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Xplorer4x4 01-25-2006 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by Aftermath
How can I show the adsense below the LAST post?

Last line of the post might be of help to you. ;)

And for those of you having problems simply remove the first </if> after <adesnce code here>

vocalise 01-31-2006 08:57 AM

Hm... if I try to modify the if statement to have the ad only show up after the LAST post, I have the quick reply problem all over again :(


amykhar 01-31-2006 11:33 AM

You have to have that ajax check in there if you are going to put it after the last post.

sbeehre 02-01-2006 06:17 AM

Its not working for me :( I put the aforementioned code right before
<!-- / post #$post[postid] --> at the bottom of the posbit template and add my google adsense code and it doesnt show anything in the forums like it should! Im running 3.5.2 and my site it www.win2osx.net

Sean James 02-04-2006 10:25 AM

Im getting a white blank page after people post, how do i fix this?

cd1986 02-04-2006 10:40 AM

Does anyone know what the code is for removing the adsense ID if a user is logged in and has made the 1st post on a page (so that they cannot click on "their own" ads)?

Sean James 02-05-2006 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by Griffin80
Im getting a white blank page after people post, how do i fix this?


Could this problem be caused by VBSEO?

zendiver 02-05-2006 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Andreas
I've posted this often already, but i'll post it once again :)

<if condition="!is_member_of($bbuserinfo, x, y, z) AND !$GLOBALS['FIRSTPOSTID']">

Kirby, I know this is an old post, but I am having trouble understanding why people want to put Google Adsense on their forums only to right away disable them for certain groups. Isn't this kind of a 'kick in the face' to themselves? I mean the whole reason for putting GA on their site is to make money, then all of a sudden they want to automatically disable it. *shrugs*

Why not give those usergroups the OPTION to disable it instead of automatically cutting out potential earnings.

On my site, I have it as an incentive for supporting memberships. This way I don't lose money on it not being displayed. If someone wants to be a supporting member, then, in their UserCP under Misc Options, I have it set up where they can disable it or leave it on.

An example would be:
Disable Google Ads?
If you would like to disable Google Ads in the forums, put a check in the checkbox below. If at anytime you would like to view them, click again to remove the selection.
[checkbox here] Disable Google Ads?

Then conditionals are set up in the 'modifyoptions' template.

Just my thought process. If I have gone through the trouble of implementing Google Adsense on my site, why would I want to instantly remove it without an option.

Just my .02

Andreas 02-06-2006 11:50 PM

On Planet-Liebe, we have a Paid Subscription "Ads-Free", which works by setting an additional usergroup :)
It would be kinda pointless having the users purchase this sub AND have to tick "Don't show ads", so we disable the ads right when they are in this usergroup.

Makes sense?

zendiver 02-06-2006 11:58 PM

Makes perfect sense if it is offered as an "Ads Free" subscription. I offer it as the ablity to turn it off if you don't want it. This is offered to my Supporting Members. All others are stuck with it. :)

Being a diving community, there are quite a few adds that come up for travel that have great deals. If one of the users is looking to go on a dive vacation or just traveling, then they are able to turn the ads back on to look at the deals that can come up. When done, they simply tick the box to turn it back off.

ultranerds 02-14-2006 07:52 AM

Mmm.. I'm trying to get this to work based on which post they are on. i.e;


<if condition="$show['postcount'] == 2 OR $show['postcount']== 5">

<div style="padding:0px 0px $stylevar[cellpadding]px 0px">

<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
    <td class="thead" align="left">Sponsored Links</td>
    <td class="alt1" align="center">



..but it shows up on ALL of them. Any ideas?


Xplorer4x4 02-28-2006 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Griffin80

Could this problem be caused by VBSEO?

No this is a bug in firefox if you use the code in the first post. Remove the </if> condition right after <adsence code here>

pcoskat 04-03-2006 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by amykhar
What's more fun and challenging - because of ajax issues, is adsense in the last post. ;) That really gets the ad right where the reader's eyes are.


Is there a way to limit this to specific forums? My members would kill me if I did this all over the board.

fcreature 04-04-2006 01:58 AM

How do you get the ads to display once in every thread with multiple pages of content?

Like say if one thread had 50 replies - that's 5 pages, so how would I go about doing that?

Danecookie 04-05-2006 10:27 AM

I have a question please reply :

I alread have that mod installed which shows the banner ad on top of every forum section and inside top of every thread. This one : https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...adsense+banner

Now after adding this mod, (adsense after first post), the ads are not showing on the thread, but they are only showing in the forum section, where threads are listed.

When we open any thread, the top banner dosent show up but only this adsense after first post shows the ad and top one dosent. This problem is comming after i've installed this hack..

can anyone please tell me what to do? to bring back my top banner also.

Danecookie 04-07-2006 09:43 AM

will someone reply?

RDX1 04-08-2006 12:31 AM

Nevermind, missplaced if statement

Hypocrisy 04-29-2006 04:57 PM

Hi, is there a way to go around the firefox bug, to not have a blank page after doing a quick reply?

Thanks :)

Freak0204 05-01-2006 03:07 AM

Thank you for this. :)

Titan85 05-29-2006 12:14 AM

I installed this and it works good, but right above the sponsored links box, there is this code showing up: if condition="1 == 1">. How do i fix this?

Aceman 06-05-2006 02:43 PM

This is my code:

However, firefox users are reporting white pages, and in IE 7 after I post with quick reply I'm seeing a small table header with "Sponsored Links" in it.. but nothing (the ads) under it. The ads should only show up after the first post.. not after you post with quick reply. If you post via the "Post Reply" button it seems to work fine.

This is Vbulletin 3.5.4:

PHP Code:

<!-- Google Ads for NON members -->
condition="!is_member_of($bbuserinfo, 5,7,9,10,11,14) AND !$GLOBALS['FIRSTPOSTID']">

<div style="padding:0px 0px $stylevar[cellpadding]px 0px"

table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]border="0" width="100%" align="center"
td class="thead" align="left">Sponsored Links</td
td class="alt1" align="center"
END Google Ads for NON Members --> 

Anyone know how to fix this?

DannyITR 06-14-2006 03:14 PM

Didn't read the whole thread yet but I'm having an issue with the code in the first post. It prevents people from being redirected after making a post in the quick reply box. They get redirected to a white screen. They must thne copy and repaste the thread address in the bar to get back to the forum page. Has this happened to anyone else?

kpr 06-17-2006 07:21 PM

Its great that these work with everything adbrite etc :)


SupremeWeapon 06-20-2006 06:42 AM

PHP Code:

<!-- Google Ads for NON members -->
condition="!is_member_of($bbuserinfo, 1,3) AND !$GLOBALS['FIRSTPOSTID']">

<div style="padding:0px 0px $stylevar[cellpadding]px 0px"

table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]border="0" width="100%" align="center"
td class="thead" align="left">Sponsored Links</td
td class="alt1" align="center"
script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client "pub-9097379824476514";
google_ad_width 468;
google_ad_height 60;
google_ad_format "468x60_as";
google_ad_type "text_image";
google_ad_channel ="";
<script type="text/javascript"
END Google Ads for NON Members --> 

can;t seem to get that to show up.


mmmmk I ASSUMED the code for having only certain users see it was ment for users who COULD see it. but its for thoser you DONT want to see it. works perfectly now.

MaK10 06-20-2006 11:58 AM

so google emailed me claiming im in violation of their policy, but only in one section of the forum, which is a "not work safe" section. So I need to exclude a certain forum id from posting adsense, any ideas? Just a conditional at the top of the code right? any help would be appreciated, thanks


nevermind, found the answer.

Truckerwife 06-24-2006 12:23 PM

ok, we have this installed and now post 3 and on are wider than the first 2. anythoughts?

theChronic 06-28-2006 09:52 PM

I can't get this working, even using an unaltered version of what the hack says. Does anyone have the code for the latest working version of this?

SHalliday 07-02-2006 10:29 AM

I now have this working on VB3.54 without any problems. Have tested in IE and Firefox with QuickReply Box on. It displays the Google adsense ad after the last post when there are two or more posts in the thread. It does not display when there is only one post in the thread. Here is the code that I used:


<!-- Google Ad  -->
<if condition="$post[postcount]!=1 and $post['islastshown']">
<div style="padding:0px 0px $stylevar[cellpadding]px 0px">
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
<td class="thead" align="left">Sponsored Links</td>
<td class="alt1" align="center">
<!-- Google Ad  -->

Thank you very much for the great hack and to all of you who participated in this thread. "Clicked Install"


Zowners 07-02-2006 10:56 AM

How would I get adsense ads to shw up to guests only, after the first post?

theChronic 07-02-2006 11:33 AM

Im about to fall asleep, but its something like this


<if condition="$post[postcount]!=1 and $post['islastshown'] and $show['guest']">
I will tell you exact code I have that is working and clean when i wake up, sorry but i'm too wiped to login etc right now


Zowners 07-02-2006 01:10 PM

Ok thats cool. I'll look forward to your response :)

theChronic 07-02-2006 09:14 PM

hey whats up

I got that code for ya. It works flawlessly on my board, only shows to guests and only shows if there are two posts and it shows in a little sponsored box which looks nice.

PHP Code:

<if condition="$post[postcount] == 1 AND $show[guest]">

<div style="padding:0px 0px $stylevar[cellpadding]px 0px">

table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]border="0" width="100%" align="center">
td class="thead" align="left">Sponsored Links</td>
td class="alt1" align="center">
adsense code or whatever other banners/ads you want go here)



Put this at the very end of your postbit_legacy template. GL :)

peter_s 07-03-2006 07:29 PM

I need help.

I am using vb 3.5.4

I added the code including google adsense code to
postbit template but nothing shows up. Do I have to add it to all
Posbit templates such as


or just the main postbit template?

theChronic 07-03-2006 07:40 PM

If you want what is in that pm, follow my previous post


peter_s 07-04-2006 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by theChronic
If you want what is in that pm, follow my previous post


I added the code but still nothing shows! Where exactly do I add the code? Do I have to take any other step after editing the template? Should I be able to see the result instantly?

theChronic 07-04-2006 12:30 AM


Put this at the very end of your postbit_legacy template. GL
Did you add it to the postbit_legacy template? By going to Admin CP? Make sure to save it etc. Then, make sure that you log out! PM Me your site url.

Remember, the code only shows to guests the way I have it set up.

peter_s 07-04-2006 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by theChronic
Did you add it to the postbit_legacy template? By going to Admin CP? Make sure to save it etc. Then, make sure that you log out! PM Me your site url.

Remember, the code only shows to guests the way I have it set up.

Ok I add the code to

Any where else I should add it?

theChronic 07-04-2006 12:49 AM

Send me a link to the forum in a PM and I will see what is going on (or try to). You should only need to add it to one template at the very end. I am still learning the ropes and don't know the diff between postbit and postbit_legacy. Mine works in postbit legacy tho.

Did you add the code from the top of this thread or the code I gave you?

Zowners 07-08-2006 09:56 AM

Excellent, thanks for the code, mate :)

GoTTi 07-22-2006 09:17 AM

i used this code in a custom style, and after the 3rd post the size of the fields are expanding to 100% instead of staying fixed size.

any ideas?

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