MahdyE23 |
04-22-2013 03:40 AM |
Purely amazing. Works like a charm. This could be used for other things, such as a TOS page instead of forum rules. You should make an option so you can change the text. Meaning like instead of it saying "Forum Rules" give the option to change the text to something more appealing/suite our forums. Like people would want to change it to their website rules. For example, instead of it being "Forum Rules" give the option to change the text and make it custom like; "TOS & Rules!" or "Rules for the forums!" or some customization like that. Does that make sense?
Nevertheless, this is excellent, thanks.
Originally Posted by franzes80
(Post 2401271)
please fix in vb 4.20 pl3 problem when i click manage rules,apply to forum i get taken to smileys page
If you are getting this error, make sure before anything you go to:
vBulletin options > General Settings > VSa - Advanced Forum Rules > Make sure enable hack is ticked "Yes" and then reload the page and you will be given the option to edit.