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Digital Jedi 04-01-2013 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by Wonksta (Post 2413525)
I uploaded the YouTube Def from this post: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....postcount=1943

Also another variation that doesn't embed is:


Is it only these particular two, are do you have some that are embedding and some that are not?

Wonksta 04-02-2013 03:01 AM

Yes some embed some don't the one's I've listed are the ones that do not embed. I found another one today:



Digital Jedi 04-05-2013 01:44 AM

Some current problems with my site are preventing me from testing these properly, but just from looking at them, there shouldn't be a problem with the definition. It should be matching. What do you get instead of the embed? A formatted link, or just the raw link?

Nook_Neformat 04-08-2013 10:37 AM

It doesn't work for me either. The links are just like in post 1962

By the way, can you update the Divshare?

Wonksta 04-10-2013 02:26 AM

Also appears Vimeo does not work


Nook_Neformat 04-10-2013 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Wonksta (Post 2415451)
Also appears Vimeo does not work


both work for me.

Regular expression

<center><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="$ameinfo[width]" height="$ameinfo[height]" data="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=$p1&amp;server=vimeo.com&amp ;fullscreen=1&amp;video_info=1"> <param name="quality" value="best"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"><param name="scale" value="showAll"><param name="movie" value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=$p1&amp;server=vimeo.com&amp ;fullscreen=1&amp;video_info=1"></object></center>

blackberry 04-16-2013 06:45 PM

facebook video doesnt work


Digital Jedi 04-17-2013 08:36 AM

I'll try to look in depth into these once I get my site situated. Facebook hasn't changed anything on their end, so the last update should be working for you.

blackberry 04-17-2013 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 2416881)
I'll try to look in depth into these once I get my site situated. Facebook hasn't changed anything on their end, so the last update should be working for you.

they use iframe instead of embed.. that might be the reason :-s

Digital Jedi 04-18-2013 07:16 AM

More importantly, it appears their source URL has changed structure. The object code should have still worked, otherwise. I'm surprised they didn't roll this out with the URL string change. But, oh well, at least they don't normally change week to week like you-know-<cough>YouTube</cough>-who.

Try changing the Replacement HTML to this:
HTML Code:

<iframe src="http://www.facebook.com/video/embed?video_id=$p1" width="$ameinfo[width]" height="$ameinfo[height]" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Will roll out an updated one when I get my site sorted out.

Xexiu 04-19-2013 12:46 AM

Hello Digital,

First of all thanks for your contribution!
I had downloaded AME 2.5.6 and follow up this thread for the definitions.
All went ok. Installed AME, imported the definitions, Resync Files but it doen't work. I first tought it was my site (some plugins interference) but tested it on localhost a new vbulletin installation, made all the steps that I mentioned above and still doesn't worked.

Any solutions?

Thank once again!

Digital Jedi 04-19-2013 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by Xexiu (Post 2417254)
Hello Digital,

First of all thanks for your contribution!
I had downloaded AME 2.5.6 and follow up this thread for the definitions.
All went ok. Installed AME, imported the definitions, Resync Files but it doen't work. I first tought it was my site (some plugins interference) but tested it on localhost a new vbulletin installation, made all the steps that I mentioned above and still doesn't worked.

Any solutions?

Thank once again!

It's tough to say, if it's not working on both installations. What links have you tried testing out so far? The product is enabled, correct? Sometimes first time users of this mod set the Disable New Items to Yes when it should be set to No. And, of course, check to make sure all the zones you want it working in are enabled.

Xexiu 04-19-2013 11:34 AM

Yeah, I think I dont all those steps and nothing. Here are some screenshoots.

Live site:



Localhost (new vbulletin installation for testing purpose):



P.D. I'm using vbulletin 3.8.6! (didn't updated to latest vb 3.8.7 due to the hardcore some mods that I have)

Digital Jedi 04-19-2013 11:48 AM

Really rough, and thrown together pretty quick, but this should give you the ability to embed Storify feeds in a post. Made specifically to allow folks to embed the Storify feed that's keeping up with the Boston saga unfolding right this minute. If you've never used Storify, it's a remarkable way to keep up with tweets from reporters and related news live. I've been watching it all night. Faster than the regular media.

It's not tested, since I don't have a working site right now. But it should work.

HTML Code:

Replacment HTML
HTML Code:

<script src="//storify.com/mashable/$p1.js"></script><noscript><a href="//storify.com/mashable/$p1" target="_blank">View the story "$ameinfo[title]" on Storify</a></noscript>
Here's the link to the Boston feed: http://storify.com/mashable/incident...ston-watertown

Digital Jedi 04-19-2013 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by Xexiu (Post 2417304)
Yeah, I think I dont all those steps and nothing. Here are some screenshoots.

Live site:



Localhost (new vbulletin installation for testing purpose):



P.D. I'm using vbulletin 3.8.6! (didn't updated to latest vb 3.8.7 due to the hardcore some mods that I have)

Couldn't quite tell from the screenie, but did you have any forums excluded in the lower settings? This could potentially be a restriction with your hosting provider.

lowlight 04-19-2013 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 2417309)
Really rough, and thrown together pretty quick, but this should give you the ability to embed Storify feeds in a post. Made specifically to allow folks to embed the Storify feed that's keeping up with the Boston saga unfolding right this minute. If you've never used Storify, it's a remarkable way to keep up with tweets from reporters and related news live. I've been watching it all night. Faster than the regular media.

It's not tested, since I don't have a working site right now. But it should work.

HTML Code:

Replacment HTML
HTML Code:

<script src="//storify.com/mashable/$p1.js"></script><noscript>[<a href="//storify.com/mashable/$p1" target="_blank">View the story "$ameinfo[title]" on Storify</a>]</noscript>
Here's the link to the Boston feed: http://storify.com/mashable/incident...ston-watertown

Doesn't work for me, in fact when this was enabled, all replies showed up as blank

Digital Jedi 04-19-2013 02:02 PM

I just notice brackets around the <a> link. Try removing those, like this.

HTML Code:

<script src="//storify.com/mashable/$p1.js"></script><noscript><a href="//storify.com/mashable/$p1" target="_blank">View the story "$ameinfo[title]" on Storify</a></noscript>
I hadn't noticed them before, but that would very likely cause post blanking error. Sorry about that.

Xexiu 04-19-2013 02:16 PM

Nope. No forums excluded on any of the sites (live and localhost).

I had deleted all the definitions on localhost and tried importing again (DJ Master's XML Delta). But I get this error:

HTML Code:

Can not save Import because of the following error(s):

    Some keys are empty
    Some keys contain invalid characters and must be validated prior to import.

pmkb 04-22-2013 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by pmkb (Post 2256775)
A few requests:

Bloomberg Videos ( for example: http://www.bloomberg.com/video/77441090/ and more: http://www.bloomberg.com/video/featured/ )

CNBC (for example: http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=3000051012 and more: http://www.cnbc.com/id/15839263/?tab...abheader=false )

Google Video (I only saw definitions for search results. For example: http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...7754264973286# )

KingWorldNews (.MP3) (for example: http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldne...d_Celente.html contains a link to a .MP3 file)

Any help would be appreciated.


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 2401713)
That can be a thing, too. Right? [sigh]

Here's a few updates to try and make up for my formidable absence. "Sorry I've been away so long. I won't let you down again."

Bloomberg - More News!

CNBC - Boring News!


Fantastic. Thanks so much. Boring news perhaps, but very useful for my niche.

pmkb 04-22-2013 11:59 AM

The CNBC video embeds, but causes problems with rendering of the rest of the page. See for example:


Everything below the video gets truncated.

pmkb 04-22-2013 12:06 PM

BBC International appears to be have changed the format of their video pages. No longer using .shtml extensions. Example:


More examples linked here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/video_and_audio/

pmkb 04-22-2013 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by pmkb (Post 2417848)
The CNBC video embeds, but causes problems with rendering of the rest of the page. See for example:


Everything below the video gets truncated.

I found the problem. The replacement definition is missing </object> at the very end.

pmkb 04-22-2013 01:25 PM

Any chance you could work out the definition to embed the Daily Ticker from Yahoo! Finance? The Yahoo video definition doesn't capture it. Example:


More examples found here: http://finance.yahoo.com/blogs/daily-ticker/

Digital Jedi 04-24-2013 01:00 PM

I can look into those. Just might be a few, since my site is giving me fits at the moment. I'll see if I can't push out a fix for CNBC. I didn't notice any HTML problems in my initial test thread. I kid CNBC.

Xexiu 04-29-2013 01:37 AM

Any news? I sill can get it working under vbulletin 3.8.7 (live site) also tested it on localhost with wampserver, PHP 5.4.3 (fresh install) and still doesn't retrieve any data.

I've tested it with youtube and vimeo links. Any help/suggestions?

mykkal 05-11-2013 03:58 AM

Can you get brightcove based videos to work? A lot of news organizations use it. Hulu uses it as well. See the link below. I think the difference between HULU and the news organizations is that HULU uses a DNS cname to make it appear that the video is hosted on their site when it is really hosted by Brightcove. Adding brightcove support would make this work with tens of thousands of news websites.


Digital Jedi 05-12-2013 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by mykkal (Post 2421230)
Can you get brightcove based videos to work? A lot of news organizations use it. Hulu uses it as well. See the link below. I think the difference between HULU and the news organizations is that HULU uses a DNS cname to make it appear that the video is hosted on their site when it is really hosted by Brightcove. Adding brightcove support would make this work with tens of thousands of news websites.


It's not exactly how AME works.

AME works by detecting a URL, such as the one you posted, and transforming the link to the Replacement HTML in its respective definition. If the website is YouTube, for example, I have to create a definition that will allow AME to match YouTube URLs, and then AME will replace them with whatever the HTML in the definition is.

So take a website like PC Planets, who had content hosted on YouTube. It didn't matter that I had created YouTube definition. AME needed to detect PC Planets URLs. So a separate definition had to be created to match their YouTube content. (And their URLs had to be unique enough so as not to try and parse their MetaCafe hosted videos, as YouTube videos.)

The source of the video is not what matters. Anything can go in the Replacement HTML box. It's irrelevant to the RegEx pattern, which needs to match a URL before it can do anything. I have quite a few definitions already for websites that use Brightcove. But that's just source code, and not what AME looks at when trying to match a pattern. This is the reason why you can't make a definition for something like vbTube. Definitions are for specific sites. Not specific video services.

ChiNa 05-23-2013 11:06 PM

Can I ask why there is no where any solution written for the Upgrade?

I cant uninstall it or even install the new....... When deleting I get the message the "I saved the display order for you....."! And when I try to install it tells me that it will crash into the others, and after all I tried to do that, but nothing happend...

mykkal 05-26-2013 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 2421470)
It's not exactly how AME works.

Thanks for the answer... Makes sense. Now that I understand i'm not going to ask for a detection built for just that one site. It would have been nice to knock out a few birds with one stone.

I wish I understood how the regex worked. I would be able to contribute to your list of sites that it does work with. Great plugin. Awesome, actually.

sergio00 05-30-2013 11:00 PM

I would like add rel="nofollow" to the embed media.
Any suggestions how to insert this code at the AMECP ... Display definistion ....???

For example:

Regular expression


<object width="$ameinfo[width]" height="$ameinfo[height]">
<param name=''movie'' value="http://www.youtube.com/v/$p1&ap=%2526fmt%3D18&fs=1"></param>
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param>
<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/$p1&ap=%2526fmt%3D18&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="$ameinfo[width]" height="$ameinfo[height]" wmode="transparent"></embed></object>

Where I must put the rel="nofollow" to have a good SEO practice?


Digital Jedi 06-03-2013 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by mykkal (Post 2424261)
Thanks for the answer... Makes sense. Now that I understand i'm not going to ask for a detection built for just that one site. It would have been nice to knock out a few birds with one stone.

I wish I understood how the regex worked. I would be able to contribute to your list of sites that it does work with. Great plugin. Awesome, actually.

If you haven't looked over post #5 in this thread yet, you might want to give it a look. BirdOPrey's tutorial is linked there, as well as some more resources for figuring out this RegEx thing. In context to making definitions for AME, it's actually kinda easy. And kinda fun.

I've been thinking of making a video. We'll see...


Originally Posted by sergio00 (Post 2425005)
I would like add rel="nofollow" to the embed media.
Any suggestions how to insert this code at the AMECP ... Display definistion ....???

For example:

Regular expression


<object width="$ameinfo[width]" height="$ameinfo[height]">
<param name=''movie'' value="http://www.youtube.com/v/$p1&ap=%2526fmt%3D18&fs=1"></param>
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param>
<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/$p1&ap=%2526fmt%3D18&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="$ameinfo[width]" height="$ameinfo[height]" wmode="transparent"></embed></object>

Where I must put the rel="nofollow" to have a good SEO practice?


For the link in the container that holds the videos, you would need to edit, not the definition, but the ame_container link for each style you use. And possibly each of the ame_nomedia templates as well, for when a video is only parsed as a link. This, of course, will only affect the default container. In the rare instances where the default container isn't used, such as in Amazon or Pinterest, you would need to edit those definitions directly.

Digital Jedi 06-03-2013 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by ChiNa-Man (Post 2423807)
Can I ask why there is no where any solution written for the Upgrade?

I cant uninstall it or even install the new....... When deleting I get the message the "I saved the display order for you....."! And when I try to install it tells me that it will crash into the others, and after all I tried to do that, but nothing happend...

Definitions do not overwrite. You have to delete old versions before adding the new ones. In older versions of AME, there didn't used to be any kind of warning about this, and you would end up with two definitions trying to convert the same links at the same time. AME 2.5 added the "key" feature. Definitions all get their own unique key, so if you try to import a definition with a key identical to one you already have, you'll get a warning. If you're still getting the warning, that means you're still trying to import definition(s) that have the same key as one you already have.

kshymkiw 06-04-2013 05:26 PM

While trying to import the latest master in the main post I get the following error:


Can not save Import because of the following error(s):
Some keys are empty
Some keys contain invalid characters and must be validated prior to import.

Any idea what is going on?

Digital Jedi 06-04-2013 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by kshymkiw (Post 2425806)
While trying to import the latest master in the main post I get the following error:


Can not save Import because of the following error(s):
Some keys are empty
Some keys contain invalid characters and must be validated prior to import.

Any idea what is going on?

Try redownloading the XML file to make certain you didn't get an incomplete or corrupted file.

kshymkiw 06-05-2013 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 2425815)
Try redownloading the XML file to make certain you didn't get an incomplete or corrupted file.

Just downloaded on a different connection, on a different machine, from the same first post.

Same results.

Digital Jedi 06-08-2013 07:16 AM

If you have some kind of text editor, open up the XML and see if it's complete. It should end with the closing tag </AME>. You shouldn't be getting empty keys, unless, possibly, your server is truncating the file even before the full import.

idan356 06-15-2013 05:51 PM

Hi, I'm trying to make a dropbox player.
This is what I tried but I can't make it work.
What's wrong?

The Original Link (Example):

Regular expression:

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="/misc/audio-player/player.swf" id="audioplayer" height="24" width="290"> <param name="movie" value="/misc/audio-player/player.swf"> <param name="FlashVars" value="playerID=audioplayer&amp;soundFile=https%3A %2F%2Fwww\.dropbox\.com/s/$p1%2F$p2.mp3?dl=1"> <param name="quality" value="high"> <param name="menu" value="false"> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> </object>

MonkYZ 06-17-2013 03:54 PM

Hi Digital Jedi!

I am trying to use your XML media definitions on my AME3, but i am getting some error "You appear to be trying to import old AME definitions. You can only import definitions made in 3.x".

I don't understand... the definitions are newer... and isn't AME3 newer than AME 2.5?

What should i use to make these definitions work?

Thanks in advance!

MonkYZ 06-17-2013 03:56 PM

Should i give up on https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=230707 and use https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=202476 instead? Seems older to me :(

kshymkiw 06-18-2013 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 2426578)
If you have some kind of text editor, open up the XML and see if it's complete. It should end with the closing tag </AME>. You shouldn't be getting empty keys, unless, possibly, your server is truncating the file even before the full import.

It does end with </AME>

I removed some of the Imports, and just trying to do Youtube. It says the display order has been saved, but when I go to display defintions, it says there is no definitions.

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