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Holidazed 11-07-2005 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by stonyarc
To change the text colour in the balloon

To make this look good in all of my styles, is there a way to not only change the text color, but also change the balloon background color?

trancetopia 11-07-2005 12:59 PM

Excellent extension to vB. My members will love this :)

I've got it all working without any problems apart from the ballon colors don't work for the moderator groups. Only admin is shown as yellow and super mod and mods are shows as red - the same as normal members.

Do I need to specify the mod group ids anywhere?


ConqSoft 11-07-2005 01:26 PM

Forgot to report this bug to you before, and it's still in 1.0.2:


alert("Your entry's message must be at least 10 characters!")

Code checks for 5 characters, text says 10. :)

ConqSoft 11-07-2005 01:33 PM



                        <td width="200" valign="top">
                        <div class="smallfont">
                        $vbphrase[googlemap_zoomlevel]&nbsp;<input name="zoombox" type="text" id="zoombox" size="4" readonly style="padding-left:5px; font-weight:bold; width:30px;background:#FFF48E;" /><BR>
                        $vbphrase[googlemap_users]&nbsp;<input name="nb" id="nb" type="text" class="nb" value="" size="4" maxlength="5" readonly style="padding-left:5px; font-weight:bold; width:30px;background:#FFF48E;"/>

The trailing </div> should be inside the <td></td> I think.

stonyarc 11-07-2005 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by ConqSoft


                        <td width="200" valign="top">
                        <div class="smallfont">
                        $vbphrase[googlemap_zoomlevel]&nbsp;<input name="zoombox" type="text" id="zoombox" size="4" readonly style="padding-left:5px; font-weight:bold; width:30px;background:#FFF48E;" /><BR>
                        $vbphrase[googlemap_users]&nbsp;<input name="nb" id="nb" type="text" class="nb" value="" size="4" maxlength="5" readonly style="padding-left:5px; font-weight:bold; width:30px;background:#FFF48E;"/>

The trailing </div> should be inside the <td></td> I think.

Both non blocking issues are corrected in the version now online.

Thanks for the check

benFF 11-07-2005 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by stonyarc
Both non blocking issues are corrected in the version now online.

Thanks for the check

Great! Thanks!

One suggestion though, my forum is not a full screen width one and whilst your map fits in normal mode, when using the "Your Entry" link, the extra info box makes it too wide.

Any chance you could make this a pop up instead and use the co-ordinates of the main map, instead of loading a new one in a new window. A load of my members have complained they scrolled the main map to where they live, then hit "Your Entry" thinking it would setup their entry....

stonyarc 11-07-2005 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by benFF
Great! Thanks!

One suggestion though, my forum is not a full screen width one and whilst your map fits in normal mode, when using the "Your Entry" link, the extra info box makes it too wide.

Any chance you could make this a pop up instead and use the co-ordinates of the main map, instead of loading a new one in a new window. A load of my members have complained they scrolled the main map to where they live, then hit "Your Entry" thinking it would setup their entry....

I removed the nowrap="nowrap" from the script.

You can reload the XML with Overwrite to YES. That should help fix your problem.

stonyarc 11-07-2005 07:06 PM

Does anybody have issues with the installation of the new version?

Rhoads 11-07-2005 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by stonyarc
Does anybody have issues with the installation of the new version?

Running fine here ;)

ricker 11-07-2005 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by stonyarc
Does anybody have issues with the installation of the new version?

Perfect and awesome :)

trancetopia 11-07-2005 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by stonyarc
Does anybody have issues with the installation of the new version?

Only the marker colours for moderators show as normal members. Marker colour ok for admins.

ConqSoft 11-07-2005 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by trancetopia
Only the marker colors for moderators show as normal members. Marker color ok for admins.

Yes, I noticed this as well. All my moderators are Super Mods, if that makes a difference.

trancetopia 11-07-2005 10:03 PM

I'm the same as you ConqSoft, all my mods are supermods. I'm going to have a look at the code to see if I can find anything.

trancetopia 11-07-2005 10:12 PM

Ok here is what you need to do. In VBGooglemap.php

This is assuming your supermod group is 5



if (($get_xml_user["displayusergroupid"]==6)OR($get_xml_user["displayusergroupid"]==7))
Replace With


Next, in your markers.xml file you need to edit your entries and change the type of each marker to yellow for all you supermods.

Upload and that should fix it :)

stonyarc 11-07-2005 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by trancetopia
Ok here is what you need to do. In VBGooglemap.php

This is assuming your supermod group is 5



if (($get_xml_user["displayusergroupid"]==6)OR($get_xml_user["displayusergroupid"]==7))
Replace With


Next, in your markers.xml file you need to edit your entries and change the type of each marker to yellow for all you supermods.
Upload and that should fix it :)

Everything is correct except the last part.

The marker is constructed by the script on load (for now).
So you don't need to edit it. The usergroup is inserted in the googlemap table in the database so next time the map is fully reloaded the marker colour will be changed.

GrendelKhan{TSU 11-08-2005 02:45 AM


Originally Posted by stonyarc
The version on http://www.xboxusersgroup.com/forums/VBGooglemap.php IS fully phrased :smoke:

For the markers you probably have a users with some bad characters in his text (you could check the googlemap table for that)

I'll release a version update later on today.

1. Great! thanks for the fully phrased version!!! multi-language is the way to go!! :D :D

2. hmm... just tested with id with no special characters but still not showing any markers. :( me very sad.

plus my "current users" field is always blank. dunno if that's related. :(

any ideas?

stonyarc 11-08-2005 04:39 AM


It's a dataerror.

IE is handeling this a lot worse than Firefox.

I send you a pm that should fix it.

GrendelKhan{TSU 11-08-2005 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by stonyarc

It's a dataerror.

IE is handeling this a lot worse than Firefox.

I send you a pm that should fix it.

thanks! :)

exceem 11-08-2005 06:01 AM

getting this error msg (although the map works fine)

Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /home/trevor/public_html/forums/includes/vba_cmps_include_template.php on line 9

code its reffering to

$phrasegroups = array_merge($phrasegroups,

would adding vbgooglemap to that fix it or would that affect otehr parts of the forum?

stonyarc 11-08-2005 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by exceem
getting this error msg (although the map works fine)

Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /home/trevor/public_html/forums/includes/vba_cmps_include_template.php on line 9

code its reffering to

$phrasegroups = array_merge($phrasegroups,

would adding vbgooglemap to that fix it or would that affect otehr parts of the forum?

That might do the trick to fix the portal integration. Make sure your download the latest version to. I just updated the files on 1.0.2 too.

exceem 11-08-2005 06:34 AM

Downloaded and uploaded the latest versioin

added 'VBGooglemap' to that array but to no joy, time to have a tinker :D

stonyarc 11-08-2005 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by exceem
Downloaded and uploaded the latest versioin
added 'VBGooglemap' to that array but to no joy, time to have a tinker :D

Anybody else got it running on the VBA??

StarBuG 11-08-2005 10:11 AM

Another suggestion.

With google maps there is the possibility to zoom in to a defined zoom if you click on a marker.
I realy would love to see this implemented

Keep up the good work

TygerTyger 11-08-2005 10:50 AM

No problems at all, working perfectly. Thank you very much for another first class mod, I'm very much looking forward to future improvements.

Marc118 11-08-2005 03:57 PM

After i changed my theme away from the default i lost the options to add yourself ect. Is there any way to fix this?

TygerTyger 11-08-2005 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Marc118
After i changed my theme away from the default i lost the options to add yourself ect. Is there any way to fix this?

You have to add the buttons into each theme's buttons directory, not just your default theme.

stonyarc 11-08-2005 05:24 PM

I'm looking for someone to test the version 1.0.3 NOW

I think I got the Special character thing fixed.

steelerwatch 11-09-2005 05:53 AM

I really wished this worked for me.


lazytown 11-09-2005 07:57 AM


Volume warning

Till the pagination is finished the map might slow down with high volume of users.
Is this warning just that it slows down the user's display on their own computer (client side), or does this mod put a large load on the forum server?

Would it be possible to restrict certain users from adding their lat/long? For example, I might only want senior members to be able to enter info, but everyone to be able to view. My forum has about 10,000 members so I couldn't imagine the map with 10,000 pins. :)

Thanks! - vissa

stonyarc 11-09-2005 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by vissa
Is this warning just that it slows down the user's display on their own computer (client side), or does this mod put a large load on the forum server?
Would it be possible to restrict certain users from adding their lat/long? For example, I might only want senior members to be able to enter info, but everyone to be able to view. My forum has about 10,000 members so I couldn't imagine the map with 10,000 pins. :)
Thanks! - vissa

The restricted usergroups is planned for 1.0.4
1.0.3 will be released this week and the will cancel out a lot of the high volume load that was caused by the special characters in IE. That is fixed now.

http://www.xboxusersgroup.com/forums/VBGooglemap.php is running the new one already.

The map reads an xml file that is created by the script on the fly. The map construct is client side.

It's just a potential issue not a proven one. The queries and xml construct are very fast (certainly in the next version). The problem might be the javascript reading of the XML in very high volumes.

This is a warning issued by Google not by me. I would say just try it and if this occurs I'll try to find a solution.

benFF 11-09-2005 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by stonyarc
I removed the nowrap="nowrap" from the script.

You can reload the XML with Overwrite to YES. That should help fix your problem.

Hi there!

Unfortunately this is still no good as my forum is only 780 pixels wide and can only just fit the map - with the "user details" window it expands way too much.

A popup to enter/edit details would be much better - and just taking the current co-ordinates from the main map...?

GuaRRand 11-09-2005 12:48 PM

Is there any eta on maps of europe? (detailed) from google??

stonyarc 11-09-2005 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by benFF
Hi there!

Unfortunately this is still no good as my forum is only 780 pixels wide and can only just fit the map - with the "user details" window it expands way too much.

A popup to enter/edit details would be much better - and just taking the current co-ordinates from the main map...?

I'll work on a fix for you

LaNder 11-09-2005 05:31 PM

At http://www.frappr.com/ you can enter your location directly based on the name of the city instead of zooming the coordinates. Is there a chance to get this in VBGooglemap?


Dutchmang 11-09-2005 06:30 PM

Clicks "Install"

stonyarc 11-09-2005 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by LaNder
At http://www.frappr.com/ you can enter your location directly based on the name of the city instead of zooming the coordinates. Is there a chance to get this in VBGooglemap?CF

This is planned for future versions. However except for the maps in the US, Canada and UK the other countries are not as detailled.

Moreover Global support would need a very large geocode database to contain all the latitudes and longitudes.

There are some posts about this in this thread. A solution is there but you would need a lot of infrastructure to support this. (eg webservice)

JJR512 11-09-2005 08:16 PM

I'm having a problem.

IE6, VB is 3.5.0, downloaded the hack today (a few hours ago) and installed, encountered no errors during install.

When I enter "http://www.jjr512.com/VBGooglemap.php" as my URL in the address bar, the page loads fine and displays the world map across the width of the screen. When I click the "Your Entry" button, it goes to "http://www.jjr512.com/VBGooglemap.php?do=yourlocation", but the map does not show up. The part to the left of the map, with "Edit your information", the latitude and longitude box, marker text, etc., that's all there, but there's no map. The red and yellow pushpin legend is also there.

There's also a little warning indicator in the IE status bar, the white page with yellow triange over it with black exclamation point, next to the word "Done". If I double-click that little icon, the error message details is:

Line: 308
Char: 1
Error: Object expected
Code: 0
URL: http://www.jjr512.com/VBGooglemap.php?do=yourlocation
There is also a Previous and Next button on this error message, Next is grayed out, when I click Previous the details change to this:

Line: 707
Char: 32
Error: Syntax error
Code: 0
URL: http://www.jjr512.com/VBGooglemap.php?do=yourlocation
What am I doing wrong? After 196 posts, and nobody else having this problem, I figure it must be me, not the hack, any suggestions?

Thanks! :)

dan35 11-09-2005 09:47 PM

How can I delete a member's mark?

stonyarc 11-09-2005 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by dan35
How can I delete a member's mark?


A member can delete that himself. Just click your location, check the delete function and click update location.

There is no admin delete yet. So as admin go the googlemap table and remove the entry or use the backend function to login as user.

stonyarc 11-09-2005 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by JJR512
I'm having a problem.

IE6, VB is 3.5.0, downloaded the hack today (a few hours ago) and installed, encountered no errors during install.

There's also a little warning indicator in the IE status bar, the white page with yellow triange over it with black exclamation point, next to the word "Done". If I double-click that little icon, the error message details is:

There is also a Previous and Next button on this error message, Next is grayed out, when I click Previous the details change to this:

What am I doing wrong? After 196 posts, and nobody else having this problem, I figure it must be me, not the hack, any suggestions?

Thanks! :)

As you can see I entered my marker without any problem

I'm afraid this might be a local setting problem. But I'll surely check to make sure.
BTW Version 1.0.3 is just around the corner.


I updated the version to 1.0.3. I think the error will be gone now.

* starts uploading the new version

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