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ecansel 09-16-2006 07:46 PM

You can use also PHPTriad

Wabuf 09-29-2006 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by ecansel
You can use also PHPTriad

Thanks! You made it easier... some links weren't working... but make sure to update your PHP if you want to run 3.6.1

Kirk Y 10-23-2006 07:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Barteken
I got a cookie problem. When i login it says i'm logged in but then it just brings me to where i started and i have to login again. I added the notice to my config, still doesn't work...

I realize this quote is rather dated, but I too recently had this problem and needed a solution. Attached is a script Mike Sullivan posted at vB.com to fix the issue, I've edited it to be compatible with 3.5.x/3.6.x.

Hopefull this'll save someone from pulling their hair out. Cheers!

DustyWhistler 11-15-2006 12:59 AM


This worked well for me, thanks a lot!

Red Blaze 09-16-2008 09:04 PM

This is the first time I'm installing all this, and I'm so very lost...

I have the directories like so:


I'm stuck configuring Apache on Step 6 because it can't find php5apache2.dll

It's there, but it won't recognize it. I'm installing the latest software, Apache 2.2, PHP5.2.6, and MySQL 5.0 on Windows Vista. (I don't like Vista, either, but it's all I have to work with.) I'm retraced my steps in the guide, but nothing seems to change. Is there a more up to date guide?? Thank you, help would greatly be appreciated.

Raptor 10-13-2008 05:10 PM

this article is old hat now - i used xampp and was up and running with a localhost vb within 5 mins

sweet :)

paintballer.ie 01-14-2009 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Raptor (Post 1644259)
this article is old hat now - i used xampp and was up and running with a localhost vb within 5 mins

sweet :)

can you post details please?

mmoore5553 01-20-2009 01:00 PM

this is a great tut i have setup newest of mysql , apache , and php. i have one question. I am down to actually doing the vbulletin on my pc. If i want to have exact copy of what is online and what i have on my pc ..

what are the best steps ?

i got confused by what is all out there. Do i install vbulletin like normal on my pc but create database the same name ? also how do i get my template there which i did tons of modifications to the normal template ..i am not takling add on mods ..i am not worried about those ...just the modifications i did to my template ? any help would be appreciated.

Vaupell 02-08-2009 01:30 PM

This tutorial is kinda old, just get Xampp or another "complete server repack"

i use Xampp easy and runs anywher..

excelent to setup a dev board or similar.

vbplusme 02-11-2009 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by mmoore5553 (Post 1718948)
this is a great tut i have setup newest of mysql , apache , and php. i have one question. I am down to actually doing the vbulletin on my pc. If i want to have exact copy of what is online and what i have on my pc ..

what are the best steps ?

i got confused by what is all out there. Do i install vbulletin like normal on my pc but create database the same name ? also how do i get my template there which i did tons of modifications to the normal template ..i am not takling add on mods ..i am not worried about those ...just the modifications i did to my template ? any help would be appreciated.

Get a complete backup of your live site and download it to your local PC. Create a new database on your local system name it exactly what your live site database is called. Import your database like you would if you were going to move your site. You have to change the config.php file (username and passwork, the datebase name should be the same.) If you are using a subfolder on your local system and not root, you need to add /subfoldername to the forum path in the config.php file. If you are using a CPanel backup, copy the contents of the public_html folder to your local forum folder.

You will need to change the path settings in vboptions if you can log into admincp. If you can not, you can manually change them in the database in the settings table. You will need change the http://www.yoursite.com to http://localhost/yoursite.

Basically that should get you a functional duplicate of your live site.

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