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GrendelKhan{TSU 06-04-2006 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
The files should all be uploaded into exactly the directories supplied in the addon, and then the plugin xml shouold be imported. Once that's done - at least with Firefox and IE6 - the magnifying glass behaves differently. It's a test towards extending the photo album features of LDM.

hmm... did that.

uploaded entire "lightbox-icon" folder to forums root:

www. mysite. com/forums/lightbox-icon

just to be safe I even uploaded to images folder:
www. mysite. com/forums/images/lightbox-icon

I even uploaded the contents of the lightbot folder to icons folder...

but still nothing. or I'm not seeing what its supposed to do. :(

feel free to check....

AndrewD 06-04-2006 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
different question..
I have two boards. is it possible to import/transfer LDM files/links from one to the other?

Yes - if you want to do a complete transfer - use the xml export facility (LDM/admin/import and export) then the xml import addin

I intended at some stage to modify these to allow partial exports/imports, i.e to allow people to easily integrate sublibraries. I haven't got round to this yet.

AndrewD 06-04-2006 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU

I see what you mean. Interesting thing is, when I dump the html source for that page onto my server, and point my browser at it, the plugin works fine. Will check further

GrendelKhan{TSU 06-04-2006 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
I see what you mean. Interesting thing is, when I dump the html source for that page onto my server, and point my browser at it, the plugin works fine. Will check further

thanks! let me know what you find out. :) I'm just happy that I wasn't imagining it or doing something totally stupid (entirely likely ;)).


It's a test towards extending the photo album features of LDM.

this just sunk in... that would be awesome.

this could take out all the galleries in one swoop! dang it.. now you making me wonder if I shoulda have installed a gallery. :/ grrrr. anyway...sounds very exciting. just remember that all the best photo galleries have bulk upload features. :p


also if you are going for multiple functionality (already acts as a video library, download center, and links directory and now maybe photo gallery? ;))....
we are going to need to be able to choose different postbit displays for each category. (I'd love that NOW.) cause links and files and videos and photos need to be displayed much differently.... what works for one...doesn't really work for the others (again, I have this trouble now. :/)

just my2cents.

keep up the incredible work. :D

Alfa1 06-04-2006 06:47 PM

My forum has 608 files attached to various threads. I'd like to review them and add those I approve to LDM. Is there an easy way to do this?

EasyTarget 06-04-2006 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
just remember that all the best photo galleries have bulk upload features.

you can use ftp to upload and make an excel sheet to add all the info to the database.

also if you are going for multiple functionality (already acts as a video library, download center, and links directory and now maybe photo gallery? ;))....we are going to need to be able to choose different postbit displays for each category. (I'd love that NOW.) cause links and files and videos and photos need to be displayed much differently.... what works for one...doesn't really work for the others (again, I have this trouble now. :/)
It already acts as a photo gallery and has a template already built in for displaying photos (links_linkbit_photos). It works really well imo.

obmob 06-04-2006 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by EasyTarget
you can use ftp to upload and make an excel sheet to add all the info to the database.

:surprised: how... can you post an example? ^^

u.u no support for me this weekend, still stucked and can't start uploading.
Help, Andrew, Help! :knockedout:

testing2 06-04-2006 11:39 PM

Hi, I have installed this mod and it's really useful. I have a problem though - it takes about 20 seconds to load the front page. All the rest of the pages load without any reduction in speed (1-3 seconds). I have about 150 links added so far and no file uploads.

Does anyone know of a way to speed up the page loading speed of the main page? I tried changing settings for number of most popular links and depth of categories shown but that didn't help.

Thank you.

AndrewD 06-05-2006 04:24 AM


Originally Posted by Alfa1
My forum has 608 files attached to various threads. I'd like to review them and add those I approve to LDM. Is there an easy way to do this?

This has been on the wish list for some time - transfer/add attachments to LDM (in fact it was my original reason for starting this project!). When I get more than a few minutes, I will probably do an add on for this.

Question: files can be 'attached' in several ways:
a) as VB attachments, held in the database
b) as VB attachments, held in the filestore
c) using the 'url' BBcode
Which are you referring to?

AndrewD 06-05-2006 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by obmob
u.u no support for me this weekend, still stucked and can't start uploading.
Help, Andrew, Help! :knockedout:

Am also knocked out! - I've taken part in eight conferences and several other workshops in eight countries in the last six weeks, so there hasn't been too much time for coding. Things should quieten down reasonably soon.

AndrewD 06-05-2006 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by testing2
Hi, I have installed this mod and it's really useful. I have a problem though - it takes about 20 seconds to load the front page. All the rest of the pages load without any reduction in speed (1-3 seconds). I have about 150 links added so far and no file uploads.

Does anyone know of a way to speed up the page loading speed of the main page? I tried changing settings for number of most popular links and depth of categories shown but that didn't help.

Thank you.

This surprises me, as the front page uses the same code as the rest. Couple of suggestions
- try setting LDM/admin *show_hit_parade* to zero
- try loading one of the inner pages in LDM directly from a clean browser launch (e.g. point your browser at http://yoursite/local_links.php?catid=1). Is this slow - in other words, is it the first page that is slow or the home page?
- edit your VB includes/config.php and add the following line:

$config['Misc']['debug'] = true;
at the bottom. This adds debugging code to VB, and you will get a timer/database hit record at the bottom of each page, with an 'Explain' link. On your LDM home page, click on 'Explain', and it will tell you where the time is being spent. (On my test board, the home page requires 15 database lookups and 0.1 seconds.)

Send me a PM with your findings and we can try to get to the bottom of this.

GrendelKhan{TSU 06-05-2006 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by EasyTarget
you can use ftp to upload and make an excel sheet to add all the info to the database.It already acts as a photo gallery and has a template already built in for displaying photos (links_linkbit_photos). It works really well imo.

I know it already does ... superficially. but andrew mentioned further development to this end so that's why I got pumped. ;)

also, I know you can use the links_linksbit_photos as well.. .but as far as I can tell... you can't use different linkbits for different categories. I don't want to use that for my links category or say, my files categories... only for the section dedicated to photos....

can I request that as a future feature Andrew? (or is it there and I just missed it?)

AndrewD 06-05-2006 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
but as far as I can tell... you can't use different linkbits for different categories. I don't want to use that for my links category or say, my files categories... only for the section dedicated to photos....

Yes you can.

Edit the category (LDM/category/drop down menu)

Three tabs across the top: Category Details, Display Settings, User Group Permissions.

Display Settings and User Group Permissions allow you to override the main admin settings for the current category and by default its children.

So for the category you want to use for photos, go to the Display Settings tab and change template_linkbit

obmob 06-05-2006 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Am also knocked out! - I've taken part in eight conferences and several other workshops in eight countries in the last six weeks, so there hasn't been too much time for coding. Things should quieten down reasonably soon.

oh... very busy, well... i can wait :bunny:

EasyTarget 06-05-2006 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Yes you can.

Edit the category (LDM/category/drop down menu)

Three tabs across the top: Category Details, Display Settings, User Group Permissions.

Display Settings and User Group Permissions allow you to override the main admin settings for the current category and by default its children.

So for the category you want to use for photos, go to the Display Settings tab and change template_linkbit

yeah, I must say the flexibility of this hack is awesome. I love that I can display the content in category in many different ways. This allows me to have one style for just links, another for downloads/programs which require more detailed information and a whole other style for showing images.

and I must again personally thank andrew for the cURL support, as I appear to be one of the few, if not the only user, that cannot use the fopen php functions (webhost company www.dreamhost.com has it globally disabled for security purposes).


Originally Posted by obmob
how... can you post an example?

if you open up one of the excel examples/csv files provided in the download (provided in the main folder, 2.2.1) you'll see an example of how to set up the information. Then I think you go to administration, then import/export and choose to import a csv file. (someone correct me if I'm wrong)
You can also set up LDM to automatically scan certain folders/directories for new files and it will add the new files to a category of your choosing.

obmob 06-05-2006 04:01 PM

OO awesome... very useful!!!

BTW... is there any way to rename uploaded files to some sort of chain values... like rename a image from :

imagename.jpg to


Where sitename is the site's name :p
category where it will be uploaded
image title, the title of the image
by... lol the word by
username, the username who uploaded the image :)

I mean gathering the info included while it's uploaded and show it this way to be well recognized by those who download the file? OO

boduzapho 06-05-2006 11:02 PM

Just installed, looks great, 1 issue thoe, the thumbnail i uploaded to my test item does not show.. anyone know why?

AndrewD 06-06-2006 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by boduzapho
Just installed, looks great, 1 issue thoe, the thumbnail i uploaded to my test item does not show.. anyone know why?

This is usually because of a mismatch/error between some parameter settings, e.g. the LDM thumbs_dir and your VB homepage url. Which browser are you using? With Firefox, images don't apper at all when there is a problem, but with IE, you get a red cross.

Couple of things to try in order to pin down the problem

- using IE, go to the page where the thumb has been replaced by a red cross, and use a mouse right click then properties to find out what url the browser is trying to load. Relate this to your settings of thumbs_dir and homepage url.

- try clearing the thumbs_dir setting on the LDM admincp. See if the thumbnail appears

sezmar 06-06-2006 02:13 PM

This is a great hack I just love it.

I have a strange problem, yesterday I installed it and it worked fine. Just uploaded some images and a file. So today I go to upload mp3 and it went to a blank screen. Now it goes to blank screens with every file I try to upload. The files will not show up in the LDM system, but when I check the ftp folder they are there. The oly thing I did today was to add the media files in the admincp for attachments.

Any suggestions?

obmob 06-06-2006 03:00 PM

:( Andrew will hate me soon... is it possible to have a thumbnail size to show in linkbit_short, a medium image to show in linkbit and the original file to be downloaded?

Thanks :D

AndrewD 06-06-2006 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by obmob
:( Andrew will hate me soon... is it possible to have a thumbnail size to show in linkbit_short, a medium image to show in linkbit and the original file to be downloaded?

Thanks :D

Watch this space and wait ...

All will happen soon.

AndrewD 06-06-2006 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by sezmar
This is a great hack I just love it.

I have a strange problem, yesterday I installed it and it worked fine. Just uploaded some images and a file. So today I go to upload mp3 and it went to a blank screen. Now it goes to blank screens with every file I try to upload. The files will not show up in the LDM system, but when I check the ftp folder they are there. The oly thing I did today was to add the media files in the admincp for attachments.

Any suggestions?

No suggestions, I'm afraid. Just to be clear, are you uploading files via ftp, or via LDM? And is it only LDM that gives you blank screens, etc?

Am happy to take a look at your site if you want.

sezmar 06-06-2006 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
No suggestions, I'm afraid. Just to be clear, are you uploading files via ftp, or via LDM? And is it only LDM that gives you blank screens, etc?

Am happy to take a look at your site if you want.

Thanks for such a quick reply, I was using the LDM system to upload. Sure please check your PM for the site.

sydude 06-06-2006 04:08 PM

Hi guys. Andrew, I love this hack more and more every day. Thank you again for your wonderful work.

Can someone please help me change the main linkbit template to make everything within the link bit align to the top? See image of what I have now.

Attachment 48933

Also, maybe in a future version you can give the user the choice of alignment in the cp? Just a thought.



Dennis B 06-06-2006 06:58 PM


I've searched this thread and the manual for "new entry credit" in the daily allowances options but only found 1 answer saying it's "half done". What is this about, after all? Integration with eBux? Since I'm also translating LDM I'd appreciate if you would just briefly describe it's purpose. Thanks. Great hack BTW. :D

obmob 06-06-2006 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by sydude
Hi guys. Andrew, I love this hack more and more every day. Thank you again for your wonderful work.

Can someone please help me change the main linkbit template to make everything within the link bit align to the top? See image of what I have now.

Also, maybe in a future version you can give the user the choice of alignment in the cp? Just a thought.



Hmm... well, i think this is waht you want. Columns with vertical alignment to TOP. :bunny:

OK, i'll wait, thanks Andrew :D


<tr id="linkid$linkid">
<td colspan="2">
<fieldset class="fieldset">
<if condition="$linknew">$linknew</if>
<div style="margin-top:3px">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
<if condition="$linkimg">
<td width="$linkimgsize" align="$stylevar[right]" valign="top">
<br />
<div style="margin-top:3px"><span class="smallfont">$linkimgmag</span></div>
<td width="5">&nbsp;</td>
<td valign="top">
<span class="smallfont">
<if condition="$showcatname"><br /><br />$vbphrase[ll_cat] $linkothercatsbit<else />
<if condition="$linkshowothercatbit>0"><br /><br />$vbphrase[ll_seealso] $linkothercatsbit</if>
<td width="5">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="30%">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
<td valign="top">
<fieldset class="fieldset">
<legend>$linkfavbit $linkeditbit
<if condition="$links_permissions[can_send_tofriend]">
<a href="$LINKS_SCRIPT.php?action=sendtofriend&amp;catid=$linkcatid&amp;linkid=$linkid" target="_blank" title="$vbphrase[ll_sendtofriend]"><img class="inlineimg" src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/sendtofriend.gif" alt="$vbphrase[ll_sendtofriend]" border="0" /></a>
<if condition="$links_permissions[can_report_link] and $linkuserid != $bbuserinfo[userid]"> <if condition="$links_permissions[can_report_link] and $linkuserid != $bbuserinfo[userid]"><a href="$LINKS_SCRIPT.php?action=reportlink&amp;linkid=$linkid&amp;catid=$viewcatid&amp;page=$pagenumber"><img class="inlineimg" src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/report.gif" alt="$vbphrase[ll_report_bad_link]" border="0" /></a></if></if>
<table width="100%"><tr><td align="$stylevar[right]">
<span class="smallfont">
<if condition="$links_defaults[enable_doi] and $linkdoi">$vbphrase[ll_doi] $linkdoi<br /></if>
<if condition="$links_permissions[can_view_names]">$vbphrase[ll_submitby] <a href="member.php?u=$linkuserid">$linkusername</a><br /></if>
<if condition="$linkmoderate==$LINK_TO_MODERATE and ($links_permissions[can_moderate_links] or $links_permissions[can_moderate_forums])">
[<a href="$LINKS_SCRIPT.php?action=domod&catid=$viewcatid" title="$vbphrase[ll_moderate]">$vbphrase[ll_moderate]</a>]<br />
<if condition="$links_permissions[can_view_hits]"><br />$vbphrase[ll_hits] $linkhits</if>
<if condition="$linksize"><br />$linksize $vbphrase[ll_kb]</if>
<if condition="!$linkstatus"><br />[$vbphrase[ll_unknown_status]]</if>
<if condition="$links_permissions[can_moderate_links] and $linkstatus==$LINK_HIDDEN"><br />[$vbphrase[ll_hidden]]</if>
<if condition="$links_permissions[can_set_display_order]"><br />$vbphrase[ll_displayorder] $thisorder</if>
<if condition="$linkkeys"><br />$vbphrase[ll_keywords] $linkkeys</if>
<if condition="$linkavatar"><td valign="top">$linkavatar</td></if>
<if condition="$linkratebit">
<td id="ratings$linkid" align="$stylevar[left]">
<if condition="$linkraters"><script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("ratings$linkid"); </script>&nbsp;</if>
<span class="smallfont">

AndrewD 06-07-2006 04:11 AM


Originally Posted by Dennis B

I've searched this thread and the manual for "new entry credit" in the daily allowances options but only found 1 answer saying it's "half done". What is this about, after all? Integration with eBux? Since I'm also translating LDM I'd appreciate if you would just briefly describe it's purpose. Thanks. Great hack BTW. :D

Currently, the admin can restrict users to a certain maximum number of downloads or bandwidth per day.

The intention is to enable integration of LDM with different points systems and to reward people for providing new files/uploads. So, when complete, the admin will be able to set the number of 'points' a user gets for each addition. This could, e.g, improve their status, give them more download capacity, etc. But it's only half done.

FireFish 06-07-2006 04:23 AM

This is a HOT download manager!
All others sucked; never got them working.

This one is sweet.

Thanks man!

Dennis B 06-07-2006 10:40 AM

Thanks for the explanation Andrew. :up:

GrendelKhan{TSU 06-07-2006 11:10 AM


Yes you can.

Edit the category (LDM/category/drop down menu)
Three tabs across the top: Category Details, Display Settings, User Group Permissions.
Display Settings and User Group Permissions allow you to override the main admin settings for the current category and by default its children.
AHHH HAAA!! thanks! should have known it was in there. :) sorry so many awesome features...its hard to find em sometims. ;) man this hack pwns.


Originally Posted by easytarget
if you open up one of the excel examples/csv files provided in the download (provided in the main folder, 2.2.1) you'll see an example of how to set up the information. Then I think you go to administration, then import/export and choose to import a csv file. (someone correct me if I'm wrong)
You can also set up LDM to automatically scan certain folders/directories for new files and it will add the new files to a category of your choosing.

AHHH HAAA!! thanks! should have known it was in there. :) sorry so many awesome features...its hard to find em sometims. ;) man this hack pwns.



ps. AGAIN, I couldn't find this in the hack or in this massive thread (don't kill me!!)...

but is it possible to have people ONLY be able to open the jukebox, but launch the Visit/Download link via the title link and thumbnail? (setting option per category.)

almost no one clicks the launch icon (as first instinct) and keep clicking the thumbnail or link...
after a delay this launches either embedded QTime in the same window or launches standonline real player (on my system and few others). so its really confusing what's goign on for people. esp if they WANT to launch the jukebox but accidently/naturally go for the link or thumbnail first.

is this normal behavior? I figured it was supposed to launch a download file thingy (like right click).

if this is normal, I want to be able to disable the view/download for some of the categories and have them only be able to right-click download or luanch the Jukebox.


Originally Posted by sezmar
This is a great hack I just love it.

I have a strange problem, yesterday I installed it and it worked fine. Just uploaded some images and a file. So today I go to upload mp3 and it went to a blank screen. Now it goes to blank screens with every file I try to upload. The files will not show up in the LDM system, but when I check the ftp folder they are there. The oly thing I did today was to add the media files in the admincp for attachments.

Any suggestions?

I had this problem with mp3 too. I couldn't figure out what was going on. closed reopened browser. cleared cache.
still only my mp3s wouldn't upload.

only thing that made it work was I moved the mp3 file to my desktop and uploaded from there.

It was deep in my harddrive (multiple folders deep) so I thought made LDM was having trouble grabbing it. I konw that is layman non-programmer logic...and no idea if this is "real" solution or ghost in the machine coincedence (probably) but after I moved it. it started working again. dunno. give it a shot.

lexx27 06-07-2006 11:15 PM

Congratulations for this great code.

I only have two problems:

1. I uploaded a zip file successfully. Then I tried to upload an mp3 file and the browser redirected after a minute to a blank page (http://www.akrovates.com/forums/local_links.php).

2. When I link an mp3, the code adds automatically a thumbnail...

The mimetype is right, and I searched for about an hour this thread.

lexx27 06-08-2006 12:10 AM

I have news. The problem exists with firefox. IE can upload mp3s.

GrendelKhan{TSU 06-08-2006 02:22 AM

check my post above. its silly...but see if it works for you.

sydude 06-08-2006 03:00 AM


Originally Posted by obmob
Hmm... well, i think this is waht you want. Columns with vertical alignment to TOP. :bunny:

Thank you. That did the trick for the thumbnail picture on the left, but it didn't work with the right column, the one with all the controls (what do we call that thingie anyway?). It was supposed to, right?


testing2 06-08-2006 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
This surprises me, as the front page uses the same code as the rest. Couple of suggestions
- try setting LDM/admin *show_hit_parade* to zero
- try loading one of the inner pages in LDM directly from a clean browser launch (e.g. point your browser at http://yoursite/local_links.php?catid=1). Is this slow - in other words, is it the first page that is slow or the home page?
- edit your VB includes/config.php and add the following line:

$config['Misc']['debug'] = true;
at the bottom. This adds debugging code to VB, and you will get a timer/database hit record at the bottom of each page, with an 'Explain' link. On your LDM home page, click on 'Explain', and it will tell you where the time is being spent. (On my test board, the home page requires 15 database lookups and 0.1 seconds.)

Send me a PM with your findings and we can try to get to the bottom of this.

Thank you for your help! I changed the LDM_hit_parade to 0 and the page load time went from 17.5 seconds to 0.145 seconds!

AndrewD 06-08-2006 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by sydude
Thank you. That did the trick for the thumbnail picture on the left, but it didn't work with the right column, the one with all the controls (what do we call that thingie anyway?). It was supposed to, right?


About 30 lines into the linkbit, there are these two lines:

PHP Code:

<td width="5">&nbsp;</td>
td width="30%"

Put an alignment tag into the second td:
PHP Code:

<td width="5">&nbsp;</td>
td width="30%" valign="top"

AndrewD 06-08-2006 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by lexx27
I have news. The problem exists with firefox. IE can upload mp3s.

There's something deeper going on, and we need to get to the bottom of it. I'd appreciate any reports of blank screens, plus details of attempts to resolve.

With the site that first flagged this problem, attempts to add a new entry to LDM which involves an upload results in a blank screen, with nothing added. It happens (as far as I can tell) with all filetypes, and with both IE and Firefox. However, uploads do work correctly, for example, if I take an existing entry and edit it to replace an existing link with an upload. Furthermore the Jukebox screen is also blank.

Each of these cases works fine on my test system, using identical commands and an identical release, so there must be something in the site configuration that's triggering this.

AndrewD 06-08-2006 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by testing2
Thank you for your help! I changed the LDM_hit_parade to 0 and the page load time went from 17.5 seconds to 0.145 seconds!

OK, I'll take a look at the code

lexx27 06-08-2006 12:15 PM

Another thing I noticed is that a file had 30 downloads yesterday (webalizer report), and only 2 hits inside the manager???

lexx27 06-08-2006 12:46 PM


2. When I link an mp3, the code adds automatically a thumbnail...

The mimetype is right, and I searched for about an hour this thread.
do you know anything about this

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