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-   -   NNTP Gateway for Usenet ( Newsgroups ), Mailing Lists (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=92588)

babulgogoi 11-17-2005 01:03 PM


The Gateway script is not picking up attachments!!!


The attachment is available in the pipermail archive on Mailman.. at: http://asiasrc.org/pipermail/pleasur...er/000052.html

Any idea pls?

webspider 11-18-2005 10:19 AM

I'm using this script (works great BTW) to grab emails from google alerts. Basically I have a mailbox all my alerts are sent to and the script reposts the alert into a special forum. The problem is I can't get it to strip the footer most importantly the link to cancel the alert.

Any suggestions? Here is what I'm using in the strip footer.

Strip Footer strip_footer {Alert is brought to you by Google...} {Remove this Google Alert:}

This as-it-happens Google Alert is brought to you by Google...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Remove this Google Alert:

Create another Google Alert:

Sign in to manage your alerts:

oezer 11-19-2005 09:47 AM

is somebody outthere which have nntp and vbseo? my nntp hack works fine, i installed vbseo and at this point nntp didn't work. i got no error codes, have someone any ideas?

i check out the newsserver, but this works already.. can someone give me a tip?


trancetopia 11-19-2005 11:12 AM

Yes - I installed vBSEO yesterday and have just checked this hack works and it's all working great for me.

I did have probs with vBSEO working but that was because I was still running 3.5 RC3 so after an upgrade to 3.5.1 all was well.

I know this doesn't solve your problem but I can confirm that they both work together. Good luck.

oezer 11-19-2005 11:59 AM

the only thing i change was this on Custom Rewrite Rules Section:

'^gateway\.php$' => 'gateway/'
'^gateway\.php\?debug=1' => 'gateway/debug/'

did you something else?
on my server i run a cron job with w3m (not lynx) to start the gateway.php

any ideas?

Krisekocm 11-19-2005 11:41 PM

I get this error

Fatal error: Call to a member function query_first() on a non-object in /home/ocm/site/vhost/ocm/vbtest/includes/functions_hacks.php on line 6

when i try click on link on usenet ,,

Krisekocm 11-20-2005 08:55 PM

i get this working but with out advance hacking ,,,,

oezer 11-21-2005 09:36 AM

ok, have someone any ideas? i can't believe it. i have imported successful some groups, but since i installed vbSeo and at the same time i change the status of writing/posting at newsgroups there aren't importing news.

first i disabled the newsforum f.e. and post manually the first thread. after this i enable the newsgroup and run manually gateway.php but nothing is changeing.. the script is importing only one (1x) thread :(


Gateway version 2.3.2  1 group(s) gatewayed.

Connecting to server, server says: 201 news.f.de.plusline.net InterNetNews NNRP server INN 2.4.1 ready (no posting).

Info for linux.debian.user at news.f.de.plusline.net: 211 2755 101732 104486 linux.debian.user

Can we post? server responded: 440 Posting not allowed
Posting Message '[test] linux.debian.user' from Admin. Result: 500 What?
Getting message number 101749:
'Re: .htaccess and .htpassword' from Meni Shapiro. New thread.
Getting message number 101750:

please can someone give a tip? i don't know why this script is not running.. before i change the write/posting status and install vbSeo it runs perfect.. and now :(

Electronic Punk 11-22-2005 04:56 PM

Been using this for a while to monitor 2 MS newsgroups and it is getting slow and actually slowing my entire forum down now, anyone else experience this and know how it might be fixed?

lierduh 11-22-2005 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by oezer

Can we post? server responded: 440 Posting not allowed

There is your anwser.

lierduh 11-22-2005 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by chrispadfield
This code change (an ugly hack, but i was trying to be quick) fixed it:


        if ($get_max_postid['postid'] < 1) {
                $get_max_postid['postid'] = 0;
        $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "nntp_settings
                SET value = " . $get_max_postid['postid'] .
                " WHERE varname = 'last_postid'

The problem happens when you have a completely empty forum. I fixed that in the CVS a while back, but having trouble to find time to release a new version.:(

Krisekocm 11-22-2005 09:03 PM

When i run gateway.php the script is importing only from one group !
but i setup up 2 groups how to make this working to update both ?

oezer 11-24-2005 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by lierduh
There is your anwser.

hi lierduh,

i have disabled the posting function on the settings, but the scripts imports only 3 threads and breaks. i got no errors. have you any ideas why the script is not normally finished at the end of the time?


Gateway version 2.3.2 1 group(s) gatewayed.

Connecting to server, server says: 200 server ready - posting allowed

Info for adobe.acrobat.macintosh at adobeforums.com: 211 24126 21534 45659 adobe.acrobat.macintosh group selected

Getting message number 45295:
'Re: Calculation Forms' from Anne_Dewey@adobeforums.com. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 45296:
'Re: Slow Performance of Acrobat Form' from Anne_Dewey@adobeforums.com. Thread found by References.
Getting message number 45297:
on the 3rd message the script hangs up :(

scruby 11-29-2005 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by lierduh
That is global/user setting, not by Forums. However it will be quite easy to implemented this as a hack through Plugin system. I will include this in the next version.

I got tired of waiting, so I threw together a quickie plugin that does this.
  1. add a plugin, the hook you want is "showthread_start"
  2. product is vbulletin (or you can create a product just for nntp hacks)
  3. PHP Code:

    global $vbulletin;
    $thread verify_id('thread'$threadid11);
    if (
    $thread) {    
    $sql "SELECT newsgroupid FROM " 
    "nntp_groups WHERE forum = " .
    $vbulletin->db->query_first($sql)) {
    $vbulletin->userinfo['threadedmode'] = 2// 1 - threaded, 2 - hybrid

This makes it so that usenet threads are forced into beng threaded or hybrid mode (you pick which)

scruby 11-30-2005 08:46 AM

This has come up before in the threads for the earlier versions of this hack, but I'm bringing it up again since this version of the nntp gatway is still in the alpha phase of development.

In a moderated newsgroup, it's disruptive to post replies to articles that weren't approved by the newsgroup's moderators.

I want to find a good way to deal with moderated newsgroups so that articles and threads don't show up immediately.

Ideally, outgoing messages would be queued for gateway.php in tables outside of vbulletin's thread and post tables, and wouldn't appear in the forums until the message is downloaded from the news server.

dethfire 12-01-2005 05:44 AM

lierduh, thanks for your hard work, any idea when the next version will be released?

moftary 12-03-2005 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by frakman
Okay, this is only a quick hack so I could import my MBOX file (extracted from Yahoo Goops) direct. (most because my server is running qmail).
I hope this gets included in standard. (does not require much polish)

First, install mbox.php from PEAR into the includes directory.

I don't think we are to post complete code - if I'm wong on that please tell me - so here are just the changes to pop.php:
PHP Code:

class pop 

PHP Code:


PHP Code:

    function prepare_connection$user$pass$host ""$port "110" 

PHP Code:

        if (! (strpos($host'/')===false) ) {    //mbox
$this->mbox true;        //mbox
$this->_mbox = new Mail_Mbox();    //mbox
} else {                    //mbox 

PHP Code:

        if ($host == '') { 
$this->port $port;
$this->username $user;
$this->password $pass;
$this->host $host

PHP Code:

            $this->password $pass;
if ($host == '') {         //mbox
return 0;             //mbox
}                    //mbox
$this->host $host;        //mbox 

PHP Code:

    function connect()

PHP Code:

if ($this->mbox) {
$this->pop_connect $this->_mbox->open$this->host );
            if (!
$this->pop_connect) {
                return -

        } else {

PHP Code:

        return -2

PHP Code:

    }    //MBOX 

Replace this block
PHP Code:

    function howmany()

PHP Code:

    function _howmany()
        if (
$this->mbox) {  //MBOX
return $this->_mbox->size$this->pop_connect )-1;    //MBOX
} else {            //MBOX
$results $this->_gets();
$this->log .= $results;
        list (
$results$messages$bytes) = split(' '$results);

Lastly replace
PHP Code:

    function delete_mail $id )
$this->_write("DELE $id");
$results $this->_gets();

PHP Code:

    function delete_mail $id )
        if ( !
$this->mbox ) { //MBOX

$this->_write("DELE $id");
$results $this->_gets();

When testing this I imported 10585 messages in 5m20s (not really a benchmark without doing it via POP3 as a comparison however surely the overheads are a lot less with this system)

How does this work? Put a file reference in the host box eg
where mbox_locost_oz is the MBOX archive. If you are on a Windows server the code would need to be changed (it looks for "/" which will not appear in a host name - would need to be changed to "\")

It will not delete messages from the archive. I do not see this as a bad thing for my purposes (ie dump in starting messages)

I also in my testing dug up a problem when there are no posts at all (I think its a NULL issue) I get this error:
Invalid SQL:

UPDATE vb_nntp_settings
                SET value =  WHERE varname = 'last_postid';

And this comes (in gateway.php)from
PHP Code:

$get_max_postid $db->query_first("
    SELECT MAX(postid) as postid FROM " 

ALSO somebody was complaining about lack of HTML formatting in Firefox:
in gateway.php change this line:
header("Content-Type: text/plain");
header("Content-Type: text/html");

Or you could simply use /var/qmail/bin/maildir2mbox

moftary 12-03-2005 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by donnacha
Oh c'mon, that's just standard contract copperplate, doesn't mean anything other than they'd prefer you not to run your own ISP off any of their accounts. With an account of this kind, downloading miniscule amounts of text-only posts, you are, literally, the least of their worries.

For God's sake, we're talking about $10!!! If, in a sudden fit of insanity, Astraweb decide to mobilise their legal department, go elsewhere.

Nuh hunney :)
I had my giganews account phrozed for that. When your forum get popular, a few of your users will spam newsgroups out of your forum getting your account to be suspended.

moftary 12-03-2005 10:34 PM

Feature Request:

- Ignore messages with no reference 1/0


KeKe 12-27-2005 03:53 PM

I'm trying to install in ASmallOrange hosting server.

When I run gateway.php?debug=1

All I get is:
Gateway version 2.3.2 1 group(s) gatewayed.

Connecting to server, server says: 200 NNTP Service 6.0.3790.206 Version: 6.0.3790.206 Posting Allowed

Info for microsoft.public.windowsxp.general at msnews.microsoft.com: 211 53164 1 1442385 microsoft.public.windowsxp.general

I have tried waiting for 10 minutes, nothing happens.

Should I ask my host to open any port or something?

I have tried in 3.0.7 with 2.3.2 AND 3.5.2 with 3.5. It gets stuck in the same gateway thing.

noslzzp 01-03-2006 03:48 AM

Questions/things to think about:

1. We have installed this awesome hack and we love it. We have noticed that for some UseNet posts, we are getting a large number of duplicate posts and sometimes duplicate thread entries. Has anyone else experienced this? I am not sure of what provides a "unique identifier" for each posts, but it gets to be a pain deleting dups.

2. We have multiple groups pulling down messages into ONE vB forum. If a user replies to a message, which group does it get sent to? :)

If you have access to cron jobs, just do this to make the gateway run:

wget --quiet http://yoursite/forums/gateway.php

447k posts in 2 days. :) You gotta love it.

kadafi_alive 01-03-2006 12:51 PM


I have installed it and got Newshosting as the server.

However, when I run gateway.php, it just keeps loading. Nothing happens.

I checked the setlastmsg log and it says:

1 group(s) gatewayed. Connecting to server, server says: 201 NNRP unlimited.newshosting.com (fe47-unl) Service Ready - support@newshosting.com (no posting) Server responded after user name: 381 PASS required Server responded after password: 281 Ok Info for alt.bbc.the-net at unlimited.newshosting.com: 211 373 5855 6227 alt.bbc.the-net Logging in to unlimited.newshosting.com, group alt.bbc.the-net: Max: 6227 Min: 5855 Set last message id for 'alt.bbc.the-net' to 6207

but yet the screen keeps loading and its blank

kadafi_alive 01-03-2006 02:14 PM

I have managed to fix it however, it's WAY too slow.

To download 100 messages, it takes atleast 10 minutes even though I am using a premium pay usenet server.

ukbill69 01-03-2006 06:04 PM

Thanks for a great script!!!

One question please someone answer!!

When someone replies in a newgroup the message is formatted like this once posted:

>>whats the answer to this question
>>kind regards

The reply here

Is there a way to make >> in a quote box?

kadafi_alive 01-03-2006 09:39 PM

Has anyone managed to download large groups without hanging?

thedvs 01-04-2006 08:12 PM

just upgraded to vb3.5.3

now my cron doesnt work & if i try to run it manually i get a

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /forums/includes/functions_image.php on line 224

also when it does work the new topics dont show up on the forum display?

moftary 01-08-2006 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by KeKe
I'm trying to install in ASmallOrange hosting server.

When I run gateway.php?debug=1

All I get is:
Gateway version 2.3.2 1 group(s) gatewayed.

Connecting to server, server says: 200 NNTP Service 6.0.3790.206 Version: 6.0.3790.206 Posting Allowed

Info for microsoft.public.windowsxp.general at msnews.microsoft.com: 211 53164 1 1442385 microsoft.public.windowsxp.general

I have tried waiting for 10 minutes, nothing happens.

Should I ask my host to open any port or something?

I have tried in 3.0.7 with 2.3.2 AND 3.5.2 with 3.5. It gets stuck in the same gateway thing.

I think as you have successfully connected to the newsgroup server, this is not a closed port problem. AFAIK, there is no php function that you should enable/disable. For my configuration I just raised up the timeout value so the script dont timeout when importing thousands of usenet articles.

Sorry but I cannot be of much help.

aranthorn 01-14-2006 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by lierduh
The attachment is not fully working at the moment, please wait for next release.

Is there going to be a 'next release'? I'd love to install, but I'd like the attachments to work before installing :D

aranthorn 01-15-2006 01:41 PM

Well, I sorted out the attachments, now I just have to figure out the thumbnails.

Is this thing supported at all anymore? I understand that people get busy in life and can't always spend the time supporting donated code (thanks to all that do these modifications!), but a small note or unchecking the "Supported" box would end some of the confusion on what to expect.

Thanks for the hack, lierduh. It's a mammoth place to start tweaking from :D

thedvs 01-20-2006 01:10 PM

this not working for me in 3.5.3, yet was fine in 3.5.1

AWS 01-20-2006 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by thedvs
this not working for me in 3.5.3, yet was fine in 3.5.1

I upgraded to 3.5.3 and it still works for me. Maybe you deleted the files needed to run it when you did the upgrade.

thedvs 01-21-2006 01:54 PM

@aws no files were deleted or changed

are you sure yours is working properly? im getting no upgdates and this error...
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /forums/includes/functions_image.php on line 224

AWS 01-21-2006 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by thedvs
@aws no files were deleted or changed

are you sure yours is working properly? im getting no upgdates and this error...
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /forums/includes/functions_image.php on line 224

Look at my site http://ms-os.com. You can see new threads and posts. Those are all usenet forums.
That error happens when there is a problem with an image attachment in a usenet post. I get it from time to time. Go to newsgroup settings and dit each groups message id number. Increment it by one.

bogene2020 01-21-2006 07:21 PM

AWS or Anybody else using this hack, I would like to know if it uses a lot of space on your server. How much space are you using up now ? Are the Usenet messages stored in your database or are they stored somewhere else ? Can you set older messages to auto delete ? Thanks

thedvs 01-21-2006 07:46 PM

@aws thanks that did the trick, its all working now.

however now with a fresh new import im getting this txt as the posters username on certain usenet new posts...


any idea how to combat this?

volarium 01-25-2006 03:03 AM

How can I mask all email addresses that come through? I like the fact that it converts an email address to:
name (AT) domain (DOT) com.

But what if I want to completely eliminate the address? There are two places it shows up:

1. Within the post, if someone posted their email address.
2. In the "from" field, if they used a full email address for their sender name.

Can anyone tell me where in the code I can do this?

brisk 02-03-2006 01:48 AM

hi, I have tw problems:

1: installed it, run gateway.php?debug=1, it hangs for 20 minutes, I have to kill it (click stop button of firefox). However, it seems posts are created in db

2: attachements are not created, instead, they are treated as text posts.

can anyone help me?

btw, the firefox never came back, and I don't see any output from the server, it's all blank.


brisk 02-03-2006 02:12 AM

same here!!! can anyone help?


Originally Posted by kadafi_alive
I have managed to fix it however, it's WAY too slow.

To download 100 messages, it takes atleast 10 minutes even though I am using a premium pay usenet server.

volarium 02-08-2006 06:20 AM

Here's how I resolved my issue of masking email addresses, in case anyone else is interested.


$message['text'] = preg_replace('/([-_.\\w]+)@([\\w]+[-\\w]+)\\./', '\\1 (AT) \\2 (DOT) ', $message['text']);
Replace with:

$message['text'] = preg_replace('/([-_.\\w]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\.]+)/', '\\1@xxxxxx', $message['text']);

$from_name = from_name($message['from']);
Replace with:

$sender_name = from_name($message['from']);
$from_name = preg_replace('/([-_.\\w]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\.]+)/', '\\1', $sender_name);
I'm sure it's not the most efficient want to do it, but it seems to work for me.


sensimilla 02-08-2006 11:57 AM

Installed fine but I get this message:

This forum does not allow attachments, therefore attachment ignored.

1. How should i setup permissions?

2. Is there anyway to merge similar threads that the engine dont start 100 same lookin topics?

3. Videos posts looks like this :


Thanks in advance for any help

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