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-   -   Add a banner image to each forum (vb3.5) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=94119)

Zachariah 02-27-2006 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by funinthesun
Hi, I've got this installed but since I upgraded to 3.5.3 it's stopped displaying the banners. Any reason why? Thanks.

May have to add the template edits again.
- I plane to kill the template edits with plugins. (next ver.)

jamshed 02-27-2006 02:02 PM

wat abt my question?

Zachariah 02-27-2006 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by jamshed
wat abt my question?

Can you view this ?


2 google images w/ links

<a href="http://www.google.com">
<img border="0" src="http://www.google.com/logos/winter_holiday05_1.gif" width="276" height="120"></a>
<a href="http://www.google.com">
<img border="0" src="http://www.google.com/logos/winter_holiday05_1.gif" width="276" height="120"></a>

Kuimera also had problems - Look @ post 136-155
- Had some problems w/ opera browser.

megnin 03-07-2006 09:57 AM

I just finished reading this entire thread and this looks like a great mod. I have very little experience with vB. Just installed v3.5.3 a couple weeks ago and upgraded to 3.5.4 a couple days ago.

I just want to make sure I don't scr*w this up. ;-)

In the control panel, I import banner_image.xml.
Then do I need to make any manual edits to any files before using the new options?

Sorry for the really dumb question, but I really have only a few hours experience with vBulletin. I was excited when the upgrade from 3.5.3 to 3.5.4 worked. :-)


megnin 03-07-2006 10:37 AM

I started to "upload plugin" and vBulleting told me it appeared to be a "product" to use the product manager. So I uploaded it with "Manage Products" and it shows up as Add Banner 1.6 under Installed Products.

I went to the forum manager and edited a couple of forums and added "/images/misc/forum1.gif" to the first forum and "/images/misc/forum2.gif" to the second one.

No images appeared in the forums. What did I not do. I'm sure it's something I didn't do correctly or missed.

Thanks again.

kpr 03-07-2006 10:58 PM

Nice hack thanks.

CnB 03-08-2006 04:03 PM

Nice hack just what i need.
few questions though

is it possible to show the banner/image always ? in the header not mather what page your on ?
and is it possible to have more then 1 image, switch image after x seconds ?

cbr929rrerion 03-08-2006 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by CnB
Nice hack just what i need.
few questions though

is it possible to show the banner/image always ? in the header not mather what page your on ?
and is it possible to have more then 1 image, switch image after x seconds ?

I have a script that works well to rotate the images, can set the delay as short or long as you like..

Only down fall is it goes in the same order every time, I wish I had a script or something that would put a differant add everytime the page refreashed but this one works ok...

megnin 03-08-2006 08:47 PM


Upload the "plug-in" and edit 2 template, It's a snap.

So, in FORUMDISPLAY and SHOWTHRED, I just replace everything below "$navbar", with the code below right?

2) Edit and add / replace(old code).

*** Edit 2 Template(s) : FORUMDISPLAY, SHOWTHREAD


below add / replace:

<if condition="$foruminfo['banner'] AND $foruminfo['bannerlink']"><center><a href="$foruminfo[bannerlink]" target="_blank"><img src="$foruminfo[banner]" alt="$foruminfo[banneralt]" border="0" /></a></center><br />
<else />
<if condition="$foruminfo['banner']"><center><img src="$foruminfo[banner]" alt="$foruminfo[banneralt]" border="0" /></center><br />
<else />
<if condition="$foruminfo['bannercode']"><center>$foruminfo[bannercode]</center><br />

Zachariah 03-09-2006 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by megnin
So, in FORUMDISPLAY and SHOWTHRED, I just replace everything below "$navbar", with the code below right?


The replace was for people who upgraded many ver back.

Find: $navbar

add under:

<if condition="$foruminfo['banner'] AND $foruminfo['bannerlink']"><center><a href="$foruminfo[bannerlink]" target="_blank"><img src="$foruminfo[banner]" alt="$foruminfo[banneralt]" border="0" /></a></center><br />
<else />
<if condition="$foruminfo['banner']"><center><img src="$foruminfo[banner]" alt="$foruminfo[banneralt]" border="0" /></center><br />
<else />
<if condition="$foruminfo['bannercode']"><center>$foruminfo[bannercode]</center><br />

Zachariah 03-09-2006 02:40 PM

I have plans to do some updates on this hack.

- no template edits for banner placement
- perhaps rotation script option for images and flash banners.

Thoughts anyone ?

Zachariah 03-09-2006 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by CnB
Nice hack just what i need.
few questions though

is it possible to show the banner/image always ? in the header not mather what page your on ?
and is it possible to have more then 1 image, switch image after x seconds ?


and post #18 - simple rotation per refreash (switch image after x seconds ... soon)

megnin 03-12-2006 05:36 PM

The updates sound great.

Thank you for the clarification on the installation. I'm quite new to this and nothing is "familiar" to me yet. I'm only done a few things in HTML, even less in Visual Basic and nothing in PHP. I appreciate the "hand hold". ;)

megnin 03-12-2006 06:22 PM

Well, I still can't get an image to show up in a forum.

I made the edits to the FORUMDISPLAY and SHOWTHRED files, used Forum Manager, Edit Forum, "Place an image on your forum" to select an image. I tried a .gif then a .jpg.

In my forums, no graphics. What could I have missed?

rnmcd 03-13-2006 02:25 AM

Has this awesome hack been working with 3.5.4? Anyone tried it yet?

Zachariah, those updates sound helpful. In particular, banner rotation.

megnin 03-13-2006 09:29 AM

I'm using vB 3.5.4 and haven't been able to get it to work, but then this is my first experience with vBulletin, so don't judge by my experience.
The steps to install it are pretty simple and I believe I've followed them correctly, but I don't have the experience with this software to know how "touchy" it is.

Warlock40 03-14-2006 04:51 PM

Works great. Also works with phpadsnew using the remote java.

I am thinking about installing vbadvance cmps. Will I have problems installing cmps with this hack installed? Should I disable it before or not worry about it.

Its going on a test forum first before it goes to the live version.

Trevor Hannant 03-14-2006 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by craiovaforum
If I add the code for a flash banner instead of the code for an image, in the code from up, it doesn't work

I have this code:


<if condition="$foruminfo['banner'] AND $foruminfo['bannerlink']"><right><a href="$foruminfo[bannerlink]" target="_blank"><img src="$foruminfo[banner]" alt="$foruminfo[banneralt]" border="0" /></a></right><br />
<else />
<if condition="$foruminfo['banner']"><right><img src="$foruminfo[banner]" alt="$foruminfo[banneralt]" border="0" /></right><br />
<else />
<if condition="$foruminfo['bannercode']"><right>$foruminfo[bannercode]</right><br />
<else /><object border="0" width="600" height="100">
    <param name="wmode" value="transparent">
    <embed src="magic2.swf" width="600" height="100" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" /></object>


Yep, I'm having a problem getting a flash file to come up too.:confused:

skcyber 03-18-2006 11:21 AM

first of all, thank you for this plug... this is really cool !

i have vb 3.5.4 and aria skin.

the plug is working great !

i have a question, i would like the banner to be on every category of a forum, and even in the threads ? how can i do ?

for exemple :
forum 1 : pict1.jpg
- category 1
- category 2

forum 2 : pict 2.jpg
- category 1
- category 2
- category 3 ...etc

should i modify this ? :

<if condition="$foruminfo['banner'] AND $foruminfo['bannerlink']"><center><a href="$foruminfo[bannerlink]" target="_blank"><img src="$foruminfo[banner]" alt="$foruminfo[banneralt]" border="0" /></a></center><br />
<else />
<if condition="$foruminfo['banner']"><center><img src="$foruminfo[banner]" alt="$foruminfo[banneralt]" border="0" /></center><br />
<else />
<if condition="$foruminfo['bannercode']"><center>$foruminfo[bannercode]</center><br />

thanks for your help !

Zachariah 03-18-2006 08:11 PM

To place on all threads in the same forum.


Forum1 - Image1
- Thread1 - image1
- Thread2 - image1

Forum2 - Image2
- Thread1 - image2
- Thread2 - image2

2) Edit and add.

*** Edit 2 Template(s) : FORUMDISPLAY, SHOWTHREAD


below add :


<if condition="$foruminfo['banner'] AND $foruminfo['bannerlink']"><center><a href="$foruminfo[bannerlink]" target="_blank"><img src="$foruminfo[banner]" alt="$foruminfo[banneralt]" border="0" /></a></center><br />
<else />
<if condition="$foruminfo['banner']"><center><img src="$foruminfo[banner]" alt="$foruminfo[banneralt]" border="0" /></center><br />
<else />
<if condition="$foruminfo['bannercode']"><center>$foruminfo[bannercode]</center><br />

Zachariah 03-18-2006 08:12 PM

going to do a an update in a wook or so ;D

skcyber 03-19-2006 10:47 AM

thanks you for your answer, it's working..

i love your plug !!! lol

megnin 03-19-2006 05:36 PM

I think I'm closing in on my problem getting this to work...
In the "(vb3.x) add banner to forum 1.6.txt" file where it says:

//////////////////////////////NEW INSTALL////////////////////////////////////////////

// Adds fields to forum table called banner, bannerlink, banneralt, bannercode.

Run Query:

ALTER TABLE `forum` ADD `banner` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL ;
ALTER TABLE `forum` ADD `bannerlink` VARCHAR( 250 ) NOT NULL ;
ALTER TABLE `forum` ADD `banneralt` VARCHAR( 250 ) NOT NULL ;
ALTER TABLE `forum` ADD `bannercode` mediumtext ;
...I assumed that was code that would execute during install. I now believe that I'm suppose to run those four query commands to add those fields to the forum table. I still don't know how to do that though.
Under "Maintenance" is "Execute SQL Query". Is that where I run the above query?
When I click on "Execute SQL Query" in the Control Panel it says, "You are not authorized to execute SQL queries".

I'm stuck.

Zachariah 03-20-2006 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by megnin
I think I'm closing in on my problem getting this to work...
In the "(vb3.x) add banner to forum 1.6.txt" file where it says:

...I assumed that was code that would execute during install. I now believe that I'm suppose to run those four query commands to add those fields to the forum table. I still don't know how to do that though.
Under "Maintenance" is "Execute SQL Query". Is that where I run the above query?
When I click on "Execute SQL Query" in the Control Panel it says, "You are not authorized to execute SQL queries".

I'm stuck.


Runs all of that for you on install. Placement of html edites in 2 templates is all you have to do.


1) Choose the right XML file.

*** How to Install:

In your Admin Control Panel

Admincp => Plugin System => Manage Products
Click [Add/Import Product]
Browse for the file "banner_image.xml"
Allow Overwrite should be on

2) Edit and add / replace(old code).

*** Edit 2 Template(s) : FORUMDISPLAY, SHOWTHREAD


below add:

<if condition="$foruminfo['banner'] AND $foruminfo['bannerlink']"><center><a href="$foruminfo[bannerlink]" target="_blank"><img src="$foruminfo[banner]" alt="$foruminfo[banneralt]" border="0" /></a></center><br />
<else />
<if condition="$foruminfo['banner']"><center><img src="$foruminfo[banner]" alt="$foruminfo[banneralt]" border="0" /></center><br />
<else />
<if condition="$foruminfo['bannercode']"><center>$foruminfo[bannercode]</center><br />

*** Useage:

These files can be any image. (png, jpg, gif, ect) or paste your HTML code.

To add banners go to Forums & Moderators => Forum Manager => Edit forum => scroll do to the bottom enter your details.

rnmcd 03-20-2006 01:35 AM

Would it be a major change to have multiple (but smaller) banner ads to each forum?

Zachariah 03-20-2006 02:15 AM

I used the "html area" to paste custom code.
- Java rotation , custom html, dhtml, ect.

2 images w/ link in HTML area.

<a href="http://www.google.com">
<img border="0" src="http://www.google.com/logos/winter_holiday05_1.gif" width="276" height="120"></a>
<a href="http://www.google.com">
<img border="0" src="http://www.google.com/logos/winter_holiday05_1.gif" width="276" height="120"></a>

rnmcd 03-20-2006 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by Zachariah
I used the "html area" to paste custom code.
- Java rotation , custom html, dhtml, ect.

2 images w/ link in HTML area.

<a href="http://www.google.com">
<img border="0" src="http://www.google.com/logos/winter_holiday05_1.gif" width="276" height="120"></a>
<a href="http://www.google.com">
<img border="0" src="http://www.google.com/logos/winter_holiday05_1.gif" width="276" height="120"></a>

Sorry buy I'm quite a novice :nervous: and I don't understand your previous post.

Are you saying that we don't need your hack to post banners? Just add code to the html area?

Zachariah 03-20-2006 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by rnmcd
Sorry buy I'm quite a novice :nervous: and I don't understand your previous post.

Are you saying that we don't need your hack to post banners? Just add code to the html area?


After hack install:

In the creation of the forum or edit of the forum you wish to have the banner there is an "Html Code" area. This can be used for custom code if you want more than 1 banner.

In the EX shown in post: #186 - I pasted the above code.

You can also use a simple Java rotation script in that "html code" area.

Karsh 03-21-2006 04:52 PM

no XML file in the zip i downloaded..

davesx 03-26-2006 06:12 AM

thanks for this zach, works great.

just wanted to know if there is a way i can add this to the bottom? like above the quick reply but after the last post in the thread?

would i just update showthread and forum display and put the same code in the right spot...or would i likely run into problems because that would display the same image twice? like that would only work if i were doing adsense, not banners?


Zachariah 03-26-2006 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by Karsh
no XML file in the zip i downloaded..

You may not have the "install button" pushed to get e-mail update.
- Ver. 1.6 current


Originally Posted by davesx
thanks for this zach, works great.

just wanted to know if there is a way i can add this to the bottom? like above the quick reply but after the last post in the thread?

would i just update showthread and forum display and put the same code in the right spot...or would i likely run into problems because that would display the same image twice? like that would only work if i were doing adsense, not banners?


As long as you stay in the same template "location" is up to you. I placed after $navbar in the templates as it worked for my current style.

davesx 03-26-2006 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Zachariah
As long as you stay in the same template "location" is up to you. I placed after $navbar in the templates as it worked for my current style.

Right but lets say I wanted a banner on top and on the bottom...two different banners. The plugin only manages one banner per forum, right?

Or is there a way to make it do multiple ones?

Zachariah 03-26-2006 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by davesx
Right but lets say I wanted a banner on top and on the bottom...two different banners. The plugin only manages one banner per forum, right?

Or is there a way to make it do multiple ones?

Yes this is 1 area for a banner.

Take a look @ this:

Add a Header / Footer option to each forum

Someone wanted extra header / footer per forum.
- html area to paste code.
- 2 areas per forum to place banners or anything (not php). :knockedout:

defcon_420 04-04-2006 11:25 AM

"Clicks Install" Great mod! very simple and good installation instructions :)

Ins 04-05-2006 01:59 PM


Thanks for a great mod. Easy to use and worked 100% right off the bat without any issues! ;)

... just one thing... the usergroups issue? Are you still working on getting this to be able to display ads per user group? Ultimately what I would like to do is add a "Subscribers" group to my board and have people in that group not see the ads. Or possibly even have a CP switch to turn ads on / off if they are in the "Subscribers" group. Either way would be great ;)

Thanks again!

Zachariah 04-06-2006 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by Ins

Thanks for a great mod. Easy to use and worked 100% right off the bat without any issues! ;)

... just one thing... the usergroups issue? Are you still working on getting this to be able to display ads per user group? Ultimately what I would like to do is add a "Subscribers" group to my board and have people in that group not see the ads. Or possibly even have a CP switch to turn ads on / off if they are in the "Subscribers" group. Either way would be great ;)

Thanks again!

Yes still in the works.
- perhaps in a week :)

Bukusami 04-06-2006 12:32 PM

Sound slike a really great mod Zach..

I use Subdreamer as my portal front and use tradedoubler as my affiliates host, i have a sponser ad for subdreamer for the portal and will use this as my forums affiliate mod.

I will not install just yet as i am looking forward to the next update where i can have ads off per usergroup, and will work on the text links from tradedoubler to put in the rotation.

Will click install for now so i get news of the update but will nto install till update out.
Please be prompt :P


NR Fatal 04-16-2006 12:31 AM

installed it, uploaded my image, went to the forum I wanted the image in and put the link in, checked to see if the image was showing, Its not. know why?

Zachariah 04-16-2006 02:01 AM

NR Fatal,

At the current stage of this hack it still needs 2 template edits to operate. Did you make them ?

NR Fatal 04-16-2006 05:51 AM


Originally Posted by Zachariah
NR Fatal,

At the current stage of this hack it still needs 2 template edits to operate. Did you make them ?

Yes I did.
PHP Code:

2Edit and add replace(old code).



below add 

condition="$foruminfo['banner'] AND $foruminfo['bannerlink']"><center><a href="$foruminfo[bannerlink]target="_blank"><img src="$foruminfo[banner]alt="$foruminfo[banneralt]border="0" /></a></center><br />
<else />
condition="$foruminfo['banner']"><center><img src="$foruminfo[banner]alt="$foruminfo[banneralt]border="0" /></center><br />
<else />
condition="$foruminfo['bannercode']"><center>$foruminfo[bannercode]</center><br />

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