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-   -   New Posting Features - Easy Forms v4.x - Create a form or multiple forms without php or html knowledge (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=234385)

Wisc 04-12-2015 01:23 PM

Loaded upload and ran, imported the xml file, and got the easy forms in the options.
Changed as said to do..
... No add form button in quick links or navbar???
--- how do a create a form?

Wisc 04-12-2015 01:59 PM

Anyone know what I did wrong?
uploaded files wrong?

Just want to do a simple form

Judy of it is I don't think it installed right. Put the contents of upload folder into Forum .... some went into
client script
Then loaded xml file

Wisc 04-12-2015 09:36 PM

Ok Sorta got it to work....
I have a form and it connects with a button i made but you have to log in again it drops the cookie.

In the cpannel you cannot make the links for the forum button or in quick links

Any ideas?

stevieb 04-14-2015 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Wisc (Post 2542942)
Ok Sorta got it to work....
I have a form and it connects with a button i made but you have to log in again it drops the cookie.

In the cpannel you cannot make the links for the forum button or in quick links

Any ideas?

To access forms you literally visit www.yourforum.com/forms.php

From there (/forms.php) you click "add / edit" etc

SaN-DeeP 04-15-2015 07:00 PM

Awesome modification..
Never expected vbulletin can do this kind of stuff, gives me more ideas.

Thanks.. trying this code on few sites now..

Wisc 04-19-2015 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by stevieb (Post 2543056)
To access forms you literally visit www.yourforum.com/forms.php

From there (/forms.php) you click "add / edit" etc

I did get the form made.
When a user click on the form button he has to log in again.
For some reason it drops the cookie.

In the Cpannel it would not let me make the button or quck link but i was able to link it up mys elf.

Any ideas :confused:

Fields 04-20-2015 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by Wisc (Post 2543566)
I did get the form made.
When a user click on the form button he has to log in again.
For some reason it drops the cookie.

In the Cpannel it would not let me make the button or quck link but i was able to link it up mys elf.

Any ideas :confused:

I had the same issue and that fixed it:


Maybe this could help you :)

HM666 05-09-2015 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Fields (Post 2539604)
I get the following error when trying to submit a form:


Please complete both the subject and message fields.
Do you know how to fix it? :)

EDIT: Fixed it, PHP 5.4 caused the error.

And how did you fix it exactly??? Upgrade PHP, downgrade what did you have to do?

Fields 05-10-2015 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by HM666 (Post 2545182)
And how did you fix it exactly??? Upgrade PHP, downgrade what did you have to do?

My hoster provides an option to choose between PHG 5.4 and PHP 5.3. Choosing PHP 5.3 fixed the issue for me :)

HM666 05-10-2015 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Fields (Post 2545237)
My hoster provides an option to choose between PHG 5.4 and PHP 5.3. Choosing PHP 5.3 fixed the issue for me :)

Hmmm ok I'll check to see if that is possible or not. Thanks for the info.

Insta-Gator 05-11-2015 10:24 PM

Looking to create a form that would allow specific Usergroups the ability to pull a member list for their state that included User Name, first & last name, email, join date, etc. Could this be done within the Form Hooks somehow and then output?

vBulletin 4.2.1
Easy Forms 4.3.0

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

V8Owner 05-26-2015 08:38 AM

Im running VB 4.2.2 and just installed Easy Forms 4.3.0

I have triple checked that all files have been uploaded to the correct directories.

Have set all the options in my adminCP and have the following problems.

1. No navbar or quick links links appear.
2. If i fill in a test form via the direct url and submit the form only the text in the "Custom Form Output" is posted in a new thread.

Any clues please ???

Cheers :)

xorlof 05-29-2015 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by DannyV (Post 2328086)
In the admin panel, I have the option "All registered users can view/edit/delete their own form results saved to database."set to "Yes".
However when somebody tries to delete one of his own entries, he gets permission denied.

Replying to a very old question, but I had the same one and spotted the problem. It appears there is a bug and you need to find this line in forms.php:

if (($candeleteformresult && !is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo, $candeleteformresult)) AND (!$canmanageownformresults OR $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']))

The very last part of that line should read, "OR !$vbulletin->userinfo['userid']))" (without the quotes). Note the addition of the exclamation mark. That's the only change.


Originally Posted by DannyV (Post 2328086)
2 other questions:
Can I display the delete button also on the form results table?
Is it possible te remove some of the links on top of the results page. So when somebody is watching the form results, there is no link to the tables,poll page, etc

I suspect we are using the product in a similar way. I also came up with template edits to do this, but given how your question is a few years old I doubt you're still interested. I only posted the above because it was a genuine bug and if there is ever a new release the fix should be included.

Fields 06-23-2015 06:31 AM

I now upgraded to vBulletin 4.2.3 and it requires PHP 5.4, but this mod has compatibility issues with PHP 5.4. When I try to submit a form, I get the following message:


Please complete both the subject and message fields.
It all worked fine with vB 4.2.2 and PHP 5.3, does anyone know how to fix it?

Fields 07-03-2015 07:13 AM

blind-eddie found out, that there's a problem with special characters in thread titles under vB 4.2.3 and PHP 5.4. German umlauts like ?, ? and ? cause the following error message when trying to submit the form:


Please complete both the subject and message fields.
Could you fix that?

line89 08-15-2015 08:12 AM

nvm found the solution, user error, thanks for the work

Cla75 09-11-2015 12:22 PM

Hi support,
Also on my forum since I upgraded to vb 4.2.3 which requires minimum PHP 5.4, I have problems to publish the form (error: message too short), while filling in all fields correctly.

is an incompatibility with PHP 5.4, with version 5.3 everything works but I would have to remain in place on vb 4.2.2

Thanks for your help

Cla75 09-21-2015 02:09 PM

no one knows how to solve this problem (error: message too short) ?

Dragonsys 09-23-2015 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by Cla75 (Post 2554857)
Hi support,
Also on my forum since I upgraded to vb 4.2.3 which requires minimum PHP 5.4, I have problems to publish the form (error: message too short), while filling in all fields correctly.

is an incompatibility with PHP 5.4, with version 5.3 everything works but I would have to remain in place on vb 4.2.2

Thanks for your help

Works fine on VB 4.2.3 & PHP 5.6. I would double check your questions and make sure you are inputting at least the minimum characters.

Dragonsys 09-23-2015 07:15 AM

I apologize if this has been asked & answered already, but with over 100 pages it is difficult to search them all.

On the View Form Results Table page, can the headers query be removed?
How can I add a Date/Time field?

Cla75 09-25-2015 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by Dragonsys (Post 2555592)
Works fine on VB 4.2.3 & PHP 5.6. I would double check your questions and make sure you are inputting at least the minimum characters.

i have vBulletin 4.2.3 & PHP 5.4.41-0+deb7u1, this can be a problem?
the minimun characters is OK in all fields BUT I get the error when compiling some fields using accented letters or symbols (?, $, etc)

vBulletin Message
Form failed to submit. The following error(s) occured:

Full is the subject field that the message field.
The message you entered is too short. Lengthen your message to at least 4 characters.

I filled in all fields, including the word (in Italian): perch?

writing perche' (instead of perch?) the post is published without problems

Scan Cape Cod 10-03-2015 05:18 PM

Quick question. What is the proper format for sending email to two email addresses, or is it possible? I've tried separating them with a comma and a space. With a comma it got sent to the second email address only. With a space neither worked.

Apologies in advance if the question has been asked before; I did a search but didn't find an answer or missed it. Thanks.


wolfey 10-09-2015 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 2361245)
You can do validation with php via the: Form PHP Hooks -> Form Hook: Before Submit:

If its not asking too much, can you help me with code I can use?

to check date submitted is at least 2 weeks in advance from todays date

Thank you much.


wolfey 10-15-2015 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Scan Cape Cod (Post 2556183)
Quick question. What is the proper format for sending email to two email addresses, or is it possible? I've tried separating them with a comma and a space. With a comma it got sent to the second email address only. With a space neither worked.

Apologies in advance if the question has been asked before; I did a search but didn't find an answer or missed it. Thanks.


I also use this function, a comma is all that's needed between addresses

wolfey 10-17-2015 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by wolfey (Post 2556661)
If its not asking too much, can you help me with code I can use?

to check date submitted is at least 2 weeks in advance from todays date

Thank you much.


OK got this code and an error displays if less than 2 weeks date selected,
Question: How do I display text on the output instead of preventing the form from being submitted when less than 2 weeks?

PHP Code:

$nowDate=new DateTime();
$nowMDY=$nowDate->format('j F Y');

$twoWeekdOutDate=new DateTime($nowMDY);
$twoWeekdOutDate->add(new DateInterval('P14D'));
$twoWeekdOutDate->format('j F Y');

$inputDate=new DateTime($qo[88]);
Exception $e){
standard_error("Invalid date: " $qo[88]); //should never come here

standard_error("Please enter a date 2 weeks or more in advance - " $qo[88]);

HM666 11-13-2015 10:31 PM

I have a question. I have used this mod for quite some time on a site and we've had a form intact and it works just fine, but recently I was asked to change the options where the user who submitted the form can change the information submitted in the form they submitted by using the edit button in the thread the form started. I found this option: "Users Can Manage their own Form Results - All registered users can view/edit/delete their own form results saved to database." and I have ticked it to "Yes", but for those who have already submitted the form they still cannot edit the thread/post it made. I've tried to "Rebuild Thread Information" from the update area in the AdminCP but that did not seem to make it where the old thread can be edited by the person who submitted them. Am I just doomed to have Admins be PM'ed for changes here lol?

blind-eddie 11-13-2015 11:17 PM

Check the forum permissions of the forum the form is being submitted to make sure the usergroups can edit post.:up:

HM666 11-13-2015 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by blind-eddie (Post 2558761)
Check the forum permissions of the forum the form is being submitted to make sure the usergroups can edit post.:up:

Uh yep they all can edit that forum area.

blind-eddie 11-14-2015 12:19 AM


HM666 11-14-2015 06:47 AM

Yeah pretty weird. I have no idea. I'm guessing that I'll just have to tell them to have members send a PM when they need changes to the old threads.

HM666 02-16-2016 01:41 AM

Another question...How do i make a form highlight to a tab in the built in navigation other than the Forums tab?

EDIT: I have solved this myself with the following plugin code for those who might want to do this in the future. :)

PHP Code:

if ($GLOBALS['fid'] == '1')  $root 'tab_abc_123'

Be sure to put the correct form id number where I have the number one & make sure that your tab_abc_123 is the tab of the tab you want to be highlighted.

IggyP 02-16-2016 03:02 AM

vb5 maybe almost ready...would love to see something like this for that

HM666 02-16-2016 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by IggyP (Post 2565014)
vb5 maybe almost ready...would love to see something like this for that

Don't hold your breath. bananalive rarely comes on here these days.

wolfey 04-04-2016 09:57 AM

I want to make a start of day checklist, that must be completed before user can view forum

Basically unless each answer equals "Yes" user will be banned status not able to proceed,
Once all questions "Yes" banned would be removed.

Can someone direct me to the hooks I would use?

ne_one 06-17-2016 03:14 PM

I've scanned through the message history but haven't been able to find any hints for this:

Is it possible to pre-populate the selected value of a dropdown or date using the hooks?

audzilla 06-23-2016 03:47 PM

Out of nowhere, I've recently had a form that started giving the following error:

Form failed to submit. The following error(s) occured:
Please complete both the subject and message fields.

More specifics about behavior:
* I'm running 4.2.3 patch 1, php5.4, and the current version of Easy Forms
* If I fill out a form entirely with the word "test" it succeeds; if I use huge blocks of Lorem Ipsum it's fine; if I use "real" content (which is not in any way weird, but is pasted from google docs and potentially carrying formatting tags?) I get the error.
* There is no conflict in {q_*} tags between different forms, unless something has gotten scrambled on the back end and reassigned numbers around.
* This just started happening in the last week when my webhost depricated php5.3 and pushed us to 5.4.

Update: It chokes on copied characters from text editors such as fancy "smart quotes" or a condensed ellipses. It used to handle these gracefully but no longer!

bananalive 06-26-2016 06:23 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by audzilla (Post 2572423)
Out of nowhere, I've recently had a form that started giving the following error:

Form failed to submit. The following error(s) occured:
Please complete both the subject and message fields.

More specifics about behavior:
* I'm running 4.2.3 patch 1, php5.4, and the current version of Easy Forms
* If I fill out a form entirely with the word "test" it succeeds; if I use huge blocks of Lorem Ipsum it's fine; if I use "real" content (which is not in any way weird, but is pasted from google docs and potentially carrying formatting tags?) I get the error.
* There is no conflict in {q_*} tags between different forms, unless something has gotten scrambled on the back end and reassigned numbers around.
* This just started happening in the last week when my webhost depricated php5.3 and pushed us to 5.4.

Update: It chokes on copied characters from text editors such as fancy "smart quotes" or a condensed ellipses. It used to handle these gracefully but no longer!

Try attached.

bananalive 06-26-2016 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by ne_one (Post 2572190)
I've scanned through the message history but haven't been able to find any hints for this:

Is it possible to pre-populate the selected value of a dropdown or date using the hooks?

Form Hook: Form Start:

PHP Code:

if (!$qo)
$q['70'] = "Yes";
$qo['70'] = "Yes";
$qa['70'] = "Yes";

ne_one 07-11-2016 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by audzilla (Post 2572423)
Out of nowhere, I've recently had a form that started giving the following error:

Form failed to submit. The following error(s) occured:
Please complete both the subject and message fields.

More specifics about behavior:
* I'm running 4.2.3 patch 1, php5.4, and the current version of Easy Forms
* If I fill out a form entirely with the word "test" it succeeds; if I use huge blocks of Lorem Ipsum it's fine; if I use "real" content (which is not in any way weird, but is pasted from google docs and potentially carrying formatting tags?) I get the error.
* There is no conflict in {q_*} tags between different forms, unless something has gotten scrambled on the back end and reassigned numbers around.
* This just started happening in the last week when my webhost depricated php5.3 and pushed us to 5.4.

Update: It chokes on copied characters from text editors such as fancy "smart quotes" or a condensed ellipses. It used to handle these gracefully but no longer!

Can you confirm if the update addressed this issue?

I've just encountered the same problem when special characters are used for quotes.

Note: I attempted to drop in the same updated code with my existing form and it resulted in a database error.

Ov3rrun 07-13-2016 06:15 PM

Hi, great mod! Is there a way to make compatible with mobile style?

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