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Zachery 10-10-2004 10:55 PM

Yes, if you code it correctlt, but not by default
Yes, if you code it, but not by default.

Wential 10-10-2004 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery
Yes, if you code it correctlt, but not by default
Yes, if you code it, but not by default.

Some help on coding it correctly then....please?

xug 10-11-2004 12:09 AM

I get constantly the following error send to my email, when I ask the member he hasn't seen anything strange:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE user SET uttpoints=uttpoints- WHERE userid='12226'
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE userid='12226'' at line 1

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Sunday 10th of October 2004 07:43:43 PM
Script: http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxx.com/forums/a...lay&gameid=114
Referer: http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.com/forums/...o=main&page=13
Username: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
IP Address: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Zachery 10-11-2004 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by xug
I get constantly the following error send to my email, when I ask the member he hasn't seen anything strange:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE user SET uttpoints=uttpoints- WHERE userid='12226'
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE userid='12226'' at line 1

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Sunday 10th of October 2004 07:43:43 PM
Script: http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxx.com/forums/a...lay&gameid=114
Referer: http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.com/forums/...o=main&page=13
Username: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
IP Address: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Did you a - in the points field in the ACP ?

xug 10-11-2004 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by Zachery
Did you a - in the points field in the ACP ?

Muhahaha, the fields where completely empty :D of game 114

I'm upgrading my site in the last two weeks from vB2.x + vBP2 to vB3.0.3 + vBP3 plus all the hacks I needed and then some, that causes that you will miss sometimes a bit here and there, thanks for pointing out!

xug 10-11-2004 01:06 AM

Oh I forgot to ask,

ones in a while I get the following error above my banner:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/forums/ushop.php on line 151

when I refresh it's gone and I go to where I want to go.

Zachery 10-11-2004 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by xug
Muhahaha, the fields where completely empty :D of game 114

I'm upgrading my site in the last two weeks from vB2.x + vBP2 to vB3.0.3 + vBP3 plus all the hacks I needed and then some, that causes that you will miss sometimes a bit here and there, thanks for pointing out!

I must tell you vBP is still very losely intergrated into vBulletin compared to vBa CMPS or vBindex. Yes it does allow you to use php or post nukes moduals, but there is still huge security holes in any nuke based coding.,

wi11ie1950 10-11-2004 10:50 AM

Fixed and Installed

White Knight 10-11-2004 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Zachery
Did EVERYONE who is having the NO ACTIONS issues for OTHER usergroups GO INTO the ACTION MANAGER and check the USERGROUPS PERMISSIONS for EACH USERGROUP?

Yes it fixed it.. sorry I did not notice each usergroup could be edited with the small block. Thanks

wi11ie1950 10-11-2004 12:55 PM

Fixed My Fault :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :tired:

wi11ie1950 10-11-2004 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by kall
That's correct.

Petz, in my opionion, totally hijacks the musername function...you lose all the markup you apply in the AdminCP as well.

If it was done the same way that Geeky Designs did this, the Petz hack would be much better.

I had Petz and Utt store installed on my last forum which was VB3 Gold and never had any problems with either of them... :)

xug 10-11-2004 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery
I must tell you vBP is still very losely intergrated into vBulletin compared to vBa CMPS or vBindex. Yes it does allow you to use php or post nukes moduals, but there is still huge security holes in any nuke based coding.,

I think you need to study the all new version of vBPortal ;) that's if you are allowed to get in the contributors section ;)

The vBPortal that's in the make (current version vBP V3 Beta 5, probably one more beta before Gold) is completely re-written, it's an add-on! no vBulletin modifications are needed, nuke is completely taken out and blows all the other socalled CMS and portals of the map.

The only thing that could blow vBP of the map is the vBCMS from Jeltsoft which is still a mistery to us all.

wi11ie1950 10-11-2004 01:34 PM

Find in File admincp/usergroup.php

PHP Code:
'profilepicmaxwidth' => 100, 'profilepicmaxheight' => 100, 'profilepicmaxsize' => 25000

Replace with

// ## <ucs>
'profilepicmaxwidth' => 100, 'profilepicmaxheight' => 100, 'profilepicmaxsize' => 25000, 'uttstore_discount' => 0
// ## </ucs>

IT SHOULD BE........

// ## <ucs>
'profilepicmaxwidth' => 100, 'profilepicmaxheight' => 100, 'profilepicmaxsize' => 25000, 'uttstore_discount' => 0,
// ## </ucs>

Otherwise it creates an error when you try to access Usergroups in Admin CP

Find in file includes/init.php
PHP Code:

Replace with:
PHP Code:

Replace with

Ber|Art 10-11-2004 01:51 PM

Installed :) thank you very, very much, the shop works perfectly!

Nick. 10-11-2004 05:50 PM

This has probably been asked a million times but if I install this hack will it work with the RPG hack I installed? (RPG Integration Hack by Bitsys <--thats what I have installed)
Since there is no way to gain money in that hack, if I install the Ucash and Ushop, will it be implemented with the RPG so that ppl can gain money?

Zachery 10-11-2004 08:31 PM

No clue, ask in that thread :)

Neither Myself or matthew use Bitsys's system we both use RCS if anything.

CHT 10-11-2004 09:11 PM

I have a little question..

my style is designed to make usernames appear bold..
so the bold action won't work
where or how can I change the <b> code to <font size="*">

I tried to change this:

        ($user['uttstore_boldusername'] != '0' && $user['uttstore_boldusername'] != '' ? $user['musername'] = "<b>" . $user['musername'] . "</b>" : "");
but didn't work and got an error..

any help plz?

iforrage 10-11-2004 09:58 PM

Is there any way I can remove or block a usergroup from the system? IE so they can't see the store, and don't collect points? If not, it would be a great addition for the next version. TIA for any help.

Zachery 10-11-2004 11:38 PM

Just remove access to all their actions.

xug 10-11-2004 11:46 PM

I get the following error every other time I go into a page:

(This is projected above my header)

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/forums/ushop.php on line 151

when I refresh it's gone and I go to where I want to go.

PHP Code:

if (!empty($storeactions)) {
    foreach (
$storeactions as $actionid => $action) {
        if (
$action['showinstore'] == && $action['active']) {
// Action Specific Variables System 

151 is the second line in the above code.

wi11ie1950 10-12-2004 01:54 AM

Clicks the Install Button.... Fixed this time and all working:):)

tjad 10-12-2004 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by White Knight
Yes it fixed it.. sorry I did not notice each usergroup could be edited with the small block. Thanks

im still new to all thias and may have but may not have..can u lead me to where i can find this and how..

thank u :squareeyed:

wi11ie1950 10-13-2004 12:55 AM

In the Admin Control Panel/uTT Store Hack/Action manager/edit for each Action.

iforrage 10-14-2004 07:25 PM

OK, new one. I'd like to have admin permissions for the hacks options in the control panel, so i can block certain admins from accessing it.

Zachery 10-14-2004 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by iforrage
OK, new one. I'd like to have admin permissions for the hacks options in the control panel, so i can block certain admins from accessing it.

Please suggest new features at GeekyDesigns.com/board thanks

iforrage 10-14-2004 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery
Please suggest new features at GeekyDesigns.com/board thanks

Sorry, I was asking if it was already available.

blauauge 10-15-2004 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by kall
That's correct.

Petz, in my opionion, totally hijacks the musername function...you lose all the markup you apply in the AdminCP as well.

If it was done the same way that Geeky Designs did this, the Petz hack would be much better.

yet you installed both petz and ushop, and as i see both work?
i am interested in getting both workin.

another question around:
i want to change "points" in somewhat special.
it aint a good deal to deal with the postbit(_legay) template, because some other pages uses "points" to.
i changed the textvalue for $vbphrase[ucs_points] in the phrasetable @ database, but no effects.
does someone has any ideas?

last but not least, nice work @ ushop and all the staff around vbulletin, i like it!

Zachery 10-15-2004 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by blauauge
yet you installed both petz and ushop, and as i see both work?
i am interested in getting both workin.

another question around:
i want to change "points" in somewhat special.
it aint a good deal to deal with the postbit(_legay) template, because some other pages uses "points" to.
i changed the textvalue for $vbphrase[ucs_points] in the phrasetable @ database, but no effects.
does someone has any ideas?

last but not least, nice work @ ushop and all the staff around vbulletin, i like it!

Dont EVER edit any data in the database directly, vbulletin makes use of caches and other features that otherboards like phpbb and IPB.

There is an admincp based editor for the phrases for a reason ;)

AdminCP > Language and Phrases > Phrase Manager > Search and translate.

blauauge 10-15-2004 07:21 AM

i aint a newbie and - after seeing there is no effect i reset all true to original. :devious:

'nother question: where can i say, no money to give for specialised boards?
if this is not implemented, i would suggest it:
//edit: found it. :nervous:

kall 10-15-2004 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by blauauge
yet you installed both petz and ushop, and as i see both work?
i am interested in getting both workin.

another question around:
i want to change "points" in somewhat special.
it aint a good deal to deal with the postbit(_legay) template, because some other pages uses "points" to.
i changed the textvalue for $vbphrase[ucs_points] in the phrasetable @ database, but no effects.
does someone has any ideas?

last but not least, nice work @ ushop and all the staff around vbulletin, i like it!

Err, what are you on about?

All you have to do is tell the system you are using that its 'points' field is 'money' or whatever you have chosen to use.

Whats the point of changing the field name in the database?

Why on earth would you edit the phrase data in the database?

Sorry, but I must be a newbie myself...I don't understand the reasoning behind what you are saying.

blauauge 10-15-2004 08:16 AM

my problem is solved. i didnt check the cache thingie.
i change many things as it is a way to learn about - try and error. :nervous:

Mr.Haze 10-17-2004 11:13 AM

Just installed uShop, but when I go to my /ushop.php page I just get the message:
"No actions found..."

Any ideas?

Zachery 10-17-2004 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Mr.Haze
Just installed uShop, but when I go to my /ushop.php page I just get the message:
"No actions found..."

Any ideas?

Refresh once more

Zachery 10-17-2004 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by blauauge
my problem is solved. i didnt check the cache thingie.
i change many things as it is a way to learn about - try and error. :nervous:

NExt time use the PHRASE MANAGER which LETS YOU EDIT phrases.

Link14716 10-17-2004 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by wi11ie1950
Find in File admincp/usergroup.php

PHP Code:
'profilepicmaxwidth' => 100, 'profilepicmaxheight' => 100, 'profilepicmaxsize' => 25000

Replace with

// ## <ucs>
'profilepicmaxwidth' => 100, 'profilepicmaxheight' => 100, 'profilepicmaxsize' => 25000, 'uttstore_discount' => 0
// ## </ucs>

IT SHOULD BE........

// ## <ucs>
'profilepicmaxwidth' => 100, 'profilepicmaxheight' => 100, 'profilepicmaxsize' => 25000, 'uttstore_discount' => 0,
// ## </ucs>

Otherwise it creates an error when you try to access Usergroups in Admin CP

Find in file includes/init.php
PHP Code:

Replace with:
PHP Code:

Replace with

No it shouldn't. You can do it like that, but it isn't needed.

Mr.Haze 10-17-2004 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery
Refresh once more

I've tried that, I still get "No actions found..." for all my ushop pages!

Any ideas, I have read though this forum and many people are having the same problem, but there doesn't seem to be a clear solution...

Zachery 10-17-2004 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Mr.Haze
I've tried that, I still get "No actions found..." for all my ushop pages!

Any ideas, I have read though this forum and many people are having the same problem, but there doesn't seem to be a clear solution...

You have run the install script?

Mr.Haze 10-17-2004 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery
You have run the install script?

Yes I've run it the first time, do I need to re-run it?

Zachery 10-17-2004 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by Mr.Haze
Yes I've run it the first time, do I need to re-run it?

Try uninstalling it then rerunning the install.

Mr.Haze 10-17-2004 09:42 PM

Okay, just tried that and still the same. The uCash functions seem to work fine, but all the uShop pages just return "No actions found..."

Check it: http://www.domainseven.com/ushop.php

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