ucash installed with the 3.5.0 version as it should have had that field.


Originally Posted by RDX1
I would like to make a suggestion.

For Theft, have a theft limit options. Set the max amount that can be stolen. :)

Thats a good idea, I'll add that option in at a later point.

v1.1.8 is getting uploaded while u r reading this!!


CMX_CMGSCCC 02-21-2006 12:03 AM

v1.1.8 Released:

1) Bugfix: Removal didnt check the flag if the user should receive a refund for some actions.
2) Bugfix: Change Signature didnt show in the postbit because permissions had to be 'modified' for it to show.
3) Admin Feature: Manage Options lists options by category now as well as in the proper display order inside each category.
4) OMFG PWN3D THE STORE LIKE A !*@#$@#$. There are now 109 eStore OPTIONS available for purchase!! TOO many to list here, so I'll just list the categories.
a) Generic Permission Options-Active By Default! (23 Options!)
b) Moderator Permission Options-NOT Active By Default! (23 Options!)
c) Administrator Permission Options-NOT Active By Defaul! (16 Options!)
5) Since I passed itemid 100, I had to increase the number of ID's for 3rd party addons, sorry if this breaks anything in your addon :(, I never thought I would break 100 Item ID's!!! The lowest ID it uses for 3rd party addons now when Adding a New Option is 501.
6) Can see User's History inside the Admin CP when viewing the user's info.
7) Bugfix: eStore Setting to limit amount of gifts to show in the postbit works properly now.
8) Bugfix: Typo in the action.primaryusergroup.php script now fixed.
9) Bugfix: Exploit hole was closed, thanx to the user who reported this, I will not list your name here in case people would want to send hate mail because they can't exploit the system anymore! hehe
10) Bugfix: Birthday cron condition was backwards, oops, it should function 100% proper now all of the time.
11) Admin Feature: Add New Option and Edit Option look more cleaned up now.
12) New eStore Item Table Field: This new field is so you can set settings for each individual store action to be used inside an action.whatever.php custom script. Take a look at Thief to see that the settings that used to be inside eStore Options, are now inside the Thief Item itself when you Manage Options and click on Thief.



Retell 02-21-2006 12:09 AM

Running just fine, tnx another effecient and perfect update CMX! :) BTW gotta love those new buttons ;)

Colejo 02-21-2006 12:10 AM

I have a question about the lottery. I had a weekly lottery set that should have picked a winner this morning but it didn't. Also I had my tickets set for 1000 points but I went to buy another one and it was something like 920 points. Is there a setting that reduces the cost after you buy so many?

dirtycrow 02-21-2006 12:10 AM

umm. . . 2 questions.

my first lottery was supposed to end at

Lottery Ends Approximately: 02-20-2006, 04:52 PM
it appears no one won, however, when i go in to buy a new one it says

Lottery Ends Approximately: 02-20-2006, 04:52 PM
as if that date and time has not passed yet

ALSO, how do i set yup a daily lottery?

creedmaniac 02-21-2006 12:12 AM

so only the postbit template needs to be edited for 1.8? just making sure before i screw something up

Colejo 02-21-2006 12:12 AM

That's how mine is also dirtycrow.

Retell 02-21-2006 12:16 AM

Go and make sure that the lotto is running in your scheduled tasks, then run it. That should fix it :) At least that is what CMX told me :)

kylek 02-21-2006 12:22 AM

Originally Posted by kylek
Here's a strange one. Added an admin tonight, changed his usergroup from active member to administrator and now he cannot access the eStore, gets the you do not have permisson page. Anyone come across this before?

"CMX - Does administrator have the Usergroup Setting "Can Access eStore at all?" enabled to Yes?"

Yes admin settings are set for can access eStore at all, the same settings that I have also as the other admin. He can and has access to every part of the board, arcade, galley, petz, etc but cannot get into eStore.

CMX-"I wonder if you change the user's usergroup does it update their permissions. Maybe its not changing the users permissions to the ones in the admin table properly? Anyone have any ideas?"

Whatever the problem was went away when I uninstalled eBux /eStore and then re-installed, now the new admin can see and do everything.

Colejo 02-21-2006 12:22 AM

It's in my scheduled tasks with the next time showing 02-20-2006 11:30 PM but the eStore shows Lottery Ends Approximately: 02-20-2006, 08:42 AM.

Colejo 02-21-2006 12:24 AM

I had it run now and it worked.

RDX1 02-21-2006 12:25 AM

Bug in 1.1.8?

Seems all my users were given random ite history in the admincp?

CMX_CMGSCCC 02-21-2006 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by Colejo
I have a question about the lottery. I had a weekly lottery set that should have picked a winner this morning but it didn't. Also I had my tickets set for 1000 points but I went to buy another one and it was something like 920 points. Is there a setting that reduces the cost after you buy so many?

There is a discount setting for some usergroups, that will lower the cost of all items that are purchaseable.


Originally Posted by dirtycrow
umm. . . 2 questions.

my first lottery was supposed to end at

it appears no one won, however, when i go in to buy a new one it says as if that date and time has not passed yet

ALSO, how do i set yup a daily lottery?

Update to v1.1.8 and it will start working daily like it was supposed to.

ALSO: The times may be the time zone your server is setup for, not your current timezone so it may not have passed yet.


Originally Posted by kylek
Originally Posted by kylek
Here's a strange one. Added an admin tonight, changed his usergroup from active member to administrator and now he cannot access the eStore, gets the you do not have permisson page. Anyone come across this before?

"CMX - Does administrator have the Usergroup Setting "Can Access eStore at all?" enabled to Yes?"

Yes admin settings are set for can access eStore at all, the same settings that I have also as the other admin. He can and has access to every part of the board, arcade, galley, petz, etc but cannot get into eStore.

CMX-"I wonder if you change the user's usergroup does it update their permissions. Maybe its not changing the users permissions to the ones in the admin table properly? Anyone have any ideas?"

Whatever the problem was went away when I uninstalled eBux /eStore and then re-installed, now the new admin can see and do everything.

Sounds like a permission didnt get updated properly, thats weird, I've set a user to admin here and all was well, weird.


Originally Posted by RDX1
Bug in 1.1.8?

Seems all my users were given random ite history in the admincp?

What do you mean? The item history wasnt even touched in the 1.1.8 update to my knowledge... lol


creedmaniac 02-21-2006 12:36 AM

i'm guessing the only way to change the points/store name to something other than ebux/estore/points is to go in to the phrases, search for those terms...and manually edit every one of the error messages and everything?

CMX_CMGSCCC 02-21-2006 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by creedmaniac
i'm guessing the only way to change the points/store name to something other than ebux/estore/points is to go in to the phrases, search for those terms...and manually edit every one of the error messages and everything?

For now, they will be updated later on to be "constructed" though in a future release.


dan35 02-21-2006 12:40 AM

Lottery Active: No option isn't workin'.

creedmaniac 02-21-2006 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by CMX_CMGSCCC
For now, they will be updated later on to be "constructed" though in a future release.


figures i'd have to want to change the thing that occurs like 100 times...lol

will i have to do this on every update or do phrase translations stay through a product overwrite?

XanTrax 02-21-2006 12:42 AM

There were two people who reported the bug :p. I was one (SO LIST ME! j/k) and the other one posted it and I forgot his name.

Also apparently there is an exploit as well that isnt really traceable through logs and etc. I will see what I can find out.

lordofgun 02-21-2006 12:43 AM

wow...great job on all the new features.

Just one more admin feature I'd like: ability for all users to give unlimited rep without having to spread it around or abide by the 24-hour rule. :D My members are clamoring for it.

CMX_CMGSCCC 02-21-2006 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by dan35
Lottery Active: No option isn't workin'.

After installing v1.1.8, goto Scheduled Tasks and run the Lottery Processing Cron Task, it should start working daily from that point on.


Originally Posted by creedmaniac
figures i'd have to want to change the thing that occurs like 100 times...lol

will i have to do this on every update or do phrase translations stay through a product overwrite?

I would think they stay thru upgrades, but not 100% sure.

Zowners: U'll have to edit one of the templates and put $vbphrase[ebux_points] after where it shows the cost.

I'll have to take a look into the reputation thing tomorrow, its bed time after I finish this post.


Originally Posted by XanTrax
There were two people who reported the bug :p. I was one (SO LIST ME! j/k) and the other one posted it and I forgot his name.

Also apparently there is an exploit as well that isnt really traceable through logs and etc. I will see what I can find out.

The exploit is fixed in v1.1.8, it had to do with posts that were getting "errors", it would add the points even though there was an error, that is fixed in v1.1.8.


Originally Posted by lordofgun
wow...great job on all the new features.

Just one more admin feature I'd like: ability for all users to give unlimited rep without having to spread it around or abide by the 24-hour rule. :D My members are clamoring for it.

Thats a $vbulletin->option? If so, should be pretty easy to fix, I'll look into it soon.


lordofgun 02-21-2006 01:12 AM


Thats a $vbulletin->option? If so, should be pretty easy to fix, I'll look into it soon.

Admins already have the ability. I wouldn't think it would be too hard to extend that to other usergroups through the store.

Thanks for looking into it!

Hornstar 02-21-2006 01:18 AM

If I install this now, there are no problems upgrading it each time a new version comes out is there? Or will people loose points and things they have paid for?

Rickie3 02-21-2006 01:22 AM

wow finding it hard to keep up with all these updates lol,great work thankyou *updated*

dan35 02-21-2006 01:25 AM

I mean the option "No" of "Lottery Active" is not working. It always shows "Yes".

Zowners 02-21-2006 01:25 AM

Bugs I have found:

1) A thread counts as a post. So if you make 1 point per thread, and 1 per post, you get 2 for a thread.
2) Reputation adding doesn't add to the points.

ImportPassion 02-21-2006 01:27 AM

I have 2 requests for the hack of the year!!

1. Be able to completely delete/remove the mod/admin options and/or anything I don't need. Less cluter, plus I don't like having those high risk options there.

2. Complete history admin in the admin section. Be able to search by user, date, addon etc. Then you can remove the one in each product in the store.

Keep up the awesome work. I bought a beer for you on my site!

Hornstar 02-21-2006 01:38 AM

In my postbit and postbit legacy i dont have $vbphrase[posts]: $post[posts] because another hack removed it.

Where should i insert $post[glowstrength]); width:100%;"><else /><div id="postmenu_$post[postid]"></if>


i used to have ustore installed in 3.0.x forums, I searched and I found I already have $post[glowstrength]); width:100%;"><else /><div id="postmenu_$post[postid]"></if> because of that old installation.

Should I remove that old installation first, if so How should I do that.


mikeylikesitz 02-21-2006 01:53 AM

i have a bug in creating a new usergroup and wanted to see if ebux/estore had anything to do with it


### INSERT QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###INSERT INTO forumpermission
        (`forumid`, `usergroupid`, `forumpermissions`)
        ('9', '20', '0');

MySQL Error  : Duplicate entry '20-9' for key 2
Error Number : 1062
Date        : Monday, February 20th 2006 @ 07:37:32 PM
Script      : http://www.gamersvault.net/forum/admincp/usergroup.php
Referrer    : http://www.gamersvault.net/forum/admincp/usergroup.php

updated to 1.18 and still get the error, this is the only thing ive added recently as far as plugins are concerned. If this isnt a ebux issue, sorry for the post.

Keep up the good work!!

Zowners 02-21-2006 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by CMX_CMGSCCC
They wont lose points ever from deleting a post because there are too many userids in the post and that would be a huge query to have to worry about if you had 2000 posts in 1 thread....

Well, I have a hack that auto closes the thread when it reaches 1000. And I never plan on having one that big. I just think that even with the query, it would be worth it. Because that is a fairly big exploit right there. If a user finds this out, he can get a lot of points without me knowing. Or if he makes a horrible post, I delete it, he basically stole the points from me.

Rickie3 02-21-2006 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by mikeylikesitz
i have a bug in creating a new usergroup and wanted to see if ebux/estore had anything to do with it


### INSERT QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###INSERT INTO forumpermission
        (`forumid`, `usergroupid`, `forumpermissions`)
        ('9', '20', '0');

MySQL Error  : Duplicate entry '20-9' for key 2
Error Number : 1062
Date        : Monday, February 20th 2006 @ 07:37:32 PM
Script      : http://www.gamersvault.net/forum/admincp/usergroup.php
Referrer    : http://www.gamersvault.net/forum/admincp/usergroup.php

updated to 1.18 and still get the error, this is the only thing ive added recently as far as plugins are concerned. If this isnt a ebux issue, sorry for the post.

Keep up the good work!!

a simple test would be disable the ebux plugin then try and create a new usergroup to see if the error happens again,its not likeley your error is caused by ebux/estore as the error reported is usergroup.php

KevinL 02-21-2006 02:24 AM

I really really think this needs its own forum!

Great work! :)

Rickie3 02-21-2006 02:27 AM

i dont know if this has been asked before, but when i first installed this,a few of my members bought gifts,and now ive upgraded from the first release to the current v1.1.8 ,now in v1.1.6 i set gifts to expire in 1 day but those gifts are still showing in members posts how do i get rid of those gifts?

XanTrax 02-21-2006 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by CMX_CMGSCCC

The exploit is fixed in v1.1.8, it had to do with posts that were getting "errors", it would add the points even though there was an error, that is fixed in v1.1.8.


I will then further investigate this new one. Users points are increasing 10 folds. If I had coded this it would have been much easier to find the exploits :p.

RDX1 02-21-2006 02:45 AM


Originally Posted by CMX_CMGSCCC
What do you mean? The item history wasnt even touched in the 1.1.8 update to my knowledge... lol


Every memeber has something like this as their item history. 1) I never had these options active and 2) they all seem to be random.

Hornstar 02-21-2006 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by hornstar1337
In my postbit and postbit legacy i dont have $vbphrase[posts]: $post[posts] because another hack removed it.

Where should i insert $post[glowstrength]); width:100%;"><else /><div id="postmenu_$post[postid]"></if>


i used to have ustore installed in 3.0.x forums, I searched and I found I already have $post[glowstrength]); width:100%;"><else /><div id="postmenu_$post[postid]"></if> because of that old installation.

Should I remove that old installation first, if so How should I do that.


Anyone had this problem as well.

MorrisMcD 02-21-2006 04:02 AM

My glow STILL doesnt work.. It starts right at the right of the username and goes over the online status only...

All other username items work fine.. :shrug:

I even moved the online status stuff down as suggested by someone and it just put a small line next to the name since nothing was there to highlight.. Is it possible to make this glow the same way it did before the .6 update?

Colejo 02-21-2006 04:24 AM

What about an option in the store to buy a smilie so that it is named after their username?

jilly 02-21-2006 04:36 AM

I'd like to see a 'greeting card' option added = I know it may be a lot of code, but just thought I would ask anyway :)
Here's what I can come up with for details as of now

* User purchases a card for another member under the misc options area

* User is taken to a place to pick options to 'design' the card - design the card options include:

> Pick card background
> Pick graphic for the card
> Type in area for text - user types in their message to the other user.
> Pick time expiration for card (1 day, 7 days, 30 days, etc)

* Card is 'sent' to the recipient (recipient receives a pm letting them know they have an estore card to pick up with a link - the link takes them to a card pick-up area to see their card.

* Sender is notified when their card has been picked up.

* Extra idea for public cards - card pickup area could include a public and private area - if someone picks a card to be 'public' when they create it, then everyone can see them - they would display in a tiled manner in a card area of the estore
If someone picks a card to be 'private' then only the recipient sees it.

If you do work this up, I can donate some backgrounds/imgaes/graphics if you are interested..

Hornstar 02-21-2006 05:33 AM

Still cant install this because In my postbit and postbit legacy i dont have $vbphrase[posts]: $post[posts]

And ideas on where to put it now?

I used to have ushop installed should i remove this first? if so how?

Please help asap, thanks

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