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Ronin Storm 07-10-2006 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by Rio Grande
I searched in the tread but I found nothing to limit de number of Shouts in the historic.
Must I delete them manually or somebody make ? hack for this ?

No limits, certainly, but if you're needing a constant pruning of your shoutbox then this post (earlier in this thread) will give you a link to a simple PHP file that you can run through vB's cron system to prune on a schedule.

Hornstar 07-11-2006 12:00 AM

It would be good if we could set what commands the mods and smods and admins are allowed to use.

lightwave 07-11-2006 02:47 AM

i've been warned that thing system uses a lot of resources. my shoutbox gets about 1,500 shouts a day...how big of a server issue is that? in terms of bandwidth and resources.

Shazz 07-11-2006 03:15 AM

Clear the shouts every night ^ ;)
Toyota Hiace

timk 07-11-2006 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by CP1
try reimporting the product and uploading the files again

try reimporting the product and uploading the files again for the first problem...

for the second problem, http://www.yourdomain.com/vbshout.php?do=archive is where you should see the delete and edit...

Tried reimporting and still have the same problem - no timestamps on the shouts.

Also, you have misunderstood my second problem. On the first screenshot in this thread it shows the vbShout options in the adminCP. By the side of some of those options are edit and delete links. I don't have those links. I am not referring to the ones in the shoutbox archive.

malady 07-11-2006 09:17 AM

ok not sure if this is covered anywhere. I tried searching to no avail. I use VB 3.5 Black style and the default text is black over a black background. I cant find anywhere in the css to change the default text to white. Any ideas?

peterska2 07-11-2006 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by timk
Also, you have misunderstood my second problem. On the first screenshot in this thread it shows the vbShout options in the adminCP. By the side of some of those options are edit and delete links. I don't have those links. I am not referring to the ones in the shoutbox archive.

Thats not a problem, the screenshot was taken in the development (debug) mode where additional developer options are available. As the majority of admins have no need for these options (and it's not a good idea to have it on on your live board anyway) they are hidden by default.

timk 07-11-2006 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by peterska2
Thats not a problem, the screenshot was taken in the development (debug) mode where additional developer options are available. As the majority of admins have no need for these options (and it's not a good idea to have it on on your live board anyway) they are hidden by default.

Oh ok.

Still doesn't explain why my default install of vbShout doesn't have any timstamps in the shoutbox unlike the 3rd screenshot at the top.

Rio Grande 07-11-2006 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Ronin Storm
No limits, certainly, but if you're needing a constant pruning of your shoutbox then this post (earlier in this thread) will give you a link to a simple PHP file that you can run through vB's cron system to prune on a schedule.

very nice thanks for de answer, I have just to set the time I want it's perfect ! A shout limit is better but it's better then nothing.

I have jute one question left, if I run the file, the total of the shout for the users remain the same ?

Ohiosweetheart 07-11-2006 07:57 PM

Is anyone running this on 3.6 yet?

Gary King 07-12-2006 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by hurleybird
No one knows this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I'd like to also know how to close the shoutbox by default.

Ronin Storm 07-12-2006 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by Rio Grande
I have jute one question left, if I run the file, the total of the shout for the users remain the same ?

No. The shoutbox totals are calculated live on archive page view, so if a user only has made 20 shouts since the last cron-prune then that's all they will have listed.

However, that works really well for my boards because the users use post count as a measure of "board contribution" and shoutbox counts as a measure of "how much free time did you have in the past week" (I prune older than 7 days). I use the shoutbox to catch all the drivel that might otherwise have made it onto the boards proper.

Alien 07-12-2006 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by Ohiosweetheart
Is anyone running this on 3.6 yet?

Works fine on 3.6.

foopy 07-13-2006 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by Ohiosweetheart
Is anyone running this on 3.6 yet?

I have it on 3.6 b4. Running fine. No problems whatsoever.

Citizen E 07-13-2006 02:05 AM

I received an error when changing some of the options, but it works well with the default settings. Although it doesn't render quotation marks.

haris_led 07-13-2006 09:40 PM

Hello, can someone tell me how may I make vbshout to log all the shouts in a file, or page?
I do not mean the archive page, but something more simple, do you have something in mind?
Thank you :)

ashley53680 07-13-2006 10:07 PM

I have installed vbshout on our forum. It's working except that I banned certian usergroups from viewing the posts. When I am not logged in, as a guest, I keep getting an error in that section.

PHP Code:

Warningarray_reverse(): The argument should be an array in /vbshout.php on line 287

Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /vbshout.php on line 293 

Anyone know what could be wrong? Thanks!


hohleweg 07-14-2006 08:46 PM

Hello If I click on "Shoutbox" happened nihts, I come not into the menu that can lie? www.buggy125.de
greeting jo

Gewow 07-14-2006 11:18 PM

i didnt search through these 130+ pages, but when you type > or < in the shoutbox, the actual html code for that character shows up...i.e. &gt; and &lt;

any way to fix that?

haris_led 07-14-2006 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by Gewow
i didnt search through these 130+ pages, but when you type > or < in the shoutbox, the actual html code for that character shows up...i.e. &gt; and &lt;

any way to fix that?

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...674#post958674;) :cool:

hohleweg 07-16-2006 08:22 PM

... look at post 1980 i need help
when i klick to "shotbox" nothing happend! why??

thisgeek 07-18-2006 05:33 AM

Awesome - the vBShout_V3 fix that was posted quite awhile back works fine. Have no entity issues.

Also, Ronin Storm's Apostrophe fix works like a charm. Thanks!

Watched 07-18-2006 07:40 AM

i have a glitch to report.. and hopefully find a resolution to.. when i set vbshout to include the not logged in/unreg'd members to the banned usergoups list.. i see this error when i load my forum..

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /vbshout.php on line 293

.. yet when i log in.. it works fine.. any way to replace that error with either a blank box.. as i had set in the options.. ?

Trana 07-19-2006 04:09 AM

Has anyone tried to create multiple shoutboxes for the same forum? For example, I'd like the ability to have a private shoutbox in the admin forum.

Any idea how to do this?


TheBlackPoet 07-19-2006 05:03 AM

i love the shoutbox... it works perfectly... but is there a way to delete the old content in bulk vs. individually??

devilrulez 07-19-2006 05:39 AM

How can i allow my Super moderators to ban users from shoutbox?

Ohiosweetheart 07-19-2006 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by TheBlackPoet
i love the shoutbox... it works perfectly... but is there a way to delete the old content in bulk vs. individually??

sure is. In the line where you type your messages, just type /prune and hit shout or your enter key.

louis_chypher 07-19-2006 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Ohiosweetheart
sure is. In the line where you type your messages, just type /prune and hit shout or your enter key.

or you can use auto prune

Watched 07-19-2006 09:03 PM

no help on the bug i posted above?


i have a glitch to report.. and hopefully find a resolution to.. when i set vbshout to include the not logged in/unreg'd members to the banned usergoups list.. i see this error when i load my forum..

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /vbshout.php on line 293

.. yet when i log in.. it works fine.. any way to replace that error with either a blank box.. as i had set in the options.. ?

Ronin Storm 07-20-2006 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by thisgeek
Also, Ronin Storm's Apostrophe fix works like a charm. Thanks!

You're welcome. Glad someone else has had chance to make use of it and see it working okay for them. :)

gameslover 07-21-2006 10:00 AM

I have a little problem, it seems that the symbol "€" don't want to appear in the shoutbox, have you the same problem too ? Is there a way to fix that ?
Thanks :)

haris_led 07-21-2006 10:17 AM

Hello, my members suggested me to put somewhere a link to the smilies.
So, i think there is somethink that we do not use, the word "emotions" when smlies button is clicked. :)
You can edit the template forumhome_vbshout and find the word Emoticons, it is in the 13th line in the default template:)
You can replace that with:

<a href='http://www.MYSITE.com/forum/misc.php?do=showsmilies'>Emoticons</a>
Enjoy! :D:D

Rickie3 07-23-2006 12:25 AM

version 5.0 of shout?

leestrong7 07-23-2006 06:26 AM

Great modification!

ed2k_2 07-23-2006 03:59 PM

Hi guys,

It's seem that I intalled it perfectly except that the smiles don't appear on the shoutbox panel. What maybe the cause why smilies don't appear?


Ambie 07-24-2006 08:48 AM

My host made me take this out because they said the server load was to high. Now we are all depressed.:( Anyone know of any good host that will let me run this?

Ronin Storm 07-24-2006 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Ambie
My host made me take this out because they said the server load was to high.

The server load for this is shockingly high. Unless you own your own server then you can probably kiss this mod goodbye.

Ambie 07-24-2006 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Ronin Storm
The server load for this is shockingly high. Unless you own your own server then you can probably kiss this mod goodbye.

Yeah, after checking with several other hosts this morning. I realize this. No one seems to want this or any other real time chat applications. Oh well.:( Reluctantly clicking uninstall. :cry:

Ronin Storm 07-24-2006 12:22 PM

This post replaces my previous post on this subject, which I have (or will very shortly) edit to include a pointer direct to this post. Please see the bottom of this post for a bug fix to the original post.


Not seen this fix mentioned in the past 30 or so pages, nor does it come up on a thread search, so hopefully this is useful to some of you.

The Apostrophe Bug

The problem is that when you type a shout with one or more apostrophes in it when you go to edit that shout only the text up to but not including the first apostrophe appears. This is because, behind the scenes, the shouts are held in blocks delimited by apostrophes... so an apostrophe in the text truncates the result returned.

I've been running this hack-fix for around a week on a live board that receives 1000 or so shouts per week and I've not had any trouble.

In vbshout.php, on approx line 223, find:

PHP Code:

$Shout['s_shout']  = bbcodeparser($Shout['s_shout']); 

... replace with:

PHP Code:

$Shout['s_shout']  = bbcodeparser(str_replace("&apos;""'"$Shout['s_shout'])); 

On approx line 338, find:

PHP Code:

$vbulletin->GPC['shout'] = convert_urlencoded_unicode($vbulletin->GPC['shout']); 

... replace with:

PHP Code:

$vbulletin->GPC['shout'] = convert_urlencoded_unicode(str_replace("'""&apos;"$vbulletin->GPC['shout'])); 

On approx line 409, find:

PHP Code:

$Shout['s_shout']  = bbcodeparser($Shout['s_shout']); 

... replace with:

PHP Code:

$Shout['s_shout']  = bbcodeparser(str_replace("&apos;""'"$Shout['s_shout'])); 

In essence, this replaces instances of apostrophes with the entity reference &apos; for storage and then converts the entity references back to apostrophes just in time to be displayed.

Please note that I've used the various fixes (and fixes of those fixes) to remove the injection issues highlighted by staffers here. If you're getting &quot; instead of " in your shoutbox then you've probably not applied the fixes described in this thread on the posted "fixed" vbShout code and you probably should not use this hack-fix until you have.

Please let me know if you have any problems with this fix.

(ZT seems to be on indefinite leave so I've bypassed the bug reporting / waiting for response cycle so that people can try this out. I hope I don't offend anyone by this!)


BUG FIX (24 July 2006)

I discovered that there is an issue. Roughly, the issue occurs when you post a shout that has apostrophes, then go to edit it, submit that edit (which also has apostrophes in it) and then edit it again. The second edit retains the original apostrophe bug. This is because the AJAX edit was not also protected in the same way as the original shout.

The changes below should resolve this issue.

In vbshout.php, on approx line 518. find:

PHP Code:

$vbulletin->GPC['shout'] = convert_urlencoded_unicode($vbulletin->GPC['shout']); 

Replace with:

PHP Code:

$vbulletin->GPC['shout'] = convert_urlencoded_unicode(str_replace("'""&apos;"$vbulletin->GPC['shout'])); 

On approx line 524, find:

PHP Code:

$Shout['s_shout']  = bbcodeparser($Shout['s_shout']); 

Replace with:

PHP Code:

$Shout['s_shout']  = bbcodeparser(str_replace("&apos;""'"$Shout['s_shout'])); 

And that should be okay now. I believe. :)

Let me know if you have any issues with it!

thisgeek 07-24-2006 12:54 PM

Thanks for the bugfix.

The only thing I've done differently is to change the &apos; symbol to " &_#39;" (added an underscore cuz the post converts it to an apostrophe) because I read somewhere that &apos; may not work in IE.

I've also come across an issue (not related to the Apostrophe fix) where normal users can't edit or delete their own shouts. It appears to work, but nothing happens. If this is happening to you, here's the fix:

Edit vbshout.php:

In the function:

// ---------------------------------------------------
// AJAX Edit Shout
// ---------------------------------------------------

Find this line:
PHP Code:

if ($Shout['sid'] != $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] && !can_moderate()) 

and change it to:
PHP Code:

if ($Shout['s_by'] != $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] && !can_moderate()) 

In the function:

// ---------------------------------------------------
// AJAX Delete Shout
// ---------------------------------------------------

Find the line:
PHP Code:

if ($Shout['sid'] != $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] && !can_moderate()) 

and change it to:
PHP Code:

if ($Shout['s_by'] != $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] && !can_moderate()) 

Hope this helps.

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